God Of All Systems

Chapter 108 Feast And Fuck

A few minutes ago, before arriving in the glass-made lodge, Athena, Anna, Thalia, and Marin stood on a forest mountain peak as they stared at the Fengian Sage city millions of miles in the distance. The three Goddesses still had their previous dresses on with multiple body accessories. Marine also had her magical blue dress with bare feet. But while Marine had a calm look, Athena, Anna, and Thalia had vibrant smiley, blushy, and excited expressions; one could tell they were enthusiastic about seeing Patrick. Due to the excited moods of the three Goddesses, the surrounding nearby infant plants, flowers, and trees instantly grew and produced flowers and fruits.

'I can't believe unfathomable beauties like them are this excited to meet someone; if I hadn't known the person they were so eager to see, I would say no one in the multiverse is worthy of them, even I pale in comparison to their beauties. Apart from the fact that they are godly beauties, they also possess powers equal, if not greater than the gods themselves. Seeing that they can even control the passage of time and evolution of these plants, it's quite a migraine trying to think they are even real, let alone comprehend their existences, sigh~.'

Marine stood behind the three ladies, internally expressing her thoughts as she watched their excited faces; they were like women fantasizing about their dream men, completely lost in their fantasies. Seeing the unconscious state of Athena, Anna, and Thalia, Marine lightly coughed with a hand over her mouth, interrupting the ladies from their unconscious happy moods.


Hearing Marine's cough, Thalia was the first to react; she also coughed as her blushful expression slowly vanished; Anna had a shy expression as she shyly stared at Marin, trying to hide her excitement, and Athena also lost her blush, speaking after.

"Please don't mind us, fairy Marine; it has been three weeks since we saw him."

"No need for lady Athena to defend yourselves; it's only appropriate for the ladies to act like this; I was once young too, so please don't defend your desires."

Marine replied with a warm smile as she eased off on the three ladies.

"Well, ladies, time to see our charming 'moron.'"

Thalia spoke as the space before the group simultaneously and willingly opened like sliding doors, leading to the glass-made lodge. But instead of walking through the door, the opened space door approached the group as they were then in the glass-made lodge.

"Welcome back, my dear lovely wives."

Within the sparkling glass-made lodge, which was as big as a 21st-century three-story mansion, Patrick stood with open arms as he stared at the four ladies on the opposite side of the long table, his eyes fixed on Athena, Thalia, and Anna. He walked directly through the table with open arms as he steadily approached the ladies; as Patrick came closer to them, Athena, Anna, and Thalia respectfully and elegantly lowered their heads as they greeted him. Irrespective of being his wives, the three Goddesses still first acknowledge Patrick as the Absolute Infinity Omni-God/King and Omniversal One.

Seeing this scene, Marinella wasn't the slightest bit surprised. At this point, she was forced to adjust to these incomprehensible entities' paranormal and unnatural actions; even the student she once knew is now someone whose existence can't even be fathomed. So she didn't assume any surprising expression this time, even after seeing the being in question, Patrick Alexander King. But unlike the three ladies, Marinella knelt on both knees and bowed her head on the ground, with her palms flat on the glass surface.

Patrick approached the four ladies as he took his last step, simultaneously multiplying into three Patricks. Standing before his wives, he held the chin of each Goddess as he raised their heads. With each Patrick romantically staring directly into the eyes of each Goddess, they spoke in unison.

"Your infinite beauty transcends the concept 'Beauty' itself, my godly wife."

Blushes and ruddiness filled the faces of the three Goddesses as they all smiled simultaneously, with Anna and Athena even blushfully giggling after. The strong-willed and defiant Thalia tilted her head to her right, trying to avoid Patrick's magnetic and enchanting gaze while still softly giggling.

"You don't look bad yourself, dear husband."

Anna spoke while slowly rising; the other two ladies followed. With his wives standing up, the duplicated Patrick returned to normal, as one Patrick. While maintaining his smile, Patrick walked past his ladies as he stood before the kowtowing Marine; making a 'rise' gesture with his left hand, Marinella slowly rose from the ground and stood.

