God of Fishing

Chapter 1367: Take the lead

The appearance of the Golden Crow only made Han Fei feel the mystery of this world.

Perhaps, there are still many things that I don't understand. Perhaps, as the old tortoise said, his own knowledge is quite shallow. Or maybe, whether the Golden Crow has three legs, I'm afraid it doesn't even know it...

Unexpectedly, the Golden Crow came out, and it appeared as a seed. Flowering from the tree and growing out? This way of birth is simply unheard of!

The narcissus also became seeds. Why did these creatures become seeds in the end?

Han Fei didn't quite understand this. Asked the old tortoise, the old tortoise said that he had never come into contact with a creature like the golden crow. Although the emperor knew a lot, it was limited.

Han Fei only felt: The old tortoise must have fooled him somewhere. For example, the strength of the old tortoise, in fact, is not up to the emperor, and he blows in front of him every day.


Hole sea area.

Tranquility claims: Xiaojin and Shrimp are here every day.

Han Feixin said: Why did Xiao Jin come over and join the bug?

It was a pity that Han Fei didn't take a deep look at this place until he reached the cave sea area.

In this area, on the south side of the Cloud Sea God Tree, diving from 3000 miles above the water surface to below the water surface, and then expanding for 30,000 miles, it is all an area where insects live.

In this area of ​​30,000 miles, there are dozens of uplifted earthen caves.

Going deep into the cave, circling around, I don't know how many turns have been turned, all kinds of larvae emerge from the cocoons along the way. When Han Fei first arrived here, he felt that thousands of insects were crawling out of the eggs.

This worm, which is more than half a meter long, will quickly swim to a larger area 30,000 miles away after breaking its egg. They were just born with different strengths, from Awakening to Hailing, and their levels were different.

In order to facilitate the control, they are generally divided according to the type and state of the insects.

In each species, the high-level insects act as commanders and will rectify the newly born insects.

Don’t look at these worms as stupid, even the arrogances of worms are stupid, but they have a strong sense of discipline and purpose in their own cognitive range, knowing what they pursue, and knowing what life and death are. Stuff...

Seeing Han Fei looked surprised, Tranquility couldn't help but said: "The Zerg is a very strong race. Without the Zerg guarding, Shuimutian would have long been unable to sustain it."

Han Fei nodded dumbfounded: "I can see that this is too fertile, even more powerful than the Kraken. If it weren't for the relatively narrow area of ​​the Zerg race, I am afraid that the Sea Race is not their opponent."

Tranquility said non-committal: "Because the Zerg race's ability to reproduce is too strong, it is difficult for the queen to become a king. Therefore, the Zerg King came into being and is regarded by the entire Zerg tribe as the most likely to become a king. But so far, the insect king has also become a king. Stuck in the half-king state, I have never realized the last way to become a king."

Han Fei couldn't help asking, "Is the last step to becoming a king depends on enlightenment?"

Quietly said: "Do you think becoming a king is so simple? Every race, mortal king, must be an example of a clan, bear the rise and fall of a clan, and be trusted by the people of the clan. No one can become a king casually! Can become a king, no matter it is. The good and the bad are always special."

Han Fei was suspicious: "You just said that the clan is the example... the king is bad, is the clan bad?"

Tranquility gave Han Fei a glance: "Maybe there is an evil king and a blood sacrifice clan who can become a king. This is what I have seen in a historic site... Ah! Anyway, it is difficult to... want to be a king. There must be some big movement."

Han Feixin said: I know I have to make a big move! The movement of just passing the robbery was so big. Can the movement of becoming a king be big?

With the outermost branches of the Yunhai Divine Tree, more than 10,000 miles away, Han Fei was the first to feel Xiaojin's breath.

Xiao Jin is moving quickly to his side. The speed is so fast that Han Fei sighed: This guy should have grown a lot.

Han Feixin said: Soil fat circle is not weak. Under his own supervision, he was already at level 55 when he finally landed on the island.

After the battle of landing on the island, although he died once, he should have absorbed some Dragon Yuan power after resurrection. On the contrary, he has been upgraded to 3 levels, and even the color of his skin has turned red. After nearly 2 years of hard work, his strength has been completely stabilized at level 58. Although it has not been able to enforce the law, the speed is already fast.

After all, the more potential stocks, the more difficult it is to grow.

Han Fei's rapid growth was based on a variety of opportunities.

Tu Feiyuan has always been taken by Han Fei, which is considered a small chance, but it is also extremely dangerous.

In the Sea-Monster Realm, it was nothing to grow up to a level seven or eight. However, the harder it goes up, and it's only three years!

Han Fei muttered: Xiaojin, they can grow up to five levels on average, so thank God for himself.

After all, not only did I leave them with millions of catties of spiritual enlightenment, but they also accumulated a lot of foundation. If you don't even have level 55...heh, I must have shot them one by one.

"Shoo, hoo..."

