God of Fishing

Chapter 1293: Earthquake White Lotus

They may not know this middle-aged person, but Han Fei knows!

In this world, how can there be some inexplicable luck?

The body of the water fairy is the white lotus. In the so-called Bailian Earthquake, the arrival of atmospheric transport is mostly related to water fairy.

Suddenly Han Fei moved his heart and couldn't help but bow to the middle-aged man: "But is Mr. Shui Mutian, Yunhai Shenshu?"

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although Han Fei came with his daughter-in-law, Han Fei is a mermaid after all, and is in a state of opposition to himself. Where can he be completely assured?

Only, this middle-aged man is confident: Han Fei is not his opponent. Therefore, he has not yet started to deal with Han Fei, just beware of it.

Middle-aged man: "Yes. You and I are enemies, but I have already fallen into the town demon tower. Come to think, there is no need for the little brother to embarrass me?"

However, he saw that Han Fei's face began to change, including his body and breath, and changed quickly. Under the gaze of middle-aged men and snake demon, women with white surnames, and white snakes, they turned into humans directly from the mermaid.

Han Fei waved casually, dressed in a war suit, holding a long bow, and smiled lightly: "Yunhai Shenshu, Feiyubu, Han Fei, have seen seniors."

The woman named Bai and the white snake looked at Han Fei in surprise. This guy who has fought himself for three days is not a Kraken?

The middle-aged man suddenly got shocked.

However, his face did not change, and his voice was dull: "The method of transformation? This does not prove that you are a person of the tree of the cloud and the sea? You have both mastered the method of transformation, and I can hardly figure it out."

Han Fei spread his hand, Jing'er's Venerable Order, suddenly appeared in his hands: "Do you know this?"


Since the meeting, the middle-aged man whose face has never fluctuated, now looks horrified: even if he is already an undead creature, it is still difficult to hide his shock.

"The Venerable Order of Jing Shi?"

Han Fei grinned: "It seems that you haven't been in the town for a long time. You can prove my identity now?"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly: "Nature."

Han Fei immediately said: "Senior, can you ask your name?"

The middle-aged man froze for a moment: You proved yourself just to ask about my name? Then you can ask without so much effort!

The middle-aged man slightly clenched his fists: "Zhang Yao, Yunhai God Tree, Silver Bow Department."

Han Fei and the old turtle said at the same time: "Sure enough, he doesn't believe it."

In the realm of Han Fei, when an information point is exposed, you can guess many things. For example, the sentence of Zhang Yao's epic Bailian is absolutely not a coincidence.

In this way, it makes sense: why is this woman with white surname so strong? In the high-level seeking environment, Han Fei still has someone who can't beat it? It's so difficult, but has never been out of town demon tower? How could such a peerless evil come out casually?

In order to be sure that his guess was correct, Han Fei asked again: "Senior, what is your occupation?"

Although Zhang Yao was not clear, he still said: "Spiritual Soul Master and Gathering Spirit Master are both cultivated. It is because of the cultivation of Gathering Spirit Master that he can survive till now and meet my son."

Han Fei's heart sank again: Zhang Yao was not a controller, so is this snake demon...?

However, I have never seen a Kraken can manipulate Lingzhi in this way. Even if there is a Kraken with a similar ability as a manipulator, it should not be a snake demon!

Han Fei took a breath and looked at the woman named Bai in front of her. If you are right, then this is the reincarnation of the water fairy?

I have been thinking about it all the time and came to find the water fairy. As everyone knows, she is also saving herself. Moreover, even using this method, I was reborn again.

Moreover, this life is no longer a demon plant, but a special creature who does not know what exists?

Although Han Feitun guessed a lot in time, the reincarnation of the narcissus did not know his true identity.

At this moment, the woman with the surname Bai seems to be in deep thought: Why do you remember your surname Bai? Isn't his father surnamed Zhang? Does it not come from the power of parents?

Several people saw Han Fei's weird face, Han Fei thought: This may also be his luck! Although coincidental, it is also inevitable.

The body of the water fairy has been alive for too long. And now she only has the soul. What is the physical situation? She didn't know it herself.

What Han Fei didn't quite understand is: In the ancient world of Qianshan, why didn't the water fairy tell himself such important news?

You have to say early that if you have begun to regenerate and cultivate yourself, then I am not so anxious!

At the moment, Han Fei did not hide, but only listened to him: "I don't hide it. The reason why I entered the demon tower in town this time is to find the news of the white lotus in your mouth. Senior, you know more Is there any news about Zhenshi Bailian?"

When he saw Zhang Yao, he glanced at the snake demon with some trouble.

Only listen to the snake demon: "Yes, it's okay. Anyway, my fall is a foregone conclusion. Since this is your human race, and it is against the white lotus of the earthquake world, give it to him!"

