God of Fishing

Chapter 1352: Harvest and go out

Han Fei originally thought: Although the dragon's vitality is not much, his immortal golden body should also be fast. As long as the golden bones of the skull are completed, the immortal body of oneself should be done.

Unfortunately, this place is going to collapse!

Han Fei looked at Refining World again, and the spiritual spring inside was almost exhausted. This complete immortal body of myself seems to be so missing.

It was just a little tangled, and Han Fei stopped tangling.

Although it was only a loss, but when did he practice Immortality, not the last loss?

Every time, I either burned through the different fire, or relied on the deduction of "Void Fishing Technique" to cause the thunder to roar down, or relied on the tribulation...

It seems that with the Qi of Long Yuan, he almost repaired the fifth layer of "The Immortal Body" at once. This last loss may still need an opportunity. Only in that way can you achieve success in your cultivation!

Then Han Fei glanced at his message again.

Looking at this, Han Fei was directly stunned:

Owner: Han Fei

Level: Level 76 (Intermediate Explorer)

Reiki: 190,000/190,000

Mental power perception: 3200 miles

Strength: 602 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unawakened

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 65]

The second talent soul beast: not awakened

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", the sixth layer, "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]


Han Fei's first attention is naturally the power of the soul. The power of the soul before him was close to 30,000 points.

He originally thought: It would be an extremely long process to replenish the soul. After all, he swallowed the new consciousness that was born in the Narcissus, and added up to more than 6,000 points of spiritual power increase.

But now, it was just a dragon shadow.

Moreover, many of its self-destructive spirit power escaped in this void.

But with this dragon shadow alone, his power of soul has increased by nearly 9,000 points, and his power of soul has been restored to half of it all at once.

Han Fei firmly believes: In this situation, if you continue to submerge for a while, visualize the "Frightening God", then you can return to the previous peak power of the soul, there should be no problem.

Reiki has increased by 40,000 points, which is nothing. Originally, his aura reserve dropped from 180,000 points back to 150,000 points. At this moment, it is equivalent to breaking through two levels in a row and taking the road of three levels. Replenishing the aura reserves is also normal.

Just this, Han Fei still feels a little bit less!

After all, the Pinnacle of Intermediate Explorers is not the same as the Novice Explorers. When it comes to the realm of explorers, it is already one step at a time. Han Fei naturally understands this truth.

As for the range of perception, this time it was directly restored to 3,200 miles.

This is also normal! After all, I was already at 3600 miles before. Now that he has been promoted two levels in a row, and the power of the soul has made up so much, it is less than 3000, that is strange.

In terms of strength, the terrifying number of more than 600 waves really scared Han Fei.

This is already an extremely shocking number!

It's not that Han Fei doesn't understand the realm of Explorer. Ordinary explorers, in advanced explorers, before reaching the peak, there are only about 500 waves. The generation of Tianjiao generally does not reach 800. Unless it is the level of the peerless Tianjiao, it is possible to reach thousands.

Will advanced explorers have the power of a thousand waves? Han Fei is unheard of. It's the peak explorer, the growth of power at that time was a bit terrible.

The so-called "do not reach the peak, not reach the peak." If you want to become a half-zun, Qian Lang is just the beginning.

At this moment, Han Fei is the pinnacle of Intermediate Explorer.

Now, Han Fei is fat. This is a feature of energy in the body that has not been completely digested. If all these forces are refined, their overall strength will be improved.

If the golden body is 10%, and then the advanced explorer breaks the boundary, Han Fei's combat power will exceed a thousand waves, which is almost a certainty.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Old Yuan, how many waves of general strength can it be called a half deity?"

Old tortoise: "It has nothing to do with power, half deity is only related to the Dao. If you have entered the Dao, you can enter the deity at any time, then you can call it a half deity. If you have to use power to measure it, more than 1,000 waves! If it is pure For those who are strong in body refining, I'm afraid it will take 2000 waves."

"Huh? More than 1,000 waves are half king? That's not too high!"


The old tortoise said: "Do you know that when the power of the great avenue is added, how can you simply use strength to measure your strength? Unless your strength is several times that of others, the amount of strength depends on the strength of your respective avenue after all. At that time, I don’t want to use any secret methods. It's not that there is no secret method of that level, but that the secret method always has to pay a price. It's like you and the emperor borrowed power, how could the emperor lend you power in vain? All have a purpose."

When Han Fei heard this, he quickly glanced at his secret method. The current power of magical transformation, I am afraid that even doubling the power will increase the blessing, it is a little suspended.

As for the Beastmaster Art? Han Fei glanced at it and found that this power bonus was only three times.

Although the Beastmaster Art was not a secret method in a sense, it should be a kind of natural ability of this race. It is already very impressive to be able to achieve this effect by forcibly learning it by myself.

At least, at this moment, "Beastmaster Art" can provide three times the power!

If he breaks through the current state, Han Fei is almost certain: The magic change is basically useless. The power provided by the Beastmaster Jue is at most twice as high.