​ "I believe you must be Marine, Anna's former teacher; I am Patrick."

"I already know who you are, your Godship; it is a lifetime blessing and honor to be even allowed to realize your existence, let alone exist in your presence. My name is Marinella Ilk, the one and only daughter of Grail and Marine Ilk. I am and will be endlessly grateful to stand in your presence."

Marinella knelt on one knee as she spoke with a serious and respectable voice.

One might find Marinella's actions as overdramatized for an introduction or even extremely awkward. But one must first realize who Marinella is; Marinella is a Star Celestial ninth-stage magic fairy who possesses the Dao that can predict limited portions of the future; like all magic beings transferred to this Multiverse, Marine can utilize both Qi and Mana energies, making her stronger equal to that of an early-stage Saint in the cultivation Universe.

But despite being this powerful and possessing a Dao of prediction, Marinella was captured and imprisoned under punishment, making her weak compared to her captors. But then there is Athena, Anna, and Thalia, who easily, if not childishly, exterminated an entire group of Saint Ancestors like nothing. And even more, there is Patrick, who is a husband to not only one, but all three of the Goddesses that killed the Saint Ancestors. If one hadn't known the power structure of this Omniverse, one wouldn't understand Marinella's actions.

"Call me Patrick, and please rise; no need for undue formalities between acquaintances. Come, join us and have dinner; you must be hungry."

Hearing Patrick's words, Marine rose with a respectable smile on her face, but she also had a tinge of awkwardness mixed in her smile.
'I must be hungry? Your Godship, I am a Star Celestial, and at the ninth stage,  I can go for at least ten thousand years without food or drink. Even Star Entities can live for centuries without the need for mortal refreshments. Sigh~ Even if given trillions of years, I will never be able to comprehend these individuals, who are literal Divinities, yet they adopt mortal traditions.'

Marine thought instantly as Patrick's group became even more incomprehensible for her.

Patrick turned as he walked through the table again and sat on his godly throne. Athena, Anna, and Thalia were about to head for their respective seats when Thalia spoke while looking at Raleigh, kneeling beside Patrick's throne with an impassive expression.

"First servant already?"

"Yes, meet Osborn, my First Eternity and right-hand man. He is the first among the six."

Patrick replied to Thalia as he asked for the ladies' opinions.

Hearin Patrick's words, Raleigh was then before the thee Goddesses keeling on one knee before the three diving beauties with one hand on his chest and the other on the ground, bowing his head, Raleigh uttered.

"This insignificant and worthless servant presents his existence before the Omni-Queens; may his Primordial Absoluteness infinitely bless the very thoughts of your existences."

Raleigh spoke with utter seriousness and servitude as he awaited the Goddesses' response.

"Raleigh Osborn, huh, not a bad name. You may rise, along with your butlers."

Standing between Anna and Thalia, Athena spoke with a charming voice but expressionless face as she ordered Raleigh and the white-dressed female butlers who were already kneeling to rise. Then, the three ladies walked past Raleigh as they headed for their godly white sofa thrones. Athena and Thalia sat on the right side of Patrick, while Anna sat on Patrick's left side. With the goddesses occupying their seats, Raleigh looked at Marine, still standing at her location, as he nodded to her. Marine also respectfully nodded as she sat on the seat facing Patrick.

'Using the word beautiful or heavenly gorgeous to describe these people is an understatement; even their waiter maids are beyond divine beauty. And I understand that I can't sense this tall red-haired man's power as he is a direct servant, and Patrick and his wives aren't even to be mentioned; but just how strong are these people? I can't even detect the slightest energy from the maids, let alone discern their cultivation realms. What are Gods like these even doing in the lower realms with ants like us? Sigh~ My head hurts from even thinking about them. I should be satisfied that I learned of their existence and that I'm even currently feasting with them and eating these never-know fruits and beast meats.'

