God Of All Systems

Chapter 98 - The Three Goddesses

Somewhere within the deeper areas of the central continent, a sect that was renowned for its power and prestige, and had millions of square miles of landmass, was now completely enshrouded in flames and explosions. It was nighttime in this particular region, but it felt as if it was daytime due to the countless blazing flames and reverberating explosions occurring every second, illuminating the dark sky with bright lights and making the scene resemble daylight. Within the exploding ravaging flames and crumbling sect buildings, one could hear the thundering cries and agonizing screams of millions of humans and beasts alike as they were being scorched to nothing but ashes.

Further within the core areas of this crumbling and perishing sect, over fifty men, all donned in azure clothing, held different weapons and artifacts and had multiple of their techniques and laws activated as they all hovered in the air with serious yet terrified expressions. The fifty-plus men all had petrified expressions as some even shivered with fear, sweats dripping from their foreheads. Among the hovering fifty-plus old and young men, an old man with a grey beard and bald head floated in the leading position in front of the other men while holding a long energy spear; this person had the most luxurious azure clothing compared to the others as it symbolized his status in the sect.

The grey-beard old man and his sect members all had torn clothes and disheveled appearances as it demonstrated they had been suffering some serious beatings. Some even had their once luxurious azure robes now completely soaked in their blood, while others had blood oozing from their apertures. The leading old man held his long energy spear as one could see his arm, which held the weapon trembling with fear; sweats dripped from his forehead as he constantly gasped for air. He had both an exhausted and fearful expression as he stared far in the distance, his frightened gaze seeming as if he was looking at death itself. The grey-beard old man deeply inhaled as he mustered his last bit of courage; he then bellowed out.

"Who...who are you?! Why are you attacking my Azure Dragon Sect?! Show yourselves!"

The old man loudly spoke as sweats profusely dripped from his forehead. The other fifty-plus men hovering with their sect leader weren't any better either; some couldn't even keep their calm as they constantly shivered due to them hearing the never-ending excruciating cries of their sect members being scorched to their deaths. After hearing their sect leader question who these unknown beings were, some tightly clenched their weapons and intensified their cultivated laws, causing the floating laws around them to shine even brighter. But then, the men heard a woman's sigh; but simultaneously to the resonating womanly sigh, the hovering fifty-plus men instantly bloated as they exploded the same instant.

It wasn't just the hovering men; every living organism that existed within the premises of the Azure Dragon Sect instantly bloated and exploded. With the body explosion of millions of humans, the surroundings became extremely silent as one could even hear a pin drop.

Suddenly, the void-space above the gruesome scene willingly tore like sliding doors and opened itself as the next instant; three heavenly Goddesses, each with their sense of ambiance and godliness, elegantly stepped from the void, but before they could step, the surrounding Qi willingly swirled as it instant formed golden tiles under them. The three goddess-like beings stood on the golden tiles made of pure Qi as they spectated the surroundings; then, one of the two silvered-haired goddesses spoke, her charming voice resonating in the surroundings after.

"Sigh! It seems they couldn't even withstand the sound frequency of a mere sigh. How disappointing."

"Heh! Don't you think you are being a bully, Thalia?" 

"Haha, Athena is right; you said we should deal with them patiently, but now the fight is already over before we even arrived."

"Don't blame me, haha."

The three heavenly goddesses standing on the golden tiles in the sky are no other than the wives of Patrick Alexander King; Athena, with long magnificent silver hair that reached her shoulders; Anna, with golden hair that radiated with brilliance with a mini version of herself happily floating beside her; and Thalia, who also had pure silver hair, but it stopped at her back. 

All three Goddesses stood on the Qi-formed golden tiles as their ordinary dresses fluttered with the surrounding swirling Qi.

(Rewind to a few weeks ago, a few hours after the three ladies left Patrick)

Somewhere far within the middle regions of the central continent, there was a large water stream flowing down a hill; the huge descending waterfall was crystal clear blue, representing its purity, and from the location the waterfall was, it seemed people rarely visited this location. At the bottom of the falling stream, there was a pond into which the stream flowed, and within this pond were three godly beauties. The three beauties were Athena, Anna, and Thalia.

