The screams led all the rest of the guards over, but these were all in vain, and many people in Su Chen’s hands were devoured by antimatter before they even had time to shout.

Not a single person escaped, all disappeared, and under the antimatter, nothing remained.

In the empty room, only Su Chen and the little girl with pink hair remained.

At first, this little girl still looked at Su Chen with a little fear, but when the men in black were solved by Su Chen one by one, she lowered her head as if she were resigned, and the upper elements that had condensed into electric sparks also dissipated.


Me, what is it?

The young maiden kept asking herself, asking her parents, asking questions about those who kidnapped her to make gems.

On the day she was seven years old, she awakened the ability to be D, and she could create a wonderful substance, an incredible black sphere that was like the night and had the color of the starry sky, with touch but no weight, only the size of a palm.

The black sphere also changed into something in her mind, and the girl happily told her parents about it.

They were so surprised that they were in ecstasy, and they asked the girl to make the gem.

In order to make her parents happy, the girl tried to make several beautiful gemstones, and her parents were very happy to receive the gemstones made by the girl.

Since then, the girl’s family, which was not very wealthy, has suddenly changed, and they have become the few rich people in the local area.

But the girl’s parents have also changed, and the parents who used to need to work outside the home for many years have stayed at home after the girl can make gemstones, and the gaze that looks at the girl is no longer the doting gaze before, but mixed with a gaze that the girl can’t understand.

The girl doesn’t know why this happened, she just listened to her parents’ hopes and kept making gemstones.

But the doubts in my heart are getting deeper and deeper.

Why am I the only one with the power in me?

– Me, what is it?

——You, a special human being!

This is the parent’s answer, and the girl who hears this answer is temporarily relieved.

However, the good times did not last long, and such days were broken in less than a year.

The girl’s family suddenly changed from an ordinary family to a wealthy local gem merchant family, and rare gemstones continued to appear.

This aroused their covetousness, and one dark night, a group of men in black with guns burst into the house and took the girl to a place out of nowhere.

Her parents are taken hostage, and the girl is forced to start making gemstones for the group of men in black.

Although they can’t go out, as long as they continue to make gemstones, this group of men will be gentle with themselves, and most of the things they want will be given to themselves.

Once, the girl also tried to ask them that question.

– Me, what is it?

– You are D!

Completely different from the answer she got from her parents, the girl finally learned that she was one of the very few people in the world who could generate superior elements.

This answer, the girl did not accept, she did not want to be treated differently from humans, after questioning the men in black one by one, the girl began to ask herself in the mirror.

Me, what is it?

The girl was making gems in the room as usual, but an unfamiliar voice sounded in the room.

“Is that so!”

A slight voice sounded in this quiet room, reaching the girl’s ears.

The girl raised her head and turned her gaze to where the voice came from.

The girl was convinced that she had never met this person, who was he?

Just now, she had exposed the fact that she was D, and in order to protect herself, the girl couldn’t help but step back a little, and the upper element used to generate rubies was also converted into high-voltage electric light and exploded.

After that, the men who continued to come in were all devoured by this man with a black light, without exception.

This man easily killed the men who kidnapped him.

The girl was scared, but soon became indifferent, just to change her own owner, maybe in the future to make gems for this person.

“Me, what is it?” The girl asked tentatively, wanting to know what she was treating herself in this person’s eyes.

“You?” The man thought for a while and said, “A delicious cute loli!” ”

Delicious cute loli?

What is it?

Is it something you eat?

The girl wondered what this meant, and then asked again, “Am I human?” ”

The man smiled and replied, “Of course it is!”

The girl’s calm heart made waves, it turned out that she was really a human being!

However, the girl continued to ask, “I, is it D?” ”


Himself is D?

So what the hell is herself, the girl is a little confused.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

“Tia’s name is Tia!” In return, the girl answered the question of the man in front of her.

“It’s called Tia, a nice name.”

Tia’s name turned out to be very good, and the girl’s heart was a little joyful.


“So, Tia, are you going with me now, or do you want to go somewhere else?” Su Chen asked with a smile.

Suddenly asked this kind of question, Tia was a little overwhelmed, she was passively controlled by others, but now she had to make her own choice, and she didn’t know what to do, so she looked at the room where her parents were under house arrest in confusion.

“Dad, Mom…”

Su Chen nodded with a smile, then walked to Tia’s side and gently touched Tia’s little head, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to meet your parents.” ”

Hearing this, Tiya got up from the bed and put on small pink leather boots and followed behind Su Chen.

Tia’s parents were locked up in a room across from her.

Because of the previous screams, the two were snuggling in the corner at the moment, shivering, and their eyes widened when they saw Tia walking in behind a strange man.

“Dad! Mom! When she saw her parents, Tia quickly ran to the two of them with small steps.

“Tia!” Tia’s parents saw Tia running towards them, shouted excitedly, and then hugged her tightly in their arms, “I’m sorry, Tia, it’s all mom and dad’s fault, I’m sorry!” ”

The two of them were in tears and kept apologizing.

“Okay, let’s go! I’ll take you out of here first. Su Chen said on the side.

Tia’s parents stood up and looked at Su Chen gratefully.

Su Chen took the three of them to the nearest town, and when he left, he instructed, “If you want a peaceful life, it’s best not to let Tia use that power anymore, if it really doesn’t work, send Tia to Midgar!” Tia would be safe there. ”

“So, can Tia still see you?” Standing in the middle of her parents, Tia asked expectantly.

