God Of All Systems

Chapter 41 - You Are Unworthy

(Final Congratulations. If you read this, you are a royal and loyal follower of 'God Of All Systems. If you noticed, I made purposeful mistakes like virgina for vagina and many more. I will not make purposeful blunders from now on. You all deserve it.)

The Ju imperial guest hall was lively as the strongest empire invited the strong cultivators from all over the eastern continent, only weaker than the sects.

Most of the attention was on Athena and Anna inside the feasting hall. Some also peeked at Patrick once in a while. This three were not the typical type of guests one usually welcomes. Their presence was completely incomprehensible; only their physical embodiment could be seen.

They sat on the high stand like gods to be worshiped. The two women elegantly sat as if they topple over even the heavens, with the man named Alex having the most arrogant sitting posture among the three; he sat with a leg over the other and a hand supporting his slanted face.

At the tables where the sect's representatives sat, the overpowering presence of these masters filled the hall with heavy spiritual pressure and suffocation. However, it wasn't heavily felt because the present individuals were all strong cultivators.

Although the Ju empire is strong, they aren't strong enough to order the visit of the sect masters, as the sect masters of these sects were on a whole different level and power. They might respect Ju Fan and Ju Shu as they share a common understanding of the battle they witnessed thousands of years ago, but they are still limited from requesting the sect masters to visit them personally.

The Kang family sat at the front rows of the tables as they were a powerhouse of the Ju empire. Among the Kang family was Kang Mo, he sat while the old man from the previous meeting sat next to him. Kang Mu also accompanied his father as he was the leading participant in the competition; he sat next to Kang Mo. He fretted, looking at the man sitting next to the two beautiful women on the higher stand.

Kang Mu may not be intelligent, but he knew what he experienced from the earlier stage; some still called it an illusion, but only he and those who fought Patrick understood the truth behind everything. Except for the guardians who originally received a warning from Patrick and Bei Fan, who received the worst nightmare of them all, no one truly knew anything about this man named Alex. Kang Mu barely touched any food as he feared drawing Patrick's attention.

While everyone was enjoying themselves, one of the twins from earlier stepped forward as he faced Patrick's group with a nonchalant expression while holding a wine jug in his right hand. He raised the jug as he spoke loud enough to draw everyone's attention.

"I want to ask, where is young master Alex from, and how were you able to acquire such two goddesses?"

All attention was now on Patrick, waiting for his response to these questions. How one reacts to certain questions determines whether they are strong-minded or just fake. From the back corners, Lu Fan stopped his drinking as he also awaited this person's reply. Another figure with a high expectation was a woman in hood robes sitting far behind Lu Fan's group.

Thalia slightly raised her hood as she gazed at the person who claimed to be her husband. She realized that he might notice her if she used any skills, so she completely hid her existence from reality after denying a serving from a servant earlier. Now this person is about to take action.

"I am from Metro city from Earth 001; as for my wives, they were the worthiest of beings in existence; that's why they are my wives."


This 'huh' was the general reaction of the public. The twin was the person who made the huh sound, but that was everyone's thought as well. The twin who asked stood in front of this Alex as his brain tried to process what was said; his original plan was to anger this being and maybe initiate combat, revealing this person's strength or identity in the process.

Usually, when someone asks a powerful cultivator about their background, it's an indirect insult that can be interpreted as 'You are fake, so tell us your background and prove your identity.' But most of the time, when asked this question, the powerful cultivators would react accordingly and punish that person or possibly kill them in the process.

But the reaction of this Alex caused the others to be suspicious; if this person is truly as strong as the guardians have indirectly stated, he must at least not answer the question or even make an annoyed expression to maintain his reputation as a master cultivator. But the words he said sounded even more baffling than his behavior.

"Huh..? Metiroo? Earth 001? worthiest beings..?"

The twin raised his eyebrows in doubt as he held his chin for a second as if he comprehended something. But while others were busy thinking the words, Lu Fan and the old man were the ones to have a more radical reaction as the old man looked at Lu Fan with a shocked expression and tried to calm himself. Lu Fan also had a shocked expression, but he tried to hide it as best as possible from anyone to notice.

But at the back, Thalia heard this person's words as she unconsciously fell in love with this person; she thought of the words he said later as they resounded in her head. 'As for my wives, they were the worthiest of beings in existence; that's why they are my wives.' This sentence rang in her head over millions and trillions of times as she raised her head to see the reaction of the two women beside this person.

Just like Thalia, Athena and Anna also heard Patrick's words as they almost melted from their seats; as for Anna, she felt liquid slightly about to drip from between her legs when she quickly rearranged everything. Yes, Anna squirted from Patrick's words. As for Thalia, she was thinking about one question in her mind; 'was I worthy enough to be his wife?'

Ju Fan, Ju Shu, Ju Han, and the old man with the grey beard interchanged looks with each other as they also tried to understand what this young master Alex said. They thought as they heard the twin speak again. They could stop him, but they also wanted to know the actual strength and identity of this young master Alex, whether he is a hidden master or an illusion art cultivator/fake.

"Is young master Alex naming some backwater city or some uncivilized location? I am sure no one has ever heard of 'Metiroo' city before. It would be great if young master elaborates more on what you said."

The twin continued his annoyance as he began gaining the support of the other cultivators. From the devil sect, Jiang Shi and Elder Mo didn't join the others who stood up. Lou Min also sat as she observed, if this person is fake, she will avenge her daughter, but if he's not, she can still be safe just in case. But Kang Mo joined the other cultivators as he made his way to the front and drew everyone's attention.

