Chapter 516: Fusing Liu Qianqian’s Heaven-defying Talent

The ten palace masters of the Ice and Snow Silver Palace on the ring, look at me, and when I look at you, they all looked at each other. They never expected Ye Chen to say such words.

Heaven-defying level cultivation talent?

“Ha ha!”

A few seconds later, Grand Palace Master Li Mengqing smiled coldly at Ye Chen again, “You said she has a heaven-defying level cultivation talent and a heaven-defying level cultivation talent?”

“Yes.” Ye Chen was silent for a few seconds, “I said she was, she was.”

“What did you say!”

Upon hearing this, the lord Li Mengqing couldn’t help gritting his teeth.

Everyone under the ring also looked at each other for a while, wondering why Ye Chen was so confident.

Is it because he is a special league envoy of the Practitioner League?

“If…she is not…what should I do?!”

Li Mengqing stared at Ye Chen fiercely.

“Whatever you do.” Ye Chen’s face showed an indifferent look, “But if it is, she has to be your big disciple of the Ice and Snow Silver Palace.”

“After I have finished speaking, who is for and who is against?”

Ye Chen glanced lightly at the ten palace masters of the Ice and Snow Silver Palace.

Quiet, the needle drop can be heard.

Zhan Wuji on the board of judges was agitated for a while, just because he felt that Ye Chen was too domineering!

He also felt that he was very domineering, but compared with Ye Chen, it was almost impossible.


Grand Palace Master Li Mengqing gritted his teeth and agreed.

“Let’s go to the talent test room now!”

Immediately, countless people went to the talent test room.

The talent test room in Bingxue Silver Palace is large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

Ye Chen and Liu Qianqian went to the talent test room.

“Ye Chen, I am really a medium talent, how do you say I am a heaven-defying level cultivation talent?”

Liu Qianqian looked at Ye Chen very puzzled.

Ye Chen smiled, pretending to be mysterious and did not speak.

Then, he chose the fusion goal of heaven-defying level cultivation talent.

This goal, of course, is Liu Qianqian.

“Does it merge?”


A few seconds later, Liu Qianqian’s medium talent had become a heaven-defying talent.

“Test it!”

Grand Palace Master Li Mengqing said coldly.

Liu Qianqian looked at Ye Chen in shock.

“Go, don’t be afraid.” Ye Chen said with a smile.

Liu Qianqian nodded, and she walked towards the talent tester step by step.

In the talent test room, thousands of people all looked at Liu Qianqian, their eyes opened a little wider than usual, and they all wanted to know whether Liu Qianqian was a medium talent or a heaven-defying talent.

Finally, Liu Qianqian got under the talent test instrument.

She raised Qianqianyu’s hand and placed it on the talent test instrument.

The ten palace masters and many disciples of the Ice and Snow Silver Palace knew that Liu Qianqian’s cultivation talent could only be a medium talent.

After Liu Qianqian’s hand was placed on the talent test instrument, a dazzling light suddenly appeared on the talent test instrument.

A few seconds later, an electronic sound entered everyone’s ears.

“Cultivation talent: heaven-defying level.”

How can it be! ! !

The ten palace masters and many disciples of the Ice and Snow Silver Palace heard this, all of them were shocked.

However, on the talent test instrument, the heaven-defying level cultivation talent still appeared.

Quiet, it is silent again.

In the talent test room, everyone was frozen in place like clay sculptures and wood carvings, unable to recover for a long time.

The expression on Liu Qianqian’s Yurong also froze.

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