God Of All Systems

Chapter 117 A Stupid Decision!

1000 Immortal Cycles ago in the Immortal Realm.

Somewhere in the Immortal Realm, an adult middle-aged male figure sat at the peak of an enormously towering pillar as he stared below. The male figure had short black hair with green eyes; he had a slightly muscular build, as one can see his muscles tightly fitting in his clothes. The man wore a long black robe and pants. Hovering to the man's right side was a black blade; this long black blade exuded an extremely thick black, killing aura around it, causing the space to vibrate every three seconds as if the blade was a breathing organism.

"Excited, are you? Don't worry; you will eat as many souls as you want when I join the war."

The man spoke to the blade as it vibrated with excitement. Then, slowly standing on the large, towering pillar, the man inhaled with closed eyes, slowly exhaling; he stepped from the pillar and free fell from the air.

Down the earth, millions of cultivators engaged in an all-out war as countless limbs and body parts of humans, beasts, Arkmenians, and demons lay on the ground with blood spraying constantly from them. In one area on the spacious battlefield, a cultivator ruthlessly fought thousands of beasts-like creatures as they kept swamping him in thousands; this cultivator was the Bored Immortal. In another area, millions of Arkmenians grouped as they launched countless energy attacks at the beasts, constantly appearing from a vertically long black void. The void was a million feet long, even reaching the skies.

There was a group of twelve elderly men, along with their different groups fighting the beasts. Another group of elderly figures with luxurious ancient robes also easily and mercilessly annihilated the appearing beasts; there was also a mysterious young lady with yellow hair among the cultivators who casually killed the beasts. But then, beasts the size of mountains appeared from the void; these mountain-sized beasts made the war harder for the cultivators.

At the most desperate time, the middle-aged figure from earlier free fell from the sky as he landed on a mountain-sized beast, killing the beast instantly. His black blade landed next to him. Picking his blade from the ground, the man flashed as he began killing the appeared beasts with ease, but every time a beast or any living organism gets killed, their souls get sucked in the black blade the man wielded, making the blade exude thicker killing aura. The other cultivators acknowledged the cultivator as some screamed his name.

"It's the Unparalleled Immortal Demon. I didn't think he was actually going to participate."

The war continued for over a year as the cultivators relentlessly fought against the constantly emerging beasts. Some Immortal Realm main powerhouses utilized their powers and resources as they pushed back the beasts. Not long after a year of constantly fighting, a golden glow began appearing over the opened void as it began sealing it like a zip. But during this time, countless cultivators had died, leaving their legacies for future generations.

The man who wielded the Soul-Devouring Blade, also known as the Unparalleled Immortal Demon, stood close to the closing void with his sword resting on his shoulders as he watched the red-eyed beasts prevented by the seal from appearing from the void. But suddenly, a sucking force generated from within the void as it sucked multiple high-ranked cultivators into it. The Unparalleled Immortal Demon also felt the extreme sucking force as he got pulled into the void, his black blade dropping from his hands and penetrating straight into the ground after. The previously mentioned yellow-haired lady also got sucked into the void.

'After that unknown force sucked me into the dark Desolate Realm Void, I opened my eyes as Lian Zu, the son of a farmer in a lower realm. With my endless knowledge from my past life, I managed to rise fast in cultivation among the kids as I quickly became the genius they will ever see in their lifetimes. Quickly ascending to a True Immortal, I ascended the Immortal Realm. With my knowledge of secrets, I attained countless legacies and treasures; within a decade in the Immortal Realm, I had risen to the Star Celestial realm.

Now that I'm about to enter the Saint Realm, I need my most precious partner, my blade. With it, I can easily transcend my previous realm and perhaps even enter the Unknown Realm. But how did the Ancient Jian Family obtain and restrain my blade? That doesn't matter; now that I've seen you, my plan is next to complete.'

Lian Zu thought while standing among the cultivators as he stared at the blade with a slight smile plastered on his face.

From the bidding platform, the host lady watched the passed-out cultivators with an apologetic countenance; she then stretched out her palm and injected Qi into the golden chains restraining the blade. Suddenly, a golden glow surrounded the blade as the killing aura within the auction venue instantly vanished. She then spoke.

"I would like to apologize for the inconvenience. We wanted you to know that the Soul-Devouring Blade was authentic. Once again, we wholeheartedly apologize."

Upon the extreme killing aura vanishing, the passed-out cultivators slowly began awakening.

In bidding chamber 1, the Bored Immortal scrutinizingly stared at the blade on the bidding platform as he turned and spoke to the Jian master.

"Jian Jiu, you didn't mention you had that guy's weapon, and I don't think auctioning it is a good way of honoring his sacrifice. What do you think the other families will say of this?"

"..., First, I don't care what the others say. Second, we lost many lives collecting that blade, so I don't think anyone has the right to tell my Jian family what we can or cannot do with it. And third, I have no intention of auctioning it; the soul-devouring blade is a treasure that even the Immortal Gate cannot control, which was why they didn't bother taking it a thousand cycles ago. We could only restrain even after using our Jian family's ancient sword secrets.

It is there mainly to spike up the interest of the people. If such a god-rank treasure is an introductory item, then everything else will have a price increase."
"Then what if I want it?"

