Half a moment later, Wang Luo stood at the door of the actual combat function, a little depressed.

“I go to the system, what do you mean by this, what host forbids entry…?”

Not bad, Wang Luo just wanted to enter the actual combat function to give it a try, who would have thought that as soon as his feet reached in, he would be told by the system:

“This function is for the host’s apprentice, and the host is forbidden to enter!”

Looking at the barrier in front of him, Wang Luo was a little depressed, and the good mood just now was destroyed.

“If you don’t enter, you won’t enter, what’s so great!”

Wang Luo stopped for a while and saw that the system did not give in at all, and finally had to go back.

“What a broken function, and also prevent me, the master, from entering.”

Although Wang Luo knew that the system was set up like this, Wang Luo was still a little unconvinced.

It came to the next day with such a bone.

In the hall, Wang Luo was still sitting in his usual position and looking out the door.

The week before that, Wang Luo had cultivated this habit, as long as he was fine, he would sit in the hall and look out the door.

After pausing for a while, Wang Luo suddenly thought in his mind:

“They should have already set off!”

The apprentice who had only been accepted for a day was suddenly so gone, and Wang Luo still felt a little uncomfortable.

“Huh! By the way, didn’t the system reward a ‘dimensional docking function’ yesterday! ”

As soon as he thought of the door loss Wang Luo, yesterday’s mission reward appeared in his mind.

“The system can now use the ‘dimensional docking function’!”

“Host, yes!”

Hearing the response of the system, Wang Luo issued an order to the system, anyway, now no one will come to this place where birds do not, let alone no one will come to worship the teacher, it is better to go to your own apprentice, firstly, you can pass the time, and secondly, you can complete the task as soon as possible.

“The system starts the ‘dimensional docking function’, targeting my apprentice.”

“The target has been determined, and the target location fragment world “Kamen Rider KUUGA”.”


It did not exceed Wang Luo’s expectations, and the first world of the Door Lost Warrior was indeed KUUGA, that is, the world of empty self.

After a slight shaking, Wang Luo found that the sign of [Light Photo Museum] had appeared in front of his door.

“It’s really fast!”

After knowing that he had come to the world where the door was located, Wang Luo put down his heart, and then asked the system a question he had just found, which made him a little puzzled.

“System, you just said that this is the fragmented world, what does the fragmented world mean.”

“Host, the fragmented world is the world that splits from the world where the host is located.”

Listening to the system’s explanation, Wang Luo understood, in the end, this world is subordinate to this world, that is, the world Wang Luo stayed in before.

Of course, the reason why Wang Luo asked this question was: ‘In the Decade drama in the previous life, it was said that it was a parallel world, and the system said that it was a fragmented world, so Wang Luo wanted to ask what was the difference between the two. ’

Of course, Wang Luo did not look at the world with his previous gaze, now that the world is so chaotic, he is not so surprised that there are things beyond Wang Luo’s expectations, but only curiosity.

After figuring out this problem, Wang Luo did not go directly to the door to find them, but continued to sit in the hall and look out the door.

Besides, they didn’t know the news that Wang Luo had come to this world, and at this moment the door lost people were in trouble.

“I’ll go, you’re sick! Why attack me. ”

The doorman who turned into Decade looked at the knight in front of him, that is, the mask was empty.

Who knew that just now the knights of this world suddenly attacked themselves, if it weren’t for the fact that they had been crushed by their own impostors in the actual combat mode for so long, they would really not be able to dodge his attacks now.

“Hmph, don’t talk to me about the destroyer of your world, I won’t believe you, suffer death!”

Yusuke Onodera did not take the words of the lost man to heart, roared and ran towards the lost man.

“I’ll go, the knight of this world is a madman!”

Looking at the empty self who rushed towards him, he cursed with some annoyance, and then he also rushed towards the empty self, passively beating him but he did not have such a hobby.

“Shhh! You’re really dead! ”

Half a moment later, the door lost his chest and said, just now he was forced to punch me.

“Less nonsense, destroyer of your world.”

Yusuke Onodera couldn’t listen to the door at all.

If Wang Luo is here, he can definitely see that the current Door Lost Shi is not an empty opponent, the Door Lost Shi is just entering the advanced level, and Onodera Yusuke is already on the edge of the advanced and is about to step into the elite junior level.

Saying that, the two moved again, and at this time a light curtain passed in front of the two.

After the light curtain disappeared, two figures appeared.

“Big brother, is this hell?”

The brown fist locust looked at the kicking locust next to him and said.

“It should be!”

“Hmm! Big brother, there are also knights here! ”

At this time, the fist locust discovered the existence of Monji and Yusuke Onodera.

“It seems that this is hell, go on buddy!”

“Okay, big brother!”

The doorman looked at the pair of knights who suddenly came out a little speechless. The two of them stopped after the light curtain appeared.

“Aren’t there normal knights?”

These people refreshed his knowledge of knights.

“I’ll go, won’t I!”

Just as the door lost man was thinking about who the new pair of knights were, suddenly the two knights made a move.

In an instant, the doorman took out his weapon and aimed it at the locust, and he didn’t care to understand who appeared now.


After drinking lightly, the two of them started, and after fighting for a while, the strength of the kicking locust was comparable to that of the door loser, and then look at the fist locust’s side, but it was weaker than me.

Playing and kicking locusts, he also discovered the situation on his partner’s side, and then slowly moved the battlefield, followed by switching opponents.

The fist locust was originally on the empty side, and now it was transferred to the side of the door loser, and it only lasted for a while, and it was hit by the door loser.

However, just when the door lost and wanted to solve the fist locust, suddenly the light curtain, the dimensional wall, appeared again.

The Hell Brothers did not hesitate after seeing it, they knew that if they continued to fight, they would definitely lose by their brothers.

“Partner, let’s go and enjoy the scenery of other hells!”

“Okay big brother!”

The hell brothers didn’t forget to pretend to be forced when they ran away.

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