God of Destruction

Chapter 4690: Festival opportunities

Chapter 4696 Opportunities

"These **** bastards, I knew that they had left so many hidden dangers in the prehistoric world. If I want to get along with Tiandao, I will remove them as soon as possible, and prevent them from bringing such a threat to me!" Hong Jun Daozu was thinking fiercely in his heart, but unfortunately he can only think about it, and it can't change everything at all!

At this time, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but begin to doubt the way of heaven, the consciousness of the prehistoric world, and even the primordial spirit of Pangu. When I was in charge of the prehistoric world, I never found out whether it was the backhand of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons that were too concealed and kept under seal so that people could not perceive it, or whether it was the consciousness of the prehistoric world, or the way of heaven, or even the Pangu Yuanshen is deliberately helping them to hide. If it is the consequence, his own troubles will be big, and the whole prehistoric world will be in big trouble. This shows that Pangu Yuanshen has never fallen asleep, and has been hiding in secret and grasping the general situation of the prehistoric world. Leading all changes!

Although there are worries, doubts and fears in his heart, Daozu Hongjun can't change all of this, he can only face the impact of all this, and now he is also powerless. Great, even if he makes a move, he may fall directly into the calculation of Pangu Yuanshen, be directly locked by Pangu Yuanshen, or even kill him directly. Daozu Hongjun would not think that if Pangu Yuanshen has been awake all the time Be merciful to yourself!

As a chaotic **** and demon, Daozu Hongjun is very careful about every chaotic **** and demon in his heart. He can count the stars and gods and demons, and other chaotic gods and demons can also count on himself, just like Luohu back then, the more at this time. , The more cautious Daozu Hongjun had to be, the less he dared to act rashly, for fear of accidentally putting himself into a desperate situation.

Speaking of which, in the face of the great calamity of the world, Hongjun Daozu is not as good as the earth. As one of the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings, he can break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, and to get rid of the shackles of Pangu Yuanshen. Zun directly gave up the power that he had accumulated for endless years. This kind of price is not acceptable to anyone, but Zun did just that.

In the same way, Daozu Hongjun did not have the determination of Daoist Yin and Yang to give up his life. Daoist Yin and Yang could do whatever it takes, even sacrificing several of his own avatars to complete the final breakthrough, and the body of Emperor Yan Luo gave up everything. Direct nirvana, the price of which is unimaginable for everyone, and the Yin-Yang Daoist did just that.

Although Hongjun Daozu used to be in harmony with the Dao of Heaven and mastered the general situation of the world, but in this catastrophe, when the catastrophe of the world is about to break out, he has a lot of consideration in his heart, but he has no determination to move forward bravely. , perhaps this is the endless years, the determination has been wiped out by the power of the years, and he has lost the will to fight the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. .

"Not enough, this source of chaos is far from enough to awaken Emperor Yan Luo's soul. Nirvana has caused him too much damage, and the source is almost completely depleted. To awaken Emperor Yan Luo, we need more sources of chaos, and we need to recast Emperor Yan Luo. The fire of the soul and the core of the source, which requires huge resources, just this chaotic source is not enough to complete everything!" After beheading several chaotic beasts and devouring their source, the Yin-Yang Taoist's mood did not improve. On the contrary, it was even more serious. The injury of Emperor Yan Luo was beyond imagination, and the origin of this group of chaotic beasts was not as strong as he expected.

Although the Yin-Yang Daoist also understood that Emperor Yan Luo gave up all direct nirvana in order to get rid of the backlash, the damage to himself was great, but at that time, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not know the real situation at all, and now he has invested in several chaotic beasts. The source has still not awakened The fire of Emperor Yan Luo's soul did not recast the core of the source, which made the Yin-Yang Taoist understand how terrible the injury of Emperor Yan Luo was and how much he had to pay. It can be said that Emperor Yan Luo under Nirvana was almost on the verge of perishing. There is a little bit of vitality left, and to wake him up, the resources needed are amazing, even more than the power that Emperor Yama gave up before. This is the price of Nirvana, and this is the real situation of Emperor Yama!

