God Of All Systems

Chapter 38 - Thalia

In a God domain of one of the worlds of the medieval magic universe, there was a continent a hundred thousand times bigger than the broken world and had divine energy a million times purer than the broken world.

At an unknown location on this continent, there was a separate dimension. In this separate dimension was a gigantic mountain that reached the clouds; one could tell just by looking at the massive structure of the mountain foot and its unseeable top. And Only the creator of this dimension has power over it, basically becoming a god in their personally created dimensions.

On the top of the mountain, one could hear clanks as weapons clashed against each other, which caused flames to spark in the dimension; the flames stopped as one spoke.

"Lady Thalia, if you simply stop resisting and die easily, you wouldn't have to go through all this trouble, and I will leave your corpse intact."

A man clad in golden armor with a golden hollow crown on his head spoke; he was wielding a spear that reached over his head, and on this spear was a phoenix carving, which also emitted golden light. The man was tall and bulky in body mass; he had short black hair and thick eyebrows, he was over seven feet tall. He had a wicked smiley expression.

"The Valdron family must be desperate for you to ambush me in my homeland."

A woman in her twenties replied; this woman was Thalia, the soon-to-be Goddess Thalia. Thalai had long white hair that spread over her body and back; she had blue eyes and a pointed nose. She was five, eleven feet tall and extremely beautiful. Thalia is the daughter of the king of the Wildermor continent, a godly magic domain different from the cultivation realms.

Thalia was standing opposite Kiltrax with a serious tired expression; she wore a yellow dress with a magic white robe to cover it. She had a crescent moon symbol on her forehead after absorbing the crescent moon rune, which gives one the power to draw power from the moon. She had two crescent blades hovering and spinning beside her.

The Valdron family is also a continental powerhouse like the Wildermor's. They occupy the southern continent of the god domain, while the Wildermor's occupy the western part of the god domain. Kiltrax is from the Valdron family with a calm and calculating personality. Though he is smart and skeptical, he is also a psychopath.

He is a seventh-class magic saint, three stages ahead of Thalai. His family planned to invade the Wildermors and rule it, giving them more authority and power over the current god domain and later contacting higher domains than theirs. Kiltrax heard Thalia's words as he spoke with a psychopathic tone.

"You think absorbing the crescent moon rune will give you an advantage over me? I pity you; for all the three years you left for adventuring, the result is you returning with a fourth-class magic saint power, not bad for someone who didn't depend on their family background to advance in classes."

"But such power means nothing to me. In this dimension, I am god, and I can easily kill you as easy as killing incest. Pheonix flame blades."

Kiltrax shouted as his dimension trembled; thousands of flame blades appeared from the void; the blades were pointed at Thalia as they vibrated, ready to attack at command. Thalia saw the blades pointed at her as she made a combative stance while the two spinning crescent blades floated on her palms. Her dress was already tattered from the previous attacks.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The blades launched at fast speeds as they attacked at different angles; Thalia used her crescent spinning blades as she clashed with hundreds of the blades while invading some as best as she could.


A blade cut Thalia on the side as blood gushed out, spraying on the mountaintop. She knelt with a knee as she raised her head and saw the psychopathic smile of Kiltrax; although heavily injured, she still held her resolve and stood and cursed.

"You shameless bastard."

"Shameless? Haha, hahaha, hahaha, you see, little princess, this world is constructed purely for the existence of the strong; it doesn't matter what methods we use; what matters is the results, and your notion of morale and fairness is nothing but a dream. As long as there are strong, there will always be the weak and pathetic, which is YOU. Now Die."

With the word 'die,' the blades tripled from thousands to millions as they launched at Thalia.

Thalia saw the incoming blades as she still held her resolve; she closed her eyes and uttered.

"Light of the Crescent blades."

The instant she said the words, light shot from the blades as they rotated faster than before and produced a bright light covering Thalia's body and blinding Kiltrax. Kiltrax blocked the light with his left hand as he waited for the light to die down.

"Now, let's see how you pressure me."