Athena, Anna, and Thalia carefreely lay in the pond as their slender legs, big breasts, thick thighs, and heads were the only body parts exposed from within the water. I say carefree because while the three goddesses casually floated in the pond with unbothered attitudes, their environment wasn't the same. On the contrary, except for the pond, the surrounding was completely submerged in blood, but the most noticeable fact wasn't just the sea of blood but the countless piled-up corpses of beasts.

There were over ten hills of piled-up dead bodies of beasts and some other strange creatures, and it seemed each piled-up hill had thousands of the dead creatures, regardless, all these creatures have now perished as some of their corpses lay all around the pond, with blood leaking from their carcasses and making the surroundings even bloodier.

And the three goddesses didn't have the slightest issue with the gruesome scene.

Athena stood in the pond wearing a white silk see-through swimming suit; and white lingerie with the bra under her swimming suit. Casually sitting on a stone at the pond's bank, she fluttered her legs in the water.

"So what do you ladies think? Is having our 'us' time fun?"

"Why? Are you starting to miss that moron already?" 

Blush~ "Of course not, Thalia, and besides, I think our adventure will be a great opportunity to know each other properly. Anna? What about you, any thoughts?"

"..., I think having a vacation from the men's world is quite peaceful, don't you think?"


"Hahaha~" "Hahaha~."

"Are you serious, Anna? Peaceful!? Weren't we playing with a few pets to pass the time hours ago, if I remember correctly? And now you speak of tranquility? Very funny."

Athena and Thalia jokingly laughed as they sarcastically looked at Anna, with Thalia humorously speaking after. Seeing her sisters laugh, Anna smiled as she giggled after, even noticing the hypocrisy in her statement. The three goddesses happily laughed as the scene became friendly, and without them noticing, their relationship was getting stronger.

"So, Athena, seeing that you are the first woman to be with Patrick, how was he like before his current self?"

Thalia asked, changing the whole topic and mood, but like her, Anna also had an interesting look, earning to know what their husband was like before now. Seeing the excited faces of her sisters, Athena smiled as she raised her head, looking in the sky as she began reminiscing, speaking after.

"Well-- When I was twelve, I ran away from home mainly due to the tedious family meetings and ceremonies held by our Watson family; and because of our reputation as the second most powerful family in Metro city, father and grandpa introduced me to countless young heirs and even kids two or three years older than me in the expectation that I might find one amusing and ending up marry them when I'm of age. But I only saw them as boring and stupidly arrogant kids who will depend entirely on their families when they grow up, making them nothing but puppets at the mercy of their families. And more importantly, I felt trapped; the burden of shouldering the responsibility of a powerhouse was an excruciating thought.

So by using my ice ability and destroying the mana generators during an event, and causing a commotion, my guards were distracted, providing me the opportunity to escape. But the life I thought of for normal people was nothing but a huge slap in my face by reality. I got lost in the city and couldn't find my way back, leading me to almost starving to death and fainting after. When I awoke, I was in an orphanage. But despite being there, I felt free, unburdened, and happy; I later met some friends who helped me quickly adjust.

But everything changed that day.

I remember the day even more vividly than ever; it was noon, and most of the other kids were busy playing around, acting like kids their age, and I was with my friends. That was when suddenly, the entire playground became quiet; all the kids stopped their playing and movements as if they were afraid of someone; the clustered kids stared in one direction, which also drew mine, so I turned to see who or what was it. That was when I saw him, the tall, skinny, extremely handsome, silver-haired dark-skinned Patrick; for some reason, the kids feared and respected him heavily; the girls at that time were head over heels for him, with some even blushing till they fainted by him merely looking at them. Due to many of the kids' fear, love, and respect for him, he was both the hero and the villain, as he was always the center of attention the second he appeared.

