God Of All Systems

Chapter 43 - The Space Sword Immortal

In the destroyed feast hall, the old man stood with his walking stick as he remembered the previous events he had with Lu Fan.

"Sigh, here we go again." The old man sighed as he turned his head to Ju Fan and spoke in a serious tone. "Little Ju, I think your Ju empire will be ruined today by that brat."

Ju Fan retained a cold and murderous expression from the old man's words, followed by Ju Shu; they both began exuding killing auras. Ju Han also heard as he immediately switched his mood to murderous.

Hundreds of meters away from the feasting hall, over a thousand guards rushed their way to the feasting hall while possessing high-grade treasures; some wielded swords, and some wielded spears, but they all held weapons.

"So, has young master Alex decided what you want your fate to be?"

Lu Fan stood, holding up one arm as he asked Patrick; he was in a calm yet terrifying state. He still couldn't evaluate this person's power even after increasing his power usage. 'How exactly is this Alex still able to remain calm even while facing me?' Lu Fan thought as Athena and Anna caught his attention; he thought of something as he spoke to Patrick.

"Your women will also have to accompany me, or else they will also die."

Lu Fan spoke, but Patrick hasn't even said a word to reply to Lu Fan until now. He stood with hands behind him and looked at Lu Fan like an annoying insect waiting to be squashed.

"Are you done being a clown?"

Patrick spoke with his manly voice as it reverberated around the area, his words calm yet loud enough for all to hear.

"Since you have chosen death and destruction, so be it. Indestructible Puppet Art, dark energy manipulation."

Hearing Patrick's reply being an insult, Lu Fan spoke as his body began exuding dark energy, the dark energy formed as Lu Fan created puppets from it. Moments later, over fifty dark-robed puppets emerged with swords in their hands.

"Create as much destruction and wipe out the Ju empire."

Lu Fan bellowed with his arms open wide and commanded his army of puppets to cause destruction.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Loud booms echoed as the magisterial buildings of the Ju empire began crumbling down to nothing but debris and dust.

"Lu Fan, how dare you cause mayhem in my Ju empire?"

Ju Han was the first to react as he bellowed and launched himself at the puppets; he jumped as his arms bulged and concentrated Qi in his fist.

Bam! Boom!

Ju Han landed as he destroyed the fifty puppets in a blow with his fist made of Qi. He stood and slightly turned his head to his left to speak to the powerful families.

"Prepare the Imperial formation; we must kill Lu Fan today at all cost."

The families heard their emperor as they nodded in unison. Although mad at Alex, Lou Min still couldn't stand and watch her empire get destroyed; she couldn't even do anything to Alex, so there was no point in her getting angry. She slowly floated in the air as her eyes began glowing.

Kang Mo was conscious after Lu Fan absorbed something from him; he felt like he had absorbed emotional energy that strengthened him. Kang Mo focused seconds later; he burst out with energy as his demeanor changed completely. He looked like a war god, ready for any battle.

Dong Chi used his family beast transformation art to transform into a half-cheetah, boosting his speed and attack power to another level.

Li Qui used dual swords as his base weapon but coated with strong Qi of a Spirit emperor realm cultivator. He held the swords with a firm grip as he gazed at the thousands of puppets ahead of them.

All four powerhouses floated in the air as they all shouted in unison the next moment.

"Jade Turtle Immortal sealing Formation."

They released qi from their bodies and combined to form a gigantic spirit jade turtle that covered the entire imperial residence and the feast hall included. The turtle had a golden jade skin and sturdy shield that seemed hard to break due to the layers of sealing defenses it had.

Lu Fan stood and watched the entire formation without interfering; he smirked and shook his head in disappointment. "What futile efforts." He spoke as he didn't consider the formation as threatening. All their efforts were nothing but a waste of time and energy to him.

He closed his eyes as his body began oozing more dark energy as if he had an endless amount of it, creating more dark puppets in the process. Lu Fan created over a thousand puppets as he sent them at Ju Han in a second as he continued to multiply them every second until they reached five thousand.

Away from Lu Fan's position, the old man with the grey beard stood facing the four stronger puppets with dual swords in their hands. "Let's end this annoyance." The old man spoke as he straightened his back. His walking stick began rotating fast as it shredded the wooden layer from it, revealing a silver shining sword that seemed otherworldly.

"It seems you intend to reveal your identity." Ju Fan, standing far from the old man, spoke as if they were friends. He knows the identity of this old man as they are oldies who have lived long enough to witness the war between humans and demons.

"Well, I am left with no choice; this brat is simply annoying with these methods of his." The old man spoke as he stopped the rotating sword with his right arm, holding it as he pointed at the puppets. He saw the puppets standing from all four sides; they launched at the old man a second later.

"Is that who I think it is?" Suddenly, Jiang Shi noticed the old man as he alerted the elder from the Devil sect, Elder Mo. They both stood where the sect representatives occupied when all the events occurred. The other sect representatives also stood with stern faces.