Marine expressed her thoughts as she admired and feared Patrick's group even more; even though she appeared at ease, her mind was permeating with dread and fear. Even the weakest among these beings was stronger than her, and she wasn't the least weak in the cultivation realm.

Standing on the far sides of the large dining room with shut eyes were the six human maids Raleigh created, and standing behind the throne on Patrick's right-hand side was Raleigh, standing with a respectable demeanor and posture, with hands behind his back and with closed eyes. He was like the house steward to the maids.

"So, how was your trip? Anything exciting?"

"Nothing worth bothering you with, dear; we only aided some girls and cleaned some noisy insects. What about you, seeing that you have a servant, need we know how and when?"

Athena replied to Patrick's question and then asked about his trip.

As normal time passed, Patrick, his wives, and Marine chatted as they enjoyed their meal. Among the group of five, Patrick's plate got emptied more than three times as his wives, Athena, Anna, and Thalia, each added more food to his plate while also romantically feeding him. The six maids synonymously stepped forward as they added drinks to the women's cups, including Marine's. Seeing the lovely scene of these Gods, Marine began easing her anxiety as she joined in the joke making and storytelling.

Although the diamond chandeliers and white setting in the dining room created an iconic venue, that wasn't the most enjoyable thing about this feast. What was more iconic and epic about the dinner was the outside of the lodge. Outside the three-story lodge in the middle of the chaotic ice blizzard were two mythical beasts engaging in serious combat. One of the beasts was a huge three-horned snow bear with long, piercing bear claws; the bear was as huge as a house. And the other fighting beast was a frost python with lightning eyes and fangs that discharged frost lightning every time it hissed at the bear.

The scene was truly epic as the two magical beasts intensely ravaged each other, with no sign of a winner. Marine couldn't help but fascinate looking at the never-before-seen beasts in her entire lifetime. But what she didn't know was that each of those mentioned beasts was strong enough to kill Heavenly Venerates and possibly injure a God Origin Entity, but that's something the low-dimension-minded Marine will never comprehend.

After a few hours of watching the movie-like fight of the ancient magical beasts, Patrick relaxed on his black-sofa throne as Athena and Anna sat on his laps while playing with his silver hair. Thalia held Patrick's right hand as she caressed it while watching the fight scene. Marine couldn't see Patrick's romantic moments on the other end of the table as she was turned, back-faced to the group while watching the fight. Patrick had his left hand on Anna's ass.

"That's enough show for today; how about you ladies go upstairs and have some refreshments? I will be there in a second."

Nodding their heads, Athena, Anna, and Thalia got up as they elegantly walked up the stairs, saying a good night to Marine.

"We will see you in the morning, Fairy Marine. Good night."

"It was nice meeting you, Lady Athena, Lady Thalia. Please have a good rest."

Marine replied to the ladies' evening byes as she watched them casually climb the stairs to the second and third floors of the lodge. As soon as the three ladies disappeared from the scene, Patrick raised a finger, signaling Raleigh his will. And understanding his creator's will, Raleigh slightly bowed as then the six maids in the dining room instantly disappeared into nothingness, leaving the room to Patrick, Raleigh, and Marine.

"It must be a reality-shattering moment for you to witness these parlor tricks and phenomenal occurrences; I hope you aren't overly startled. And seeing that your plate is empty, I'm assuming you enjoyed the meal?"

"Haha, His Godship-

Please, call me Patrick."

"Very well, Lord Patrick, I first want to express my gratitude for allowing a low being like me to feast with Gods like you. It's truly a life-changing event in my existence. And about the meal, please excuse my craving appetite earlier, to eat a meal that can not only expand my life span for trillions of god eras but also greatly raise my cultivation to an unknown stage which I don't-

More exactly, Miss Marine, the realm you are currently in is known as the 'True God' realm in the cultivation multiverse. Of course, the only reason you aren't forcibly getting sucked into the God Realm is that the Cosmos needs my permission to take action. But please continue."

