Chapter 743

In Wang Hu’s view, Ye Chen and Qin Ying are just two geniuses.

He really couldn’t think of why Ye Chen and Qin Ying dared to break into their blood wolf evil organization.

The hundreds of men who surrounded Ye Chen and Qin Ying couldn’t understand. They looked at Ye Chen and Qin Ying and wanted to see how Ye Chen and Qin Ying would answer.

But what they would never think of in their dreams was that Ye Chen actually said such words.

I saw that Ye Chen slowly spoke to the leader of the blood wolf evil organization:

“We are not here to break into your blood wolf evil organization, we are here to destroy the blood wolf evil organization.”

what! ! !

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked, even if they wanted to break their heads, they would never think that Ye Chen would actually say such a thing.

“You…what did you say?!”

Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, was naturally stunned, and looked at Ye Chen in astonishment.

“Hehe,” Ye Chen looked at Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, very ambiguously, “Could you be a deaf man?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, couldn’t help getting furious.

“Boy, you are looking for death!”

“Cut them into pieces for me!”

With an order from Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, hundreds of men surrounding Ye Chen and Qin Ying all rushed over.


In this world that respects martial arts, there is never any quantity.

In the eyes of Ye Chen and Qin Ying, these hundreds of men are too weak and pitiful, and they cannot be their opponents at all.


Suddenly, the hundreds of men who rushed towards Ye Chen and Qin Ying began to scream non-stop, which was really numbing to the scalp.

“How…is it possible?!”

Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, looked at the scene before him, and couldn’t help being terrified to the point where he couldn’t help it.

Just because he discovered that hundreds of people did not take long before they all fell to the ground.

Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, was already shocked at this moment.


“How can we be so strong?”

Ye Chen looked at Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, “It’s not that we are strong, but you are weak.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, didn’t know how to speak, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Even if he wanted to break his head, he would not have thought that Ye Chen and Qin Ying were such terrifying Practitioners.

If he had known that Ye Chen and Qin Ying were so powerful, he would have chosen to escape when he saw them just now.

It’s a pity, it’s too late now.

“My lord, can you…”

The leader of the blood wolf evil organization Wang Hu was interrupted by Ye Chen before he finished speaking. Of course he knew what Wang Hu was going to say.

It’s nothing more than begging for mercy.

Naturally, he would not choose to let Wang Hu go.

“But I can let you choose a way to die.”

Ye Chen spoke slowly to Wang Hu.

Upon hearing this, Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization, was shocked.

“you you……!”

Where can Wang Hu be able to say a complete sentence?

“It seems that you don’t choose the way of death, then I will give you a choice.”

Ye Chen spoke slowly.

When the voice fell, Ye Chen punched Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization.

Ye Chen punches like electricity, how can Xueling’s evil organization leader Wang Hu react?

I saw that Ye Chen’s fist hit the body of Wang Hu, the leader of the blood wolf evil organization.

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