They have experienced many events today; they saw an accusation lead to a person using a method to suppress the entire hall of cultivators, and now, they are caught up in the trouble of Lu Fan. He is known as the most annoying enemy ever in the broken world.

And now they have identified someone who is one of the most popular people in the broken world. This person who disguises himself as an old man with a walking stick happens to be the famous and powerful 'Space Sword Immorrtal'

"It seems we wouldn't be able to kill that kid today; his methods are too bizarre. I am still wondering how he was able to suppress even the old man." Jiang Shi spoke confidently and looked at Patrick on the high stand, standing like a King looking down on Lu Fan like his servant, unworthy to be in his presence.

"Let us focus on Lu Fan now. The kid will be dealt with later, even if he uses unorthodox methods. If it comes to it, then we shall include that person." Elder Mo from the devil sect spoke as he exchanged Qi mind messages with Jiang Shi.

Now identified as the Space sword immortal, the old man clashed with the four puppets. He used his space reflection art to deflect the attacks, throwing the puppets a few meters away from him. He used his sword unsheathed but could still damage the puppets as they dissolved into dark energy every time they were injured.

"Hmm? It seems that brat has reinforced the puppets this time. Well, no matter, I can wipe them all together." The space sword immortal spoke as he turned his head to the Ju guardians and spoke the next moment. "Attack Lu Fan, leave the puppets to me."

Ju Fan and Ju Shu were slashing puppets like nothing when they heard the space sword immortal spoke. Ju Fan was the first to nod as he switched his target to Lu Fan, who still stood facing Alex. He and Ju Shu turned and watched the space sword immortal ready in a sword's stance.

"Everyone, stop fighting the puppets, step back from them." Ju Fan shouted as the many cultivators and powerhouses became baffled at first, but when they saw the imperial guardian, they stepped back as they witnessed something that shocked them.

Lu Fan still stood as he increased his combat energy to attack Patrick; the other cultivators were no threat at all. The more puppets they destroyed, the more he created with ease. He smirked at Patrick as his energy began rising, but suddenly, he felt something from the back. Something that felt like something had sliced the space. He could feel the number of puppets destroyed as fast as he immediately turned and saw a shocking scene.

The Space Sword Immortal. Known as the mysterious master who disappeared long ago after the battle between humans and demons. He only shows himself to certain people in certain situations and circumstances. It is rumored that the space sword immortal is one of the top ten most powerful cultivators on the entire broken planet. He possesses a sword that fell from the sky thousands of years ago. The sword is said to cut anything, including space and souls. Only on rare occasions does the Space sword immortal act or interfere in worldly matters.

Lu Fan and everybody else saw the space sword immortal ready in a sword stance as he softly numbered. "Space Sword Technique, Spacial annihilation." The space sword immortal sliced his sword at speed only Patrick, Athena, Anna, and Thalia could see. For ordinary cultivators, they couldn't even see the space sword immortal move or even unsheathed his sword; all they saw was the space sword immortal standing in an attacking stance before the devastating damage happened.

The attack sliced the space as the puppets disappeared instantly; they dissolved into dark energy as they got sucked into the cracked void. Moments later, due to the universe's natural order, the space began mending itself as it returned to normal. Space sword immortal stood as he felt his energy reduce significantly.

"Well, that should reduce the annoyance." Space sword immortal spoke as he stood at the empty spot where the puppets occupied. The other cultivators stood with shocked faces, to think the sword immortal was this strong, no wonder he rarely intervenes in worldly matters as such strength will bring the battle to a conclusion in a matter of seconds.

"Little Ju, it seems we wouldn't be able to hide from the divine tribulation this time. We only have to prepare for it." The Space sword immortal spoke to Ju Fan as he looked at the sky to see any changes.

"Yes, we have hidden from heaven too long; we have to face the trails this time." Ju Fan replied as sighed. He and the space swords immortal have hidden their presence from the heavens for hundreds of years using treasures; while he used the throne of the previous saints to suppress himself, the space sword immortal uses his sword, which fell from the sky to suppress himself.

The sword of the space immortal had a silver blade and a silver handle. It was inscribed with carvings of a star and a moon. The space sword immortal found this sword thousands of years ago after it fell from the sky. The sword granted him a space cultivation technique that could cut anything, including space; he felt that this wasn't the sword's full power as it only taught him the first level of spatial skills.

"What?" Shocked by what he saw, Lu Fan quickly began calculating his next moves. He realized that he had underestimated this old man; he thought of the space sword immortal to only possess the secrets to the tomb of the fallen saints. But seeing him slicing the space itself with a sword shows how powerful this old man is.

Lu Fan didn't lament his underestimation but immediately thought of something as he turned and spoke to his subordinate, the old man with closed eyes. From the beginning of the battle, this old man had not interfered or attacked anyone. He stood with hands tucked in his garments as he watched the fights and everyone using different skills and cultivation techniques.


