God of Fishing

Chapter 1308: It's over, can't go back

It seems that defeating Umbrella Seven, just defeating an insignificant opponent, Han Fei didn't even take a look.

After all, for Han Fei now, the so-called Sea Spirit Realm Tianjiao, he can no longer produce any thick battles. Even if you suppress the realm, it feels like a dimensionality reduction blow.

Han Fei scrambled to point out that the shrimp was promising and uttered wild words. Many of the venerables' eyelids were drooping. He had no idea why this **** could grow so fast? So strong?

Are you special, can you point your face anyway? You were born as a fish-and-dragon king, and the gun will last as long as the night? How can you say this?

Countless people were speechless, feeling in their hearts: Perhaps, the strength of the Yulong King has become stronger, but this conceited character is better than before.

The Yulong King himself saw a bit spicy eyes: Am I like this? My Yulong King, although I'm a little crazy, I don't want to spray everything out!

The Yulong King roared: "Han Fei, you shameless villain, you are fake."

Han Fei’s voice was rippling: "Shut up. I yelled again and cut you. Now, the entire Baibei King City knows that the Yulong King has achieved great luck in the ancient world of Qianshan. To tell you the truth, I just helped you break through the forbidden land. Level Proving Grounds, you secretly have fun."


The Yulong King froze for a moment: Forbidden Land Level Proving Ground? Are you kidding me? Am I strong enough to go to the Forbidden Land-level Proving Ground?

outside world.

For Han Fei's words, some people disdain: "This product is too pretentious. I really hope that he will fall into the forbidden ground."

Someone said helplessly: "Confidence comes from strength. He must be confident of his own strength to a certain level. Otherwise, how dare to say such a thing?"

Xia You walked into the air, chuckling in his mouth: "It seems that this forbidden trial has brought you great gains."

Han Fei grinned, showing his steel teeth: "This dragon king, the Qianlong used to be in the Yuan, but now it has risen. The position of the arrogant must change."


Before Prime Minister Turtle started shouting, suddenly the two of them shot at the same time. Xia You broke out of the six spears and locked Han Fei's front and back, left and right, up and down six directions.


Many people shuddered for the shrimp's promising shots without warning. They said: The shrimp's strength seems to be stronger than the previous few days.

Someone hurriedly said, "Could it be that Shrimp Youwei broke through?"

Some people deny: "Of course not. Last time, Master Xia Youwei was attacked, and this time he was vigilant. The start of the battle is naturally different."

But the moment the six spears appeared, Han Fei's figure almost turned into light and shadow. The posture of ichthyosaur dance, drilled through the gap between the two spears, the spear in his hand flicked, and the spear was twisted into a circle.


The red gun shook, Han Fei avoided all the spears and blocked the four spears with one shot.

He saw Han Fei stepping out in one step, stretching out two fingers, using the fingers as guns, the flames flashed, time freezes, shrinking into an inch.

It seemed that Han Fei would have expected Han Fei to make such a move, Xia Youwei had already made a judgment in advance and evaded. When avoiding, the two shrimp thorns on the waist happened to come to Han Fei.



The two are separated at the touch of a button.

The whole process seemed to be a promising shot of a shrimp, and Han Fei shook his body. Then, Han Fei appeared in front of Xia Youwei and scored with one blow.

It seems simple to the extreme.

However, in the eyes of discerning people, they all looked solemn. This kind of fighting feeling seems to have reached the point of being smart and erratic.

The two of them retired as soon as they touched them, and Xia Youwei touched his neck with his hands. There was a red mark and scrape there. On the other hand, Han Fei was holding a half of a spear in his hand, blocking his pair of daggers.

See the true chapter in the silent place.

Xia Youwei squinted his eyes and looked at Han Fei for a long time: "Yulong, you made me feel surprised. Unexpectedly, you can be as careful as possible. No matter, you won this battle."

After finishing speaking, the shrimp fell straight down, which made many people bewildered.

Prime Minister Turtle was dazed for a while, and then he shouted: "In this battle, Lord Yulong will challenge Lord Shiyouwei, Lord Yulong will win."



"Have you made a mistake?"

"Is it over?"

There are still many people who are dumbfounded: Who is this so dumb? The two people only touched once, and they looked unscathed. How come they have decided the winner?

In the world of refining, the fish-and-dragon king who is watching a movie, his eyes are straight at the moment. This Han Fei, what a terrible strength! It's just a face-to-face, and you won't be able to win the shrimp?

Wait, what else does Han Fei want to do? Does he want to continue to fight forward? To win Qingsiling and Zhang Xiaotian?

