God of Blackfield

14. You've never been right, have you?

Students are swarming with silverware, and a girl wears her arms and watches how one looks.

The masses seemed to be annoyed.

“Get in, you son of a bitch. I'll let you eat that motherfucker once. ”

Kang Chan briefly saw a child called Silver Silk.

What are you gonna do? ’

Silver's eyes were just like that. But just after he gave me the look, the girl's snitch said, "John Mann. 'I saw it move.

Kang Chan laughed.

It's always like this in front of school, in front of a gang, in front of a girl. The same was true of French gangs. He shook his head in the first place, but if he reacted, he continued to run and eventually became irreversible.

These guys are pros.

Those ugly bastards who get involved in students' work.

Then it is right to treat him accordingly.

A real fight, not a fight with kids in uniform.

“Let's do what we want. ”

He lowers the bag on his right shoulder and approaches the chunk.


It was a twinkling moment.


Even a 130kg D'Yerou is stunned.

Gangchan grabs the chin and the back of his head, and raises his knee sharply.


It was the moment when the groin of the masses sounded so horrible that the thunder of the boys frowned.


Kang Chan twisted his neck as it was.

This should give you about six months of gibbs on your neck.

The student would have wanted to run.

“Are you here to play? ”

The man who was watching with embarrassed eyes was filled with hymn and gaze.

Kang Chan pushes his fist out of Paris like the one on the left.

Chaaak. Furburbuck.

Then I took a thumb shot of the waist, the forehead, and the armpit.


The strong hymn immediately hits the inside of his jaw with a pointed stop.


I'm going to blink.

Kang Chan grabbed his head and chin and twisted it.

Good luck.

“You son of a bitch! ”

Still, a whirlpool of knives rushes to tell me that time has passed.

Kang Chan hurriedly twisted his torso.


Definitely different from a pro.

Kang Chan sharpens his waist.

A tearful scream from the girls came out.

“You son of a bitch, I'll kill you! ”

Regardless of the opponent's stance, the audition looks at the flanks.

His clothes were shattered sharply and blood was spreading within him. I don't know if it's because I changed my body, but I've never had speed or power before.


Kang Chan twisted his head and said he was annoyed.

However, they don't run even if they hold the rider.

‘You didn't think of it. ’

I didn't think I'd be here to catch a student.

They look around in a panicked state as they swing their swords.

It's good to run, but when the police come, it's a waste.

“You've never been right, have you? ”

“What did he say, you son of a bitch? ”

Kang Chan runs toward the gap where the opponent is uncomfortable.

He used a knife.

Swing short to the right without stabbing.

Avoiding this creates a gap again.

Kang Chan stretched his left hand as close as possible to the sack.


It sounds almost simultaneously.

Instead of cutting the left palm, the bent right hand index and stop are pinned right into both eyes.



This is the moment when the blade falls.

Kang Chan quickly grabs his head with his left hand and steps back.

The only one left was flinching and unable to run.

Those who see two people twisting or twisting their necks will not turn their necks. My body is protecting my neck. Reasons for sore throat even in minor traffic accidents.

If you twist his head forcefully, he dies or becomes hemiplegic.

Kang Chan presses his head with his left hand and raises his face to the inside of the palm of his right hand.

Phew. Phew. Phew. Phew.


“Thingbaan! Let go!”

The man with the nose and nose blocked by blood strikes the bald man, but the strong hymn that grips his head keeps hitting him in the face.

The sound was desperate.

Staring at the opponent as if he were going to eat one more person, he made his face even more glorious.

The blood that falls on the ground in the second mass splashes everywhere.

Phew. Phew. Phew. Phew.

The one who was hit was unconscious, and the one who was watching was bored.

He finally stops beating and twists his jaw and head.



A drop of blood was falling from the left hand of Kang Chan, and the other hand seemed to be wearing red gloves with the blood of the fallen.

Too bad, but time has passed.

When Kang Chan stepped forward, it was time for him to step back.

Kang Chan picks up the knife with his bloody hands.

Then he grabs the right hand of the man who just twisted his neck.

“Hey, you bastard! ”

The last one uses evil.



Kang Chan draws the innermost finger of the unconscious.


Screams burst everywhere, as if they were choirs.

I don't need a thumb.

Even if you cut off the roots of your fingers like this, he can barely chop forward.

“Fuck off.”

“You crazy bastard! ”

Even if Junuk listens, the gang is a gang. When he looks at the fallen, he flicks his sword again.

“Get the hell out of here before the cops come, asshole. And remember clearly. You must let me twist your head. ”

The hymn was sincere.

The police came and hated being loud, and on the contrary, they never wanted to leave the dumb guy with a knife.

“Hey! Move it! ”

He seemed to be crazy about the police, too.

After writing the evil, the rattling students move the fallen into the car with their eyes open.

“You must have a hole in your belly. ”

“Don't shudder, keep your head down. ”

The guys that were spreading in between were in the car.

