

The two shouted separately.

In an instant, Heart and Tomanosuke were on the same page.

“Die!” Tomari Jinnosuke didn’t wait for Heart to make a move, and took the lead.


Heat cried out in pain and looked down to see that at this moment Shinosuke Kutanosuke’s hand had been inserted into his chest.

Even holding his heart.

“Haha, haha!” Seeing this, Heart was not angry, but laughed.

“Shinnosuke, do you think you can succeed in this way, then you also underestimate me!” Saying that, Heart directly used the power of his whole body.

“Do you want to die together!” Tomanosuke was a little shocked by Heart’s decision.

“What is this, for the future of Roidmude, the sacrifice is worth it.”

Saying that, he directly held Tomari Shinosuke’s hand.

Seeing that things had come to this point, Tomari Jinnosuke said directly to Kurim:

“Mr. Belt, you go quickly, it doesn’t matter if I’m dead, you can find another drive to continue against Roidmude when you leave.”

“What a stupid thing to say, Shinnosuke, I won’t leave!” Kurim knew that if he left now, Minosuke would definitely die, and Heart would be.

Besides, it is impossible for him to leave.

“Mr. Belt, go quickly!” At this moment, Tominnosuke could feel that now Heart’s energy had reached its peak and could get out of control at any time.

“Shinnosuke, you know what, you are the only one I chose from the entire police superintendent, except for you, no one can become Kamen Rider Dive anymore, so you won’t go.”

Kurim said firmly.

The energy continued to erupt, and the oppressed earth cracked.

Wang Luo on the side knew that he should make a move, if he didn’t make a move again, things might not necessarily turn out.

It’s not TV, anything can happen.

“Snap!” With a snap of his fingers, the space-time was frozen in an instant.

Heart and Tomari also stopped moving, as well as Chase, who was preparing to rescue Heart.

Everything stood still.

Pacing to Tomarinosuke and them.

“It’s really not worrying!” Moving to separate Tomanosuke and Heart, this point is pediatric for Wang Luo, not to mention that time stands still.

“Snap!” After separating them, with another snap of fingers, time began to flow.

“Mr. Belt, you…” As soon as Tomari Jinnosuke said these words, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

“This is…”

He found that at this moment he was no longer in a state of confrontation with Heart.

“Mr. Belt, what’s going on?” Tomari Jinnosuke was puzzled.

“Shinnosuke, look behind you!” It was Kurim who was the first to discover Wang Luo’s figure.

“Behind!” Bo Jinzhisuke said a word, and after turning his head to look over, he saw Wang Luo.

“Mr. Wang Luo!” First he was surprised, and then his face changed.

“Could it be that Mr. Wang Luo, you saved us.”

Apart from this idea, Tomanosuke couldn’t think of any other ideas.

Wang Luo nodded, which was considered an admission.

On Heat’s side, Chas and Wang Luo also found something strange after he lifted the time stillness, and when he saw Wang Luo, he knew why.

Then come directly to Heart.

“Phew!” Heart exhaled.

“Case, here you are”


First greeting Case, Heart then turned his head to look at Wang Luo.

“Sure enough, like you said, he is indeed a very powerful person, and I don’t even know how he did it just now.”

For Chase’s secret person, Heart recognized it for the first time.

“Let’s go, go back!” Heart said to Chase.

Since the man hadn’t moved his mind just now, there wouldn’t be now, so Heart brazenly asked Chase to take him back.

Also, with the ability to save them silently, Heart knew that he could not be Wang Luo’s opponent.

“Shinnosuke, the Hearts are gone!”

Kurim looked at Hart’s place just now, and there was no longer a figure at the moment.

“Let’s go, but I must have a good fight with him in the future!”

From this battle, Tomanosuke can realize his own shortcomings, he is still too weak.

“If Mr. Wang Luo hadn’t saved us just now, then it is estimated that he and Mr. Belt would have died by now!”

Tomari Shinnosuke thought in his heart.

Then he glanced up at Wang Luo.

“Whew~” as if a decision had been made.

Came to Wang Luo: “Mr. Wang Luo, what you said before is still not counted. ”

“Hmm!” For the words suddenly said by Tominnosuke, Wang Luo did not react for a moment.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Luo finally understood what Tomari Jinnosuke was talking about.

“Of course, how did you figure it out!”

Wang Luo estimated that what Bo Jinnosuke was talking about taking him as an apprentice. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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