Chapter 368

Ye Chen didn’t pay attention to Gao Feng’s gaze, he began to refine the medicine.

“Being mystery!”

Gao Feng said coldly.

He not only has purple flames, but also red flames. It’s just that he doesn’t need to take out the strong Yuandan he is most familiar with.

“I have refined it.”

Suddenly, a lazy voice entered the ears of everyone present.


Everyone present was in shock.

This is just half a minute later, is it ready to be refined? Who is it?

The elders in the judges’ seat were also shocked.

“Ha ha.”

Gao Feng smiled coldly at Ye Chen. He originally thought that Ye Chen dared to bet with him that he should have a good technique of refining medicine, but he didn’t think he was just a half-hearted person.

A bucket of water doesn’t make a sound, half a bucket of water jingles.

Refining the second rank Medicine Pill in half a minute, no one would believe it, even the well-informed Dan Wang Yunhe would not believe it.

“This player, if you don’t refine it well, you will never be able to participate in the Alchemist Contest.”

An old man told Ye Chen the seriousness of the matter.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen, and they wanted to see what Ye Chen would say next.

Ye Chen’s lips moved slightly, saying:

“Didn’t I already say, I have refined it.”

Come on!

Gao Feng snorted coldly to Ye Chen. He didn’t understand why Ye Chen could still be so calm.

Ye Chen didn’t want to care about ants like Gao Feng. He put his hand in the Human Cauldron under the attention of everyone.

Everyone’s eyes widened. They wanted to see if Ye Chen had been refined, or whether he was playing mystery.

Finally, Ye Chen took out the Medicine Pill from Human Cauldron.

A pure purple Medicine Pill suddenly appeared in Ye Chen’s hands.

How can it be!

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Just because Ye Chen’s pure purple Medicine Pill is the second rank Medicine Pill attribute pill.

And it’s solid color! ! !

The elders in the judges’ seat could not sit still, and quickly got up from their seats.

“How is this possible! Absolutely impossible!”

Gao Feng looked at the attribute pill in Ye Chen’s hand, and he jumped into a rage.

“What’s impossible.” Ye Chen looked at Gao Feng faintly, “As a second-tier alchemist, don’t you even know Medicine Pill?”

If Ye Chen only refines the dark attribute pill, then as long as Gao Feng refines the pure color strong element pill, Gao Feng will still win.

It’s a pity that Ye Chen refined a pure color attribute pill in less than half a minute.

In this genius alchemist contest, there is no doubt that Ye Chen won.

All the participating pharmacists were bitter, as if they saw an invisible mountain blocking them.

Chu You Yurong was undoubtedly shocked. When Ye Chen and Gao Feng were betting earlier, she was still worried about Ye Chen, but now it seems that her worry is completely unnecessary.

Ye Chen…

Chu You nodded slightly, and couldn’t help but sighed secretly, “How many secrets do you have that I don’t know yet?”

When looking for the ten-star War Emperor cemetery north of the anger sea, Chu You thought he needed to protect Ye Chen. At that time, Ye Chen’s displayed strength made her stunned. The scene where Ye Chen merged with flames in the cemetery made her even more so. She has not forgotten.

Now, Ye Chen has refined the second rank pure color Medicine Pill attribute pill in less than half a minute.

How could such a arrogant appear in Nu Haidi?

A staff member came over.

“Please put Medicine Pill on it.”

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