Perhaps when Emperor Yan Luo was in nirvana, he was determined to die at home. In order not to cause too much impact on the deity, he really gave up his life. Nirvana is actually a dead end, and there is no hope in sight, Emperor Yan Luo. In order to keep the deity free from any influence and backlash from the prehistoric world, he has endured all the shocks alone!

If for the average person, seeing the clone in such a desperate situation, and wanting to re-awaken the clone needs to pay the huge price, they would choose to give up directly. After all, this is the most beneficial and best choice for oneself. There are so many Resources can be used on one's own practice to speed up one's own practice, but the Yin-Yang Daoist did not do this, but chose to continue to awaken Emperor Yama, even if he had to pay a huge price!

"It seems that my original idea will not work. Even killing this group of chaotic beasts will not accumulate enough origin, nor will it be able to awaken the fire of Emperor Yan Luo's soul, let alone recast the core of the origin, the prehistoric world. The backlash of the source is far beyond my imagination. It can be said that the price to be paid to awaken him is staggering. No wonder no one has ever taken this road to nirvana. It must be done, no matter what, you can't give up the clone of Emperor Yama, not only because your soul can no longer bear the new division, but also because Nirvana is the real life after death, the real life from death, and the ability to perceive death. The true meaning of the Dao, feeling the true meaning of life from death, recasting the core can directly point to the root of the Dao, and can build the supreme foundation, which is not weaker than the foundation of the deity!"


Yes, although the price is very high, compared to the benefits of Nirvana rebirth, the Yin-Yang Daoist naturally chooses to accept all of this. No matter how terrible the price is, he will insist on it. The effect is not as big as imagined, and it is not as important as originally planned, so there is no need for the Yin-Yang Daoist to continue killing!

Of course, although I don't need it myself, it has extraordinary meaning to the Twelve Ancestral Witch, Mother Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He. If they can devour and digest the origin of this group of chaotic beasts, they may be able to see it. To the hope of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, in the origin of this group of chaotic beasts, there is a trace of source power that directly points to Hunyuan Avenue, that is, the real power of chaotic beasts, although Yin-Yang Daoist does not know this trace Where did the pure power of chaotic beasts come from? This group of beasts evolved from the origin of the beasts of the prehistoric powerhouses when they were transformed, and they were the back-hands of three thousand chaotic gods and demons. I understand the preciousness of power, and understand that for the primordial creatures, if they can capture such a trace of the pure source of chaos, how much benefit it will bring to their own cultivation, and how powerful it will be for their own cultivation!

"Houtu Zuwu, block the group of chaotic beasts, don't let them escape!" Yin and Yang Daoist sent a request to the Houtu Zuwu with a thought, which also gave the witches a chance. Of course, Yin and Yang Daoist did not forget the girl. Empress Wa and Ancestor Ming He also issued instructions to them. As for whether these people can seize this opportunity, it depends on their choice!

"Damn it, how could the Yin-Yang Daoist make such a request to me at this time, what does he want to do?" When the ancestor Ming He received the request from the Yin-Yang Daoist, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart, feeling that the Yin-Yang Daoist was at this time. The request is to deliberately affect his slaughter of chaotic beasts and his harvest, but if he refuses, Old Ancestor Ming He is worried that it will attract the dissatisfaction of the Yin-Yang Taoist, so he can't help but hesitate because of that trace of doubt.

Compared with the indecision of Ancestor Ming He, Empress Nuwa didn't care how unreasonable the Daoist Yin-Yang's request was. The previous events made her deeply understand that in this catastrophe, the power of the individual is not enough. It is worth mentioning that even if I am a Primordial Jinxian and have mastered the powerful avenue of life, it is far from enough to advance and retreat freely in this world catastrophe. She made a cooperative move for the first time, even if she would sacrifice a little of her own interests, she still chose to stand with the Yin-Yang Taoist. After all, the gains of the previous twelve ancestors were enough to explain everything!