“Asshole. I'll do it right to exercise. ”

Kang Chan grumbles as he turns his left palm upside down. It is a mistake that can never be made before.

Daeyeru, no, when you see the lagoon, you will kill and laugh.

Still, there was a finishing line left.

Kang Chan approached the silverware when he saw the chunks in the car.

The knife, the blood, and the endless knocking on the fainted, the blinking eyes.

Of course, the silverware was shivering with blue lips.

“I'm warning you.”

“Don't. ”

A girl eats horses with a trembling voice.

Kang Chan made a commitment not to twist his neck.

“One more time, and you'll be in front of me. ”

“I was wrong……. ”


It's full swing.

It doesn't matter if you're scared or you're shaking.

It's best to make sure you don't twist your neck, break your arm, or kill yourself.


The girl's skirt was flanked and the clean panties appeared intact. It was wet.

“Put this away. ”

Kang Chan spoke to the three bottlenecks who were hiding on one side.

Screw it.

“Why don't you get rid of it quickly? ”

The three bottles twinkle and stand on the armpits of silver thread.

“Snow White.”


Kim Mi-young was saying something.

No wonder you don't know.

“Pick up the bag. ”

“Huh? Huh! ”

Kim Mi-young came to Hudadak and quickly picked up his bag.

Kang Chan first went back to school.

If you go outside, you won't have much to say.

Even if I entrusted the retreat to the Great Lakes, it was urgent to treat my hands first.

* * *

Kang Chan, who wrapped his left hand with a handkerchief given by Kim Mi-young, went to the good room first.

Forty lines of good teachers looked at the wounds of the hymn and were embarrassed.

“We have to disinfect it first. ”

She spits out who she says she doesn't know and brings a glass bottle and a pinset with disinfectant.

“Do you have a needle and thread? ”


“I can't even sew it, but it takes me a long time to disinfect it. So do you have a needle? ”

“All you have to do is disinfect it and sew it. ”

Are you going to the hospital? Won't it bother you?

It should be stitched with a deep cut that is about 10 cm wide. It was so big that it could barely use the gripping force.


At that time, the Great Lakes rushed into the good room.

“What happened? ”

Kang Chan looked at the palm of his hand and listened to the gaze of the lagoon again.

“Let's go to the hospital. ”

Unlike in Africa, the littoral lake, which is very noticeable, quickly set up a hymn.

“Then go disinfect it. I'm bleeding from my back, too. ”

Kang Chan lifted Kim Mi-young's handkerchief and closed his left hand again.

“Don't do that. You have to disinfect and bandage it. ”

“Do you write something like that to the bad guy? I'll take you to the hospital. ”

After the Great Lakes, the good teacher couldn't do any more.

“Are you going to the hospital...? ”

Kim Mi-young held the bag and followed him, so Kang Chan was careful what he said.

“You should.”

Gangchan followed the lagoon without saying a word.

The Stone Canyon refers to an old quasi-medium car set up on one side of the school.

“You go home now. ”

“I'm going to the hospital. ”

“Go, because it's okay. You said you had to go to the academy. ”

“Yes, the teacher will take care of it, so you should go home. Grade three saves you time. Come on, give me the bag. ”

Kim Mi-young couldn't rest with a face that seemed to burst into tears.

Kang Chan pulled the bag without saying a word and threw it into the back of the car.

“Let's go.”


Sukgang Ho nodded to Kim Mi-young and put himself in the driver's seat.

“What happened? ”

“The thugs were waiting. ”

The driving skills of the Stone Canyon were not very hot.

I was clumsy enough to get out of the gate.

I saw a patrol car standing on one side of the road and two Conquest cops in the shop.

“Don't you think there's a problem? ”

It was a moment of muttering while looking at the police.



One of the students was surprised to see the lagoon and the hymn as he glanced back.

“Out of the way!”

I would not have heard a word, but the hand of the Lagoon and the face of the hymn were blurred and the student quickly turned aside with a gentle expression.

“Wow! Are you out of your mind? ”

“I couldn't have done it more than the police. ”

Kang Chan wanted to take the steering wheel, but he was in a bad position, so he cut his anger by hanging more handkerchiefs on his hands.

“You'll be fine, won't you?”

“What else? ”

“The police.”

Is this really the stage cannon D'Yeru?

“The cops are coming, so they took it and splashed it. I don't think there's anything to report over there, and I don't want to report it, so it won't be a problem. ”

“I heard that. ”

“And what are you going to say to the three students that their necks are gone? ”

“Did you turn your neck? ”

It was a shocking reaction.


“How long?”

“About six months? ”

At least the Stone River was a relieved notion.

“No hospitals. Let's go to our house and change our bloody clothes. ”

When Kang Chan lowered his head, there was a stiff blood stain from the bottom of his stomach.

“Tsk. Take care of yourself. ”

Kang Chan stares out the window with his head leaning on the passenger seat.

It's a peaceful world.

A world far from combat or death.

I didn't think I was very happy.

What if I was in Africa now?

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