God-Like Extraction

Chapter 207: A Shocking Turn of Events!

“How is this possible?!”

“Is this real or fake?”

“Good, very good. The Myriad Treasures Court lives up to its name!”

The auction hall was in an uproar.

The leaders of various factions were shouting or yelling.

Even Su Jingxing was shocked.

That was because the item that had been exposed was the stone tablet that all the major factions in Qinghe City had been pursuing lately.

The mysterious stone tablet that Leng Lin had captured floating on the surface of the Sky Water River.

The stone tablet which people had been deliberately trying to steer discussions to keep attention on online.

Before this, there were only photos of the stone tablet, but now, the real thing was presented before everyone.

No one knew who commissioned it to be auctioned off by the Myriad Treasures Court.

Every item auctioned by the Myriad Treasures Court had to be appraised beforehand.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a problem if they were verified to be genuine.

Even for the items whose authenticity could not be verified, it would also be clarified during the auction, allowing the bidders to decide whether they wanted to bid it or not.

Of course, any item that made it to the auction stage, whether genuine or not, was extraordinary.

This was the reputation that the Myriad Treasures Court had built up over several hundred years.


As soon as the mysterious stone tablet, which had attracted the attention of the entire city, was revealed on stage, the crowd erupted.

Without waiting for the thick-browed old man to open his mouth, all of them began bidding eagerly.

“One billion!”

“Two billion!”

“Five billion!”

All of a sudden, money didn’t seem like money anymore.

Su Jingxing listened to the bids as he sensed the mysterious stone tablet.

The patterns on it were exactly the same as in the photo.

In fact, compared to the photo, looking at the real object, he could clearly feel the strange fluctuations contained in each of the patterns.

These fluctuations seemed to have a life of their own, they danced like musical notes whenever Su Jingxing sensed them.

So, Ka, Na, Si, Ma, Do.


At that moment, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the front row of the auction hall. It dashed onto the stage and wrapped around the mysterious stone tablet, turning into a ball of black mist.


The black mist exploded and surged.

When it dissipated, the mysterious stone tablet was gone!

“Who did this?”

What incredible speed!

“They should still be nearby. Hurry up and give chase!”

The hall was a mess.

The crowd snapped out of their daze and quickly got on their way, moving towards the entrance.

The thick-browed old man was the third to react. He charged towards the exit.

The first and second were Gu Zhanlin and Lu Wuchang.

By the time the shadow rushed onto the stage, they were already on the move, hot on its heels with lightning speed.

Yan Yuanfeng and the others were already considered late.

Su Jingxing didn’t move. Even though he had sensed the shadow the moment it appeared, he didn’t give chase.

The stone tablet was indeed mysterious, but it was a hot potato. Countless factions had their eyes on it.

Su Jingxing was curious, but not in the mood to get involved.

In comparison, the Soul Nurturing Stone and the Buddha Flame Root were more attractive to him.

The sudden turn of events caused a huge commotion in the auction hall.

Happy to save his money, Su Jingxing headed backstage to retrieve the two treasures he had bid.

However, when he got backstage, someone was already there.

The Sect Master of the Divine Fist Sect, Di Donglei, together with Zhao Zhongyi of the Cross Alliance were fighting with three other people over the Soul Nurturing Stone and the Buddha Flame Root.

As for the staff of the Myriad Treasures Court, they had all collapsed on the ground, either unconscious, howling in pain, or groaning.

Su Jingxing stood at the entrance and took a few glances. Then, decisively, he backed away. Leaving through the window, he returned to the rooftop.

He released his powerful perception and used Advanced Hearing to listen to the movements beneath his feet.

He wanted to wait until a victor was decided between the two groups, and one party had completely fallen, to silence the other party. Yet, Di Donglei chased after Zhao Zhongyi, out of the building, and into the sky above the city.

Su Jingxing hung far behind them and locked onto their tracks.

They traveled south until they arrived at the Sky Water River. In the end, Di Donglei risked getting injured and was stabbed in the abdomen by Zhao Zhongyi’s sword before he knocked Zhao Zhongyi into the Sky Water River. He then managed to seize the Soul Nurturing Stone and the Buddha Flame Root.


Lying on the bank of the river, Di Donglei pressed down on his wound. As he caught his breath, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Clap! Clap!

Su Jingxing walked out from a corner, clapping his hands.

“Who’s there?!” yelled Di Donglei, turning around.

His expression changed when he saw Su Jingxing’s attire. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

“Waiting for the outcome to be decided between you two.”

Lowering his voice, Su Jingxing chuckled. “As for who I am, there’s no need for you to know.”

Di Donglei remained silent, his face grim.

“You want to save your energy, don’t you?”