“Yes, I’m there in Midgar.” Su Chen replied.

Although I wanted to find a supporter, the results were not very satisfactory.

Su Chen also asked several supporters if they were willing to join his team, but they were all rejected.

This situation made Su Chen a little frustrated, until finally asked the last supporter, this supporter mocked him with contempt, scumbag equipment, novice rookie, Laozi can’t look at you.

Although Su Chen really wanted to slap this goods to death, he also knew why he couldn’t find a supporter.

So Su Chen patted this guy’s shoulder very friendly, and then squeezed this guy’s shoulder fiercely with a force. It wasn’t until this guy cried and begged for mercy that he let him go.


Su Chen pondered for a while.

Indeed, he now has no equipment other than a one-handed sword, and even other novice adventurers will wear the newbie standard equipment that they received from the guild.

However, Su Chen did not go to the guild to get it, mainly because these equipment were armor-style, hard and heavy, and it was not only uncomfortable to wear on the body, but also affected his performance. If it is the same as in SAO, if it does not weigh much on the body, it can be worn in that way.

Not to mention those adventurers with a bit of strength, their equipment is very good at first glance, cleanly wiped and shiny in the sun. This kind of person with good equipment gives people the feeling at first glance that he is powerful, and it will be safe to mix with him.

Although the supporters do not need to deal with the monster themselves, they also have to consider their own safety. Dungeons are not places to visit, danger can arise at any time, and even if you don’t have to face monsters yourself, there is no guarantee that there will be no danger to life. Follow powerful adventurers to keep yourself safe.

Because of this, no one was willing to join Su Chen, an adventurer who didn’t even have a set of decent equipment.

“Then go buy a set of equipment first!”

Su Chen planned to buy a set of equipment to wear, and first rely on this to find a supporter.

As for when you get to the dungeon, just take it off….

Anyway, there are supporters, just hold it for him.

There is a weapons shop near this square, which is dedicated to adventurers from the dungeon.

Su Chen entered this weapons store and spent nearly fifty thousand Wallis to buy a set of black armor.

Coming out of the weapons shop, Su Chen changed into this set of armor, shining in the sun.

He knocked casually on the armor, making a thick metallic sound.

“Good!” Su Chen smiled, this appearance made him look like a rookie novice.

Leaving the weapon shop, Su Chen came to the square again, and now there are more people in the square, and the adventurers are all ready to go to the dungeon.

“This big brother, although it is very presumptuous, do you need support?” A crisp voice came from behind Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled, no, as soon as he changed his equipment, someone took the initiative to ask to join.

Sure enough, people rely on clothing!

Turning around, Su Chen also saw the appearance of the owner of the voice.

This is a little girl about a meter, wearing a loose and wide robe in khaki, and carrying a backpack three or four times larger than herself.

Little Terrans!

This was Su Chen’s first reaction when he saw the other party, because if it weren’t for the little Terrans, this girl who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old shouldn’t have come here, let alone carry such a big backpack.

Su Chen had also seen a small Terran before, that is, a person in the Loki clan yesterday, although he looked like a Zhengtai, but in fact, he was already very large, and listening to their conversation, it seemed that he was still the leader of the Loki clan.

So Su Chen thought for the first time that the girl in front of him was a villain.

The girl who wrapped herself tightly raised her head slightly, and she could see some corn-colored hair that was exposed, and a sweet smile like flattering on her cute little face.

“This big brother, you seem to want to find a supporter, how do you see Lili?” The girl who called herself Lili once again asked to join Su Chen’s team.

“Don’t look at Lili like this, but as a supporter, Lili is still very powerful.” The girl who called herself Lili looked at Su Chen flatteringly while recommending herself, her eyes still glancing at Su Chen’s armor and one-handed sword from time to time.

“Oh? Do you want to be my supporter? With Su Chen’s eyesight, he could naturally notice Lili’s small movements, but he didn’t care, feeling that it should be natural for a supporter to observe the adventurer’s equipment like this.

Equipment is also part of strength, and it is normal for supporters to judge the strength of adventurers through equipment.

“In that case, then you should follow.” Since there was a supporter who recommended himself, Su Chen did not plan to find other supporters.

Although it looks a bit like child labor, but in fact it is a small human race, it doesn’t matter.

“Thank you so much big brother for being willing to take Lily.” Lili bowed to Su Chen very moved.

“Well, keep up!” Su Chen nodded and said.


Two figures, one big and one small, walked into the gate of the dungeon.

Along the way, Lili said a lot, and Su Chen only answered two words occasionally, but even then Lili was very happy.

“Master Su Chen, what level are you planning to go to today?” Lily asked again.

“Twelve floors.” Yesterday I went to the tenth and eleventh floors, so today I will start on the twelfth floor.

“Twelfth floor? So, is Lord Su Chen an adventurer in LV2? ”

“No, I’m only lv1.”

“Then why are you going to the twelfth floor?” To be honest, Lili already wanted to retreat a little, although the equipment on Su Chen’s body looked good, it was difficult to make up for a level gap.

Even if Su Chen could guarantee his own safety, but with a supporter, in this case, if his life was in danger, Lili felt that he would definitely be abandoned.

Because in Lily’s eyes, adventurers are all selfish.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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