Chapter 755

Ye Chen, Lin Yu and Huang Xue continued to walk in the wild.

Three days later.

“Senior, there is a base city there.”

Lin Yu said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked and found that there is indeed a base city, but this base city is not very big.

“Let’s go over.”

Ye Chen said.

When Lin Yu and Huang Xue heard this, their white faces were all overjoyed.

Immediately, the three headed towards the base city.

After entering the base city, I learned the name of the base city.

The base city where they are located is called Heyuan Base City.

The base city of Heyuan is not big, but it is very prosperous.

“Medium talent.”

“Second talent.”

“No talent.”

The talent information of the pedestrians kept appearing in Ye Li’s retina.

“Senior, how about… why don’t we go and eat something?”

Huang Xue said to Ye Chen cautiously.

Ye Chen smiled secretly when he heard that, he nodded, “Okay.”

When the two girls saw Ye Chen agree, they were naturally very happy.

Women are more or less foodies.

Immediately, they found a restaurant that looked pretty good.

This is a western restaurant.

The three of them entered the western restaurant.

After finding a seat and sitting down, I started ordering.

Suddenly, a young man walked in, and two middle-aged men followed behind the young man.

The two middle-aged men are both one-star Martial Kings, but this young man is just one-star warrior.

It seems that the two middle-aged men are the bodyguards of the young people.

When everyone in the restaurant saw the young man, they quickly lowered their heads, and there was a look of horror.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid, I won’t do anything to you.”

The young man said with a smile.

“Name: Zhang Zhi.”

“Cultivation talent: advanced.”

“Realm: One Star Warlord.”

Young people’s talent and Realm information appeared in Ye Chen’s eyes.

Zhang Zhi looked in the dining room, then he looked at Ye Chen’s side, his eyes lit up, and then he walked over.


What Zhang Zhi didn’t expect was that he was interrupted by Ye Chen before he finished speaking.

“Do you know that sometimes the eyes can cause trouble?”

“Eyes can cause trouble too?”

Zhang Zhi was startled. Of course he didn’t expect Ye Chen to say such words.

“Then you are going to talk about it, how did the eyes cause trouble?”

“When you look at someone you shouldn’t look at, it will cause trouble.”

Ye Chen said slowly, his face as calm as water.

Zhang Zhi burst into laughter upon hearing this, as if he had never heard such a funny joke before.

“You, what you mean is, if I were looking at you, you would be rude to me?”

Zhang Zhi looked at Ye Chen ambiguously.

The two one-star Martial Kings behind him also laughed.

Not only them, but even the people in the restaurant, their faces burst into laughter.

They thought that Ye Chen must not know the identity of Zhang Zhi. If he knew that Zhang Zhi was the young master of the Zhang family, he would be frightened at this time.

“Go ahead.”

Ye Chen didn’t want to continue talking nonsense with Zhang Zhi, he spoke slowly to Zhang Zhi.

Zhang Zhi was startled when he heard this, and then he couldn’t help but became very angry, and shouted coldly at Ye Chen:

“Do you know who I am?”

“I don’t want to know who you are. I just want you to disappear before my eyes. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious.”

Ye Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwen couldn’t help but jump into a rage.

“Kill him for me!”

Zhang Zhi said coldly.

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