'The entire multiverse needs his permission to take its natural action!? Just who is this Lord Patrick, where did he come from, and just how powerful is he to be calling time-space, reality, and life creation as parlor tricks? My mind will explode if I think more about this person; I must stop now-'

"Ehem, Miss Marine? Is there something the matter?"

Patrick interrupted Marine's thoughts as he brought her back to consciousness with a slight cough.

"Ah-yes, pardon me, Lord Patrick, it just that your existence is too much of a burden even to accept, let alone try to comprehend. Forgive me if I got lost in my thoughts."

"No need to apologize; you aren't the only one finding it challenging to comprehend my existence. But seeing that you are tired from the long journey, it's better if you get some rest; but first, I have a gift for you. Grace?"

"Affirmative Master. Creating a gift suitable for the Fairy Mage, Marinella Ilk. Creation complete."

[Item: Cosmic Bracelets of Nihility; Created from the cosmic particles of nihility, the twin cosmic bracelets enable the wearer to have a passive negation to all attacks; the user can create a nihility zone where the user is the God and can manipulate the totality of that realm; expands the lifespan of the wearer by passively absorbing the particles of nothingness; provides complete control over nothingness; if the wearer's life is threatened, the bracelets will transport the user to the nihility Realm]

Grace's voice sounded as two shining long blue bracelets materialized before Marine; the bracelets stylishly rotated as they hovered before her. Marine stared at the twin bracelets with widened eyes and a startled countenance as they reflected in her beautiful vibrant eyes. But before Marine could say anything, 'Shing,' a metallic sound echoed as the twin bracelets instantly attached themselves to her wrists.

"I...I don't know how to say this, Lord Patrick, but I think such a treasure is too much of a gift for an unworthy existence like me."

"You see, Miss Marine, the bracelets on your wrist are sentient treasures, meaning they chose their owners, and they only chose worthy people, and you, Marine, have been chosen. And please, there is no need for any unnecessary gratifications; take it as a little gift of appreciation for taking care of my wife, Anna. Very well, it's time I bid you good night; Raleigh shall see to your comfort."

"This unworthy fairy shall forever be indebted to you, your Godship. And I also bid you a good night."

Patrick rose from his throne as he was then steadily climbing the stairs; he raised his right hand to acknowledge Marine's words as his figure slowly disappeared from the scene.

Now remaining on the first floor were Raleigh and Marine. Raleigh stood behind Patrick's throne as he then clapped, changing the entire setting of the dining room to a classic kingly living room. Looking at Marine with expressionless eyes, Raleigh spoke with hands behind him.

"Is there anything I can help Lady Marine with?"

"No, thank you, I think I should be fine."

"Very well, there are nine hundred septillion rooms within this lodge, although a small lodge, each room has its properties, from a mountain view to the view from the heavens itself, the lady can choose whichever."

'Gracious fairies, the master calls reality warping as parlor tricks, and the servant calls an Omni-dimensional residence of nine hundred septillion rooms as small. These people are truly beyond the concept of comprehension.'

"Thanks, but I think a room with a fairy realm view suits me better."

"Already done. See you in twelve god eras then, lady Marine; enjoy your sleep."

As Raleigh spoke, a space door with handles opened before Marine, but instead of walking into the door, Marine paused with a confused countenance; looking at Raleigh, she asked.

"Why twelve god eras? That seems quite a long time for a night's sleep, of course, ignoring that we don't even need sleep."

"The time in the lodge is compressed significantly, where an hour in normal time will be two god eras in here. And besides, compared to my perspective, two god era is merely a zeptosecond to me and even infinitely less than that to his Primordial Godship and the Omni-Queens."

Marine couldn't even answer Raleigh; she had an exaggerated widened mouth as she walked into the space door leading to her room, completely dumbfounded by how these people see time from the perspective.

Seeing Marine walk into her room, Raleigh heaved an unexpressed sigh as he thought after.

"If I had told her that the concept of time or any concept doesn't apply to us, how would she have reacted. Sigh! His Primordial Omni-ness shall forever remain to be incomprehensible."

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