The Bored Immortal spoke while looking at the Jian master. But with a serious and displeased countenance, the Jian master spoke while articulating his words.

"..., As I said, it's not for sale."

Down the bidding platform, the host lady spoke to the crowd.

"Dear guests, although we are showing the soul-devouring blade, it won't be auctioned until the end, so please be patient."

Hearing this, the crowd burst into confusion as a male cultivator loudly asked.

"Why don't you auction it now since you have shown it to us!"

"Yeah! Don't you think you are being disingenuous for making us wait until the end!? What could be more eye-catching than the Soul Devouring Blade!?"

Another cultivator expressed his displeasure are many other cultivators began siding with him. The next moment, most of the crowd became displeased as they immediately urged the item to be sold.

Seeing the crowd's displeasure, the host lady had an awkward smile as she tried to calm the crowd, but seeing how fruitless her efforts were, she looked at the number 1 high-bidding chamber as if asking for a solution. Not long after, as if receiving instruction, the woman nodded.

"Dear guests, please calm down. As you have wished, the Soul-Devouring blade will now be auctioned. But since the blade is a god-grade item, the starting price will be a million Law spirit stones."

"What!? One million law spirit stones!? Isn't that the same price as ten Time spirit stones!? Isn't such a price too high for the majority of us? Even the high chamber-

Two million law spirit stones!"

A cultivator was expressing his thoughts as he got interrupted by a high-rank bidding chamber. The crowd stared at chamber nine as some internally admitted they weren't qualified to even compete for the soul-devouring blade. A cultivator spoke.

"Of course, how can we forget that the strong and rich rule the world? At this point, we might as well enjoy the bidding war and see who's wealthier."

"2.5 million law spirit stones!"

A voice came from another high-rank chamber as the bidding between the wealthy truly began.

"3.2 million!"

"3.5 million!"

The bidding competition continued as the high-rank bidding chambers constantly raised the price of the soul-devouring blade. There were fifteen stage-five bidding chambers and twenty stage-four bidding chambers, which were smaller and less designed, unlike the fifth-stage chambers. The bidding war occurred between these two stages as the price rose.

In chamber 1, the Bored Immortal chuckled as he watched the many cultivators bid for the soul-devouring blade; without restraining himself, he laughed.

"Haha, Jian Jiu, you are one crafty old man. Ok, I admit your method was indeed wise. But how do you plan to give the buyer the blade?"

"Don't worry about that. I plan to meet the buyer and buy the blade back from them, and if they try anything stupid, they will have to take responsibility for their stupidity."

"Hahaha, I see this ending badly for you, Jian Jiu; you will surely regret this decision."

The Bored Immortal spoke as he stared at chamber four while saying the last part of the sentence.

From among the cultivators on the lower stages, one of the girls in Lian Zu's group spoke.

"Big Brother Lian, I don't think we can compete for the blade anymore; even though my family is rich, we are not as wealthy as the ancient powers and Overlords. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help to you."

"No, no need to apologize; your family has helped me quite a lot since I ascended the Immortal Realm; I should be the one to repay your family's benevolence."

"But how will you get the blade now that we can't even compete in wealth?"

"Don't worry, you should know me by now; I always have a contingency."

'She's right; I can't compete with the little fifty million law spirit stones I have, and I would be drawing attention if I bid from a low-rank bidding stage. The only option left is to use my soul connection to take control of the blade.'

Lian Zu thought as he stared at the blade on the bidding stage; the next moment, he closed his eyes.

The bidding war continued between the wealthy chambers as the blade's price rose to fifteen million law spirit stones and counting. The crowd enjoyed the bidding war as it showed which party was wealthier. But while the other chambers bid in millions, one particular chamber spoke, the voice from the chamber overpowering every voice in the auction coliseum.

"The Ancient Gong family bids 50 million law spirit stones."

The crowd heard the heavy male voice as every cultivator stared at chamber 7; the auction turned silent as no one dared to bid anymore. Some cultivators instantly understood why the Ancient Gong family was mentioned when they announced their bid. It was to let the others know the Ancient Gong family, the most powerful ancient family, was now joining the bid and that anymore who dared bid after would be directly challenging the Gong family itself. And as expected from the crowd, no one else bid for the soul-devouring blade.

"Hahaha, I'm having quite the fun today. The Gong kid has finally joined in. Jian Jiu, does your statement still stands even when the Gong kid has bid? Fifty million is nothing for you, but so is for the kid, so I wonder how you plan to gain back your blade."

Hearing the Bored Immortal, the Jian master remained silent with an impassive countenance; but with close inspection, one could see him tightly clenching his jaws, with a vein appearing on his forehead.

On the bidding platform, the host lady had an understanding expression as she stared at the crowd.

'Sigh~ It looks like no one will be bidding anymore; this shows how power can be a complete game-changer. I should announce the final bid.'

"Since there are no more bids, 50 million going once..."

Within Patrick's chamber, Patrick sat on his throne as he watched and listened to the host announce the final bid; the lady continued.

"50 million going twice! Fifty million going thrice! Sol-

As the host was about to end the announcement, Patrick smirked as he spoke, his voice instantly interrupting the host and causing the entire coliseum to vibrate intensely.

"One hundred million Law spirit stones!"

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