God of Fishing

Chapter 1322: Deja vu

Han Fei was not good at that time: co-authoring, is it that simple? Have you found me even the place where the secrets of heaven are disordered? Just waiting for yourself to go?

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: I blame the old turtle, he had already selected the Spirit Orchard. As a result, this guy had to disturb his thoughts and let himself go to this volcanic land.

It's because the Queen of Life found it herself, otherwise, I still don't know how to find a chance to find "self"?

Just listen to Han Fei: "I know. But the identity of the Yulong King cannot be rushed out of the scene. You need to make a scene of the fall of the Yulong King for others to see."

"Why? Take the shot first and say as you hit."


Only seeing the girl of Life stretch out her hand, the blood-drinking knife flew out from her waist, drawing the knife across the world, seeing Han Fei's scalp numb.

I drop a good one: the king makes a shot, it is different! I am so good at combat skills, why are you?

Han Fei retreated, back into the thick smoke that was still gushing, and then he shot and shot back.


The terrifying explosion ripples directly shred the billowing smoke.

Just listen to the Queen of Life: "These smoke mystery barriers can't avoid the eyes of the venerable and the king...What is the use of your identity?"

Han Fei stepped on the explosive magma, performed a hand-to-hand technique, and "swiped" it horizontally. The Queen of Life swiftly flies, manipulating magma and turning ten thousand knives to follow.

The two passed by and almost collided.

Han Fei: "In the city of Baibei, there is a person who needs to be rescued, and there are two chess pieces that need to be placed. I need a place where the heavens are chaotic, and help me cover the opportunity. I have the technique of avatar, when I have my own means to let the fish The identity of the Dragon King exits safely."

As soon as Han Fei finished speaking, he pushed out part of the strange fire in his hand and directly detonated it.


The flame erupted again, and the terrifying power of the different fire knocked both of them apart. With the help of recoil, Han Fei rushed to the northwest without looking back.

Han Fei finally replied: "Teacher is okay, I'll talk about it later."

His communication with the Queen of Life has ended. As long as there is a momentary concealment, he can perform the Gemini Divine Art. When the time comes, Yulongwang's exit, is it not logical?

This confrontation between Han Fei and the Queen of Life, to outsiders, is a different situation.

When the two met on the first day of the new year, they were both accumulating strength and wanted to kill each other in one fell swoop. As a result, with one move, the Yulong King found himself out of nowhere.

At that moment, Han Fei, the insect man, probably also judged the strength of the Yulong King, and pursued it by victory, intending to stop the Yulong King with speed and ten thousand swords.

It's just that the Yulong King has the skill of the distance, fighting the cracks from the space, and forcibly using the method of the distance, so that the two of them once again passed by.

At this time, the Yulong King realized that he was obviously lost, and detonated the little half of the fire left in his hand. With the power of this terrifying explosion, escape quickly.

In this series of battles, there were actually only two shots. However, both sides were extremely clean and tidy, and they started without ambiguity.

Watching this scene, Chang Shuiqin couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Although it can be clearly seen that the Yulong King seems to have lost to Han Fei, in terms of reaction ability and fighting style, the two are extremely similar.

The insect king frowned deliberately, seeming to be surprised that the insect man Han Fei failed to kill the Yulong King in one fell swoop.

Chang Shuiqin said, "Insect King, do you expect too much from him?"

The Insect King hummed softly: "Is it taller or not, let's take a look."

As soon as the insect king's voice fell, he saw Han Fei, the broken insect man, who had just stabilized his figure and was about to rush to pursue him. As a result, the figure stopped in midair. He swiped his kitchen knife, and the drawing technique reappeared. Stretching out his hand, there is a thread of nothingness that buckles directly into the void in all directions.

And just now, the blood sea **** Mucheng Tianjiao, who was lying in ambush nearby, was about to sneak attack on the Yulong King. He even had the idea of ​​fighting with snipes and clams and making fishermen profit! Who knows that when the two confronted each other on the first day of the new year, they exposed themselves.


This move was more powerful than drawing a sword, and the blood demon felt that his soul was not his own for a moment. The whole person froze there, and was slashed alive by the insect man Han Fei.

When the insect man Han Fei grabbed the man’s Sun Moon Shell and wanted to pursue it again, the real Han Fei had gone out for hundreds of miles and disappeared from sight.

Of course, in this case, chasing is not impossible. However, the Yulong King is also good at speed, and everyone feels like: Han Fei wants to chase, and it takes a lot of effort.

But seeing outside the island, in the air, the insect king said lightly: "Han Fei, naturally it is strong. If there is another chance, I am afraid that the Yulongwang will not run away."

Chang Shuiqin didn't speak at this moment, and a blood demon was lightly killed. This is nothing in itself, it seems that there is no means to show it.

However, everyone is not a fool. If it weren't for the absolute arrogance, would he be qualified to come to this island? Will you plan to attack the Yulong King?

The opportunities on this island are abundant, as can be seen from that lava lake.

