God of Fishing

Chapter 1349: Dragon Soul

Han Fei was numb with pain. Just like smoking marijuana, every once in a while, Han Fei gave himself an apocalypse magic technique to refresh himself.

Relying that he could absorb the vitality of beings, Han Fei didn't panic at all, just using this to cultivate immortality.

No, the immortal body hasn't finished training yet, and Han Fei's Qi machine can no longer hold back. All aspects have been polished extremely solidly, and they have directly made breakthroughs as a whole. It can be seen how much Dragon Yuan Qi has been absorbed by Han Fei this time!

However, this was more than that, a breakthrough made Han Fei suddenly wake up from a somewhat confused state.

At this moment, the dragon shadow next door is no longer wailing.

And Han Fei felt that his lower body had been transformed into a golden body. Even with two arms and spine, they are all golden.

The bad ones are the ribs and skull.

At this moment, it is the ribs that are still in the process of golden incarnation.

Han Fei was a little stunned at the time: How can this skull become golden?

Han Fei tried to endure the pain, and asked, "Old Yuan, the golden skull, will it break my head?"

It's a pity that at this moment, the old tortoise is being held by the demon pot. The Demon Refining Pot didn't leave, it wouldn't dare to say a word, Han Fei's words fell to nothing.

Han Fei thought that because of the dragon's vitality, Lao Yuan temporarily lost contact with him!

No, Han Fei thinks: This rib should be almost the same. Head or something, wait...

Anyway, this dragon's vitality seems endless. He still had to borrow the Qi of Long Yuan to raise his realm first, and then talk about other things.

After half an hour.

After more than 20 apocalyptic magic techniques, Han Fei's ribbed golden body was tempered, and only one skull remained.

Not in a hurry to temper his skull, Han Fei frantically consumed the spiritual spring in the refining world with the infusion of Long Yuan Qi.

Level 75...

Level 76...

Han Fei is preparing to break through the barriers of intermediate explorers in one fell swoop.

However, the terrifying aura in his body and Longyuan Qi rushed, the barrier was still not broken, only hearing a "click", Han Fei's skull actually cracked.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Han Fei suddenly found that his brows were cracked in the bone.

Han Fei: "???"

Han Fei had never thought about it: He cultivated himself to the point where his bones were cracked! What is the principle of this?

"Is it because the skull hasn't been incarnate yet?"

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved: Could it be the reason that he used the Gemini Divine Art? After all, the body of the black mist is only half of himself.

Thinking about this Long Yuan Qi, he should not be able to kill himself immediately.

Whether he is hiding in the refining world or performing the Gemini Divine Art, he should have a chance to escape. As soon as Han Fei gritted his teeth, his mind moved, and the body of white mist appeared.


The twin divine art was lifted, Han Fei's body became one, and his soul was one.

Suddenly, Han Fei's body, which was so fat that it was about to burst, began to shrink like a balloon like a catharsis.


After a hundred breaths, when the physical body recovered to about a triple size, Han Fei felt that it was almost the same, and he should be able to sprint for another wave.



"No, Apocalypse."

When the massive energy hit the barrier, suddenly, Han Fei's eyebrows split again. A crack appeared on the Tianling cover, and Han Fei had a severe headache, and his whole body was not well.


When the white beam of light descended, Han Fei took a sip of fairy brew, and his whole person came back to life again.

At this moment, the old turtle said tentatively: "Don't try again."

Han Fei was surprised: "Huh? Old Yuan, are you still here? Tell me first, what's the situation?"

The old turtle was relieved secretly: He was afraid that Han Fei would kill himself. Otherwise, if the Demon Refining Pot had confiscated himself, Han Fei would kill himself.

Just listen to the old turtle: "Can you remove the gourd from me first?"

Han Fei used an apocalyptic magic technique for himself, and Dekong immersed his soul into the sea of ​​consciousness, only then saw the demon refining pot pressing on the tortoise shell of the old tortoise.

Moreover, a crack in the shell was pressed out.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly: It's been a long time since the Demon Refining Pot did it to the old tortoise. It doesn't make sense to do it to the old tortoise now!

Come to think of it, what the old tortoise should be doing just now, but it didn't do it.

Han Fei said leisurely: "Old Yuan! We are all so familiar, we know that people don't talk secretly. What happened... I don't need to ask. But you tell me first: Why can't I break through now? ?"

The old turtle pondered for a moment, and seemed to accept Han Fei's proposal. Seeing Han Fei's personal question, the demon refining pot did not respond, so he said: "The skull is the most difficult place to incarnate the golden body. Your strength has increased too much, and you have been refined into golden bodies in other places, and your skull alone is not. The power is extremely unbalanced, which makes you unable to break through. Moreover, although your golden body has not been completed, you have refined too much this time. A few days ago, your spirit and soul have been split by nearly half. This is also an imbalance. Therefore, you surpass the ordinary It’s impossible to break through the past for the top-level spiritual veins of the veins. Even if you break through the barriers of intermediate explorers, it will inevitably lead to unstable foundations."

