God Of All Systems

Chapter 102 Realm Of The Ancient Fairies! 1

Among the multiple universes within the current multiverse, there was a universe with its timeline and time flow connected to the exact cosmic time flow of the present cultivation universe. Within the galaxy of this mentioned universe was a planet that had magic as its source of energy, and because of that, this particular planet had features that distinguished it from regular planets in the cultivation universe. From outside space, one could see nine green-colored large circles interconnected and revolving around the planet; these are the magic circles that supply the planets of the magic universe and multiverses. At an unknown location within this magic planet, there exists an ancient civilization that seemed to have its inspiration from the medieval ages from Earth 101. Everything about this planet screamed all about medieval times; the houses, housing arrangements, and castles; the only discernible difference was the presence of magic on this planet. This planet is the Realm of the Ancient Fairies. And for some unknown reason, their magic universe is connected to a cultivation multiverse, allowing them to inherit the advantages and disadvantages of the cultivation multiverse and its power structure.

Like all universes within the cultivation multiverse, this ancient magic universe also had separate dimensions and realms similar but different from the cultivation worlds. That's because this planet utilizes the energy called magic and not Qi, and for that reason, its separate dimensions and realms are mostly constructed with green energy essences and not gold or white like the cultivation worlds.

Slowly zooming into this planet known as the 'Realm of Ancient Fairies,' there stood an ancient majestic palace surrounded by numerous magical infrastructures. The palace had several large ancient runes and magic circles circling above it that constantly poured endless magic essence into it. Everything about the palace depicted magical sacredness and brilliance from a distant view. The palace was thousands of feet tall and could reach past the clouds. Below the ancient magical palace was a city with magical brilliance lesser than the magnificent palace. The scenery was calm and ancient as one could see thunder and lightning rigorously sparkling within the dark clouds above the palace.

Within the ancient magic palace, nine individuals, all wearing white and golden robes with ancient lavish embroideries, could be seen standing on different shaped floating platforms within a massive hall. The floating platforms had magical essences swirling within them as if they were created from magic. The nine recognized individuals had long robes and thick golden face nets that hid their genders and physical features. The floating entities hovered in a circling fashion, forming a large circle, and at the center of the nine beings was an opened book with a single page, but one could see the absence of two other torn pages from the book, indicating that the book initially had three pages.

The nine individuals stood sumptuously with crossed arms beneath their gowns while portraying superior demeanors and temperaments. Although they had thick face nets shielding their faces from sight, each of the nine individuals had extremely glowing white eyes to the point one could see the glowing lights through the thick face nets. The scene was calm yet tense and serious from the eerieness these nine beings exhibited. But the next moment, one of the nine individuals standing on a square-shaped platform spoke; the person's voice sounded like a charming female voice.
"The traitor who stole the Dao of prediction page from the "Ancient Book Of Knowledge" has been captured; with a soul search, we discovered that the page is currently in possession of a mortal girl from the cultivation universe. And you all know what that means!."


Silenced permeated the massive hall as the speaking female figure went silent after emphasizing her last statement; it was as if saying, ' you all know where this situation is going.' And indeed, the hall went silent for a while as all the figures on their respective platforms didn't utter a single comment. It was as if they were contemplating their next course of action. Slightly raising her head, the female-voiced figure stared at the floating black book at the center as she continued.

​ "If we enter the Cultivation Universe, the multiple Saint Ancestors will sense our magic fairy circles, and they might view our unannounced presence as a violation of the "Dao Treaty." And if we inform them about our motive, their greed will only be captivated, leading to an all-out war between our universes."

The female-voiced figure ended her speech. But then, another female standing on a rectangular platform spoke. This other female-voiced figure began speaking while simultaneously, magic essence leaked from her garments and formed into the shape of the universe they were talking about.

"I have initiated an analysis of the universe on the "Doa of Prediction" page. From the magical data collected from the "Cosmic Tree of Knowledge," it seems this lower realm is where the traitor, Marin, flees and recuperates after suffering severe injuries from stealing the "Dao of Prediction" page. And it also seems the girl who possesses the page is from this lower realm, but-"

The female-voiced figure paused as the magical hologram displaying the entire galaxies, stars, and planets within the discussed Cultivation Universe, slowly zoomed in on a single planet. On the magical display, from the countless shining dots, which were the planets and stars, the planet currently zoomed on was golden colored, entirely different from the white-colored shining dots. The planet being zoomed at on the magic hologram was none other than the lower realm, which a certain Omnivastant Being declared the "First Realm."

The golden-colored planet drew the attention of all nine Ancient Fairies as their glowing eyes shone brighter the more they gazed at the magical hologram. Three of the nine beings even duplicated the hologram as they floated before them, showing how shocked they were upon seeing this golden planet. The female-voiced figure standing on the rectangular platform had a change of expression as one could see the bright glowing lights in her eyes steadily dimming. She continued.

"Yes, this lower realm seems to be connected to its universe, but at the same time, possesses an independent cosmic time-flow, dimension, and energy source. Unless this is a Saint Ancestor playing the role of a god, there shouldn't be a situation where even an Immortal realm has its separate time flow from its Cosmic source, let alone a lower realm. Someone is tampering with their cosmic fabrics of reality, dimensionality, and time flow."

"Some newly ascended Saint Ancestor playing god isn't something worth discussing. Our goal is to obtain the "Dao of Prediction" page without alerting the powerhouses of the cultivation universe. According to your extracted data, it seems this lower realm is still connected to its Immortal Realm, and with the power of the Dao of Prediction page, the girl possessing it should have ascended. And with my Divine Dao, it seems this Immortal Realm would be hosting an event on a universal scale called the opening of the Desolate Realm. We can use this distraction to obtain the page. Any objections?"

A male voice sounded from the ancient figure on the triangle floating platform; this person had one of the duplicated magic holograms floating before him. The other ancient fairy Saint Ancestors listened to the man's words; all had unreactive responses. Noticing the silence, the man continued.

"Since there aren't any objections, I will assume that we are all in favor of my idea. I shall begin the preparations to deploy ten thousand Star Celestials and four Saints to claim our Ancient fairy race's ancient treasure-


An ear-deafening rumbling sound reverberated in the massive hall, followed by a gigantic lightning bolt directly striking through the ceiling and onto the book floating at the center of the nine ancient fairies. But the instant the book was about to be struck by lightning, the female figure on the square platform slightly nodded as the black book vanished and entered the void, ultimately causing the lightning to miss the book and strike the floor within the ancient hall. Another rumbling sound followed as the lightning instantly disintegrated the hall floor.

Suddenly, three female figures, each with godly luminance, steadily stepped from the void with elegant steps as they made their entrances into the large hall of the magical palace. These three female figures were none other than the wives of Patrick Alexander King, Athena, Anna, and Thalia. The three Goddesses hovered within the hall as they stared at the nine ancient fairy entities on their floating platforms.

Despite witnessing their ancient palace being attacked and their religious book almost destroyed, the nine ancient individuals didn't have the slightest bit of angry reaction; on the contrary, they all had calm and unresponsive attitudes toward the three Goddesses hovering in the hall. But then, a figure standing on a pentagon-shaped platform drifted unhurriedly forwards, coming closer to Athena's group; the figure then spoke, the voice being that of a woman's.

"It seems you made it easy for us. We have been expecting you, Shi Ling."

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