God Of All Systems

164 A Lovely Meeting. Power of Athosians 1

King's Family Omni-Dimensional Residence

It was 4 in the morning, Immortal Realm time; the floating landmass had a serene nightly atmosphere, illuminating plants, and golden-colored godly energy permeated the surroundings passively, with butterflies roaming freely as they drifted from one flower petal to another. 

Inside the residence, Raleigh stood by the main chamber's entrance with a calm and respectful demeanor with closed eyes; suddenly, he knelt his signature pose as he subserviently uttered.

"Welcome back, your Primordial Highness."

Patrick stood next to the kneeling Raleigh as he nodded, acknowledging Raleigh's salutations; simultaneously, his long black robe materialized on him, covering his back and top naked body. 

[Possession: Absolute Totality Devouring Garment (Sentient); An item worn by the God Master, Patrick Alexander King, installed with True Omnipotence, True Omniscience, Totality Manipulation/Devouring. Capable of doing anything the God Master wills and can upgrade eternally]

Grace sounded, displaying the constantly upgrading 'Omniversal Devouring Robe.' Patrick then rested his palms on the double doors, intending to push it, but he paused and spoke.

"Are you well, Osborn?"

"...Always, your Primordial Highness, what more could this humble servant wish for other than being His Godship's subject!"

"Hmm! Take the 1000 primates; they shall be your underlings, do with them as you see fit."

"As His Primordial Godship wishes."

"Very well then, time to see these beautiful wives of mine."


Patrick casually pushed the wide double doors, which weighed infinite tons each. Entering the spacious living chamber, Patrick smiled as he saw the magnificent scenery of four indescribably beautiful women standing in a row, looking at him.

Athena, Anna, Thalia, and Elaine all stood in one row, side by side, as they watched the smiling Patrick; they wore amazing long dresses with diamond sprinkles on them; the dresses were open-back. They had gold strings that wrapped around their arms and legs like snakes. With their necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, the four True Omnivastant goddesses were equally beyond the concept of beauty.

"Welcome back, dear!"

Athena, Anna, and Thalia spoke simultaneously with warm smiles; Elaine stood beside her sisters with a shy expression; she unknowingly held the skirt of her dress as she shyly uttered.

"Hello! And welcome!"


Patrick maintained his smile as he approached the four ladies; by orderly, he began kissing them on their foreheads while saying their nicknames, starting from left to right, Athena, Anna, Thalia, and then Elaine. He spoke.

*kiss* "My eternal source, *kiss* my golden rib, *kiss* and you, my stubborn heartbeat..."

All three ladies smiled with contentment as their husband kissed their foreheads; listening to their new nicknames made them blush uncontrollably, causing the scene to change to reddish. Patrick stepped sideways as he stood before Elaine; he raised her head with his right hand, making her stare into his Absolute Infinity eyes.

"And you...

Patrick paused as he lovingly stared into Elaine's enchanting eyes. Exchanging gazes with Patrick, Elaine blushed heavily; she couldn't help but look away from him. But again, Patrick held her chin as he spoke.

"Welcome to the family, my dear beautiful wife."

Finished speaking, Patrick bent over as he kissed the short Elaine, causing her to blush even more. She slowly raised her head as she replied.

"Thank you for the warm welcome."

Elaine smiled as she diverted her gaze from Patrick again.

'So, this is him, my husband. Who would have thought that I would be a wife to such a handsome and charming person? M. Did you take a photo of when he held my chin?'

"Yes, Omni Queen, I even have a live recording of this moment. Should I perhaps play it now?"

'No, don't you think he would notice?'

"But @#$%&* is always-

"I smell delicacies; did you ladies make something?"

"...Yes, we thought of cooking while spending time together."

"Well, why don't we have a feast then, shall we?"

Patrick spoke. Athena and her three sister-wives nodded as they followed him into the dining chamber; Elaine was last. The group entered the chamber; the scenery was completely different; contrary to night in Athos, the chamber had a sunny atmosphere, like a summer day. The dining table and chairs were under a large tree shade, with a calm breeze sweeping across the scene.

"I want to see what each of you made."

Patrick spoke, simultaneously sitting on his large throne with the golden-colored omega symbol over his head. Athena and Thalia sat on Patrick's right side on the rectangular table, while Anna and Eliane sat on the left side. Opening the nearest dish, Patrick saw a heavenly-made lasagna; with a steady inhale, he smiled. Taking a spoonful of lasagna into his mouth, Patrick closed his eyes as he expressed.

"Mmh! Mmm! Mmm! What a heavenly lasagna; it instantly melted into my mouth. I wonder who made such an indescribable dish."

Upon hearing Patrick's words, Elaine heavily blushed as she satisfyingly smiled. She murmured.

"He likes it!?"

"Dear, since you're wondering, it's only fair to give the person who made the dish the credit; sister Elaine made it."

Anna spoke with a smile as she stared at Elaine; upon hearing Anna's words, Elaine became even shyer as she spoke.

"Thanks for the compliment; this was my first time cooking; I hope it didn't turn out bad."

"Ha! On the contrary, my dear curly-haired wife, your dish was beyond description. Well then, how about I try you ladies' dishes."



Middle Region Branch City

In one of the residences in one of the middle-region branch cities, the Star Commerce Alliance's head manager sat in a room with a depressed expression; he held a hand to his head as if thinking about what to do.

"How frustrating! No matter how hard I think, I can't find a proper plan to negotiate with the God Fairy. At this point, we might have to settle for being guests of Athos and savor the opportunities presented to us. Sigh! ~"

"Head Manager, there is news!"

But while dreading his misfortune, one of the Star Commerce Alliance's warriors rushed in; without the slightest hesitation, the Head Manager raised his head as he vigorously rose from his seat, bellowing after.