Upon hearing this, Han Fei immediately understood: Good fellow, it turns out that this is the truth! I thought it was the reason why I used the Gemini Divine Art...

He only heard the old turtle add: "This dragon's vitality has begun to weaken a little bit. Hurry up and find a way to break the cocoon next to it and see if you can shatter it? Swallow his soul?"

Han Fei was stunned for a moment: I didn't even think about it, the old turtle is asking myself to kill a dragon soul?

and many more……

Han Fei suddenly woke up: Yes! This is just a dragon soul in a resuscitated state, not a real dragon soul phantom. Why can't I kill myself? Didn't the old tortoise say that his own strength has grown a lot?


When an apocalyptic magic technique came, Han Fei shouted: Explosion.

Because there is no water to nourish, this time, the power of endless water explosion is slightly less than the last time.

However, Han Fei's continuous breakthroughs have also allowed endless water to grow simultaneously. Therefore, the power is not weak.

At this time, Han Fei's physical body had been numbed by the indestructible body, and Han Fei didn't care about the pain that endless water exploded.

I saw that the Qi of Long Yuan was exploded, and the fist mark of the sacrificial body exploded again, hitting the cocoon with the dragon shadow next door.

"Drawing swordsmanship."

"Knock the gate of heaven."


Han Fei even used Hundred Beasts Soul Roar.

Didn’t you yell at me just now?

Okay, now I'm here to kill you. If you have the ability, you can shout again! If you don't yell at me, I will kill you.

Sure enough, at the moment when the roar of Hundred Beasts Town's soul broke out, the dragon shadow thumped in the cocoon next door, and the sound of dragon chants burst again. This time, Han Fei still bleeds, but it feels better than before.

As soon as the cocoon opened, Han Fei "chipped" and jumped in.

When Old Turtle proposed to him just now, Han Fei was already ready. First slay the dragon soul, then **** the dragon yuan, then quench the golden body, and then break the realm.

In this way, when the water reaches the channel, he has gone through a perfect process.

However, this first step does not seem to be that easy to do.

Han Fei just jumped into the cocoon next door, and the Line of Nothingness was immediately buckled up.

Suddenly, Han Fei felt the power of a terrifying soul, assaulting himself. Immediately, a rousing spirit shouted: "fusion."

Tufeiyuan is an ancient alien species, possessing a weak bloodline of a beast, and can ignore the mental attacks of all creatures within 10th level.

Now, Han Fei was facing the shock of the dragon soul phantom. Although Tu Fei Yuan was not strong enough, its mental resistance was not weak. In addition, the common law is hard to break.


Under the terrifying impact, the surrounding void collapsed. The strength of this shock was beyond imagination.

A scene that made Han Fei feel chilling appeared: He only saw his shoulder, a round eyeball of Tu Fei, which burst open completely.

At that moment, Tu Feiyuan said: "Quick kill, if I can sustain a blow, I will fall."

When Han Fei heard this, he was furious. Unexpectedly, in the fusion state, Tu Feiyuan was hit hard, and it was about to fall.


As soon as the second dragon chant came out, Han Fei's shoulder, Tu Feiyuan's only eyeballs, burst instantly. Han Fei himself was blown to blood.

But Han Fei didn't care, but when he saw his eyes were red, he shouted: "Gourd, kill it for me."


Hundred Beast Town Soul roar broke out.

However, this is not enough. Even the dragon soul in the newly recovered state is not capable of breaking through the mid-level spirit strength of Han Fei, an explorer.

At the critical moment, the Demon Refining Pot seemed to understand Han Fei's meaning, and it quickly broke a small vine that was absorbing the energy of the dragon.

I only saw the small vine that directly buckled the seven or eight-meter-long dragon soul phantom.

"Roar... hiccup..."

The dragon soul seemed to want to continue roaring.

As a result, he was strangled by the little Qingteng, and the voice of the dragon's chant was directly strangled. Following that, Xiaoteng penetrated into the dragon shadow.

With the help of Xiao Qingteng, the Thread of Nothingness temporarily controlled the resurrected dragon soul.

"Special mother, blow me up."


Seeing Xiaoteng suddenly shrinking, Han Fei stepped out of the Yuhun Array at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, and dozens of Pan Turtle Arrays broke through the air directly.


outside world.

The Queen of Life and Bai Jiadi are waiting for the result.

This has just entered some people. Now, this mountain range has gathered most of the creatures on this island.


Suddenly, everyone saw: In this stretch of mountains, the peaks are continuously collapsing.


A terrifying array suddenly appeared, directly covering the entire mountain range. In the formation, the river of blood and energy was still flowing, and the blood was soaring into the sky.

The Queen of Life and Emperor Bai Jia looked at each other, their faces solemn: "Here, there is a pool of blood?"

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