God of Fishing

Chapter 1362: Called the King

However, even if the Venerable can be reborn with a drop of blood, it is not unlimited. The cost of rebirth from a drop of blood is very high, and after the explosion, the cost of rebirth from a drop of blood is even greater.

Ji Yue was horrified, and said quickly: "Thank you ancestors for saving lives."

The Scarlet Tree Man felt a little bit: "Strange aura. This person is not high, but his strength is surprisingly strong. If you didn't blew himself up in time, this life would be gone. Forget it, he escaped so fast , I have already figured out the way out. It’s just that this Secret Realm is considered invalid, and it’s not allowed to be used again in the future."

Ji Yue endured the serious injury and quickly said: "Subordinates will do it now."

The Scarlet Tree Man said lightly: "Forget it, you hurt too much, go back and raise it!"


The other end.

Han Fei hid in the world of refining and threw himself a holy light technique. At this moment, the whole body wounds are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The old turtle said: "See you? Although this person is not a newcomer to the realm, but he is far from the peak of the junior nobleman. Fortunately, it is not easy for you to win now. This is the explorer and the nobleman. The gap between people..."

Han Fei gritted his teeth: "Her strength may not be as good as mine."

The old tortoise shook his head slightly: "It's not the reason of power, it's the gap in the realm, the difference in the use of spiritual energy, and the difference in the response of the soul... You are wrong, you use a technique with a mistake rate to shake The other party’s divine soul. Divine soul is the most secret power of a person. You all know that cultivating a divine soul has a gourd secret treasure in the body, and people don’t know how to protect it?"

Han Fei was convinced this time.

However, Han Fei is not sad. This is the first time I have hunted and killed the Venerable. It is normal to have no experience. It's a pity that he also prepared soul search in advance, but it didn't come in handy.

But no matter what, the sneak attack this time made Han Fei clearly aware of a problem: he wanted to leapfrog the challenge now, it was not enough. Although he was strong enough to shake the Venerable Realm, before he reached the peak, there was still a big gap.

After such an attempt, Han Fei immediately knew: the significance of the existence of the two realms of pinnacle and half. This is more like a division on the level of strength, which is closely related to the dismantling of Dao and Reiki. To put it more bluntly, this is related to a person's talent.

Regarding this incident of hunting the venerable, the blood sea **** Mucheng did not find a clue, and in the end, the investigation could only come to an end. This incident, like Xueqin's discovery of mysterious creatures, almost turned into a mysterious event.

Ji Yue even wondered: How did that person appear in the trial field? Moreover, since that person has touched the trial field, why didn't he strangle these trial arrogances, but instead forcefully shot himself?

These are like unsolved mysteries.

In the mysterious ocean, there may be many similar unsolved mysteries every day. If you really want to explore one by one, even if it is forever, you will never finish exploring.

One month later.

Mizuki sky, dark war port.

In the past two or three years, there have been too many battles between Shui Mutian and Baibei Wangcheng, even more than the sum of the battles in the past century.

In fact, this kind of war that cannot be scaled up can only be regarded as military training. It seems that there will be no large-scale war in the short term. Relatively speaking, the four battlefields of Shuimutian are actually much safer.

As long as the strong of the venerable realm does not make a move and the Dao-seeking realm great demon is in battle, even if the war is a little more frequent, it will not be able to scale.

No, the Dark War Port has released the fearless barrier. A large number of creatures in the Path-seeking Realm and the Sea-Monster Realm poured into the dark waters. Here, there have been wars for days.

Outside of the fearless barrier, occasionally salty fish from the path-seeking realm pass by, and the strong from both sides even occasionally meet each other, unhappy with each other.

But today, something is different.

On this day, outside the fearless barrier, five people crossed the robbery at once.

This is a rare event. Even in Shui Mutian, on average one or two people can cross the calamity a year, and one person can successfully cross the calamity, which is considered rare. After all, if things go on like this, there will be a hundred explorers in a hundred years, and there will be more than 5,000 explorers in ten thousand years. This is the backbone of a party.

