God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 990

Of course, Xiao Tian will not only recruit top geniuses. In addition to the top geniuses, some less talented creatures will also be recruited into Fengyun Academy to enrich the backbone of Fengyun Academy.

Only in this way can Fengyun Academy lay the strongest foundation and have the opportunity to grow into the battlefield of the ten thousand realms, which is a behemoth that the creatures of the heavens and seas must look up to!

At the same time that Fengyun Academy was recruiting students, on the sea not far from Fengyun City, the three of Zixuan Baguio and Solanum were rushing away.

Behind them, two Star Devouring Demon Wolves chased after them. The aura from the Star Devouring Demon Wolf on the left was only in the late stage of the Primal Boundary Realm. At this moment, there were many scars on the body, while the aura from the Star Devouring Demon Wolf on the right was reaching At the beginning of the Holy Realm, the eyes of the three people looking at Dragon Kwai were full of killing intent.

Fortunately, the Dragon Kwai trio got the inheritance of the Star Emperor. Although they did not turn to practice the Star Emperor’s techniques, they have mastered a lot of the secret techniques in the inheritance. With the help of those secret techniques, the Dragon Kwai trio can’t do anything about it. Two star-eater demon wolves, but they can also rely on mysterious means to not be directly crushed to death by those two star-eater demon wolves!

Chapter 2376 Realm beasts approaching the city, Xiao Tian shot!

Soon, the Solanum trio appeared not far outside Fengyun City, and Xiao Tian, ​​who was in the depths of the Fengyun Academy, also noticed the breath of the world beast and the Solanum and others.

"It really doesn't make people worry..."

In the depths of Fengyun Academy, Xiao Tian sighed and said helplessly.

At the moment he perceives the aura of the world beast, he has already guessed the cause and effect, because the aura of the world beast is very familiar to him. It is exactly what he felt when he sent the nightshade and others to the island where the Star Emperor inheritance is located. The breath of the star-eater demon wolf sealed by the emperor!

Obviously, after getting the inheritance of the Star Emperor, the Dragon Kwai and others did not choose to leave immediately, instead they went to provoke the Star Devouring Demon Wolf sealed by the Star Emperor!

And because of the Dragon Kwai and others, the Star Devouring Demon Wolf successfully broke the seal, and this is what happened now!

Shaking his head, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

In his perception, the two Star Devouring Demon Wolves had already approached the Dragon Kwai trio. If he didn't make a move, his three apprentices would have been killed by wolf kisses!

In Fengyun City, many creatures also noticed the two Star Devouring Demon Wolf swiftly approaching outside Fengyun City, and their faces became extremely solemn.

Even Lin Jingyu and others couldn't help but cast their gazes outside Fengyun City, worrying that the Heart Eater Demon Wolf would attack Fengyun City.

The original trial of Fengyun Academy was temporarily suspended because of the appearance of the Star Devouring Demon Wolf. Faced with the two realm beasts, Lin Jingyu and others did not dare to neglect it!

"Unexpectedly, there will be a realm beast at this time, it is still a holy realm beast!" A creature looked at the star-eater demon wolf that was approaching quickly outside the city, his eyes were full of despair.

A holy realm beast, even in the early stage of the holy realm, its strength is far beyond that of the average holy realm powerhouse. What's more, in addition to the star-devouring devil wolf in the early stage of the holy realm, there is also a late stage of the mixed element realm, fighting The star-eater demon wolf who is no less powerful than the average holy realm master!

Although Fengyun City has masters in the holy realm, and even Xiao Tian, ​​who is in charge, not many people think that Xiao Tian can deal with the star-devouring devil wolf in the holy realm!

"Why don't we run first?" Some creatures whispered, "Fengyun City is about to die. Even if we stay here, we will only die. It's better to run away earlier, maybe we can still encounter a glimmer of life!"

The creatures on the side suddenly pondered upon hearing the words, obviously weighing the pros and cons.

"City Lord, what shall we do?" A Fengyun Academy instructor directly found Lin Jingyu and asked.

Before Lin Jingyu had time to speak, Xiao Tian's voice sounded again: "The test continues as usual, don't worry about the world beasts."

As soon as Xiao Tian's words sounded, Xiao Tian's figure appeared in front of the Dragon Kwai trio, and stopped the attack of the Star Eater Demon Wolf from the early stage of the Holy Realm against Dragon Kwai and others.


Seeing Xiao Tian suddenly appearing, the Dragon Kwai trio secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said respectfully to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian did not speak, but his expression was a little gloomy.

Seeing Xiao Tian’s expression, the Dragon Kwai trio were also witty and did not speak. They also knew that this time they were in trouble. Xiao Tian allowed them to stay on the small island only to let them understand the inheritance of the Star Emperor. They attacked the sealed world beast!

But they were thinking of subduing the Star Devouring Demon Wolf in the late Hunyuan Realm, and wanted to bring it back to Fengyun City as a city guardian beast. Originally they thought that there was a formation left by the Star Emperor to suppress and subdue it. The Star Devouring Demon Wolf in the late Hunyuan Realm was not a difficult task. As a result, they failed to conquer the Star Devouring Demon Wolf in the late Hunyuan Realm. Not to mention, it even shocked the Holy Realm Star Devouring that was sealed in a deeper place. Magic wolf!

The most terrible thing is that because of their reasons, the formation of sealing the Star Devouring Demon Wolf was opened by a gap, and the two Star Devouring Demon Wolves also managed to get out of the trap, and they have been chasing after them from the island where the Star Emperor inheritance is located. He has been chasing down to Fengyun City!