The old man had a calm and resting expression and completely changed his character and behavior when he heard his master's orders. The old man wasn't a puppet similar to the other puppets, he was a living being, but his character didn't resemble a human. The old man only untucked his arms when Lu Fan asked to use fifty percent of his power.

"It's been decades since I stretched my arms." The old man spoke in a deep voice casually stretched his arms. He walked to the empty spot and looked at the cultivators standing in a circle. The old man clasped his hands together as he uttered. "Elemental vessel."

Everyone saw the old man's body slowly change from normal human skin to different elements, including fire, earth, water, light, dark, lightning, and air. The elements changed his complexion as he returned to his human skin. "Now, let's begin." The old man spoke as he pointed at the crowd of cultivators.

With this sentence, Ju Han was the first to react. It is outrageous for an enemy to cause destruction in his imperial residence and still challenge him. He bulged as he gathered Qi in his fist, throwing an attack at the old man.


The attack landed. But instead of the old man falling back, it was Ju Han who was sent flying. Everyone watched as the old man walked from the dust; his eyes were still closed as he cracked his fingers using his thumb. He raised his head towards the other cultivators as he spoke arrogantly.

"Your pathetic human of an emperor isn't capable of satisfying me; why don't you all attack so I can warm up," The old man spoke as it caused anger in everyone, especially the sect representatives. This incident allowed them to show their strengths and abilities to prove how powerful their sects were, still, from the Ju emperor's attack earlier and how this man casually blocked it and even sent the emperor flying. He is not your typical enemy.

Ju Han crashed into an already destroyed building as he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He watched his right chest as he saw a pinky finger hole, the finger hole wasn't big, but it had dark energy slowly seeping into his body. Ju Han raised his head as he looked at the old man speaking of him not even being a warm-up, causing him to spit more blood out of anger.

Ju Han took a pill from his space ring as he swallowed it. He stood as he strugglingly walked to the other cultivators. "Are you alright?" Ju Fan asked as he stood facing the old man. He closed his eyes as he began calculating his destiny. But then, they heard the old man speak instead.

"Since you are not attacking, then I will take the initiative."

The old man spoke as he launched himself into the group of cultivators. The battle began as skilled were activated to block, a battle of hand, feet, and skill combat began. Although the old man was surrounded, he could still beat the many cultivators singlehandedly; he used punches and kicks to send groups of cultivators in many directions, some even crashing into the formation barrier.

The members from the Moonflower sect gathered in a triangle as they used their sect methods to counter. The Beast sect used multiple beasts they stored in their beast storages as they unleashed them on the old man in numbers. Jiang Shi and Elder Mo attacked their men and launched multiple attacks on the old man.

The old man vanished and appeared above the Moonflower sect members as he threw a punch in their group, disrupting their triangle formation and sending them distances away. Whenever the launched attacks reach him, his body remains unaffected as he fights.

Far away within the destroyed feast hall, Thalia watched the old man beat the other cultivators like they were nothing. She used her system as she analyzed the situation. "Goddess, his body is unaffected by the attacks because it is an elemental vessel. Which enables him to absorb the elemental energy in the attacks, becoming stronger in the process."

"So you mean, he absorbs the attacks and becomes unlimitedly stronger?" "Yes, Goddess,"

Thalia spoke with her system as she analyzed the old man's ability. With this ability, he will become infinitely stronger from every attack as most attacks contain at least a form of elemental energy.

"Now that is taken care of, let's start your battle of death."

Lu Fan spoke as he smirked at Patrick. Patrick had remained in his position throughout the events as he enjoyed the show. To him, everything is an adventure and entertainment. He noticed Thalia using her system as he concluded that Thalia would interfere in the battle. Patrick still had his bored expression as he spoke to Lu Fan in a tone of 'You are in trouble.'

"You won't be fighting me, but the lady behind you."

Lu Fan heard Patrick's words as he stopped smirking and turned his head to see what Alex meant. He saw a womanly figure slowly walking towards them with a white hood covering her head and face. A voice came from the woman.

"Why are you not helping these people even though you are their guest?" Thalia asked in an annoyed tone as she walked towards Patrick. She ignored Lu Fan as she walked past him and stood directly in front of Patrick. She removed her hood as her divine beauty was exposed to the public.

Thalia was equally matched in beauty with Athena and Anna. She stood and looked at Patrick with an angry expression as she waited for his answer.

"Because I knew you would interfere, so I wanted you to have the stage for yourself," Patrick replied in a mocking tone as he slowly lost his bored expression. Athena and Anna saw their sister and how beautiful she was, not any less than them; she even had her dress on.

"Hmph," Thalia hmphed as she rolled her eyes at Patrick.

"How dare you ign..., huh?" Lu Fan was about to speak when suddenly he felt his body fly backward as he was thrown meters back.

"Don't interrupt me when I am talking," Thalia spoke as she flickered her index finger and sent Lu Fan meters away from his location.

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