It can be said that such a thing as a strange fire: searching through the countless submarine volcanoes in Shuimutian, it is not necessarily possible to find a strange fire.

Besides, don't look at Han Fei just now, he exploded the strange fire seemingly understatement. In fact, very few people can do this. Of course, if Huo Xiu were to get Han Fei's strange fire, his strength might increase exponentially.

When Han Fei flew from this barren volcanic land, he found that the void was full of void cracks, large or small, much more than when he came!

I don't know if it was because I smashed the volcano, which made the void so unstable. At most thousands of meters away, you have to prevent a void crack from suddenly appearing.

When he first ran the road, Han Fei stepped on a fish and dragon dance.

In order to show that he escaped in a panic, he let himself be cut several times by the void crack, cutting himself bloody, and this was enough to escape.

Thousands of miles away, Han Fei fell directly on the ground and began to run wildly. After all, the ground is relatively safer. The premise is: Did not break into any messy territory.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible not to break into a mess. Han Fei had just sprinted hundreds of miles on the ground and rushed to a sea of ​​colorful flowers.

"The son of a tortoise."

Han Fei's forehead went black: It was not because he was speechless when he encountered the sea of ​​flowers, but because half of the sea of ​​flowers were actually big butterflies.

Some butterflies spread their wings, and some butterflies closed their wings, looking like a sea of ​​flowers. There are still many big butterflies gathered together, so it becomes a bouquet of Kazuki.

Han Fei even saw a flower with six colors, that is, a weird flower formed around a number of butterflies.

This scene reminded Han Fei of the underground city. It's just that what I met over there was a big moth, and what I met here was a butterfly, but the difference was not much worse.

In Han Fei's eyes, information emerged.

【Name】Nine-color Mandarin Duck and Butterfly

[Introduction] The ancient big butterfly living in the love flower bush, the same species, has nine colors, and the nine colors gather together. They have extremely high mental power and can create nine-color poison barriers and illusion cages. As for the sea of ​​love, you will fall into endless illusions.



【Contains Reiki】20081 points

【Edible effect】Not edible

[Collectible] Nine Color Poison


Upon seeing this message, Han Fei immediately thought of the moontail silkworm moth. They all use poison, and they have extremely high mental powers.

Needless to say, I am afraid that I will suffer a loss here, especially when my soul power is halved.

If you use your own Spirit Gathering Master method, you should step out of the Yuhun Formation at this moment. However, now that he is the ichthyosaur king, he has to use the ichthyosaur king to rush through this sea of ​​flowers.

Seeing Han Fei stepped a kilometer, he performed the operation again. Chang Shuiqin's words have long been regarded as dear to him, and they have been forgotten in his head.

However, this is no alternative.

The law enforcement ability of Yulongwang was originally a handyman. The end of the world is close, the end of the world is close, how frustrated is it to have such a talent and ability?

However, when this step went on, void cracks emerged, and the large swarms of nine-color mandarin ducks and butterflies were alarmed by the slight wind. Suddenly, they flapped their wings and started to dance.

It seemed that it was due to the high mental power, so they found out where Han Fei was in the first time.

In order not to fall into the illusion of these butterflies, Han Fei could only use the hand-to-hand technique faster and more frequently. After more than a hundred breaths, Han Fei saw at the end of this sea of ​​flowers, clusters of nine-color flowers blooming in the sky.


With the sound of the dragon, Han Fei was holding a spear and was shocked to choose a group of nine-color flowers at random. In his mouth, Hundred Beasts Town Soul roar imitated dragon chanting shock.

"Boom bang bang~"

After all, it is seeking the realm strength.

Isn't it easy to face some fragile butterflies that are not yet at the peak of the sea spirit?

Only seeing nine colors burst, Han Fei shuttled through the smoke that exploded. When I looked back, it was dozens of miles away.

As if having experienced a trivial incident, Han Fei was about to move on, but after returning for more than a hundred miles, some white giant mushrooms made his face slightly change.

"Huh? A parasol spider in the dungeon?"

At a glance, Han Fei recognized that the mushrooms were not mushrooms at all~www.ltnovel.com~ but spiders disguised as giant mushrooms, which had been encountered in the dungeon.

It's just that the level of the parasol spider is not high. I wonder if it is the same species as this spider?

However, thinking that when I first saw the parasol spider, its level had already reached level 59. It seems not much different from the current one.

Han Fei wanted to take out his hook and catch one to take a look. However, thinking that there were venerables and even kings peeping outside, he still held back.

Seeing Han Fei grinning, he immediately started sprinting. The parasol spider is a bouncing spider. Although it has many traps, it is just overwhelmed by the ichthyosaur king.

Even if there is no close-up technique, the Sixty-Four Elephant Fish and Dragon Dance is enough to deal with. Finally, if it has to be, it's the same when passing through the sky.

At this moment, Han Fei had a guess in his mind: What is inside the wall of death? Why are the monsters and beasts appearing in the dungeon? Why does Thunder Leopard appear?

Perhaps, this never-opened seal contains many amazing secrets, just waiting for someone like myself to uncover...

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