“I’m sorry, I can’t take back this attack now, but don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt, only a few hits, as long as Mr. Izaka survives.”

“You…” Izaka Crimson had just uttered a word when he saw a sudden lightning strike from the sky.

“Not good!” Izaka Crimson Lang also didn’t care about theorizing with Wang Luo, and blessed the power of the wind on his body, making his body light, in exchange for speed.

“Bang!” It can be seen that the place where Izaka Crimson Lang was just now, it was blackened by falling thunder, it looked terrifying, and a deep pit appeared.

“Whew, what a powerful attack, more powerful than mine, but…” Izaka Crimson Lang looked at Wang Luo, he could obviously feel a trace of familiar power in the sky.

But before he could think about it, a steady stream of falling thunder fell.

It can be seen that sparks flashed in the entire clearing, which looked beautiful, but behind this beauty was a deep horror.

Seeing Izaka Crimson Lang’s embarrassed look, Sonosaki wanted to open her mouth to let Wang Luo stop, but she couldn’t go up directly and tell Wang Luo, so she looked at Sonzaki Wakanai next to her and said:

“Wakana, let your master stop, Mr. Iizaka is also a guest of our Sonosaki family!”

Listening to her sister’s words, Sonosaki Wakanai thought for a while.

“Alright!” Sonosaki Wakana didn’t want to embarrass her sister either.

“Master!” As soon as Yuansaki Ruonai called Wang Luo, Wang Luo’s voice appeared in her ears.

“Don’t worry, he will be fine, but I see that Isaka Crimson Lang is a little unhappy, so you tell your sister, I will only make him suffer a little flesh and skin!”

Suddenly hearing his master’s voice, Sonosaki Wakanai was startled, but after glancing at the appearance of his sister next to him, he obviously did not hear it.

“Alright!” Sonosaki Wakanai also did not want to go against his master’s wishes, and then he conveyed Wang Luo’s words to Sonosaki.

However, she only told her sister that Izaka Crimson Lang would only suffer a little flesh and skin, and as for her master’s statement that he was unhappy with Izaka Crimson Lang, she did not tell her sister.

“Well, got it!” Although Sonosaki didn’t know how Sonosaki Wakanai heard Wang Luo’s words, there was no doubt when he thought of Wang Luo’s powerful power.

Of course, she didn’t dare to command Wang Luo to stop, although usually Wang Luo looked quite kind and did not have a trace of majesty, but with his strength, Yuan Saki did not dare to talk indiscriminately.

Back in the battlefield, although Izaka Crimson Lang had not yet been attacked, his strength was almost exhausted.

Not only strength, but also spirit, paying full attention to the falling thunder in the sky, which made him tormented, and now he felt the powerlessness at the beginning, the powerlessness of life being controlled by others.

Watching Izaka Crimson hide in embarrassment. Wang Luo did not have a trace of waves in his heart, in his opinion, this was all normal, if not for Wang Luo’s mercy, he would have survived until now with the possibility of Izaka Crimson Lang.

“Ah~” Wang Luo snorted, and the whole person did not have that kind of feeling at all.

The strength between Izaka Crimson Lang and Wang Luo is like a heavenly graben, although Wang Luo has not yet brought out his strongest strength, so Isaka Crimson Lang is almost unable to bear it.

Speaking of which, because of the driving combination of the system reward, now no matter how Wang Luo uses the power of that knight, although there is a gap in strength, it is not so big.

Because this is the system reward, one of the functions, of course, the strongest is the Dark Decade, because when it was fused, the two dark Dcade drives had turned into one, so it was said that it was the strongest.

Of course, this is only for Wang Luo, if they are menyashi, they must rely on upgrade props to improve their strength.

This is the benefit given by the system, but also the limit given by the system.

“Snap!” Another bolt of lightning fell, and Izaka Crimson once again saw the opportunity to dodge.

Now he also roughly understood that Wang Luo might be playing on himself, but Izaka Crimson Lang thought about it carefully, and he didn’t know when he offended such a powerful person.

“Okay, I’m tired of playing, it’s time to end!” Looking at Izaka Crimson Lang’s somewhat strenuous look, Wang Luo thought.

The next moment through the thundercloud, Wang Luo directly located the position of Izaka Crimson Lang, and this time Wang Luo directly increased the speed of falling thunder.

“What, this can’t be!” Originally, Izaka Crimson Lang wanted to dodge like before, but the moment the thunder fell, he was a little desperate in his heart.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to dodge, but he can’t dodge at all, too fast, even if he reduces his weight by controlling the wind through his memory, but this speed is not the extent that he can dodge.

Before the falling thunder, he could still see the location of its fall, but this one was so fast that he couldn’t react and couldn’t judge.

“Boom!” Falling on Izaka Crimson Lang, the electric light was radiant, and the surrounding land was ploughed out one after another.

“Mr. Izaka!” Sonosaki was a little worried, after all, the situation was too terrifying now.

She could feel the power contained in the thunderbolt.

“Crackle, crackle!” The voice echoed in the ears of several people.

“Finish work!” Wang Luo snapped his fingers, the thunderclouds in the air dispersed, and he also lifted his transformation.

“Master!” Yuansaki Ruona hurriedly came to Wang Luo’s side.

“Master, how is he!” Looking at the ragged Izaka Crimson Lang not far away, Sonosaki Wakauna asked worriedly.

Of course, Sonosaki Wakakana is not worried about Izaka Crimson Lang, but is worried that Wang Luo will make a heavy move, making it difficult for him to explain to his sister.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I didn’t use much strength, he just passed out because of fatigue and being stimulated by lightning.”

Yuan Saki Jiko, who followed Yuan Saki Ruona on the side, was relieved to hear Wang Luo’s words.

Now in her heart, there is already a trace of subtle emotions towards Izaka Crimson, of course, the most now is because this is the task assigned to her by her father Sonosaki Ryubei.

“Whew, since Mr. Izaka is fine, then Wakana, you send Mr. Wang Luo back, as for Mr. Izaka, let me send it back!”

Sonosaki came to Izaka Crimsonro, helped the unconscious Izaka Crimson Lang up, and said to Sonosaki Wakana.

“Got it, sister!” Sonosaki Wakanai said.

Then Wang Luo and Sonosaki Wakana, Sonosaki Tsubaki helped Izaka Crimson Lang, and they each left here.

Only a piece of scorched black earth remained, and anyone with a discerning eye could see what was going on here.

But even if they guessed what happened here, they couldn’t have guessed that there had been a fierce battle here, although it was a one-sided crushing battle.

They will only think that this place is just struck by lightning.

Although Sonosaki Rinko said to let Sonosaki Wakanai send Wang Luo home, the final result was that Wang Luo first sent Sonosaki Wakanai home, and then teleported back by himself. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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