God destroys the tool!

These three words set off a huge wave in the heart of the fallen angel Li Nali.

As long as everyone in the circle of gods and demons mixes almost knows the meaning of these three words.

As it says, this is a weapon that can destroy gods, of course, it does not mean that you can kill gods as long as you have a god destroyer, but it allows you to have this possibility, the possibility of being able to kill gods.

Who is this person, who actually said that he would recycle the God Exterminator…

Linali began to be curious about the person in front of her, but more fearful.

If you want to go back alive, you must go back alive, as long as you return to the side of Lord Asashel the Fallen Angel Governor alive, and bring this news back, maybe you can not only be exempted from the punishment of this mission, but also get the reward of Lord Asashel!

Thinking of Asashel’s reward, Linaly’s face flushed, and Linali had a strong will to survive at this time.

Su Chen was a little speechless as he looked at the changed face of this fallen angel.

This woman is a head show funny!

In this case, you can still look like a spring.

“Sir, I answered everything you wanted, can you release me?” Lina Li looked at Su Chen with a smile.

Zheng snorted

Su Chen pulled out the Divine Blade.

Just as Linali stood up and flapped her wings and was about to fly away, several silver chains suddenly appeared in the void, locking her limbs tightly, and she was suspended in the air in a large shape.

Linali kept struggling, but she couldn’t shake the slightest.

“No need to pull it, this is also a chain forged by the gods, if it is torn off by a low-level fallen angel like you, where will I put my face!” Su Chen said.

“Sir, didn’t you say you were going to let me go!” Linali screamed in horror, her body twisting to break free from the chains.

“I meant to let you go, but now I suddenly changed my mind.” Su Chen said, “I want to do an experiment. ”

“Let me go, my lord, please, let me go, how can you talk without counting!” When Linali heard the words experiment, her face turned even paler than before, and her face was almost distorted.


What kind of experiment would be used on a captive, it could be a fatal experiment!

At this moment, Li Nali’s heart was filled with the fear of death.

“As if the fall of angels is an irreversible process.”

In the recorded case, after the fall of angels, it is impossible to become angels again and enter heaven.

However, Su Chen did not think so, the more likely reason for the fall of angels was that the belief or belief in the angel’s heart changed, and it turned from white to black.

After Asashel’s wings turned from white to black, he fell from heaven to the ground, and the angels who fell with him changed their faith because they admired Asashel and did not believe in God.

Of course, some fallen angels do not worship Assachel, but because their hearts nourish darkness and evil, and they are willing to fall.

Su Chen felt that if she forcibly changed the belief of a fallen angel, she might be able to transform her into an angel again.

And this fallen angel in front of you can just try whether it is as expected.

The pitch-black code of faith was opened.

Through the Divine Code of Faith, Su Chen shrouded her divine power in Linali, trying to forcibly change the faith in her heart.

Under that layer of light curtain, Linali’s face was extremely terrifying, and then various emotions appeared on her face,

Resentment, fear, fear, infatuation, piety…

Constant change.

And the black wings, which represent the fall of angels, also began to transform, alternating between white and black.

Linali screamed in pain, followed by another moan/moan of comfort.

After several times, it finally stopped.

At this time, Li Nali’s pair of wings turned black and white, and the painful look on her face disappeared, replaced by an incomparably infatuated and reverent gaze towards Su Chen.


Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, he was really exhausted, and almost half of his divine power was only used to make one of Li Nali’s wings turn white.

But this method seems to be feasible, but it is too expensive, no wonder the previous gods did not care about these fallen angels.

Instead of turning them back into angels, it would be easier for another angel to be born in the pool of angels.

“Lord.” Linari Sakura, who was hanging in the air, lightly spit out this word.

“Huh? Is this a success? Su Chen was not sure, after all, at this time, Li Nali’s wings still had a black one.

However, Su Chen still withdrew the chain and put Linali down.

After Li Nali landed, she knelt down on one knee in front of Su Chen and lowered her head.

“My Lord, please forgive Linali for her previous offense.”

“Forgive you.” Su Chen said.

“Thank you for the mercy of our Lord.”

“You put your head up.”

When Linali heard this, she raised her lowered head and looked at Su Chen.

Half sacred, half enchanting, the eyes revealed the color of fascination and piety, but the deepest part of that eye was endless madness, crazy attachment to Su Chen.

“This won’t make a fanatic come out.” Su Chen muttered in his heart.

It was just an experiment, or a whim of my own, but I didn’t expect such a situation to come out.

But it’s not a bad thing.

“Your strength seems to have risen to the level of a superior angel.” Su Chen said that after the baptism of such a huge divine power she had just had, some of her divine power had been absorbed and nourished by Linali and improved her strength.

“This is all thanks to the gift of our Lord.”

“Okay, don’t tell me this tone, I’m not very used to it.” Su Chen waved his hand and said, “You can use your usual style.” ”

“Huh? What style does the Lord want? After listening to Su Chen’s words, Linali tilted her head in confusion, “Linali doesn’t know!” ”

For this kind of deliberately cute behavior, Su Chen just rubbed his temples weakly, “As you like!” ”


It seems that the last chapter of the dungeon has been blocked…

“It seems to be right…”

After solving the few monsters in front of him, Su Chen picked up a few crystal-like things on the ground and turned around and walked towards the direction of the steps.

