God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 996

"Master, you are back!" The Star Devouring Demon Wolf looked at Xiao Tian who suddenly appeared, and said kindly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian's mouth twitched. Did he conquer a Star Devourer Wolf or a Star Devourer Dog?

However, Xiao Tian ignored the Star Devouring Demon Wolf, waved his hand, let it go to the side to play, and then cast his gaze on the Dragon Kwai trio.

"Master..." Seeing Xiao Tian looking at him, Solanum squeezed his fingers, shyly said.

The mistake they made this time said it was big or small, but it was not small. If Xiao Tian was not there, Fengyun City would be affected. So Longkui worried that Xiao Tian would get angry.

Baguio and Zi Xuan did not speak either, but their faces were slightly worried.

"How much do you understand about the inheritance of the Star Emperor?" Xiao Tian's eyes fell on the dragon kwai, and he was silent for a moment, and said softly.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the Dragon Kwai trio were stunned for a moment, and finally the Dragon Kwai could not help but ask: "Master, Master, don't you blame us?"

"That's the end of the matter, what's the use of blaming you?" Xiao Tian glared at the three people of Solanum when he heard the words, and said in a bad mood, "Next time you will be more cautious, don't be as impulsive as this time."

Xiao Tian didn't blame the Dragon Kwai and others for their thoughts. After all, this incident was just an accident. He also knew the message left by the Star Emperor. It was only recorded that the Star Emperor sealed a Star Devouring Demon Wolf in the Mixed Element Realm. On that island, Dragon Kwai and others did not know that another Holy Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf was also sealed on that island, and they decided to take the initiative to subdue the Hunyuan Realm Star Devouring Demon Wolf.

From the beginning to the end, there is no problem with the decision of the Dragon Kwai trio. After all, the three of them joined forces to clean up a Hunyuan realm world beast. It is not difficult, especially since this world beast has been sealed for thousands of years. , Great loss of strength!

Therefore, this incident was just a coincidence. Xiao Tian couldn't find a reason to blame the Dragon Kwai trio. He could only tell the Dragon Kwai trio not to be so impulsive in the future.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the Dragon Kwai trio breathed a sigh of relief, with a relaxed expression on their faces.

"The inheritance of the star emperor is not much," Baguio looked at Xiao Tian and said seriously: "Senior Sister Longkui and the inheritance of the star emperor are not compatible, so she only got the star secret technique left by the star emperor, and Sister Zixuan got it. Inheritance is the method of sealing left by the star emperor to bind the star fingers, and what I got is the inheritance of the star emperor’s formation. As for the exercise method left by the star emperor, it is far worse than the exercise method you gave us, Master. , We just wrote down the exercises, and did not try to practice."

The Star Emperor is a legendary powerhouse on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, and the most commendable thing about the Star Emperor is his original sealing method to bind the star finger and his amazing formation skills. Next, the star emperor's own strength is actually the most inconspicuous.

However, even though the star emperor's strength is inconspicuous compared to his original star-binding finger and his formation skills, as a powerhouse in the late stage of the holy realm, the star emperor's strength is beyond doubt.

The Dragon Kwai trio were able to obtain the Star-Bounding Finger Inheritance and the Array Dao Inheritance left by the Star Emperor, which was considered a good fortune.

When the Star Devouring Demon Wolf heard Baguio's words, there was a look of horror in his eyes, and then he returned to peace.

It knows how strong the star emperor is, and the star secret code that the star emperor cultivated shocked the entire Eastern Region at that time. It is known as one of the top cultivation methods in the Eastern Region, but Baguio is a straightforward star emperor. The remaining exercises were far inferior to the exercises Xiao Tian taught her. Suddenly hearing these words, the Star Devouring Demon Wolf was naturally shocked.

However, thinking that Xiao Tian would easily suppress himself, the Star Devouring Demon Wolf quickly calmed down. At first, the Star Emperor suppressed it with the late stage cultivation base of the Holy Realm, and he had been fighting with it for half a month, although the Star Emperor finally sealed it, But it was also hit hard!