I later discovered that he was treated like that because of his personality; Patrick was extremely arrogant, carefree, a trouble maker, and worse, a manipulator; he had many titles of which the kids called him, but the title he was mainly acknowledged by the other kids for was 'Master Brainiac.' That was because Patrick was intelligent to the point he had the entire orphanage in his control; you see, while the kids knew him as a total manipulator and a mastermind, the teachers and nuns in the orphanage only saw Patrick as an innocent and harmless child who needed love and affection. And with that, Patrick got whatever he wanted simply by using his extremely handsome looks and intelligence.

That same night, I was curiously strolling the old church buildings of the orphanage while using my ice ability as light when I accidentally stumbled on a door that leads down; I opened it and was surprised to see a cement staircase leading to a hidden chamber. I then traced the pathway within the chamber, only to later discover Patrick's hidden lair.

Knowing his hidden chamber, he immediately calculated and threatened me with exposing my secret as an awakened human. And his solution was he would remain quiet also long as I didn't mention his hidden chamber to anyone. With each party holding the other's secret, we became friends for two years. During that time, I realized just what an absolute monster and a genius Patrick was; within his hidden chamber were hundreds of blueprints and sketches of various technologies which weren't even thought of yet, let alone invented.

Although he was cold-hearted and always serious towards the other kids, Patrick treated me differently; he was kind, caring, and most of all, considerate of what I thought of him. He would show me his ideas and sketches and sometimes even ask me to name his gadgets.

At that time, some of his inventions were a pistol gun that operated on mana cores, making the gun never run out of bullets, a small metal cube that absorbs electricity that he can use to transform the energy into mana; a liquid that will regenerate his cells and body if wounded, a sunglasses that can scan and provide live data about anything, and it can also live translate every language in the world; a robotic armor made from scraps, an artificial intelligence supercomputer, and a humanoid male robot also made from metal scraps.

But despite having all these science-breaking world-record inventions, he never boasted or bragged about them the least, and one of his most extremely important so-called projects was something he called a mana core accelerator. I knew Patrick was smart, but only when we became close did I realize what an absolute monster he was; he was smart when it came to everything. I once asked him why he hadn't thought of revealing his inventions. Patrick replied that until he becomes an awakened individual and is strong enough to defend against strong technological companies and the government, he won't reveal anything to the public because he will be a targetable puppet for government and private companies."

"..., Are you saying Patrick was twelve and was already inventing technologies? Not only that, but he even calculated how the public would react?..., Thinking about it, it was the right course of action; if the public knew of what a genius was, he would not only be an international threat to other nations, but he would be the most prioritized target for assassinations. It looks like our husband does have not only looks but also brains; ..., I don't know why but I'm starting to feel proud of myself all of a sudden"

Thalia spoke as she expressed thoughtfully; she then smiled as if realizing what an achievement it has truly been to be Patrick's wife. Hearing about Patrick's history and achievements at an earlier age, she became even more satisfied with the feeling of being Patrick's wife. Anna was also experiencing the same feeling; getting lost in her thoughts, she carefully stroked her lips and began reminiscing about her intimate moments with Patrick as she smiled unconsciously.

Athena looked at the smiling faces of the two goddesses as she also smiled charmingly.

'As the first wife and infinity Goddess, I must shoulder the responsibility of always maintaining my sisters' opinions and views of our husband. I won't tell them about Patrick's previous inability to awaken, and why or how he is the strongest individual in all calculatable existence all of a sudden as that will ignite doubt, I will wait for Patrick to tell us that himself.'

Athena thought as she joined her sisters in their constant smiling; she then went into the water and also began reminiscing about Patrick. The next moment, all three Goddesses began fingering themselves as they thought about Patrick roughly ravaging their vaginas with his long hard rod. Moments later, Athena, Anna, and Thalia were immersed in their fantasies as they loudly moaned with pleasure, slowly approaching climax. But just before the three Goddesses were about to reach a full and satisfying climax, a male voice reverberated in the distance, causing the three goddesses to lose their immediate climax sensations. 

Athena, Anna, and Thalia expressed disgruntled and annoyed faces.

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