Su Chen walked down a total of two layers, tested the strength of these two layers of monsters, and it was getting stronger and stronger. Moreover, Su Chen was looking for monsters not far from the steps to deal with, so as to prevent him from finding his way back after stepping into a maze-like cave.

The results of these two layers proved that Su Chen’s previous guess was correct, this is indeed a similar place to SAO, but the distribution of the structure is different, and the monster is getting stronger and stronger from top to bottom.

“Then go up and see…” Since the guess is not wrong, then going up is the top floor, and the top layer should be a novice village similar to the initial town of SAO, where there should be some information you need.

It’s just that he didn’t meet the “players” here along the way, so Su Chen was a little helpless, could it be that those players had already gone to the bottom? But if it’s really a game, there should be players of different stages! Or maybe this game is not played by anyone, but everything here is more real than SAO, there is no reason why such a game is not popular? Could it be that the outside world is a world with highly developed technology, and such games have been eliminated?

However, although these questions made Su Chen feel puzzled, they could only be left behind, and the most important thing now was to reach the top first, and I believe that my doubts should be answered when they got there.

All the way up, after almost ten minutes. Finally I saw the end of the steps, and there was a gate not far away, which should be the exit.


Climbing the stairs, he pushed open the heavy door.

It was already dark outside, the lights were dim, and compared with the lighting crystals in the cave tunnel, the lighting measures outside were not very perfect, only a few lamps hung around, emitting a faint light.

Although the light is not very full, it is enough to see the surrounding environment clearly.

Surrounded by a marble hall on which several large circular columns support a large ceiling covering it, and this door is just in front of this hall.

Out of the hall is a circular square with a small circular fountain in the center of the square, surrounded by many stone chairs and benches, which is a place for people to rest.

Seeing such an environment, Su Chen was more convinced that this was a game world like SAO, and the layout environment outside this door was too similar to the square at the entrance of the maze in SAO.

It’s just that there aren’t any people around…

“If you want to ask someone, you still have to go to the front and take a look.” Su Chen looked at the brightly lit street not far from the square and whispered to himself.



Looking at the gaze cast from all directions, Su Chen, who was carrying a big sword, frowned.

Su Chen’s clothing is modern casual wear, here is the same place full of medieval style as SAO, Su Chen’s dress is naturally a little different, it is easy to attract attention.

Therefore, the people around him pointed at Su Chen and made whispered comments.

With Su Chen’s ear power, of course, Su Chen could hear what these people were saying, but this made Su Chen’s mood even more irritable, and he couldn’t understand what they were saying at all.

The language barrier, after staying in SAO for a year and a half, Su Chen almost forgot this, and now he has to face this problem, which makes Su Chen very helpless.

Su Chen also hoped that there could be the same thing as SAO’s system settings, but he didn’t find that maybe this is a real world instead of a virtual world?

It is not impossible, each world will have its own characteristics, maybe this world is a world full of game colors?

“Hey—” Su Chen sighed a little tiredly.

Ignoring the people pointing on the side, Su Chen began to look along the street.


This is the easiest place to get information, go first and find the bar before thinking about what to do next. The architecture here is very similar to that of SAO, so it should not be difficult to find a bar.

While thinking about the next way, Su Chen looked for a bar-like place along the street.

There are too many problems to be solved next, if you are identical, you can say that you are a foreigner, and there is a problem of food and housing, so you can’t sleep on the street. The most important thing is money, if you have money, you can do anything, but I don’t know what the universal currency here is. According to Su Chen’s guess, the crystal-like things dropped by those monsters before should be exchangeable for money, but I don’t know where to exchange them.

What is his strength in this world, the place that just entered this world should only be regarded as a relatively weak layer, because at the step I see that the step has been circling down, deep and bottomless, that is, there are many layers down, the monsters there are more powerful, the minotaur who first knocked down is not strong, although it is effortless to clean up, but it is only the monsters at the bottom, if you go deep into the lower level, what about those monsters? In the end, strength is the most important, as long as you are strong, you can live in this world no matter what.


Just as Su Chen was thinking about how to deal with the next problem, he felt that he had bumped into something, and a scream entered Su Chen’s ears, pulling Su Chen’s thoughts back.

Well, I was thinking a little intently just now, and I bumped into people….

A silver-haired girl in a maid’s costume fell to the ground, her brows were slightly wrinkled, her face had some pain, the fall just now hurt her a little, scattered some ingredients around her, it was just now.

“Sorry!” Incidentally, she uttered the words of apology, and then she was dumb, she should not understand her own words.

Su Chen smiled bitterly and picked up the girl, and then bent down to pick up the scattered ingredients and give them to the girl.

“Thank you sir, I left too quickly just now…” Xi’er took the bag of ingredients and thanked Su Chen, the store was too busy today, the people of the Loki clan were holding a party in the store, and there were many other customers, the ingredients in the store were not enough, so I had to come out to buy ingredients in the evening. Just now, after buying the ingredients, I rushed back to the store, but I didn’t expect to hit someone, and then I fell.

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