"News! What is it?!"

"Yes, Head Mana-

Now is not the time for honorifics; get to the point!"

"Yes, hours ago, there was a commotion in one of the lower branch cities, and it was said that there was the presence of not one but four Omni Queens, and even better, the God Fairy was also present."

"...!? Four Omni Queens? I thought there were only three... never mind, but as for the God Fairy, this might be the opportunity we have been waiting for. Send for my little sister immediately; it would be more appropriate for her to meet and negotiate with the God Fairy."

"Right away!"


"Come on! I'm already bored; all we have been doing since we arrived was cultivating. Isn't there anything interesting in Athos other than their unlimited resources? I get that cultivating is important, but what about honing our fighting skills, shouldn't there be an arena where we can exchange combat skills? I want to spar with someone, especially against an Athosian. I want to see if they are truly as powerful as they sound in the rumors."

At a residence at another branch city, the burly Dao child from the first group of arrived Dao children stood by the glass window as he vented while staring at the lit city, which resembled daytime even though it was late at night. He had a tightly clenched fist, relentless for a fight.

The other six Dao children sat in meditative positions in different areas of the spacious room, their bodies constantly radiating with thick energies. The leading Dao child sat in the middle of the room with closed eyes; his cultivating energy was the thickest. But suddenly, his energy dwindled as he spoke.

"That might not be a bad idea. I'm sure there must be a sparring arena in Athos; after all, how can cultivators test their skills?"

Upon hearing their leader's words, the other Dao Children slightly opened their eyes as they stared at him suspiciously, especially the burly Dao Child. Their leader was previously against them asking for a spar, let alone a fight or causing trouble, but now he is vouching for them to go to the arena themselves. Some of the Dao Children exchanged gazes as one of the females spoke.

"Elder Dao brother, you know our younger Dao brother is quite temperamental; what if he lost to another cultivator, or even worse, an Athosian? How would we solve the problem of him becoming enraged and attempting to attack the other party intentionally? -"

"What!? Are you saying I'm incompetent where mere cultivators can cause me to use my full power?! I find your words rather disrespectful, elder Dao sister!"

The burly Dao Child expressed displeasingly as his eyes turned red. But simultaneously, a white string of essence entered his temple, making his eyes instantly return to normal. The string of essence was from the female Dao child that spoke; she calmly levitated from the ground as she continued.

"See? We haven't even left yet, and he is already enraged by a mere sentence. I may be the Dao of Tranquility and can calm anything with a heart, but I would suggest little Dao brother doesn't participate in any spar or contest, at least against anyone, especially an Athosian."

"Who do you think you are, huh?! How dare you suggest what I can and cannot do?!-

Enough! Second Dao sister is right; you are too temperamental to be in a ring with anyone, at least not yet; we were sent on a mission, yet we haven't even begun. I can't afford to have a temperamental little Dao brother causing trouble and bringing the unwanted attention of the God Fairy, or worse, the One Above. You can use their training rooms, but you shall spar with no one. Understood?!"



Within the same branch city, Lian Zu and an extremely beautiful woman walked towards a massive building. The fair-skinned young girl seemed to be in her early twenties; she wore a blue female cultivation dress, while Lian Zu wore a black cultivation robe.

"Elder brother Lian, you have had this same doubtful look on your face since yesterday. Is everything ok?"

"Hmm? Yes, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me, Haha."

"...Right~ if you say so, then I believe you."

The woman looked at Lian Zu with a squinting face as she replied sarcastically, but one could see hints of worry on her face. Even though claiming to be fine, Lian Zu still had a doubtful expression.

'What is this feeling? It's like I was in an intense battle against an unknown being but lost miserably. I can't decipher this sensation even with my reincarnated soul and past life experience. Sigh~ I shouldn't dwell on it; whoever possessed my body was someone my consciousness couldn't even resist, let alone challenge. ...For now, it's best I try the training facilities of Athos.'

Lian Zu and the girl continued walking as they reached the training facility. The facility was hundreds of feet long and had over a thousand floors. Outside the facility was again another statue of Patrick, the One Above, except this statue was Patrick standing hands behind him while staring down at a hovering globe that contained several other globes within it.

Lian Zu and the girl paused as they stared at the massive statue of the One above. While the girl and countless other cultivators admired the diamond statue, some expressed fear. Lian Zu was one of the people who felt fear; the longer he stared at the statue, the heavier his breathing became. He quickly switched his attention away from the statue. But suddenly, a male voice sounded from behind them.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"Huh? Pardon?"

"I meant the statue; isn't it a spectacle to gaze at? ...You know it's an illustration of His Highness, the One Above, looking down at the multiverse, the big globe, and the multitudes of universes, the tiny globes within the big globe."

A young man, at the guesstimated age of eighteen, wearing an Athosian suit with a pentagon-shaped badge, spoke with a prideful expression and tone. He was 5'9" and had a slightly muscular build. He had a smile as he stared at the huge statue ahead.

Upon seeing the teenager, Lian Zu and the young girl expressed shocked faces; the green suit indicated the teenager was an Athosian citizen; calmly cupping his hands, Lian Zu saluted as he spoke.

"Yes, I agree with fellow cultivator; the statue is indeed magnificent."

"Anyways, I'm Hul; I usually come to the training facility for my daily warmup before I leave for my actual training. I see you guys are guests. Is this your first time visiting the training facility?"

"... Yes, fellow cultivator Hul, but we have just arrived."

"Please call me Hul, and since this is your first time, I wouldn't mind tour guiding you."

"...If it isn't much trouble, I thank fellow brother Hul for your generosity. By the way, I'm Lian Zu, and this is my younger sister, Fan Lan."

"Nice to meet you~."

"Likewise! Very well then, follow me."

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