This time, the five people crossed the robbery, causing Shuimu to shake up and down: these five people were all people who had survived the battle of landing on the island. That kind of opportunity really made many people envious. However, this type of trial has a great probability of falling. Ten people go, six people return. Among them, there is also a Han Fei Shenlong who sees the head and misses the end.

The insects and insects survived, boasting about how powerful Han Fei was, attacking the six blood monsters, and looting the two kings, and heard many zerg blood boiling.

Because of this story, the story is too emotional. Chong Liu Liu, Chong Xiao Chong, Fengtou Aqi three people once became the star figures of the sacred tree of Yunhai.

Today, these five people all choose to cross the tribulation in the dark war, and Baibei King City still sends people to fight.

However, the people who came this time were different. Among those who came, there was an acquaintance of Han Fei. Xia Youwei, Umbrella Seven and Xuye three people are among them.

To the outside world, people like Xia Youwei and Umbrella Seven, although the arrogance of Baibei King City, rarely leave Baibei King City. The Baibei King City has a strict entry and exit system, so that their true combat power is not known to outsiders.

Even if they had the trial of landing on the island, Xia Youwei was only listed as the arrogant, and they were at the same level as the insects. They were not called out by Han Fei like Zhang Xiaotian.

However, the Insect Kings naturally all guessed. Therefore, they also warned the insects to sneak around these people. You must be careful in this battle of crossing the catastrophe.


Chong Liu Liu and Chong Xiao Chong, holding their big horns, sprayed them wildly at Umbrella Seven.

Chong Liu Liu: "That shrimp, you landed on the island with Ben Chong? Then you know, Ben Chong fought side by side with Han Fei and crossed the sea of ​​blood? I advise you that those who are acquainted should be obedient, and don't cause it. fighting."

Chong Xiao Chong buzzed: "Yes, we swept the Heavenly Pride of the Blood Sea God Wood City at that time. If it weren't for you guys running fast, now, how can there be a chance to appear here?"

Xia Youwei smiled lightly: "Well! Just because I didn't have a fight at the beginning, I was so sorry. I'm here to enlighten you, regardless of life or death."

Worm slips: "Oh! You are quite arrogant? They are all shelled. Can your horns compare to Benworm's horns?"

Shrimp smiled promisingly: "Try it."

Chong Liu Liu was irritated by Xia Youwei's arrogant attitude. He was about to fight before the battle. Hearing only a "pop", Limelight's A Qiyi's wings patted: "Idiot, that person is definitely not weak, just look at it."

On the other side, a tree demon stood up and said, "I will come to fight. Demon Zhi has a very vigorous vein and is not easy to fall."

As soon as this tree demon came out, there was a Dao-seeking realm big demon on the opposite side, and said casually: "You guys, just go."

But Nasu Ye stepped out with a fierce look: "It's just a tree demon, kill you three ways."


There was an uproar all around.

On Shui Mutian's side, countless onlookers looked ugly.

Someone shouted: "Don't be ashamed! Bei Mu Nai Demon Zhi has a line of supreme arrogance, can you say that you can cut it?"

Someone yelled: "What did Baibei Wangcheng send out this time?"

Chong slid coldly: "Ben Chong poked you to death, believe it or not?"

However, amidst the thousands of shouts, Xu Ye licked the corners of his mouth: "My name is Xu Ye, Baibei Wangcheng Tianjiao ranked eighth, and will not retreat today. Those who want to come, don’t refuse... Wait, Do you dare to fight?"


As soon as Xu Ye said this, immediately, countless people took a breath: Bai Bei Wangcheng Tianjiao ranked eighth? Is this soul ball so strong?

In the Cloud Sea God Tree, the four major races are generally ranked within the clan.

This Beimu has never been ranked tenth in Shui Mutian's Tianjiao list, and at most it is ranked tenth in his own race. Such a comparison does not mean that Nasuye is much stronger?

Chong Liu Liu couldn't help looking at Chong Xiao Chong: "Is this person so strong? Before, it was only 70 or 80 in the Baibei Wangcheng Tianjiao list. This time, how come you are eighth? ?"