Even the treacherous speed of the wind greatly reduced the increase it provided. It's not because the treacherous speed of the wind is a secret method, but because Han Fei's strength is growing, and his basic speed is also getting faster. The Phantom Glazed Wings can provide a limit of speed. Otherwise, if the Venerable wears the Phantom Glazed Wings, the wings can be strengthened several times. That is too much.

Therefore, with this growth, Han Fei seems to have improved a lot in all aspects. In fact, if you count all the powers such as the secret method, I am afraid it is only not much stronger than when you first entered the intermediate explorer.

Of course, the improvement of one's own strength and that kind of benefits cannot be explained by such simple data. After all, the secret method cannot be maintained for a long time, and one's own power can be used as desired.


The ground cracked again, and the earthy round head stretched out from the red mist.


Part of the huge keel collapsed suddenly.

Han Fei emerged from the cocoon of Longyuan Qi, feeling that his mental state was better than ever.

In addition to his body weight about two or three times, his vitality has been lost for about 800 years, and his strength has skyrocketed. It is possible that at first he will be a little bit uncertain. Everything else is fine!

This fat body, but the energy could not be fully absorbed. With his current strength and growth rate, it can be as fast as two or three days, and as slow as two or three months, it can be exactly the same as before.

Han Fei wanted to store this Dragon Origin Qi very much, but the Dragon Origin Qi escaped.

Han Fei has a hunch: I'm afraid that this place will collapse if he can't wait for him to store these Dragon Yuan Qi.

The old tortoise also shouted: "Hurry up. The secret here is disordered and it is extremely difficult to perceive. You have to find where the door is here?"

Han Fei said, "Where there is a water flow, there is a way out. From here, a total of 95 blood pools flowed out...Huh? Why is there one less tributary."

Han Fei clearly remembers that he was a member of 95 before, how come it has become 94 now?

Old tortoise: "Well, you might have swallowed one."

Han Fei didn't believe this nonsense and was swallowed by himself? Can the blood in the blood pool drink?

However, Han Fei didn't think too much, only said: "With so many tributaries, there is always one that can go out."

Old tortoise: "On the blood pool, if the delay is too long, it is not appropriate. You know, when you came in, it happened in a blink of an eye."

Han Fei took a look at the newly reborn Tu Feiyuan, and took it back with a thought.

Han Fei: "You have to run. But there is one more thing to do."

Old tortoise: "What?"


I saw that Han Fei had flashed out, only to see him clutching and holding the huge keel bones, and shouting frantically: "Shou Shou Shou..."

Old tortoise: "..."

This keel is three thousand feet long, but Refining World is indeed enough for now. It's just that the old tortoise is a bit speechless: Why do you want a baby? You don't even want your life?

Besides, is this still a baby? After tens of thousands of years of loss, this keel is afraid that there is no more vitality left. This bone, not to mention being a Dinghai Bizarre Treasure, even the best magic weapon is difficult.

However, how can Han Fei's and Lao Ture's views be the same? The good thing in your eyes is at the level of Dinghai Alien Treasure. The good thing in my eyes, as long as it can reach the level of a demigod, then Quante is a good thing.

For a time, Han Fei stepped on his feet, and his figure flickered between the keels.

What kind of dragon head, dragon claws, dragon ribs, dragon cervical vertebrae, that is crazily stuffed into the refining world. Although the refining world can be put down, it is estimated that after this dragon is plugged down, there is not much space left in it.




Han Feirao was fast enough, but he still couldn't keep up with the rate of collapse of this place.

The keel was only half received, and a large part of the dome was broken. Around, a void crack emerged one after another.

Just listen to the old tortoise shouting: "No! You are right, this is not behind that door at all. This is a small independent world! Now, you swallow all the power in the small world of others. , This place is almost annihilated."

Han Fei's heart moved: "What to do? There are 94 tributaries, which one is closer?"

The old tortoise was speechless: "In this case, one way is to resist the turbulence of space, and you can return to the door after carrying it. There is another, as you said, since the blood pool is The source is here. If you find a tributary, you can definitely go out."

Han Fei still took the keel while finding his way. He also didn't believe it would be easy to get out from the tributary of the blood pool. This tributary must be extremely long. It's better to get out from here...

Suddenly, Han Fei stood on a keel, with a flash of inspiration in his mind: "What do the 95 tributaries and 94 tributaries represent? Ninety-five years, the flying dragon is in the sky, to see the adults. What about the September Fourth? Not right now. Tian, ​​but in the Yuan, hidden in the Qianlong in the Yuan, Qianlong in the Yuan... Han Fei seems to remember that this number does not correspond to the word. But anyway, does this give himself a reason? The source of the blood and energy, Is it actually directly below the blood pool?"

If so...

Just seeing Han Fei stretch out one hand, draw a line with one hand, chat and outline dozens of strokes, and a teleportation line appears.

The old turtle wondered: "Where are you going to pass it?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised: "On top of his head."

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