Kiltrax heard Thalia's words as the light died down; Thalia now looked as good as new with no injuries and torn dress; she stood as she went on the offensive with the two crescent blades spinning faster than they were. The blades cut through the millions of flame blades as they aimed for Kiltrax's head, but before the blades could reach Kiltrax, the crescent blades were cut in half by a stronger and larger flame blade.

"How many times do I have to say it? You are the weak and pathetic person in this fight, don't you get it? Now is time to say goodbye, Princess Thalia Wildermor."

Kiltrax spoke as the crescent blades fell to the ground, and millions of the larger flame blades appeared from the void as they were launched at Thalia immediately. Kiltrax saw Thalia's body get sliced into millions of pieces as she fell from the mountain.

"Hahaha, now you are.... huh?"

Kiltrax was about to celebrate his victory when he heard a voice behind his head.

"You were right, this is your dimension, and you are god, but I have killed gods more powerful than you before."



A head rolled from the mountain top as the body followed after; with the death of Kiltrax, the flame blades disappeared, and the separate dimension also began cracking as moments later, the whole dimension shattered, along with the mountain. Thalia was left standing in the middle of a forest when suddenly.


A Mouthfull of blood was sprayed as Thalia fell on her knees; she raised her hand as a magical bag appeared, she took out a magical bottle with a green liquid in it. She drank the liquid as she slowly regained her consciousness.

"Arrg, I shouldn't have used that move which requires all my magic energy; now I have to rest for months before I recover my full strength."

Thalia was resting on a tree when she heard voices in the forest.

"She must be here; I saw lord Kiltrax's dimension break, which means she must have been heavily injured."

"Then hurry up and lead."

Two middle-aged men voiced as they searched for Thalia. Thalia heard the voices as she tried to get up, only to fall and make a noise, alerting the men as they sensed her magic presence. One of the men flew fast as he came and saw the tired Thalia leaning on a tree with her eyes closed, but before he could shout, a blade pierced his throat as he fell, making an even louder noise.

Thalia faked her sleep and killed the man. She stood and began running; she didn't take ten steps when a group of men surrounded her, all holding magical weapons aimed at her.

"Thalai Wildermor, you have quite the reputation for a princess who loves adventuring; to be honest, I never expected you to win against Kiltrax, but what a surprise; I would love to chat more with you, but my mission is to kill you."

A man shorter than Kiltrax spoke; this man was grander in appearance than Kiltrax. He wore plain robes but with extremely high-level artifacts as accessories. He made a ball of black poison generate from his right palm as he sent it at Thalia.

Thalia knows who this person is; he is the elder brother of Kiltrax, Travatan. He is a ninth-class magic saint who holds immense political power in the Wildermor continent. The Wildermors may rule the continent, but the Valdrons cannot be underestimated when evaluating their power in all five continents.

Travatan sent the ball of black poison at Thalia. Thalia still had her eyes opened as she faced the black poison, but before the black poison could reach her, time stopped as a bright light that only blinded her shot into her forehead. The next moment, she heard a female voice.

"Ding, wife of #$@%& system activated."

"Updating system, update complete."

"Synchronizing all functions."

"Synchronizing complete, transferring all functions to master."

Thalia was shocked for the first time today; she saw a screen with an internal galaxy design appear in front of her. The people were still frozen in time, and the black ball of poison was still in the attacking motion at Thalia.

[System: Wife of #$@%&]

[Master: Thalia King]

[Being: Nigh Omnivastance]

[Title: Wife of $#%&@. Goddess of Nigh Onmivastance.]

[Power: Ω]

[Items: Ω]

Thalia felt the power of nigh omnivastance as she slowly floated from the ground; she stood on the ground as she saw the people still frozen in time. With her 'Being,' she quickly comprehended her condition and understandings of nigh omnivastance, she heard the system speak again.

"Upgrading dress, upgrade complete."

"Does Goddess wish to equip dress of nigh onmivastance?"


With the command, a dress appeared on Thalia, which was infinitely more magnificent than her previous robes; the stats of the dress appeared on the screen.

[Dress of Goddess Thalia: A dress with a dimensional scale equivalent to elementary hexahedron, but also surpasses all scaling systems]

Thalia read the information about the dress. She realized that her level of existence had surpassed the limits of concepts and understanding. She saw the frozen group of men as she spoke in a calm tone.