However, Xiao Tian was able to easily suppress it with his mid-sacred realm cultivation base. This level of strength had already surpassed the star emperor. It was only reasonable that his cultivation technique was stronger than the star secret code cultivated by the star emperor.

"Although the Secret Code of Stars cultivated by the Star Emperor is not as good as your practice, it has its own unique features. If you have free time, you may wish to calm down and learn about it. Perhaps you will have some unexpected gains."

Hearing what Baguio said, Xiao Tian smiled, his eyes fell on Zi Xuan, and he said casually: "As for the star-binding, it is indeed a not weak sealing method. It just so happens that Zi Xuan's skills are biased. Auxiliary, frontal combat ability is lacking, this sealing method can increase your combat effectiveness a lot, as long as you can cultivate the star-bound finger to great success, in the same realm, there are not many people who can defeat you.

If you can combine the star-bound fingers and the five spirit orbs together, you may be able to exert a miraculous effect, but how to combine the star-bound fingers and the five spirit orbs is up to you to figure out."

After that, Xiao Tian looked at Baguio and said solemnly: "Yao'er, your formation talent is not bad, the Star Emperor's formation inheritance is very suitable for you, although the Bahuang Xuanhuo formation will increase with your strength. It is also constantly increasing, but in this ten thousand world battlefield, the power is lacking.

Unless you can promote the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon to the Realm Beast, otherwise, using the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array to deal with ordinary geniuses may be in no way disadvantageous, but it is against the tianjiao from all the heavens and the Bahuang in the battlefield of tens of thousands of realms. The profound fire array can play a very small role.

Originally, I planned to teach you some other formations, but since Yao'er, you have the inheritance of the Star Emperor's formation, you don't need to learn other formations in a short time.

If you can combine the Star Emperor's formation with the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Formation, with this formation alone, no one in the same realm will be your opponent."

"As for Xiaokui..." Xiao Tian's gaze fell on the dragon kwai, and he groaned for a moment, then said; "Xiaokui, let me go to the library, although the star secret technique left by the star emperor is mysterious, it is not suitable for you after all Cultivation may have something to learn from, but if you devote yourself to comprehending the astronomical secrets, it will actually waste your talent."

After that, Xiao Tian walked directly towards the library, and Solanum hurriedly followed. As for Baguio and Zi Xuan, they stood in place, recalling Xiao Tian’s previous words in their minds, and there was something on their faces. Thinking expression.

As for the Star Devourer Demon Wolf, a humane envy appeared on his face. Xiao Tian's strength is very clear. Baguio and Zi Xuan have received Xiao Tian's guidance. I am afraid that their strength will be improved in a short time. Ascension, thinking of the difficulty of improving the strength at the beginning, the envy on the face of the Star Devourer Devil Wolf has become stronger...

Chapter 2386 Disciple is determined!

In the Cangshu Pavilion, Wang Yuyan could not help being a little surprised to find that Xiao Tian had gone back and forth, but after seeing the solanaceae behind Xiao Tian, ​​Wang Yuyan felt relieved.

"Master," Wang Yuyan gave a respectful salute to Xiao Tian, ​​then nodded at Solanum, and asked, "Master brought Sister Solanum to the library, but for the secret technique of the exercises? Does Yuyan need to do it?"

"In that case, I will leave the matter to you," Xiao Tian said with a smile: "Go to the second floor of the Library and find all the secret techniques suitable for ghost cultivation to your senior sister."

After that, Xiao Tian turned his eyes to Dragon Kwai, and said with a serious face: "I originally planned to help you choose the secret technique that suits you for your practice, but now that the girl Yuyan will do it for you, she will be lazy as a teacher. Most of the secret techniques placed on the layer are more suitable for you. You and Yu Yan will discuss with you and choose a few secret techniques to practice."

"Longkui understands," Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Longkui nodded slightly with a solemn expression.

She knew Wang Yuyan's abilities, and there was not much resistance in her heart for the secret technique that Xiao Tian explained to her and Wang Yuyan to discuss and decide to practice.