As the Twelve Ancestral Witches who cooperated the most with Yin-Yang Daoists and the deepest, they did not say that although they also needed to capture more sources of chaotic beasts, when the Yin-Yang Daoists made requests, they still let go of their own. Interests, choose to stand with the Yin-Yang Daoist, cooperate with the Yin-Yang Daoist to hunt, they don't care about their own sacrifice!

"It's no wonder that this **** Ming He didn't have the opportunity to prove the Tao and become sanctified at the beginning. This is the gap. Even after experiencing the previous things, he still did not feel the danger of this catastrophe, and he did not see through the essence of the catastrophe. Personal Strength is not worth mentioning in this world catastrophe, maybe this is fate, since he hesitated, he can only blame his own fate!" Feeling the changes in the battlefield, feeling the crowd The performance of Yin Yang Daoist couldn't help sighing, and he was full of emotion for the performance of the ancestor Ming He. The path was chosen by himself, and the consequences must be borne by him!

"Give me the town, the Great Dao of Yin and Yang is now, and suppress Daqian!" Soon the Taoist Yin and Yang forgot the existence of the ancestor Ming He. Since he did not seize the opportunity he gave, he could only blame himself for the wrong choice. The Taoist Yin and Yang did not. Time wasted on him, let alone giving him new reminders, he couldn't grasp the opportunity when it appeared, it could only blame him for not having good eyesight!

Under the heavy drinking of the Yin-Yang Taoist, the power of the Yin-Yang Dao exploded in an all-round way, and the coercion of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian directly fell on the chaotic beasts locked by the Yin-Yang Taoist. The power of the ancestors of Ming He is somewhat insufficient on the side of the ancestors of Ming He. The strength of the chaotic beasts faced by the ancestors of Ming He has not been greatly affected. The chaotic fierce beast was obviously suppressed by a huge amount!

Opportunity, this is a great opportunity, the opportunity given to them by the Yin-Yang Taoist! The opportunity could not be lost, and the loss would never come again. The Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Empress Nuwa immediately acted, strangling the chaotic beasts in front of them with all their strength. With the help of Yin-Yang Daoists, they had to face much less pressure. The speed of killing is naturally much faster. At least the few chaotic beasts in front of them were strangled without any resistance. In just an instant, the Twelve Ancestral Witch hunted and killed dozens of chaotic beasts, which was faster than their joint efforts. , and Empress Nuwa also hunted and killed nearly ten chaotic beasts, while the ancestor Ming He only hunted down two, and the other chaotic beasts broke out directly from the direction of the ancestor because of the hesitation of the ancestor Ming He. !

Although it is only time to count the breaths, the source of consumption of the Yin-Yang Daoist is amazing, and such a huge consumption is impossible to continue. After a few breaths, the Dao aura of the Yin-Yang Daoist converges, and the war on the entire battlefield ends in an instant. And most of this group of chaotic beasts surrounded by Yin-Yang Taoist group escaped, and they only slaughtered one-third of them together, and this kind of harvest is for the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Nuwa Empress. Huge, Old Ancestor Ming He is a little unwilling, but unfortunately the opportunity is lost, and he can only blame himself for not being decisive!

As for Yin-Yang Daoists, of course, there are also good harvests, but these sources of chaos cannot awaken the fire of Yama Emperor's soul, nor can they recast the core of Yama Emperor's origin, and can only be thrown into their own chaotic world by Yin-Yang Taoists. The nutrients of the chaotic world will strengthen the chaotic world. Perhaps after endless years, these chaotic origins can evolve into the chaotic beasts unique to the yin and yang Taoists in the chaotic world of the yin and yang Taoists!

"Everyone, hurry up and refine the harvest of this battle. With more strength, you will have more vitality in the next world catastrophe. The sky is about to change, and the prehistoric world will usher in a terrible natural disaster. The world-destroying catastrophe is about to break out in an all-round way. The power of three thousand chaotic gods and demons will come to the prehistoric world, and the ancient star field is no exception. There are many competitors. Don’t be self-righteous. It will detonate the biggest crisis after Pangu created the world. All of us will face a real natural disaster, a test of three thousand chaos gods and demons, a real test of life and death. In this test, we can only rely on our own strength. , everyone, be prepared!"

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