Su Jingxing, continued, maintaining his composure, “It would be best if you can save my energy. At the very least, you won’t have to suffer any more injuries…”


A dull thud echoed.

Di Donglei suddenly threw a punch. The blazing light dispersed the night sky and headed straight for Su Jingxing.


Energy surged through the air with a loud explosion.

Yet Su Jingxing disappeared from where he was standing.

Di Donglei’s attack missed.

“That’s not good.”

Su Jingxing appeared about five meters away on Di Donglei’s right. “Can’t we get along peacefully? Why must we fight?”


A blazing fist imprint burst forth with blinding light once again.



His figure flashed as he dodged the attack.

‘When he came to a stop, Su Jingxing controlled a throwing dagger that flew through the air.


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

“ah! Ah!”

Accompanied by Di Donglei’s screams, the throwing dagger first pierced through his arm, then spun like a cutting machine and severed his palm.

In an instant, Di Donglei’s injuries worsened, and he lost all his offensive power.

Hugging his severed hand, he shuffled on the ground, his eyes filled with fear.

He couldn’t care less about the Soul Nurturing Stone and Buddha Flame Root he had stolen now.

In shock, anger, and indignance, he crawled up from the ground in a sorry state and tottered away.

Su Jingxing did not give chase and allowed him to leave.

When Di Donglei was more than 200 meters away, he then controlled the throwing dagger to shoot through the air like a bolt of lightning. When it caught up, it pierced through his head.

He extracted a card and stored it in his palm space.

Putting away the Soul Nurturing Stone and the Buddha Flame Root as well, Su Jingxing turned around and soared into the sky.

Along the way, he made an anonymous call to the crematorium’s customer service office and informed them of the location of Di Donglei’s corpse.

Back at his small courtyard at the foot of the mountain.

$u Jingxing took out both treasures and inspected them one by one.

The first was Soul Nurturing Stone, which was exactly the same as the one he had bought.

All 12 similar Soul Nurturing Stones had to be present to be effective.

The probability of him being able to gather all of them was too low.

Even the group of people Su Jingxing knew about didn’t have 10 of them in their possession.

Therefore, he decided to leave these stones aside for now.

On the other hand, the Buddha Flame Root was a great item.

Su Jingxing had spent 500 million dollars on it.

He never expected that someone would be so bold as to seize the mysterious stone tablet directly at the auction venue. That saved him a big sum of money.

Now that an auction item had been stolen from the hall, the Myriad Treasures Court would undoubtedly be enraged. If they didn’t capture the person who stole the stone tablet, their reputation built up over centuries would crumble overnight.

Therefore, the days ahead would be lively.

Su Jingxing paid close attention as he prepared to fuse with the Buddha Flame Root.

If he could increase the add a flame attribute to Heaven Trampling True Energy, he wouldn’t need to make anonymous phone calls to the crematorium to get the Corpse Collection Teams to pick up corpses anymore.


His phone suddenly rang.

Su Jingxing snapped back to his senses and picked it up. It was a call from Shen Qian.

He immediately answered the call.

“Senior, the person who sold the strange Energy Gathering Stone previously contacted us again. He said he has a few more of those strange Energy Gathering Stones. Do you want them?”


Su Jingxing stifled a laugh. “Answer him. I want the Energy Gathering Stones, but the price will be the same as before. If there’s no problem, we can meet at the same time and place.”


Shen Qian hung up.

“These guys sure react fast.”

$u Jingxing laughed as he played with his phone.

News of a robbery at the Myriad Treasures Court would quickly spread.

The information of the Soul Nurturing Stone would also spread to the ears of the major factions.

Given the strength of the group of people who sold the Soul Cultivation Stone to Su Jingxing, once it was found that they were the owners of the Soul Cultivation Stone, there was no way they could fend any visitors off. They would soon be killed and the stones taken away.

Originally, this shouldn’t happen.

After all, the Myriad Treasures Court had a good reputation and never asked for customer information.

However, even the Myriad Treasures Court had been implicated tonight. No one could guarantee that they would be able to keep the information privy.

As long as one wanted to investigate, they would eventually find out.

On top of that, these people did not have the complete set of Soul Nurturing Stones in their possession, so they had no use keeping them.

Rather than being put in a passive position and feeling jittery, getting nervous at the slightest disturbance, they might as well exchange them for a large sum of money so that they could settle this once and for all.

$u Jingxing had offered five million dollars per Soul Nurturing Stone. This price wasn’t low.

Of course, for Old Wang, who had entrusted the Soul Nurturing Stone to the Myriad Treasures Court to auction, he would probably faint from crying in the toilet.

Not only was the sky-high price of two billion dollars gone, even five million dollars was now out of the question.

