God Of All Systems

Chapter 130 A Destined Massacre 2

The Grand General hovered in the space as he watched the opening realm barrier; he had a serious and cautious face as he squinted his eyes in curiosity. The realm barrier opened as Patrick, and over a hundred billion cultivators emerged. The scene was terrifying, as even the Grand General couldn't help but be amazed; seeing the sheer number of cultivators floating in the sky left him speechless, making him unconsciously swallow his spit in unrest. He slowly spectated the cultivators as he saw the person floating above everyone.

Patrick sat on his sun throne with an impassive face as he stared at the Grand General spectating them; he spoke.

"Earlier, you used the words 'pathetic' and 'afraid;' is that still the case?"

"..., I see; you must be the mastermind behind all this. I know the Jun family isn't competent enough, and the Jian family, despite being the third, would still never challenge us, let alone dare kill a descendant of our Ancient Gong family. Also, it seems the rumors were true; you did rally some low-level pests from the middle regions; too bad, as they are only cattle rallied to be slaughtered."

"Cattle, you say? How about we make a bet; if you or any of your men can kill one of these so-called cattle or even make them bleed, then I will gladly surrender, and so will they."

'What is he doing?! Is he playing mind games with me? Or is he blindly overconfident, thinking I won't take him on his offer? Scoff~'

"You may overwhelm us in numbers, but I think you failed to realize that most of your soldiers are merely Star Celestials; a mere palm is all I need to wipe them out; as their leader, aren't you simply begging me to wipe out your entire army of ants?"

The Grand General spoke as he focused on Patrick's reaction, but contrary to his expectation, Patrick remained unfazed as he stared at the Grand General make a mockery out of himself. The Grand General then stared into the clustering of cultivators as he expected that they would be terrified hearing their leader willingly offering them to be slaughtered, but again, not even one among the billions of cultivators had the slightest expressions of panic or fear. Seeing this made the Grand General frown as he spoke.

"Very well, I will take you on that bet. But there is a condition; after I wipe out your army of ants, I want you to tell me everything about yourself without sparing a single detail; do we have an agreement?"

"Like I said. If you can make even a single member of my soldiers bleed, let alone kill them, then everything will be as you say."

"Very well. Today will be the day you go down as the stupidest leader and me the most competent Grand General of all time—strength Increasing Dao."

The Grand General clenched his fist as he aimed at the billions of clustering Star Celestials; he had a mocking smile as he watched the cultivators, thinking he would slaughter them as easily as squashing a bug. With a mighty thrust, the Grand General heavily thrust his fist at the cultivators as a massive wave of pressure descended from the sky.

Down the earth, the billions of cultivators had unreactive faces as they stood calmly, waiting for the Grand General's attack.

Boom! Shatter!

An exaggerated booming sound echoed throughout the scene as the swinging force shattered the space, revealing the void. The Grand General's punch sent over twenty billion soldiers crashing down the earth. Their falling impact instantly created an enormous crater, spreading for millions of miles like an earthquake. The sky became less clustered as over twenty billion among the one hundred billion cultivators have been sent crashing down the earth.

Seeing this, the Grand General smiled even brighter as he watched the chaotic scene he created. Then.
"Hahaha, and here I thought you were conniving. You are truly an incompetent leader, but I have significantly reduced your army of ants thanks to you. Now, surrender and prepare to face judgment from our Ancient Gong family."

The Grand General bellowed as he stared at Patrick, expecting to see Patrick's change in expression. But again, contrary to his expectation, Patrick remained unfazed as he disappointingly stared at the Grand General; he then raised his right index finger and pointed at the General. The Grand General saw Patrick pointing at him; he scoffed disapprovingly as he opened his lips to speak, but then, he watched as Patrick pointed his finger down as if telling him to look down.

With a frown, the Grand General slowly looked down; what he saw left him completely speechless. His face was confused, his mouth opened wide, and his mind went numb. He couldn't even notice when he unconsciously spoke.

"How is this possible!? I am an early-stage Saint Ancestor; a mere breeze from me should kill even Saint Kings, let alone Saints. So how is this even possible? What is happening?"

The Grand General steadily spectated his arms, internally doubting his strength as a Saint Ancestor. What he just saw couldn't be any more reality-shattering.

Down the earth, the twenty billion plus cultivators who got heavily punched by the Grand General began rising from the ground as they casually returned in formations. Although the punch impacted them, all it did was sent them crashing down and nothing more. Not even a single cultivator cried out in pain, let alone bleed or die. They casually rose from within the massive crater as they steadily floated back in formations, filling the empty void again.

The scene went extremely silent as everyone from the Grand General's side began having internalized doubt and panic. The Grand General was the most powerful individual among their group, yet he had failed in killing ordinary Star Celestials; the other party didn't even lose a single warrior from the Grand General's attack, let alone make them cry in pain or bleed. These thoughts brought about fear and uneasiness in the hearts of the Gong warriors and their allies; even the Arkmenians weren't an exception.

But while one side expressed fear and unrest, it was the complete opposite for the other. The dozens of billions of cultivators from Patrick's side all had resolute and determined faces as they now believed Patrick's word from earlier. Although they trusted his power, they didn't fully believe what he said about not even a single of them bleeding, let alone dying. But after witnessing it first-hand, all doubts and suspicion cleared from their minds as they were now assured none of them could die, regardless of how powerful the enemy was.

Patrick watched the suspicious and cautious Grand General as he spoke, his words not taken for granted this time.

"Now, Grand General, who is pathetic and afraid?"

These words left a scar on the Grand General's pride; he clenched his fists and twitched his face in anger as he intensely stared at Patrick. Patrick continued.

