God of Fishing

Chapter 1319: 1 accidentally stabbed the volcano

Han Fei's original intention, the first thought was: to find the place where the heaven is disordered. Even if he couldn't perceive it, the old tortoise could perceive it.

The reason why I chose this place is because I can't see the chaos of heaven there from the picture, and because this volcano is full of hot flames. If there is a chance, it's better to call Xiao Hei Tun Tun. Even if Xiao Hei disliked that the flame level here was not enough, there was still fire to take over.

Of course, the premise is that he has a logical reason to swallow the essence of the fire here.

As a result, at this moment, the strange fire and flame essence hadn't seen it yet, and they had been fighting with the creatures in this magma lake.

Moreover, is the strength of these creatures too high? Didn't it mean that it has been cleaned up? That's how it cleaned up?

This time, the Tianjiao who came to the island, although there are also creatures in the path-seeking state, at least most of them are the peak of the sea spirit or the peak of law enforcement.

Han Fei, the insect man on the side of Shuimutian, didn't know what method was used to make it survive the catastrophe. In fact, a strong person in the seeking realm can count them with two hands.

But now? He casually broke into a lava lake, which was filled with creatures in the Taoist Realm.

Behind him, the Fiery Charm Fish that had been chasing him did not stop chasing. And here, another unknown creature is coming.


The space splits, Han Fei is just a few kilometers away. Although there were spatial cracks, Han Fei didn't care. He made a mistake in his feet, twisted his body, and passed by against the space crack.

And the creature that struck, the huge body, consistently 100 meters, the terrifying power, rushed straight into the space where Han Fei was just now.


Between Han Fei's backhand, a shot was pierced, the lava exploded, and the whole body of demonic energy gathered on the shot. Even at this time, Han Fei did not forget to get himself a golden dragon shadow.


The bottom of the lava lake exploded.

It's a pity that it's already close to 300 miles from the bottom of the lake. Although there was a force impact, in the gurgling magma, that sub-force gradually became the force of magma and gradually disappeared.

Even if there is still a trace of power leaked out, it will eventually become a fluttering tongue of lava on the surface of the lava lake. This is not unusual in a lava lake.

Therefore, the blood sea **** Mucheng Tianjiao who had just arrived above did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.

In fact, the bottom of the lava lake has been overturned. Han Fei blasted off half of the flame creature's body with a single shot, and then caught up with him again with a close-up technique. Even for acting, Han Fei made a void crack and swept himself.

So far, in Han Fei's eyes, information emerged.

【Name】Flame Anaconda

【Introduction】The peculiar creatures in the lava lake are born after eating different fires. They swallow the fire poison in the lava lake all the year round, so the fire in their bodies is extremely poisonous. Flame maniac, manic temperament, strong desire to attack, more than 300 waves of force, not to be underestimated.


[Quality] Strange

[Law Enforcement] Flaming Fangs

【Contains Reiki】131616 points

【Edible effect】Not edible

[Can be collected] Flame Skin, Flame Bone, Eye of Fire, Vein of Flame, Fang of Flame


The moment he saw this creature, Han Fei felt the Tianling Detoxification insect in his body move. In this flame maniac's body, there is a flaming poison, although Han Fei can use the Star Shift technique to avoid it. However, Han Fei only blocked it with a beastly spirit.

Maniac is extremely fast.

The tip of Han Fei's gun exploded a small half of its body. However, after the body was shattered by half, this maniac still drew its tail at Han Fei abruptly.

Han Fei still wanted to step back and avoid going out, but behind him, a large group of fire-magic fish turned into flame arrows, rushing.

"The son of a tortoise."

Han Fei cursed secretly, holding a gun in both hands, recalling Zhang Xuanyu's original move against himself in the Palace of Ideals.


Suddenly, the gun shot out, and Han Fei yelled, "Knock on the door of heaven."

When this gun appeared, there were dozens of shocked sounds in the void.