Although the Myriad Treasures Court would compensate him for the loss of the item, such compensation was limited. He still suffered a huge loss.

How could he not cry at such a blow?!

The phone rang again.

$u Jingxing answered the call. On the other end of the line, Shen Qian said quickly, “Senior, the other party has agreed to meet at the usual time and place!”


Su Jingxing replied before ending the call.

Then, he switched on his computer and transferred 30 million Great Yu dollars to Shen Qian’s account.

Then, he changed into his usual attire.

‘When it was about time, he headed for the Central Square.

He flew through the air and arrived at the pavilion.

It was not 11PM yet but a few people were already gathered in the pavilion.

Su Jingxing took a few glances through the air. They were the same group of men he had seen last time.

Immediately, he descended from the sky and walked out from a corner.

“It’s him!”

The man who was looking around was the first to spot Su Jingxing. He pointed at him from a distance and shouted, “The big client is here! Get ready, brothers!”

“Cough, cough!”

The few of them straightened up immediately, each of them holding a box in their hands as they waited respectfully for Su Jingxing.

“Did you bring the items?”

‘When Su Jingxing got close, he got straight to the point.

“Yes, yes, we did.”

The man nodded hastily. Then, he motioned for his companions to open the boxes in their hands, revealing the Soul Nurturing Stones inside.

Hu! Hu!

With a wave of his hand, Su Jingxing released his true energy and controlled the Soul Nurturing Stones to float in the air.

Pieces of Soul Nourishing Stones flew towards him and he carefully sensed them.

After confirming that they were identical to the two he had already obtained, he waved his hand and stored the five Soul Nurturing Stones into his palm space.

Of course, in the eyes of the group, he had merely put them into his cloak.

Including these five, Su Jingxing now had a total of seven Soul Nurturing Stones.

suppressing his smile, he sent a text message to Shen Qian telling her to transfer the money.

Moments later, the phones of the few people beside the man all beeped.

They quickly took them out. When they saw a string of zeros on the screen, they were overjoyed and cheered excitedly.

“Thank you, thank you!”

They bowed respectfully to Su Jingxing before turning around and leaving.

“Wait,” Su Jingxing called out softly.

The group froze in place, not daring to move.

They knew that Su Jingxing seemed to be a fourth-grade expert.

If they tried to escape forcefully after being targeted by a fourth-grade expert, their lives might be in danger.

Therefore, they stood rooted to the ground, not daring to move.

“Yes… Yes…”

“Relax,” said Su Jingxing coolly. “I just want to ask a question.”

“Please… go ahead.”

$u Jingxing asked, “Which segment of the Sky Water River did you pick up these stones from?”

“Just… downstream, near the southern bank of the river,” answered the man timidly.

“Was there anything else besides stones” Su Jingxing continued to probe.


“Are you sure?” asked Su Jingxing, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course, of course!” said the man, raising his hand. “At least I didn’t find any other stones!”

“Me neither!”

“didn’t either. There were only these rocks by the river back then. They looked good to us, so we took one each.”

“Right, right. When we brought them home afterward, we realized that it felt comfortable holding these stones. Especially when we were sleeping.”

“Sub-subsequently, when we heard about your acquisition of Energy Gathering Stones, we wondered if you wanted these stones too, so we contacted you.”

The few of them began explaining the entire situation in detail with each person chiming in here and that.

They were afraid that Su Jingxing would disregard his reputation and lay his hands on them.

Su Jingxing fell into deep thought after listening to what they said.

His powerful perception told him that these people weren’t lying.

However, it was somewhat surprising that there were only Soul Nurturing Stones and nothing else.

“It’s fine now, you guys can leave,” said Su Jingxing, signaling the man and his companions to leave.

Upon hearing this, the group fled at once and were gone in a flash.

Su Jingxing stayed where he was. As usual, he locked onto them using his perception.

After putting some distance between them, he sprang into the air and tailed them.

That’s right.

With his powerful perception, he could tell that they were telling the truth.

But they could only share half or even less of it!

As long as they deliberately controlled themselves, Su Jingxing wouldn’t be able to sense it.

He chose to let them go and follow behind them.

Once the group of men relaxed, there was a good chance that they would reveal whatever they had concealed.

Which was exactly what Su Jingxing wanted to know.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The night wind blew.

As Su Jingxing flew through the air, his body shifted rapidly, almost invisible to ordinary people.

He hung behind the man and his companions from a distance and came to a house in an estate.

After closing the door and windows, the few of them slumped into their chairs and panted heavily.

Hiding in a corner downstairs, Su Jingxing activated Advanced Hearing to listen in on their movements.

Moments later.

“Tell me, what should we do with the flag?”

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