Chapter 568

This invisible force of terror seemed too terrifying, and the space seemed to be cracked.

The dozen or so men all felt the unprecedented horror, and they stopped one after another.

All they can do is wait for death!


Suddenly, more than a dozen screams reached the ears of Ye Chen and the five-star general.

Oh my God! ! !

The five-star warlord of the Black Snake evil organization looked at such a scene, and was so scared that he was out of his mind.

I saw that the strength of the five-star warlord’s whole body seemed to be drained by something, and his whole body was weak.

He was so frightened!

Ye Chen faintly looked at the five-star warrior in front of him, and slowly spoke:

“I said that since I appeared in front of you, you were already a corpse. Why don’t you believe it?”

“Senior, right…”

The five-star warlord just wanted to kneel down to beg Ye Chen for mercy, but before he could say it, he would never have a chance to say it.

Just because Ye Chen has already slapped him on the head.

With Ye Chen’s slap shot, the life of the five-star warlord disappeared from this world forever.

Ye Chen disappeared.

He thought that as long as he met people from the evil organization of the Black Snake in Yun City, he would do it in one word!

“How is this going!”

I saw Iron War Emperor Iron Si, one of the Four War Emperors of the Black Snake evil organization, coldly looking at the dozen corpses in front of him.

“If you go back to Lord War Emperor, you should have been killed.”

Hearing this, Tie Si slapped the talking man’s face with a heavy slap.

“Daddy didn’t know if he was killed?”

“I’m asking if I was killed!”

The man who was speaking was stunned, and looked at Tie War Emperor Tie Si in horror with his face covered.

“This, this… Lord War Emperor, I don’t know who killed it.”

The man was already shaking uncontrollably, just because he had never seen Iron War Emperor so angry.


Suddenly, Tie Si slammed his foot on the man’s stomach again.

The man flew upside down in an instant.

Seeing the man hit the ground heavily, he started to cry without tears, thinking about who he was provoking.

Right now, he finally understood a truth.

That is, the gun can really hit the head, there are so many of them, he just wants to answer the question of the Iron War Emperor!

“Come on!”


“Give me an all-out search in Cloud City!”

Tie War Emperor Tie Si gave an order, and everyone looked for it.

And Ye Chen, at this time, is on the tallest building in Yun City.

He was on the rooftop, and he felt like seeing the mountains and small mountains.


Ye Chen sighed suddenly, just because he saw more than 30 men from the Black Snake evil organization appear below.

There is really a way to heaven, you don’t go, The Underworld has no way for you to vote.

Immediately, Ye Chen jumped down from the fifty-story rooftop!

“Look, someone has jumped off the building!”

More than 30 men from the Black Snake evil organization looked up, and they were all stunned.

But then there was a touch of excitement on their faces. They hadn’t seen anyone jump off the building for many years.

Don’t say it, it’s kind of interesting!

I saw that more than 30 men all went to a safe place, in case Ye Chen would hit them.





More than 30 men were all counted.

When they counted to the ground, they looked at it ambiguously.

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