Wang Yuyan also nodded to Xiao Tian, ​​and then directly ran to the second floor of the library.

Seeing this, Xiao Tian didn't say much, and disappeared directly in the library.


A hundred miles outside Fengyun City, on an island, the figures of Yang Guo, Xiao Feng and Xiao Li appeared on the island. All three of them looked extremely embarrassed, and none of them had a large number of small wounds, and their clothes were even more torn. Tattered, like a refugee who has fled from a refugee camp!

However, although the three of them looked embarrassed, the breath exuding from their bodies was extremely shocking. At this moment, Yang Guo, Xiao Feng and Xiao Li were both in the late stage of the Hunyuan realm, and even Yu Xiaofeng had faintly broken through the Hunyuan realm and struck towards the holy realm. the trend of!

"In the late Hunyuan Stage, yes," Yang Guo's three figures had just appeared on the island, and a voice of approval came not far away.

Yang Guo and the three followed their reputations, only to find that Xiao Tian did not know when he appeared on a boulder and was looking at them with a smile.

"Master/Foster father!" Yang Guo three people quickly and respectfully said.

"These vulgar rituals can be avoided," Xiao Tian waved his hand and smiled: "How does this array of trials left by the Lord feel?"

"This trial array is very mysterious. If it can be brought back to Fengyun City, it can completely increase the strength of Fengyun City by 30% in a short time!"

Xiao Feng said with a serious face, but when it comes to the back, Xiao Feng has a bit more bitter smile on his face: "It's just that although this trial array is very effective, but facing the endless puppet, if Dao's heart is not firm, it will be true. It will be counterproductive. Instead of improving strength, it will waste a lot of time."

"Big Brother Xiao is right," Yang Guo nodded, and couldn't help complaining: "Slaying puppets in the trial formation every day. One day or two days is fine. If it lasts for ten and a half months, I really don’t know. How many people can bless it!"

"The two brothers are right," Xiao Li also nodded, and said to Xiao Tian: "This trial array is indeed mysterious, but its flaws are also very obvious. I'm afraid this is the master. You let the three of our brothers come here. Isn't it the reason for choosing to let other people come here?"

Xiao Tian smiled and nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Yes."

What Xiao Li said was indeed the reason why he only let the three of Xiao Feng come here this time, because this trial array was too boring, and Baguio and Wang Yuyan were out of character, and it was difficult to persist in this trial array. For too long, although the Dragon Kwai has a calm temperament, because it is a ghost cultivation, it is rejected by the trial formation, even if the trial formation is found, it will not have any effect.

If you enter the trial formation, the only one who can benefit is Zi Xuan, but in comparison, the Star Emperor’s inheritance has a greater effect on Zi Xuan than this trial formation, so Xiao Tian finally decided to let Yang Guo The three came to this trial formation, and the Dragon Kwai three were arranged by him to accept the inheritance of the Star Emperor.

"Now you are in the late Hunyuan realm, and you can be considered a master on this ten thousand world battlefield. As long as the holy realm does not emerge, there are not many strong men who can defeat you," Xiao Tian did not discuss the previous topic. Entangled, his gaze swept over the three of Xiao Feng, and said lightly: "What are your plans next?"

"Foster father, I want to go out and travel," Xiao Feng was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then said to Xiao Tian.

He understood the reason why Xiao Tian asked this question suddenly, so he didn't hesitate too much, he just said his thoughts directly.

Yang Guo and Xiao Li didn't hesitate when they saw Xiao Feng open their mouths, and immediately said their thoughts.

"I plan to stay in Fengyun City for a while. Although Xiao Yanzi and Xun'er are strong, they are undoubtedly worse than the geniuses on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms," Xiao Li groaned for a moment, and said, "I plan to stay. Fengyun City, wait for Xiao Yanzi and Xun'er to enter the Mixed Origin Realm before making any plans."

"I'm almost the same," Yang Guo shrugged, and said in a calm tone: "I plan to wait until Long'er breaks through the Hunyuan realm, and then go on a trip with her."

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