"I will deal with you insects later. For now, I want to see just who possesses such capabilities that also declares himself as my husband."

Thalia left the magical world in a time-stop state; she later dealt with these ants. She was wondering who this husband of hers was. She spoke to the system.

"System, tell me where this man is."

"Do you mean your husband, Goddess?"

"Yes, my hus.., my husband."

"He is currently in a low dimensional realm of another universe; does Goddess wish to meet him?"

The system asked.

"Not directly; I want to observe him before actually meeting him."

Thalia said, she thought, and the void in front of her opened as she walked through it.


Thalia hovered in the empty void in an unknown location of the broken world; her white hair fluttered while her eyes closed. The crescent symbol on her forehead shined as it slowly assumed the color of a galaxy. The craked door-shaped void closed as Thalia asked the system.

"System, you said my hus..., that man is on this tiny realm of this tiny world?"

"Yes, Goddess Thalia."

Thalia, being a nigh omnivastance being, knows everything now with or without the system. But the only thing is, she can't tell about her husband and any relations with him, other than his location, which somehow the system knew. Thalia wouldn't be able to tell anything about Patrick anymore. Unlike Shi Ling (Anastasia), she received her system after Patrick's upgrade.

Thalia stepped as she vanished at speed not scalable. The void she vanished from shattered instantly; moments later, it slowly mended as everything returned to its original state. Thalia began her search for her husband.

Imperial City

Kang Family Household

Being one of the most powerful families in the Ju empire, the Kang family possesses many lands and businesses. They have a legacy traceable to ten thousand years ago; an ancestor of theirs was also a participant in the human-demon war.

In a secret room in the Kang estate, six members of the Kang family sat in circles. There was a tense atmosphere as they all held serious expressions. A man who had a stick in his mouth spoke.

"It seems our plan to win the completion and infiltrate the empire's treasury has failed."

"Elder Mu doesn't have to worry; I have made plans for today's banquet, which we will use to unravel the true identity of that demon who hides as a kid."

"As expected of Patriarch Mo, we will use Patriarch Mo's plan to continue our plan in infiltrating the treasury."

An older man spoke; he was the oldest and the strongest among the six; he was a seventh-stage emperor realm cultivator, even stronger than the current emperor in cultivation realms but not actual strength.

Patrick laid on the bed at the ancestor residence as he smiled and spoke lowly.

"Ahh, My third wife, we have to meet in a romantic situation, not just a random meeting and then loving me instantly."

He knew everything Thalia was going through and only her system to show her his worldly and continental location, but not the empire or sect he is in.

He turned his head towards his two knocked-out wives. He got as he spoke in a calm but annoyed tone.

"It seems a stupid Heavenly Venerate is on the run; let's send him on a proper run, shall we?"

Patrick spoke while his essence clothes returned but stopped at the waist down while from waist up, he was naked. Patrick's body which had the appearance of a human, was nowhere to be seen. His body now looks transparent and the embodiment of both Yin and Yang.

"Hmm, it seems since I don't exist in any power systems anymore, the power systems now exist in me; I can manage with that."

Patrick said while observing his body, realizing that he now does not exist in any power scaling system and concept, as he is beyond the definition of everything.

The concepts of reality and space shifted as Patrick was on the roof with a will.

"Why don't you stop hiding like a little mouse and meet me like the Heavenly Venerate you are?"

Patrick's voice reverberated as it caused a certain area in the void to break, revealing the older man earlier from the coliseum.

The older man had a completely different expression than his nonchalant self; he was still calm even after being surprised by Patrick's move; he stepped from the void and spoke in an arrogant tone.

"It seems you are also from that realm, but I will have to test whether you are truly as powerful as the move you just performed."

"Hey, stupid old man, I never said I am from your bullshit realm, don't try to act arrogant in front of me, or there will be no more you in existence. Try me."

When the old man heard the word 'stupid,' which was the same name the man he killed at the coliseum called him, his mood instantly changed as he spoke in a more oppressive tone.

"Heavenly Suppression."

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