Beimu's expression sank: "Don't panic. Don't be shy about the battle before the battle, I will meet him."


I saw Beimu's hands like branches exploring the water, and the tide was rolling. When the water came out again, there were two big pillars that threw it horizontally like a whip, like a dragon going out to sea, and went straight to Xuye.

That's not the case. From Beimu's chest, he stretched out his third hand, holding a spear, piercing the void. The spear thrusts and blooms at the same time, and it shoots out a hundred spear shadows.

Knowing that Xu Ye is the eighth superpower on the Baibei Wangcheng Tianjiao list, Beimu naturally dare not despise it. On the first step, there are two big kills, double locking skills, which are already unmatched.

"it is good!"

The creatures in Yaozhi's line trembling the branches, applauded one after another.

A zerg buzzed: "This is the distracting thorn of the tree demon, and it's hard to stop a blow with all your strength."

A big bird shouted: "Don't relax, continue to attack and poke him to death."

Amid the clamor, Xu Ye's mouth turned up. He only heard the sound of "crack" and suddenly slammed into the void. Thousands of super-long beards appeared.

"Puff puff!"

I saw that the void must be broken, and the sky is full of cracks. The long beard curled like a spiral, and in an instant, the two demon planting vine pillars in Beimu were cut into pieces.

But Beimu's distracting thorn suddenly stagnated, but he saw a hundred long beards in the air, curling up the blow from both sides.

"Boom bang bang!"

There was a constant explosion in the field, and the wave rolled back.

Beimu suddenly felt a crisis, and quickly wanted to retire. However, a large number of tentacles appeared under him, and a huge anemone appeared.

Xu Ye sneered: "I! I forgot to say... I am also Yaozhi."


I saw Beimu's arms were instantly rolled and cut into hundreds of pieces. Seeing the massive long beard under him, he was about to shatter it...


Only seeing the void, light and shadow flashed.


When Xu Ye didn't have any reaction time, the venerable in Baibei King City scolded, and the Great Demon at the Peak of the Path rushed.


At that moment, silver illuminates the world.

In a moment, the sea diverged, and a terrifying ravine in the void reflected in the air.

The Venerable Realm still wanted to make a move, but heard a soft voice: "Some people are favored, they are very willful, I can't help it!"

Everyone heard: Isn't this voice quiet?

In mid-air, the figure had a scarlet fist mark, like a pillar of light soaring across the sky, consistently hitting the sky. The pinnacle of the search that came to meet with the intention of saving people was crushed by a punch, and most of the body was crushed, and it was undoubtedly fallen.

Everyone looked intently and saw a black figure with one hand pinching Xu Ye’s neck, holding it in the air like a dead fish, proudly turning his head: "Go to the battle of his mother. If Bai Bei Wangcheng uses this as an excuse again , Consumed my Shuimutian combat power, wounded one of me, and I slaughtered a hundred others."

I only saw that figure, pointing at Tianyu, and staring at the direction of Baibei Wangcheng: "Emperor Baijia, a dignified king, he is so stingy. Either fight or stop. Today, let me, Han Fei, tell you. , I, Han Feigai, pressure you Baibei Wangcheng Wanzai Tianjiao."

Xu Ye is frightened~www.ltnovel.com~Why is Han Fei here? Han Fei's strength has no reason to shoot! Can not allow him to think too much, the eyes are black.

I saw Han Fei force his hands and grind them lightly. With a "bang", his beard burst into pieces, shattered bones, and died.

Han Fei stepped forward:

"If you want to fight, I'm Han Fei alone, picking your entire Baibei King City old and new Tianjiao list, dare you?"

"If you dare not, in the future, my Shuimu Tianjiao will overcome the calamity and let me stay away."

"You want to fight with one city. I have fought for 100,000 years with Shuimutian, why have you ever been afraid of it?"

At this moment, Han Fei stood proudly in the void, fingered Tianyu, and cursed with his head up, extremely domineering.


Countless people were moved and swallowed saliva. As for who Xu Ye is, he has long forgotten.

The insect sucked: "Goodbye..."

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