The Yulong King stared directly: What's so special, even if Han Fei releases himself in the future, how can he return to Baibei King City? When I was at the peak of my strength, I couldn't make the top five! After that, when you show up, don't you show up?

Also, Han Fei deliberately showed himself what happened outside, for what? What is the purpose?

When the Yulong King was in deep thought, heated discussions had already begun outside.

A soul from the Taoist Realm said: "The top ten adults on the Tianjiao list will definitely not fight a life or death battle. However, at the moment when they shot, the two of them are in the details. Lord Yulong Wang is slightly better. Don't underestimate it. This little detail, if in a real battle, might kill you."

Qing Siling stopped laughing and said lightly: "It's interesting, he wants to pick us down one by one!"

Zhang Xiaotian said: "It's amazing, you should be careful."

In the distance, Chang Shuiqin and Yu Tianxin were looking at the battlefield.

Yu Tianxin was a little surprised: "His body skills have improved, his strength has increased, and his understanding of the law of space has become deeper. Although the soul is damaged, his control over the soul seems to have improved."

Yu Tianxin couldn't help frowning: Is this something special, something that can be experienced in Thunder Prison?

Yu Tianxin couldn't help saying: "He won't secretly go to other forbidden places during this month? For example, the Well of the Abyss, the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons... Or, the Town Demon Tower?"

Chang Shuiqin was silent for a while, then shook his head slightly: "It shouldn't be so. First, he can't go to the town demon tower and the sea of ​​gods and demon. You didn't give him the space talisman. He went in, how can he come out? Besides, town demon. With such a big thing coming out of the tower, the space channel will inevitably be in danger, and if you rush into it, you will undoubtedly die. As for the sea of ​​gods and demons, that place is more dangerous. But if you can survive, your strength will skyrocket. However, I don’t have this for the Yulong King. Strength. As for the well of the abyss, it doesn't matter whether he goes or not...Perhaps, this is just the opportunity he once got. This time, it has been consolidated and absorbed."

Yu Tianxin nodded slightly. His judgment is similar, no matter how strong the Yulong King is, there should be a limit.

At this moment, Han Fei looked at Qingsiling, grinning sneer: "Talking about tuberculosis, are you coming?"

Qingsiling talks a lot more often.

At this moment, Han Fei directly referred to it as talking tuberculosis, and he was slightly angry at that time.

But she heard her arrogant snort: "Yulongwang, really don't save yourself a little face?"

Han Fei grinned: "The face of the Dragon King was earned by himself. You waited, I used to think that the Dragon King was not strong enough to make it the tenth in the ranks of the arrogance. Now, the Dragon King broke the top five, so he asked you to wait: Face Does it hurt?"

Han Fei knows: This woman is definitely not weak. But no matter how strong it is, it is all relative. For the current self, no matter how strong it is, it is not strong.

If you reduce your dimensionality and blow yourself, you will not be able to defeat these people. It can only show that you are too wasteful. After going through so many ups and downs, even an ordinary Tianjiao can't match it.

At least, Qing Silk Ling is not in his plan. I need to raise the Yulong King's momentum to the highest level, and then fall again. Great ups and downs, so I can find a reason to leave.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Han Fei's goal was that Zhang Xiaotian, that little bald head who seemed indisputable in the world.

Han Fei pointed at Qingsiling: "This Dragon King has limited time. You must either fight or let go."

Qingsi Lingpi smiled and chuckled at the corner of her mouth without a smile: "Want to find Xiaotian to fight? Hmm... let my sister tell you. You are really invincible if you don't break into a forbidden land-level trial field."


Qing Si Ling walked in the air as if stepping on layers of ice. As she moved her hands, Han Fei saw lines wherever his vision passed.

This kind of line impressed Han Fei, a bit like the line of light of the woman who once intercepted him in the palace of ideals.

It's not just lines. UUreading www.uukanshu.com these lines are laid out, seeming to be a certain formation, which directly changes the scenery in front of Han Fei. The point is that Han Fei can't use Yin and Yang divine pupils right now, right?

However, the absence of yin and yang pupils does not mean that Han Fei is gone.


There was Dragon Yin shock, and the terrifying power of the soul directly swept the surrounding dozens of miles. This is the authentic Dragon Yin, Han Fei has heard of it firsthand.

In order to cooperate with Long Yin, Han Fei also performed a dragon shadow.


Qingsiling spouted blood at the time, and said in shock: "Why is the coverage so large? What kind of attack is this?"

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "This dragon king, the dragon king's bloodline will be awakened again, and you will know it. From now on, in Baibei Wangcheng, my fish and dragon king will be a new legend."

In the world of refining, the real Yulong King opened his mouth and stared, holding back for a long time before he said tremblingly: "It's over, Baibei King City can't go back."

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