"My fellow cultivators, it is seen that this young master Alex is nothing but a scam; he must be cultivating a forbidden illusion technique for it even to affect us. As a member of the Kang family and a pillar of the Ju empire, it's my obligation to protect the empire and the whole of the eastern continent from invader threats.

With the unknown illusional abilities of this person, even the guardians, who are one of the strongest in the eastern continent, were affected, causing them to obey his every wish and command. What will happen if this person decides to use our strength against us and forcefully rule us?

Furthermore, his two wives are too beautiful to be true; even immortals don't have such beauty and smooth skin. Let's not forget the person himself and his transparent body with the Yin and Yang symbol on him, earlier today, he wasn't like this. So, my fellow cultivators, I have concluded that this Alex is either a scammer or, worst, a DEMON."

With Kang Mo's speech, many cultivators began thinking and how everything adds up now, even the Ju imperial guardians also doubted their judgments on this person. What if he used an illusion technique to affect them?. Some cultivators began standing, especially after hearing the demon part.

But the only group to not react was Lu Fan's; he still sat as he drank his wine, inattentive to his environment. From his reaction when Patrick mentioned Earth 001, one could assume he knows something that the others don't.

Everyone slowly approached the high stand of seats as they glared at Patrick, Athena, and Anna. The people who didn't act were Lu Fan's group, the guardians and Ju Han, and the old man. But while everyone was waiting for Patrick's reply, he was preoccupied with doing something else.

Patrick maintained his posture as a screen with a galaxy design hovered in his sight; his previous answer was not even spoken seriously. He was having a conversation with Grace and exploring the shop he had created.

"Master, this one?" Grace asked as an item was swiped away. Grace showed Patrick a series of items to pass the boredom.

"No, next," Patrick said no to a lot of the items that showed on his screen; he heard the twin's words about him elaborating about himself. Patrick waived the screen as he leaned forward; he rested on his right leg with his right arm as he looked a the cultivators and spoke with a dull expression.

"You all seem to be hostile to the imperial guest of the Ju empire; I must say, your respect for the imperial guardians is not on par with your hostility to me."

Patrick said as he redirected the situation to the imperial guardians; with this comment, the guardians will have to step in regardless, or they will appear as being disrespected. They were the hosting party, and their imperial guest, who had the position of an ancestor, was being disrespected.

Ju Fan and Ju Shu had ugly expressions; they were awkward. If they take action, they won't find out Alex's origin or his true strength; if they don't, they will appear irresponsible and tolerate disrespect, which is worse.

But before the guardians were about to speak, Patrick interrupted again.

"And for you Kang Mo, you speak of obligation to your empire, but you defy and challenge the judgment of your imperial guardians; are you implying that your imperial guardians are stupid and naive to host me? Which will bring me to another question. Have you always thought of the Ju monarchy as incompetent, or are you openly rebelling now that you have a reason to? which is me."

Hearing Patrick's words, some cultivators slowly began returning to their seats as things were getting worse. First, confronting Patrick is a blatant disrespect to the imperial guardians and the Ju empire. Even worse, this person named Alex is not as timid or stupid as they thought; he can reverse the situation even when pressured with questions.

Thalia, witnessing what just happened, happily smirked as she spoke softly. "Well, he's at least not stupid.". She became intrigued and slowly began making fantasies in her head about this so-called husband of hers; she was already feeling comfortable with the idea of being his wife.

Lu Fan witnessed the occurrences as he spoke to the old man standing next to him. "He is not bad with words, which means he might know about THAT place more than we do."

The old man nodded, agreeing with what his master said; his eyes were still closed all this while, but somehow, he still knew which was which.

Kang Mu was shocked at first by how this Alex countered his accusations, but he's a master when it comes to mind games. He remained calm even after Patrick accused him of rebellion.

"Everyone, it's clear that this Alex is a scam; he deflects the questions we asked with nonsensical theories. Everyone knows my loyalty to the Ju empire and the imperial guardians and how my Kang family has sacrificed countless resources and applied efforts to better the empire. Are my efforts seen as nothing but rebellious when I try to unmask the hidden identity of this unknown person who is now our imperial guest?"

After this comment, Kang Mo is nothing but a genius; his methods and remarks are nothing but perfect. If it weren't for the guardians being present, he would have overthrown Ju Han years ago.

Everyone was now completely convinced that Kang Mo's actions seemed reasonable and true; it was only natural to investigate this guest and reveal his identity.

Athena and Anna were slightly intrigued by this man and his arguing skills; even they couldn't have quickly thought of countering an accusation in such a short time if they were humans.

"Hahaha, well, what does young master Alex has to say? Why don't you prove yourself and ease the suspicion for all of us."

The twin laughed and spoke loudly. The guardians now also had a valid reason not to interfere, or else they would seem to not care about the empire's safety. Ju Han watched Kang Mu as he now realized the true potential of Kang Mo's wisdom; he inwardly admitted that the only reason he's still the Emperor is due to the imperial guardians holding Kang Mo from acting.

"I commemorate your wisdom, Kang Mo; your arguing skills are indeed unparalleled compared to low dimensional organisms.

But my existence is not something any being or organism could comprehend, even the ones reading my story right at this moment. It is not that I hide anything from anyone; it's just that.


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