Middle-aged man Shen Sheng: "But you just saw our girl."

The snake demon sighed slightly: "I can still see this in my life. I'm dead without regrets. Besides, our girls are so beautiful. I should be happy."


Han Fei interjected suddenly, and said to the middle-aged man: "That, senior. If you are worried about the wife's vitality, I think... this should be useful."

But he saw Han Fei reached out and a drop of life spring appeared in Han Fei's palm.

The reason why Han Fei took out this spring of life is simple: the water fairy has already borrowed your body to give birth to rebirth. The talent of the water fairy is too high, almost sucking away the mother's life, and this has led to the remote repair of the undead...

Because of feelings and reason, out of consideration for enlightenment, even for the sake of breaking this big cause and effect, this feeling must be paid back!

Fortunately, he was not too greedy and used three drops of life spring directly. Unexpectedly, this time, it came in handy.


"Life Spring?"

Zhang Yao looked at the spring of life in Han Fei's hands with shock, and his eyes flashed strangely, but he quickly said: "Little brother, my Zhang Yao has been devoted all his life. I have never sought anything from others! I know the Queen's drop of life spring , How precious! But now, I want to ask the younger brother to give me this spring of life. I, Zhang Yao, must give my life back."

The snake demon took Zhang Yao's arm, and the white snake propped up, looking at Han Fei. The reincarnation of Shui Xian, the woman named Bai, also looked at Han Fei.

But seeing Han Fei's dignified face, he directly pushed this drop of life spring water to a middle-aged man: "No matter whether the senior has any clues about the world's white lotus, this drop of life spring water is given to the senior. Han Fei has nothing to ask for... "

Zhang Yao took a deep look at Han Fei: "Da En doesn't say thanks. The news of Zhen Shi Bai Lian, we do have it, we hide it in Qing Niang. This is a white lotus, Qing Niang's place for so many years. The white lotus that actually lives, actually depends on it."

Han Fei realized this: Zhang Yao is not a control engineer, and now, this earthly plant is from there...

Think of it this way, that should be the power of this white lotus.

Han Fei hurriedly said: "Senior still swallow life spring water quickly! A drop of life spring water can reach a hundred years of vitality, which can be countless times better than blood and blood supply."

The snake monster glanced excitedly at the equally excited middle-aged man.

If you can die, who would like to die? Moreover, it is at the moment of meeting my loved ones!

Although Zhang Yao has already repaired the undead, he still has spiritual wisdom after all. Except that there is no vitality, everything looks not much different from ordinary people.

Moreover, in the view of the snake demon: his daughter-in-law is also back. This is a great time for a family to reunite. Who wants to change a happy event into a funeral?

Zhang Yao quickly said: "Ma'am, come on, open your mouth..."

Han Fei, who had eaten melons throughout the journey, was reincarnated, and Han Fei did not know what to call...

At this moment, her expression was stunned, and she did not know whether it was born cold, or did she not awaken? However, Han Fei guessed: Before she entered the Tao, she should not have awakened the memory of Shui Xian!

Since the water immortals have already thought of living for another life in this way, they must have thought of the problem of enlightenment. If you are still on the same road as before, it is meaningless if you are not born again.

But seeing the vigor of the green snake is recovering quickly.

Her skin is no longer old, her hair is no longer yellow, and her power is returning.

The aura and energy around them are drilling into the body of mad snakes. In only 200 hours, this snake demon turned into a beautiful half-human half-snake demon.

Moreover, once recovered, her strength was maintained at the beginning of seeking the realm. Because she did not come in directly from the outside world, the Zhenyao Tower would not throw her into the third floor.

Zhang Yao hurriedly said: "Qing Niang, how are you?"

But seeing that the snake demon was overjoyed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com quickly hurried to Han Fei. Then, the green mandrel flashed in his hand and grabbed his chest. I saw blue light blooming, and a white lotus appeared in the air.

The snake demon: "Eun Gong. At first, it was this white lotus that got into my body, so I gave birth to a girl. It was this white lotus that took almost all of my life. It was this white lotus that barely hung my life, Goohuo still."

Han Fei's eyes lit up: this is the thing, this is definitely a small part of the water fairy. I have seen it more than once.

And the reincarnation of the white snake and the water fairy, when they saw this white lotus, they were all shocked: they had a urge to catch this white lotus! After all, this was originally the body of the water fairy. Therefore, this impulse is innate!

However, Han Fei certainly cannot give them. Otherwise, the reincarnation of the water fairy will enter the Tao again, and will still enter the wrong path...

Before they could hardly control themselves and were about to act, they saw Han Fei reached out and grabbed the white lotus.

Han Fei breathed out: "Hoo! I found it."

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