God Of All Systems

Chapter 139 Fourth Omni Queen, Multiverses Away

Slowly zoom out of the massive Immortal Realm planet, into the solar system, out into the galaxy, the universe, and then out from the cultivation multiverse. Among the transfinite twinkles of multiverses in the metaverse, change direction from the present cultivation multiverse and at a different multiverse. Then slowly zoom into this twinkle of a multiverse, into its transfinite universes, into its galaxy and the solar system, and finally into the fifth planet of this galaxy. This planet was Earth 9901.

Earth 9901 was located in a twelve-planet solar system and was the fifth-only habitable planet in the solar system. Earth 9901 was the same as Earth 101; they even shared the same timeline and eras. It was also the twenty-first century on this Earth and had the same leading nations and alliances. Slowly zoom into Earth 9901 and a city in America, New York.

The sun had gone down, and it was dark outside. At a convenience store, three men, all wearing black puffer jackets and ski masks walked into the store as they jokingly laughed among themselves; the doorbell dinged as a charming female voice sounded. "Welcome to 7 eleven." But the three men ignored the voice as they continued with their business.

At the check-out counter, two females, one fair-skinned and the other dark-skinned, stocked the shelves and cleaned around. The fair-skinned twenty-five-year-old girl had an annoyed face as she rolled her eyes. She murmured.

"You know, the least they can do is look at someone when they are being greeted; what a bunch of assholes."


The fair-skinned girl spoke as she looked at her store colleague, expecting her to say something. But contrary to her expectation, the dark-skinned girl was focused on her phone, biting her lip. The fair-skinned girl called on the dark-skinned girl, making her lose focus.

"Elaine?! Are you ok?"

The twenty-one-year-old dark-skinned girl, Elaine, turned to the fair-skinned girl with a 'Huh,' face as she spoke.

"What?... Is there a problem?"

"No~, I was talking about how rude the customers were--are you ok? You looked as if something bad had happened."

"Ohh, yeah, nothing; I was just on my phone."

Elaine hurriedly answered as she put her phone in her jeans back pocket. But then the fair-skinned girl smirked as she suspiciously spoke.

"That's a lie; ooh wait, could it be that you finally had a boyfriend, and you are hiding it from me?"

"OMG, Madison, I told you already, I don't have a boyfr-

Hey! Are you guys gonna check us out, or what!?"

Suddenly, one of the male customers interrupted, shouting at the two women. But before the girl, Madison, could talk back, Elaine held her apron and pulled her back, signaling her not to say anything. Elaine then took the scanner from Madison, assuming a welcoming smile as she spoke.

"And... that will be 12.99, paying cash or card?"

"Cash, here."

The same man spoke as he handed Elaine a twenty-dollar bill.

Not long after, Elaine gave the men their change and receipt as they continued walking out of the store. Elaine then turned to Madison as she spoke with a sigh.

"C'mon, Madison, you can't be talking back to customers. Yeah, they are rude, but unless we are rich or have higher positions of power, it is highly unlikely people will take us seriously or even respect us. And what if Carlson saw you arguing from the camera? You might lose your job. So, please promise you will ignore them next time, pretty please?"

"Fine! I promise. I'm the older one, yet you are always lecturing me; you could be very persuasive if you became a politician."

Elaine rolled her eyes as she turned and began stocking the shelves.

The two ladies were on night shifts. Madison was 5'8" with short hair and a nose piercing; she was the typical girl with daddy issues and looked beautiful. Elaine was a 5'5" African-American with long black curly hair; she had an extremely cute small face, a big ass, and c-cup breasts.

"And good evening to you all; today, we have a high-speed chase going down 6th avenue. Sources say they are chasing down three males involved in gang shootouts. As you can see from the helicopter view, the white sedan is going 125 mph on a 65 mph road; we hope the police catch up soon, or God knows what might happen if they crash into anything at such a speed."
A news broadcast sounded on the small store TV; Madison played with her phone as she paused and looked up to see the police chase. Elaine was restocking the store shelves when she heard Madison's voice.

"Hey, Elaine! Come here; I think the speed chase is like the movie fast and furious."

Elaine rolled her eyes upon hearing Madison; she was already done restocking as she headed back for the check-out counter. But while walking towards the counter, Elaine saw Madison slowly getting up with a suspicious face as if noticing something; she heard Madison speak.

"Elaine! I think the speed chase is happening on our street. Wait! Isn't that our store on the news? No! No! No! The car has lost control; OH MY GOD! ELAINE, LOOK OUT!!"


A loud car crash reverberated throughout the scene as a white sedan heavily crashed into the '7 eleven' store. The car instantly broke through the door and the store shelves, obliterating everything in its way. Madison watched as the car crashed into the store, clearing everything in its way, including her friend and colleague, Elaine. She expressed with opened mouth and bulging eyes as she screamed at the top of her lungs.



But then, Madison jolted with complete shock and terror as she heard a female voice behind her; this familiar voice was none other than Elaine.

A second ago, before the car crashed into the store, Elaine was walking towards the counter when she saw Madison's desperate expression, simultaneously following the incoming car crash. The car had crashed into the store and was already clearing the shelves, and as she was between the shelves, she couldn't see the oncoming vehicle. But the instant the car hit the shelve before Elaine and was about to hit her, time stopped.

