Far East Tower, 90 floors.

This floor is the office of a "cloud technology company", mainly for artificial intelligence development.

Extraordinary, this company is very famous in China and even internationally, and it is known that the technical level is catching up with a certain valley.

Because of his wealth, he simply covered the 90th to 100th floors.

"Mr. Xiang, everyone in our company went to the elevator to see the panda, don't you want to take a look?"

Mi Qian, the secretary of the general manager, was dressed in a black long skirt and professional clothes, showing off her devilish curves.

Under the long brown and yellow wavy hair is a beautiful face, the kind that the more you look at it, the more flavorful it becomes.

There is also a blue stud earring in her ear, which gives her a touch of charming temperament.

She walked to Xiang Yu's desk with a cup of coffee and asked with a smile.

Xiang Yu didn't raise his head, and said: "The panda can speak, and it mutates, hmph, what are the followers on the Internet thinking, aura recovery, hehe, we are doing artificial intelligence, if you believe this, the company would have closed down a long time ago." "

Xiaomi, go and tell them who don't work well, this month's bonus will be deducted directly.

Mi Qian felt the anger in Xiang Yu's tone, hurriedly said hello, and hurried out.


Xiang Yu called Mi Qian again.

"What?" Mi

Qian looked back, puzzled.

"Well, take the earrings off, I don't like other men staring at you.

Xiang Yu lowered his head and didn't look at Mi Qian, but his ears were red.

"Huh? huh...... All right.

Mi Qian looked at Xiang Yu's serious Tie Han Han look, took off the earrings with a smile, and put them in front of the desk, "Please also help me keep it." The

tone was full of banter.

"Well, okay, let's go. Xiang

Yu waved his hand and said, Mi Qian covered her mouth and turned around happily to leave

the cloud technology Xiang Yu is a workaholic, in his eyes it seems that there is only work, no life, no woman, and even a guy without feelings.

However, only Mi Qian knew that Xiang Yu was a sullen man, and he could chat with him on WeChat, but when he returned to the company, he was like a different person.

The two of them relied on Mi Qian's initiative to establish their relationship, except that they would not be sultry, Xiang Yu was perfect.

Mi Qian walked out of the office, glanced at the empty office space, and immediately showed a helpless expression, and then heard the noise outside.

"Shhhh "

Miss Luo, let's take a picture and leave, really!"

"Isn't it good for me to speak, I said it in advance, don't stop us, we're all deaf?"

"Don't be like this, we're all ......"

Mi Qian felt that something was wrong, as if someone was arguing, and hurriedly hurried over.

Seeing that it was about to arrive but was stopped by someone, Luo Xiaoyu's eldest lady's temper finally exploded.

She scolded everyone, but although everyone was afraid of Luo Xiaoyu, they still didn't want to let them go up like that.

"What's going on?" Mi

Qian hurriedly walked over, and everyone immediately moved out of the way.

"Sister Qian, we just wanted to see Chenchen, but we were scolded by Miss Luo. A

small employee said aggrievedly.

Mi Qian understood when she saw Luo Xiaoyu, she could say that she was very familiar with this eldest lady, arrogant and unreasonable, with a big temper, relying on the background behind her, the people in the office building of the Far East Building were not less offended.

"Miss Luo, we have rented this land and are also legal users, why do you scold people casually?"

Mi Qian has a very high status among the company's employees, even if she wants to maintain her image, she has to give herself a head first.


The author has something to say:

Friends, the author of this book is really writing with intentions, maybe the writing is not good, the writing is slow, but he will insist on writing, listen to everyone's opinions, and strive to improve himself. I think it's good to write.,The author is very grateful to you for liking it.,If you think it's not good, please take a detour.,Tap when spraying.,After all, the author is not in good health.,Thank you.。

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