In the living room, Kuroko poured tea for Wang Luo and Ike Rinosuke, while Shiba Shoru sat in the middle of the place, which was the main seat.

“Your Highness, tell me about this gentleman!”

After sitting for a while, Hinata Hikoma said to Shiba Shoru that he was really too curious about Wang Luo.

Looking at Wang Luo, who was sitting cross-legged there, Hinata Yanma was really a little puzzled, why His Highness would invite an ordinary person to Zhiye’s house.

Doesn’t His Highness know the danger facing the Shiha family, this is not an ordinary person can participate in.


Shiba Shoru nodded.

“Old man, Mr. Wang Luo is not a simple ordinary person, he is very strong, at least I am not necessarily his opponent!”


After listening to Shiba Zhangru’s words, Hishita Hikoma looked at Wang Luo with some shock, he really couldn’t imagine that this young man in front of him would be so powerful.

His Highness he knows, he has trained hard since he was a child, and with the power of his heraldic that is naturally stronger than others, it can be said that His Highness is very strong now.

However, he actually learned from His Highness’s mouth that there were people who were more powerful than him, so this shocked Hikoma Hikoma and didn’t know what to say.

“Really, Your Highness!”

After the shock, Hikoma Hikoshita said to Shiba Shoru.

There was no need for Zhiye Zhangru to lie to him, and nodded and admitted that what he just said was true.


Seeing that His Highness admitted it again, Hinata Hikoma had to believe it.

At this time, he said to Wang Luo:

“I don’t know what you do!”

At this moment, he had the intention of wooing Wang Luo in his heart.

“As long as you win over Wang Luo, then Your Highness won’t have to work so hard!”

Hikoma thought in his heart that what Shiba Shoru had just said made him think differently, only he knew how His Highness had come to life since he was a child.

As a shadow samurai, Shiba Shoru has been arranged in this life, and when the real head of the Shiha family has achieved his cultivation, then Shiba Shoru will be abandoned, and this result is that Hinata Hikoma does not want to see.

Having raised Shiba Shoru all his life, Hinatabe Hikoma has long regarded Shiba Shoru as his own relative.

“Well, I’m a teacher!”


Putting aside other thoughts for the time being, Hinata Yanma was a little surprised to hear Wang Luo’s words, he didn’t expect that the person who could make His Highness admire was actually a teacher.

As for the others, they had already heard what Wang Luo had said, so they didn’t seem so surprised.

After the surprise, Hikabe Yanma said to Wang Luo again:

“Mr. Wang Luo is really talented, I don’t know which school Mr. Wang taught in!”

When Wang Luo heard Hikabe Yanma’s words, he knew that he had also misunderstood himself.

“Well, that, let me correct one thing first, although I am a teacher, I am not the kind of teacher who teaches students to read!”


Wang Luo’s words made the people present wonder, in their impression, isn’t the teacher teaching students to read!

“That, then what the hell are you teaching!”

Hishita Yanma said to Wang Luo, and as for the others, they also pricked up their ears and quietly listened to Wang Luo’s answer.

Originally, when they heard Wang Luo say that he was a teacher, they automatically brought him into the kind of teacher who taught students, but now they heard Wang Luo say that he was not the kind of teacher they remembered, so they were all curious about Wang Luo’s profession.

“Ahem, I actually teach people how to become stronger!”




As soon as Wang Luo’s words came out, Ikeba Ryunosuke and them had questions, they had not heard of such a teacher.

“Get stronger, how to get stronger!”

When everyone was still in doubt, Gu Qianming opened his mouth and asked Wang Luo directly.

Listening to Gu Qianming’s words, Wang Luo smiled slightly.


Speaking of taking out the Battle Pole Drive, as for Decade, it did not change because Wang Luo had a trace of thought.


After speaking, Wang Luo put into Ge Ye Qi’s armor and transformed into an armored weapon.

“This is…!”

Looking at Wang Luo’s posture, Zhiye Zhangyu’s body paused, he had never seen such a look.

“This, what is this!”

Hua Zhi Qinye said in a surprised tone, and the others were also taken aback by Wang Luo’s action.

Originally, they thought that Wang Luo was just physically powerful, but they didn’t expect that he actually had equipment like theirs.

The air froze for a while before Hikoma Hikoma said

“Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang Luo actually has such equipment, disrespectful and disrespectful!”

Seeing that the expected effect had been achieved, Wang Luo directly lifted the transformation.


Wang Luo waved his hand and said to Hishita Yanma.

When Wang Luo and Hikoma Hikoma were talking, Ikeba Ryunosuke also gradually sobered up.

“Wang Luo, is this what you said about becoming stronger?”

Gu Qianming said to Wang Luo excitedly, and now his eyes flashed with a trace of essence.

“As long as I worship him as a teacher, then I can surpass Shiba Shoru, great!”

Gu Qianming thought in his heart.


Bai Shi Mozi called him, and the tone in which he directly addressed Wang Luo just now was too impolite.

“Ah, oh, I’m sorry, I said something wrong!”

After Gu Qianming was woken up by Shiraishi Mozi, he also knew that he was too excited and said the wrong thing.

Looking at Gu Qianming’s appearance, Wang Luo did not pay attention to it, judging from the special photography drama of the True Swordsman, Gu Qianming is not a bad person, but he hides a rebellious heart in his heart, and he is not as mature as several other people.

Wang Luo showed his strength, but also in order to better implement his plan in the future, yes, he wanted to accept all five as apprentices.

And now I can’t directly say, you guys are my apprentices, this is too deliberate, and it will seem that it is very cheap to accept apprentices.

And this time to show power is to leave a seed in their hearts, so that slowly it will come to fruition.

At least for now, it seems that the few people present will have a more or less strange feeling in their hearts.

Ryunosuke Ikenaba, Moko Shiraishi, and Kotoha Hanori are all in order to better assist Shiba Shoru, while Chiaki Tani is to surpass Shiba Shoru.

As for Shiba Shoru, it goes without saying that everything is to fight against the outsiders and show his value.

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