In the void, the venerable Baibei King City was surprised; "This trick of the Yulong King has never been used before. I want to come, it is the bottom of the pressure box in his hand, which is not bad."

Chang Shuiqin also froze for a moment: "If this is the trick, it might be possible to take Zhang Xiaotian's sixth spear from Zhang Xiaotian's Scarlet Nine Spear a few days ago."

In the distant void, Emperor Bai Jia's heart moved slightly: "I! This shot is a bit interesting. This one can be cultivated."

And the Queen of Life nearly rolled her eyes, and said to her heart: What is this Han Fei messing around? Don't you know you should keep a low profile? How could he become a sea monster, and still be so handy?

The appearance of this blow seemed to coincide with a certain grandeur.

This means: Although the Yulong King has just crossed the catastrophe, he already has a little understanding of the Dao. Therefore, creating such a blow is a bit jerky, but it is definitely not weak.


Where does Han Fei know this?

I saw the body of the flame maniac, which was pierced by Han Fei with a single shot, revealing a large hole in that one hundred meters long body. Han Fei walked through the hole in one step. He suffered a void crack, and all three of them were cut on the body of the flame maniac.


I don't know if this flame maniac has a tingling sensation? I want to come, there should be, so I roared just now.

At this moment, a mental attack fell in Han Fei's mind. And Han Fei also turned his head back and gave it a shocking sting.


In addition to the startling thorns, there are tens of thousands of flame arrows. Those were all divine and soul attacks, and all of them fell on the flame maniac at the moment.

Originally, the level of the Fire Enchanted Fish and the Fire Maniac was not much different. At this moment, tens of thousands of souls attacked, how could the flame maniac bear it?

Under the impact of such a violent spirit, this flame maniac did not have time to run, and his brain was exploded.

Han Fei fished it out with a big hand, directly fished out a snake gall, and then continued to madly go down.

I don't know if the Fire Enchanted Fish feels that it is not enough to kill a flame maniac, so at this moment, he continues to chase Han Fei madly.

Han Fei pretended to be poisoned, and directly stuffed the snake gall into his mouth and swallowed it.

Han Fei asked as he ran, "Old Yuan, where is the chance here? Are there still a lot of people watching me?"

The old turtle said: "Just shoot at the shot you just broke, and now many people's eyes should have followed you to pay attention."

Han Fei was dumbfounded at the time: What happened to my shot? I don’t use this trick to knock on the door! This is Zhang Xuanyu's trick.

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "This shot is too sharp, the shot broke the barrier. Your understanding is not deep enough, but the rhyme of this attack is very full and very interesting."

Han Feixin said: At that time, Zhang Xuanyu had the strongest combat skills that he had realized in the Palace of Ideals. It turned out to be so powerful! Even the emperor like the old turtle is boasting. I knew that I should practice more.

At the beginning, Zhang Xuanyu was in the Palace of Ideals, but he specially pulled himself and practiced knocking at Tianmen for a day.

At that time, Han Fei was still thinking: how to hide? Therefore, pay special attention to Zhang Xuanyu's techniques. In addition, I have a certain understanding of the method of the gun and stick, and have practiced the comprehensive stick technique of "The True Explanation of the Stick Technique". Therefore, Han Fei also comprehended the essence of knocking at the gate.

This time, Han Fei continued to dive.

Those fiery fish are still chasing.

Han Fei suddenly made a plan: Anyway, it's a bit unreliable to look for opportunities so blindly. It's better to get rid of these fishes of fire fascination quickly, otherwise you will be chased by tens of thousands of fishes of fire fascination, and your body will be unsafe.

By the way, Han Fei thinks that if there is an opportunity here, it must be in the depths! Naturally, the more dangerous the place, the easier it is for chance.

However, the only thing Han Fei didn't know was the depth of this lava lake. It stands to reason that it should be more than a thousand miles, or even thousands of miles. After all, such a large piece of land is very large.

