Chapter 366

The pharmacists outside the pharmacist guild also looked over, and they all wanted to know what level of pharmacist Ye Chen was.

Chu You’s white face also showed a hint of curiosity.

“I don’t know what level of alchemist I am.”

Ye Chen looked at the pharmacists and said slowly.

The pharmacists were startled, what did these words mean?

As a pharmacist, do you know what rank you are?

Chu You was also stunned, naturally he didn’t expect Ye Chen to answer like this.

Ye Chen looked at the consternation on the faces of the pharmacists. He couldn’t help but shook his head, thinking that he was telling the truth. He really didn’t know what rank he was a pharmacist.

“Are you kidding me?”

Gao Feng frowned, looking at Ye Chen and yelling softly.

Ye Chen didn’t really want to have the same knowledge as Gao Feng, because the second-order alchemist was not very good in his eyes.

But this Gao Feng just wanted to force him to be familiar with him, and he couldn’t help it.

“Who knows.”

A touch of ambiguity appeared on Ye Chen’s face.

As a disciple of Dan Wang Yunhe, Gao Feng was so rude and looked at Ye Chen angrily.

“As a Tier 2 pharmacist, speaking to you is a great gift to you. I didn’t expect you to dare to be so arrogant in front of me. I don’t think you know how high the sky is!”

As soon as these words came out, all the pharmacists outside the pharmacist guild laughed bitterly, just because they were all first-tier pharmacists.

But what can they do? This has always been a world where The Weak are Prey to the Strong.

Gao Feng thought that Ye Chen must not know his own identity, otherwise he would have been so scared that he was peeing at the moment. When he said that he was a second-order alchemist, he quickly looked at Ye Chen’s face.

In his time, Ye Chen’s face will definitely be wonderful.

But what he didn’t expect in any way was that Ye Chen didn’t show the slightest fluctuation on his face, as if he hadn’t heard him at all.

“you you!”

Gao Feng was stunned. He didn’t understand why Ye Chen didn’t show a look of horror.

“Second-tier pharmacist.” Ye Chen looked at Gao Feng with a dull face, “Is it strong?”


All the pharmacists were shocked upon hearing this.

Tier 2 Alchemist… is it strong?

Isn’t it strong?

You know, this is a Tier 2 Alchemist!

The pharmacists only felt that they had heard something they would never hear, and looked at Ye Chen with a dumb face.

“You dare to say that Tier 2 Alchemist is not strong?”

“Isn’t it, it’s just an ant.”

what! ! !

The pharmacists outside the pharmacist guild all exclaimed. They wanted to break their heads and couldn’t believe Ye Chen would say such a thing.

“very good!”

Gao Feng gritted his teeth and squeezed these two words out between his teeth, and his face also became extremely gloomy.

“Since you are a Tier 2 pharmacist and an ant, what if you lose the next pharmacist competition?”

Gao Feng stared at Ye Chen and said.

“I will never lose.” Ye Chen said calmly, “At least in front of ants like you, I won’t lose.”

Hearing this, Gao Feng was even more furious.

“Well, if I lose to you, I will call you Dad, and vice versa, dare you bet!”


Ye Chen said lightly.

The pharmacists looked at each other for a while. They thought that Ye Chen agreed without even thinking about the exam. They didn’t understand that Ye Chen really had that kind of medicine technology, but he was still pretending to be a big head.

Chu You’s white face showed a touch of sorrow, she was very aware of the horror of the second-order alchemist.

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