God Of All Systems

Chapter 77 - Lifetime Mistake! Betrayal!

Above the space of the Sky Yun city lord's manor, the black-beard man and his two disciples hovered in the air on the long floating sword with arrogant airs as the black-beard elder released his overwhelming spirit pressure. His Qi pressure descended on the residences as the surrounding people felt suffocated, the guards guarding the doors to the meeting hall falling to the ground as they felt like being crushed by a mountain; the nearby maids experienced the same event as some laid on the ground flat, not even having the strength to resist. But in little Yun Lan's quarters, the maids, their little Miss, and the city lady were fine as they didn't experience any qi pressure; that was because of the snow bunny, which lazily lay on the bed while its body exuded resplendent Qi that protected little Yun Lan and her company.

Inside the meeting hall, Yun Shin and his cabinet of elders felt the overwhelming Qi pressure descend upon them as they knelt on one knee; Yun Shin assumed an angry expression as he strugglingly rose from his feet, walking outside with an unyielding aura as he stopped by the door entrance. The next second, his eyes shone brightly as he also released his Qi pressure, his voice reverberating in the surroundings as he spoke angrily.

"Is this an appropriate mannerism of a respectable guest?"

Seeing the city lord's reaction, the black-beard elder nonchalantly stroked his black beard; he didn't even acknowledge Yun Shin's countering Qi and angry expression. He looked at Yun Shin as he arrogantly spoke.

"With strength, one can act however one pleases. And what exactly do you think your pathetic fifth-stage Celestial realm can do?"

Yun Shin stood by the hall entrance as he felt the Qi pressure of the black-beard elder slowly descend upon him; with the second sentence of the elder, Yun Shin felt the Qi pressure descend upon him heavily as he slowly knelt on one knee. He strugglingly raised his head as he had a default angry expression. He thought, 'This Qi is from a Celestial Ninth-stage; he is only steps away from becoming a Celestial Emperor, looks like I won't be able to fight back.'

"Now that we have established our standings, would City lord care to kindly invite us?"

Yun Shin gritted his teeth as he felt the Qi pressure over the entire manor disappear instantly; rising from the ground, he clenched his right fist as he thought, 'How shameless' and then spoke.

"You have already barged into my city and manor; why bother with an invitation?"

The black beard elder smirked as the next moment; he instantly appeared before Yun Shin; he had his hands behind him as he gazed at the city lord with a superior countenance. He slowly rested his left hand on Yun Shin's left shoulder as he spoke, walking past him and entering the meeting hall.

"You should learn to be more courteous; it will do you more good than harm."

In the Sky Yun City, Patrick and his three wives sat at the second-story balcony of the inn as they indulged in their wine drinking; eight emptied wine jugs rested on the table as the group of four finished their wines. Taking his last shot and noisily resting the cup on the table, Patrick ran his right hand through his silver curly hair as he displayed a bad-boy attitude; his ten rings on his fingers contributed more to his gangster-like demeanor. The three ladies watched as their man acted like their fantasy bad-boy; they giggled as they covered their blushed faces with their godly delicate hands. They saw that Patrick wasn't even aware of him acting like a bad boy, causing them to giggle more; Patrick noticed his wives giggling as he jokingly smirked.

"Hey, you fucking peasant maid, I told you to bring me another two jugs of your most expensive wine; what's taking so long?"

Suddenly, a male voice rang out on the inn's first floor, drawing the attention of the surrounding customers and guests as it interrupted their peace and silence. On the first floor, a man wearing a luxurious brown robe stood from his seat as he gripped the hilt of his sword, which rested by his right side. He seemed to be twenty or older with slight signs of beard growing from his chin; standing around the man were three soldiers wearing the same bronze armors as the Sky Yun city guards, to be exact, they were guards of the Sky Yun city, except assigned to escort this man.

The surrounding customers stared at the man standing with a dissatisfied expression. But upon seeing who the person was, most of the citizens of the Sky Yun Region immediately ignored the situation as they minded their businesses, but some had fearful expressions as they tried to avoid the angry gaze of the man. Seeing the reactions of the common citizens, a man clad in merchant robes leaned closer to a known citizen as he whisperingly asked.

"Fellow brother, who is that? and why does everybody seem to fear him?"

"...Hmm? Am assuming you are an importing merchant; that's why you don't know about him. That's the son of Wang Wu, the elder brother figure to the Sky Yun city lord; he is Wang Wei. He causes trouble in the city without any punishments whatsoever as his father is an elder figure to the city lord, but despite his behaviors, he is said to be a fourth-stage True Immortal with good cultivation techniques; even his sword is a graded weapon. Best you ignore him, or heaven knows what he might do."

Listening to the citizen, the merchant quickly retracted his gaze from the scene as he acted oblivious to everything, likewise the surrounding customers and citizens.

But suddenly, an old man walked from the back as he approached the standing Wang Wei and his company of guards; the old man had a slightly luxurious attire with a badge attached to his chest saying 'manager.' From afar, the old manager held a respecting and subservient attitude as he spoke, his voice not having the slightest ounce of anger or rage from someone disturbing his other customers, contrarily, he had a smiley face.

"May I please know what has displeased young master Wang?"