Had it not been for the time when this piece of land came out too short and too hastily, Han Fei would not rush all the way.


Han Fei's dive speed is getting faster and faster, and the number of Fire Charm spirits behind him is also increasing. As a result, no other creatures dare to approach.

After all, a Han Fei is a small, a large group of fire charm spirits, that is terrifying.

Moreover, Han Fei was surprised to find that the spirits of the fire charm fingers seemed to be fusing. The arrows that were originally only finger-thick, now turned into rigid vertebrae, faster and bigger, stronger and stronger.

"Can this thing fit together?"

Old tortoise: "It's not a combination, but a group. When a large group gathers together, it becomes like this."

Han Fei gritted his teeth, covered his head and dived, only to feel that the surrounding temperature was rising rapidly. When Han Fei dived into the bottom of the lava lake for more than 800 miles, he felt that the temperature here had already exceeded 4000 degrees.

When the temperature reached this high, even Han Fei ignited a flame.

The change in temperature is not as simple as one degree or two more on the surface. When the temperature exceeds a certain limit, Han Fei feels that every time the temperature rises a little, the sensation of scorching heat shows a geometric increase.

Just listen to the old turtle: "If the temperature of this lava becomes stronger, your physique may not be able to bear it."

Han Fei looked back and said, "Why can these fire-magic fish be chased?"

Just listen to the old turtle: "Their strength does not come from the body, but the soul."

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved: What's so special, if you kill the fish of the fire and draw the soul with the line of nothingness, then it would be a good place to spawn monsters. I really hope to come alone again in the future!

Just as Han Fei was about to figure out how to get rid of the enchanting fish, he suddenly felt that the lava lake had become more viscous, as if it was going to the end.

"Huh! Is this here?"


Han Fei saw a large bubble floating at the bottom of the lava lake, a gentleman strange.

Han Fei's heart moved, is there any chance for the red round bubbles?


A shot pierced a bubble, but when he saw a "buzz", Han Fei's body flame suddenly soared, several hundred degrees. In an instant he burned his hair and suit. Han Fei's body was numb, and his body was numb.



At this moment, two flame arrows bombarded himself, Han Fei swept his spear, and forcibly held the shock. Just when I turned around, I saw the dense flame arrows, the whole person was not good.

"Huh? There are these horrible bubbles in the ground. Isn't it pierced, can these fire fish be scalded to death?"

At that critical moment, I saw Han Fei but took a shot without hesitation. Collect all the demon energy in the body, condensed at the tip of a spear.

"Hi! Is he crazy?"

Someone was watching Han Fei, thinking that he might not be able to escape this lava lake. After all, when there are so many fishes of fire charm that Han Fei can't avoid, he has to face it head-on.

But who could have expected: Han Fei stabbed into the ground with a single shot.

Even Chang Shuiqin was stunned for a moment: This guy really dared to come.


The terrifying explosion hit him, Han Fei didn't know if he stabbed it through? In short, I felt that my whole body was beginning to melt. The terrifying air wave directly flew him out.

At that moment, Han Fei had a thought that when the temperature reached a certain level, it was no longer liquid, but gas.

For example, now ~www.ltnovel.com~Han Fei also feels: The temperature of the air wave that impacts him is nearly 50% higher than the temperature of magma.

"call out!"

The moment Han Fei was flying out, his body was bloody.

At that moment, he performed a handy technique, struck eight void cracks in a row for dozens of miles, and then escaped to the sky. Many people saw him squeeze a cold sweat.

However, Chang Shuiqin's eyes brightened: As the so-called art master is bold, he should be talking about Han Fei.

Of course, the consequences of Han Fei's willfulness are also not small.

It's like a ball is poked a hole. Masses of hot gas rushed into the lava lake. In an instant, the lava lake began to riot.

Han Fei glanced back, then twitched at the corner of his mouth, as if something was wrong.

He was a little dumbfounded at the fast-rising airflow, as if he accidentally stabbed the volcano to erupt.

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