Elaine stood in the time-stop state of the world with a flinching reaction, but then she noticed the extreme quietness as she opened her eyes. Elaine expressed shockingly as she saw everything in a frozen state; she twitched her eyes suspiciously and casually walked from between the counters. With a shocked expression, Elaine saw the crashing vehicle; she couldn't help but cover her mouth in fright. But then a female voice sounded, with a system interface appearing before her, causing her to jolt with surprise.

"Ding, Wife of $&@?# system activated."

"Updating system, update complete. Synchronizing all functions, synchronization complete."

"Transferring complete control to master. Welcome, Omni Queen Elaine; here are your stats."

[System: Wife of #$%&$]

[Master: Elaine King]

[Being: True Omnivastance]

[Title: Wife of #$%@&. Goddess of True Omnivastance]

[Power: ΩΩΩ^ΩΩΩ∞]

[Item: ΩΩΩ]

Suddenly, an absolute amount of True Omnivastance existed within Elaine as it completely changed her constitution. Elaine felt her existence transcending everything in existence and beyond as she slowly floated mid-air with a refreshed face. Her mind was flooded with True Omnivastance as she instantly comprehended her existence, becoming aware of who she was and how monstrously powerful she had become.

Elaine exhaled calmly as she slowly opened her eyes; she now had the infinity symbol as her pupils. Everything about her had changed; her beauty and magnificence were as indescribable as her sister-wives. Her skin and face became infinitely smoother; her hair became even more curly and of infinite quality.

The system continued.

"Upgrading dress, upgrade complete."

"Does Omni Queen Elaine wishes to equip Dress of True Omnivastance?"

Hearing her system, Elaine saw the dress' description on her system interface as she replied.


[Dress of Goddess Elaine: A sentient material made from Transendatium. It can transform into any dress the Goddess pleases and can do anything the Goddess wishes]

Then, a godly white dress materialized on Elaine. Knowing she could change the dress to whatever color or style she wanted, Elaine thought as the dress changed to her normal clothes. Becoming aware of the scene, Elaine telekinetically opened the crashed car doors and removed the three criminals from the car; she then lay them outside the store and made them unconscious.

She then casually walked to the counter and stood behind Madison, stuck in a screaming stance with an open mouth. She even pushed away a shattered glass that would have impaled Madison's skull. With a thought from Elaine, everything returned to normal; the car crashed and destroyed everything in its way. Madison then shouted Elaine's name, and Elaine replied with a 'What' from behind her.

Madison had a shocked expression as she stared at Elaine with opened mouth. She even hugged her to see if she was real. Madison stutteringly uttered.

"B...but...I thought....you were over there...how, how are you here? This... doesn't make... sense. And your face, how are you so beautiful, Elaine? It's like you are a whole different person, even your eyes."

Elaine interrupted, with her system sounding after.

"What are you talking about? I was behind you when the car crashed into the store, and I have always been like this."

[Passive Nature: Reality Manipulation; Manipulator reality with your words]

"Ooh, yeah, of course, you were behind me; I don't even know what going on; let's call the cops."

Madison spoke as she tried to pick up the phone she had dropped earlier, but Elaine pointed with her head and spoke.

"They are already here."

Police sirens sounded on the scene as over ten cop cars parked outside the destroyed store. The cops saw the three criminals lying unconscious on the ground, leaving them speechless and baffled as they wondered how the three criminals got there.

"Thank you for your cooperation; we will call if you need your testimony in court; thank you."

"No problem, officer. Have a good evening."

Madison spoke to one of the police officers. She then turned and walked towards Elaine, leaning on an ambulance. Madison tiredly exhaled as she spoke.

"Thank God everything is fine; It would have been worse. Are you ok, Elaine? You seem off."

"Yeah~ Hey, Madison, can you do me a favor and tell Carlson I'm quitting?"

"Wait! Just like that? Is it because of the car crash incident?"

"You can say that, but I also have something to do."

"What? Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes,...I'm also dropping out of college. Today's event has been an eye-opener, and I think I need to take time off for myself. It was nice knowing you, Madison. You have a bright future ahead of you, and being a rockstar celebrity is one of them."

"Huh? What are you saying? Are you dying or something?"

"Chuckle, no, I'm going on a vacation somewhere very far from here. I don't think I will be back any time soon."

"You are definitely being weird, Elaine. You must have been traumatized from the car incident, I understand. So, are you going home from here? And when and where are you traveling?"

"I'm going home now; as for when I leave, maybe tonight."

"What? That quick? I didn't know you had that much money saved up; now, I'm jealous. ...Come here, hug me; I gonna miss you so much, my little sister friend. And those boys at the campus will surely be loading me with questions about their crush not coming to class anymore."

"Alright then, your Uber is here; bye."

A car stopped on the street; Elaine entered and closed the door. Madison began waving and blowing kisses at Elaine as the car left the scene.

Stopping at a red traffic light, the male Uber driver had a smiley face as he arranged his hair, trying to make himself look neat. He then spoke while looking in the rear-view mirror.

"I hate to bother, but can I say you are extremely beautiful-huh."

The Uber driver looked through his rear-view mirror and saw an empty seat; he had a shocked face as he didn't even hear the door open. He turned and saw that the seat was indeed empty; he exclaimed.

"Huh!? Where did she go?"

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