Chapter 396 Black Shark Organization

After a long time, Cheng Lu recovered from the shock.

She looked at Ye Chen with an indifferent expression.

“Senior, my friends have been taken away by the Black Shark organization, can you…”

Cheng Lu didn’t finish her words, but the meaning behind it was self-evident.

“Why is the Black Shark organization arresting you and your friends?”

For this, Ye Chen really didn’t understand.

“The Black Shark organization originally liked to catch family children like us, and then let our family pay a huge ransom.”

Cheng Lu said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen came to understand after hearing the words.

“Lead the way.”

Cheng Lu quickly led Ye Chen.


Ye Chen and Cheng Lu arrived in Montenegro.

The location of the Black Shark Organization is Montenegro.

Ye Chen looked at the dark mountains in front of him, wondering whether it was a dark organization, even the mountains were black.

“Just wait for me here, and come as soon as I go.”

Cheng Lu nodded heavily.

I saw that Ye Chen used the Heavenly Intermediate Martial Skill Tiancun Spiritual Step, and his speed increased rapidly.

The nine-star Martial King plus the true dragon body makes his speed reach a heaven-defying level.

Before long, he reached the top of Montenegro.

There is a Dazhai on the top of the Black Mountain.

In silence, Ye Chen entered Dazhai. If he didn’t want others to find him, no one in the entire Black Shark organization would be able to find him.

“Dage, this time we caught so many Young Master Misses from Wuji City. Now we can make a lot of money.”

“Yeah, Dage, we are going to make a fortune.”

“Hahahaha, brothers, even the gods care for us, not bad.”

The Black Shark Organization Hall is called the Fenjin Hall.

At this moment, the heads of the Black Shark Organization are sitting in the Fenjin Hall, all drinking.

Ye Chen was on the roof of the hall, watching everything inside.

“Isn’t this a bandit.”

Ye Chen smiled secretly, thinking that there will be bandits in this world, which is really interesting.

But he didn’t come this time to watch them drink.

“But Dage, you said that we have caught so many Young Master Misses, will Wuji City send strong men to encircle us?”

“What are you afraid of? Soldiers are here to cover the water and the earth, the big deal is to hide, as long as we don’t show up, even if Xia Jitian and Wu Lei are here, we won’t be able to find us.”

“Yes, Dage wise! Yamato wise!”


Suddenly, a big hole broke through the roof.

Ye Chen had already fallen to the ground before everyone in the gold-dividing hall could react.

“Mysterious talent.”

“Mysterious talent.”

“Earth-level talent.”

All the talents of the people in the gold division hall appeared in Ye Chen’s retina.

Suddenly, everyone in the Fenjin Hall quickly stood up from their seats and looked at Ye Chen in amazement.

“You, who are you?”

Heilong, the leader of the Black Shark organization, shouted.

“Name: Black Dragon.”

“Cultivation talent: earth level.”

“Hidden talent: earth talent.”

“Realm: One-star Martial King.”

Ye Chen looked at the talent of the black dragon and Realm, and he could already determine that the black dragon was a scum.

“Where are the people you arrested?”

Ye Chen didn’t answer the black dragon, directly preconceived.

At this time, everyone in the Fenjin Hall recovered.


They are not fools, so they naturally know who Ye Chen refers to.

“Are you here to save them?”

Heilong, the leader of the Black Shark organization, sneered coldly, looked at Ye Li sarcastically and asked.

“That’s right.” Ye Chen nodded.

Everyone in the gold-dividing hall was startled again, right?

What does it mean?

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