"You already know how this fight will end, so Grand General, what will you do? Lead your soldiers to their meaningless deaths as an incompetent leader, or surrender and go down in history as the most worthless and pathetic Grand General?"

Patrick's words were like salt rubbed into a bleeding wound. The Grand General's anger finally exploded; a massive wave of Qi erupted from his body, shattering the surrounding space barriers.

"There are two paths for the warriors of the Gong family, victory or death. And we will gladly commit the latter regardless of the circumstances, Charge!"

The Grand General bellowed and ordered the assault. As commanded, the ten billion-plus warriors charged at their enemies with resolute faces as they were prepared to die. The dozen million Arkmenians also darted at instant speeds as they launched at their enemies. The sky reverberated with berating noises as the charging speeds of billions of high-level beings broke the sound barriers and even caused the space to fold.

Seeing the incoming forces of the Gong family, Patrick spoke.

"Very well. Jun Moxie, lead the others; this is your time to etch the Jun family name in your enemies' minds. Bored Immortal, join the Jian Ancestors and wipe out the birds. Osborn, bring me the Grand General's head. You all have half an hour; I want the Ancient families gone before the day ends."

"As the One Above wishes!"

Everyone bellowed in unison. The next instant, countless Laws and Daos were activated as they lit the skies with shining lights. Loud and exaggerated flashing sounds resounded throughout the scene as the cultivators sought to fulfill their specific missions. The scene became extremely chaotic as two opposing parties frenziedly launched at each other, each side fast enough to break the sound barriers and bend space.

Jun Moxie led the rest of the cultivators as he launched even faster than the rest. Before clashing, Jun Moxie raised both hands and created two huge portals, one above the incoming enemies and one like a gate for his allies. Seeing this, the allies flashed through the created portal as they appeared from the other portal above the enemies. They descended on their enemies like rain as they launched countless long-range attacks.

The Bored Immortal and the Jian Ancestors flashed between the millions of Arkmenians as they casually began a massacre. The Bored Immortal gripped one of the Arkmenians as he severed its head; he then kicked the severed head at another approaching Arkmenian. One of the Jian Ancestors caught the severed head as he casually split the approaching Arkmenian in two. He then created an exploding golden sword and impaled it into the severed head, sending it into a cluster of Arkmenians. Then, Boom!!

The Grand General watched as his army was being mercilessly slaughtered; he expressed a tensed face as he stared far in the distance at Patrick. He was about to launch at Patrick when a right foot kick suddenly landed on his face; the kick sent the Grand General millions of miles into the distance as he continuously crashed into a thousand mountains. With the Grand General sent miles away, Raleigh floated at the spot with hands behind him as he maintained a solemn countenance.

The scene was chaotic as countless Laws and Daos flashed across and above the scene. One team was massively overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the other, as it was a hundred billion to ten billion. The space barriers continuously shattered as they constantly mended themselves. Countless cultivators could be seen flying all over the scene as they were being sent away by punches and Dao attacks.

These were Patrick's men; although they were practically immune immortals, they weren't immune to the impacts of the attacks, so they could be seen flying all over the scene. But the more they got punched away, the more resilient they became. Although low in cultivation, they were like ants that harassed their enemies; even worse, they were unkillable ants. This means the enemy would have to fight forever, as they were no end to their swamping.

Very far up in the sky, above the fighting scene, the six-winged Arkmenian from earlier stood next to a handsome young man with masculine features as they spectated the fight scene. The young man stood in the air with an authoritative attitude; as he gazed at the scene, he scoffed.

"Why would master want me here? It's merely a fight between ants, all I see are a few Jian Saint Ancestors, and the Bored Immortal, who I think is now an enemy of our Immortal Gate. The rest aren't even worth acknowledging, let alone staring at. Why don't I intervene and wipe them all out? I'm sure the Gong family wouldn't mind."

The Arkmenian standing next to the young man replied calmly.

"Dao Child, the Ancient Elder, stated we only spectate and report the results after identifying the mastermind behind everything. Am sure he wouldn't be pleased with Dao Child Hu Longtian if you went against his orders."

The young man had a serious expression after hearing the Arkmenians words. He may be the disciple of the Ancient Elder, but even he isn't exempted from punishment for going against orders. He surveyed the scene and saw the red-haired Raleigh still floating at the spot he kicked the Grand General from. He spoke.

"That red hair seems strong; I can't even see through his cultivation realm; he must be an important figure in the mastermind's group; keep an eye on him-huh!

Who is that sitting on that throne?"

The young man curiously asked as he stared at Patrick. He also saw Athena, Anna, Thalia, and Fairy Marine; his curiosity grew even more as he focused his attention fully on Patrick. Noticing the Dao Child's actions, the Arkmenian tracked his attention as he saw Patrick and the women standing around him; he also frowned as he suspiciously stared at the group and unconsciously spoke.

"The mastermind behind everything was a kid? How does this make any sense?"

The young man had conflicting emotions as he stared at Patrick. He was sent to spectate the battle and identify the mastermind behind ruining the Ancient Elder's plans; at first, he had thought it would be some old power figure wanting to shake the power structure, but now that he was seeing who the mastermind was, Dao Child Hu Longtian couldn't help but feel jealous.

'How could he convince not one, but three Saint Ancestor forces to serve him? And I have been with countless beauties all around the Immortal Realm, but never have I seen ones as heavenly as those beside him; who is he?'

The Arkmenian noticed Hu Longtian's long gaze as he sighed with defeat.

'His jealous nature got the better of him again.'

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