In Fengyun City, although all the creatures had heard Xiao Tian's words, most of them couldn't help but cast their gazes outside the city, wanting to see how Xiao Tian was fighting against the realm beast.

After all, Xiao Tian’s strength is unfathomable, but the world beast is undoubtedly more terrifying. As a creature bred from the sea of ​​heavens, the world beast has a slightly lower intelligence, and its combat power is far beyond the power of the same realm. It is invincible at the same level!

Even Xiao Tian would feel a headache when confronted with a realm beast, not to mention that this time it was two ends!

Therefore, the surrounding creatures were full of doubts as to how Xiao Tian wanted to solve the two world beasts.

As for the creatures who are participating in the third level of Fengyun Academy’s assessment, they also can’t sit still. Except for a small number of people who are still going through the level honestly, many creatures directly cast their eyes outside the city, wanting to witness this stunning battle. !

Lin Jingyu also cast his gaze outside the city, with some expectation in his eyes.

A holy realm world beast, plus a late Hunyuan realm realm beast, if Xiao Tian can surrender it in one fell swoop, then Xiao Tian's name will soon spread throughout the Eastern Region!

Under the gaze of many creatures, Xiao Tian twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, without any hesitation, the bitter bamboo branches in his hand pointed out, a little green light bloomed in the void, before the two star-eater devil wolves could react, Xiao Tian held the bamboo branches It was already on the forehead of the Star Devouring Demon Wolf in the late Hunyuan Realm.

Even if it was far away, the creatures in Fengyun City could hear the crisp bone cracking. As for the Star Devourer Wolf, who was hit by Xiao Tian with bitter bamboo and bamboo branches, it wailed and looked at Xiao Tian's gaze. It is full of killing intent.

Xiao Tian smiled, did not say much, cast his gaze directly at the Star Devouring Demon Wolf in the early stages of the Holy Realm, his face full of playfulness.

"It just happens that I lack a mount when traveling," Xiao Tian looked at the Star Devouring Demon Wolf before him, and said lightly: "Since it's here, then stay."

Before he finished his words, Xiao Tian's figure had disappeared in place, and layers of sword aura appeared in the air, trapping the holy realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf in it.

Xiao Tian stood in the sky, holding the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches, looking at the Star Devouring Demon Wolf who was trapped by the sword qi not far away, and cast his gaze directly at the Solanum trio behind him, and said in a bad mood: "Being a teacher is just for you to understand the star The inheritance left by the emperor is good for you to make such a big trouble!"

Although it is not difficult for him to deal with the Star Devouring Demon Wolf in the early stages of the Holy Realm with his strength, but the Dragon Kwai and others caused such a big trouble for him, it is naturally impossible for him to let go of the dragon so gently. Aoi three people!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Baguio shrank his head subconsciously, and said in a reply: "Me and the two senior sisters also want to subdue the Star Devouring Demon Wolf of the Hunyuan Realm and let it sit in Wind and Cloud City. Who knows that the Star King is not only Only this Hunyuan Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf was sealed, and a Holy Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf was also sealed on the island..."

Chapter 2377 Happy Xiao Tian!

Xiao Tian shook his head when he heard the words, looking a little helpless.

He knows the temperament of the Dragon Kwai trio, especially Baguio. Although this girl is talented, she is the most prone to trouble. This time, she is the opinion of Baguio on the Beast sealed by the Star Emperor!

"Never mind," Xiao Tian sighed, did not continue to worry too much about this issue, his eyes fell on the Holy Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf, and said lightly: "This big one has been cleaned up for you by the teacher. Solve it yourself."

After that, Xiao Tian’s feet were a little bit, and countless afterimages were pulled out in the air. The next moment, Xiao Tian had appeared in front of the sacred star-eater devil wolf that was trapped by the sword qi, and the bitter bamboo branches in his hand were dotted there. Star Demon Wolf.

On the other side, the Hunyuan Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf, who was injured by Xiao Tian with bitter bamboo branches, was surrounded by Dragon Kwai Baguio and Zi Xuan.

Baguio’s fingertips were heartbroken, and the white flowers with brilliant brilliance flew past the Hunyuan Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf, and sharp sword qi spewed out from the sad flowers and fell on the Star Devourer. There was a crisp collision sound on the magic wolf!

After all, the Star Devouring Demon Wolf is a realm beast bred from the sea of ​​heavens. It possesses all kinds of mighty powers. Even if the Hunyuan Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf is injured by Xiao Tian, ​​its strength is not greatly affected, especially The world beasts are inherently defensive. Although Baguio's attacks are fierce, the damage caused to the Star Devouring Demon Wolf is minimal.

Following Baguio's movements, Solanum did not hesitate at all. I don't know when an ice-blue longbow appeared in his hand. Numerous arrows formed in an instant, covering the star-eater demon wolf like raindrops.

As for Zi Xuan on the side, she controlled the Five Spirit Orbs to condense into five puppets of different colors with the power of the five elements, entangled the Star Devouring Demon Wolf, and did not give him a chance to get close to Dragon Kwai and Baguio!

Not far away, Xiao Tian, ​​who was trying to conquer the Holy Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf, caught a glimpse of this scene, and his face couldn't help but smile.

He was able to notice that the strength of the Dragon Kwai and others had improved a lot, and compared to the change in strength, Xiao Tian felt more gratified by the cooperation of the Dragon Kwai three!

Although the cooperation of the three is still a bit naive to him, he has been able to fully utilize the strengths of the three.

You should know that although there are many disciples under him, most of them are fighting alone. Except for a few people such as Dragon Kwai Zixuan and Yu Xiaogang from the Douluo plane, most of their disciples actually did not cooperate with the team. Experience!

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