This day is destined to be an extraordinary day.

Weibo, which has always been regarded as the most stable social media network platform, has been paralyzed! The

reason is that the top five hot searches are all related

to a giant panda! The fifth hot search, "Panda Chenchen Prison Break (Surprised Expression)", the popularity once reached 30 million!

This is a few photos first released by a Weibo big V named "Entertainment Monster Shu Xiao", although the pixels are very scummy, but at a glance you can see that a panda jumped from the ground to a high wall more than four meters high.

One of the highly-praised comments was "Are you sure you didn't get on the wall by P", and it's clear that most people don't believe it.

The fourth hot search,"Chenchen's skateboard (skateboard expression)",This hot search is also more than 30 million hot,If you click on it, you will find that there are unclear photos taken by many mobile phones,All of them are pictures of panda Chenchen stepping on a skateboard and speeding on the road。

However, what they can only photograph is Chenchen's blurred back, after all, it is speeding

! Gao Zan commented: "I am as free as the wind, just like your skateboard can't keep ......

" In addition, there are many skateboard stores that are crazy to advertise, selling the same skateboard as Chenchen, which is sought after by a large number of people!

And the top three hot searches from low to high are "Panda Chenchen Probation Gangster (Boiling)", "Panda Chenchen, Jumping into the River (Shocked Expression)", " Panda Chenchen surfs with a beautiful woman (erotic expression)

"! Among them, the popularity of the first hot search has reached a rare 100 million

! So that Weibo collapsed for half an hour! This is a situation that has never appeared, but half an hour

later, even the hot search of "Weibo collapsed" could not be squeezed into the top five of the hot search.

"Panda Chenchen is suspected of being able to speak, and he has turned on his wisdom

!" "Yaya's live broadcast room will continue to track and report on the Panda Chenchen incident, and ask netizens for support!" "The latest revelation, Panda Chenchen's next destination will be

on the south bank of the Xiling River!" "I'm FDD, we won't broadcast the game live today, everyone, my home is on the south bank of the Xiling River, surprise, I want to see Chenchen's fast-forward live broadcast room!"



More and more gossip and Internet celebrity anchors with live broadcast panda Chenchen are gaining popularity, and all kinds of topics about Chenchen have come up, almost setting off a national frenzy.

Of course, the whole people here specifically refer to netizens.

"Bastard, these Internet celebrities who don't want to face, the performance of the old lady, they have all robbed it!" Chu

Feifei immediately scolded after seeing the hot search on Weibo, the report about Chenchen is really slow step by step.

"Sister Feifei, are we still chasing?" Xiao

Wu said with some trepidation, he had just seen hundreds of people on the bridge all get off the bridge in just a few minutes, heading towards the other side of the Xiling River.

Originally, the giant panda was a national treasure of China, and it was rumored that it had been suspected of mutating and evolving, which made it even more remarkable.

Once people's curiosity is aroused, they will inevitably rush to it, and then use all kinds of imagination to become more and more mysterious.

In short, Panda Chenchen was already known to everyone within a few hours of escaping from prison.

"Hey, Feifei, you're not hurt, I just saw you on a live broadcast platform, where are you?"

Lu Fan, the director of Linhai Satellite TV, called.

"Director, it's me, I'm fine, I'm still at the Linhai Bridge. By the way, Director, the photo I just sent you is okay, right?"

Chu Feifei's heart warmed, and then he asked Lu Fan for credit.

"Feifei, the photos are okay, but you should come back right now and prepare the script of the interview.

After Lu Fan finished speaking, Chu Feifei was stunned.


The author has something to say:

the more you urge, the more diligent the pineapple is!

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