Hearing the words of the inn manager, the surrounding citizens held disappointed expressions as they gazed at the manager with disgust. Some already familiar with the manager as they are citizens of Sky Yun City; despite being a manager to an expensive inn, this old man had always sucked up to Wang Wei, even allowing Wang Wei to disrespect the working maids for his satisfaction, in return, he would receive favors from the Wang family, who were almost equal to the Yun family in status.

"Manager Lu, it seems your serving-maid needs punishment. I requested two jugs of expensive wines, and that bitch is still not here yet; is this how the Blue Sky Inn treats its customers?"

Hearing Wang Wei's speech, even manager Lu had to assume a weird dark expression. Manager Lu had shut eyes as he faced Wang Wei.' This bastard, if only your father weren't of high status and cultivation, I would have killed your pathetic self ages ago; let's bear it, I still need his father's support to maybe leave for higher regions and cities, yes, I will spare him until then.' The manager mischievously thought as he spoke with a smiley face.

"I shall handle this matter for young master Wang; please calm down. I will personally make sure to punish the maid and provide you with our latest wine which even the city lord loves to buy monthly. Bring the maid who served young master Wang."

Upon the manager's orders, two guards brought the girl who previously served Patrick's group; the girl had a dreadful expression as she frighteningly gazed at the standing Wang Wei, one could assume they already had an unfortunate past as the serving-maid shivered from looking at Wang Wei as if seeing flashbacks of what she had previously experienced with him. The two inn guards dropped the girl on the floor; kneeling, the girl instinctively bowed towards Wang Wei as she prostrated herself in a slave-serving manner.

"You....young....master....please forgive me, I was late because there weren't any remaining expensive wines for sale, they have all been so-"

"What!? Other than the city lord and the Wang family, who else is capable of purchasing more than one expensive jug of wine in one sitting?"

Manager Lu interrupted the maid as he slightly frowned his shut eyes; using his spiritual sense, he immediately scanned the entire inn to see if the maid's words were true. Surprisingly, he couldn't find any expensive wines remaining in the storage. Manager Lu looked at Wang Wei as the duo exchanged baffling gazes, but Wang Wei clenched his right fist as he loudly spoke.

"Who in this inn dared to buy the favorite wine of this young master here, Wang Wei; hand it over now, and I would only let you leave an arm with your soul stones. But ignore my warning, and you shall leave this inn headless. Guards, make sure no one leaves without my permission."

Obeying their orders, the three bronze armor-wearing guards appeared at the inn entrance as they shut the entire inn in broad daylight. Seeing the actions of Wang Wei, manager Lu clenched his jaw as he thought, 'This fucking bastard; if word spread to the city lord that I allowed Wang Wei to disrupt daily business, I will lose my position, and my goal of heading for the higher regions will be nothing but ashes, I better interfere.'

"Young Master Wang, perhaps there is a much better method than closing the inn."

"And what exactly is that?" Wang Wei asked angrily while slightly turning his head to manager Lu standing beside him.

'This fucking retard, can't even think of something so simple?' "If the young master can ask the maid who bought the jugs, we would get the specific targets while not disrupting daily business; I think such a method will avoid unnecessary attention from the city lord, isn't that so, young master Wang?"

"Hmm, that's right. Hey, you bitch, who did you serve the wines to?"

"Young master, they are on the second floor by the balcony."

Getting his answer, Wang Wei looked at the maid as he spoke to manager Lu. "Manager Lu, I think you should let me punish this maid; how can I relieve my anger after all."

'Well, she's an already used property of Wang Wei; there is no harm in letting them continue what they started,' "Of course, it's only appropriate young master Wang vents his anger, and what better way than on the problem causer herself. Take her away."

"NOO, NOO, manager Lu, please, my family would kill me!"

The inn guards dragged the pleading serving-maid from the scene as she cried in pain and fearful tears. Wang Wei smirked as he turned to his guards. "Get up there and bring me the heads of those bastards on the balcony," "Yes, young master," the three bronze armor-wearing guards saluted as they held the sheaths of their swords in one hand, they headed for the second-floor balcony with murdering auras.

On the balcony, Patrick and his three wives heard and saw everything that transpired below; it was like watching a real-life drama on an illusionary screen that only they could see; seeing the three guards approach, Patrick smirked as he spoke.

"Time to initiate my immortal realm trash cleaning."

At the city lord's manor, Yun Shin and his elders stood facing the black-beard elder sitting on the city lord's chair; next on both sides of the elder were his two male and female disciples standing with arrogant airs. The elder comfortably sat on the city lord's seat as he stared at the standing city lord and his elders standing along with him. Suddenly, the black-beard elder spoke.

"Since you are reluctant to the orders of the Spirit Sword Sect, then as an elder of the Spirit Sword Sect, it only fits I pass the Sky Yun city lord title to someone more befitting of it. So what do you say? Will you seize the opportunity and take action or what?"

Hearing the black-beard elder's words, the Sky Yun city lord, Yun Shin, and his cabinet of elders exchanged gazes as they saw the baffling faces of each other. Realizing something, Yun Shin stepped forward as he began speaking.

"What right does the Spirit Sword Sect have to comm-HUH!?."


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