I saw a golden red light and shadow piercing the sky. Arrived in the sky, leaving a long white mark.

"the host!"

Xiao Jin called out a long way away.

When he got to the front, Han Fei took a look at this guy: The one of the boss is now, and the wings can reach 30 meters. This should be a reminder after shrinking, otherwise it should be bigger!

However, at the moment of landing, Xiao Jin's body shrank rapidly. In the end, it became only three meters in size and came over.

Han Fei glanced, and information emerged in his eyes.

[Name] Feather God Ray

【Introduction】Ancient alien species, belonging to flying fishes, with two wings and feet, wings like sharp blades, which can break gold and stone. The feather **** ray can fly into the sea at an extremely fast speed. Its head is as strong as a mountain and is good at impact. When it grows into a complete form, it can gather the power of thunder.


[Quality] Legend [Superior]

【Contains Reiki】27540

[Food] Meat, prefer large fish

[Combat Skills] Blade of Lightning, Thunder Realm

【Remarks】Current status, growth period

Good guy, it turned out to be level 57, and one more combat skill of the Thunder Territory, which I think is the technique of thunder coming.

Han Fei couldn't help looking at tranquility in surprise: "Growing so fast?"

Quietly said: "You few contract spirit beasts, you have accumulated enough in the early stage. Because the early precipitation has been for a long time and suppressed their growth, after being completely free, the growth rate is extremely fast. In addition, you have left a lot of Qi Lingye, so it breaks two small realms, it is normal, not fast."

Han Fei thought: Isn't this fast? I have carried them for so long, and I have never seen them grow so fast.

Han Fei couldn't help but patted Xiaojin's head: "Yes, great, we are going to go home."

After receiving Xiaojin, Han Fei couldn't help but said, "How about the shrimp every day? Where did this stuff go?"

Tranquility: "Do you feel it?"

Han Fei: "I felt it, it didn't move."

Han Fei pondered: Shrimp is not very reliable everyday, so I have to take a look.


The cave sea area is called the cave sea area because there are caves everywhere and it is an excellent place for the zerg to inhabit.

Although the Baibei King City has withdrawn, the daily battles on the frontline battlefield will not stop, especially in the cave sea area. If it stops here, God knows how far the Zerg army will multiply?

Shrimp Everyday, a mantis shrimp has been treated as an outlier since it was mixed into the Zerg army.

Although Shrimp Ritian still doesn't speak much, but its IQ is high, much higher than ordinary bugs. At this moment, Xia Ritian is leading an army of 3,000 insects, smashing a battlefield.

On the battlefield, a sea clan hermit sickle crab is launching a charge. As the name suggests, the hermit sickle crab is a hermit crab with a shell. It uses the axe blade extending out of the shell as a means of attack and is good at group combat. Even said that the sickle-blade tornado they can form can easily wipe out ordinary Sea-Monster realm bugs.

Under normal circumstances, the Zerg on the battlefield, except for the charge, is hidden in the ambush in the hole. But shrimp came day by day, and the scene changed.

"Shoo, hoo..."

I saw the shrimp rising from the wormhole every day, and the nine tails soaring into the sky, like a spiral, protruding out of the void, destroying the enemy's camp from within, and drilling a large hole from the ground.

Shrimps reach all directions: "Kill!"

I saw countless earth springs gushing out, 3000 insect army, each holding a single-horned thorn, rushing out of the soil like earth thorns.

"Puff puff!"


I saw shells all over the place, the shrimp won the first battle every day, and the nine tails danced wildly. Shrimp commanded every day: "Spiral thorn armor formation, start."

I saw the 3000 insect army floating in the water, forming a large semi-circular arc, with a single horn aimed at the enemy's camp.


All the worms turned, and Han Fei who was watching came up with a word inexplicably: Three Thousand Electric Light Dragon Diamond.

Shrimp Ritian has a commanding talent!

A local battlefield, easily won, the insect army fell less than one-tenth.

No, there are insects and prawns respectfully said every day: "Brother, go to the battlefield there?"

A bug buzzed and said, "Brother, the big fat dragon is here again."

Xia Tiantian will convey: "It's just a big fat dragon. Go, brothers, get it..."

Han Fei saw the corners of his mouth twitching: What kind of talk is this?

Han Fei couldn't help asking, "Who is the big fat dragon?"

Tranquility: "My! A soft worm called the thorny flesh dragon. Because it is full of spines, it is very resistant to beating. Zerg likes to call it the big fat dragon.

Han Fei was not going to watch the show anymore, he coughed and breathed.

Xia Tiantian was rushing to the forefront, leading an army of three thousand sprints, and suddenly his body stopped and froze.

As soon as the shrimp stopped every day, all the bugs behind them stopped.

An insect said: "Brother, what's wrong?"

"Brother, do you feel something wrong?"

"Big brother~www.ltnovel.com~ is hungry?"

But the shrimp twisted their buttocks every day and threw them aside: "Brothers, I'm leaving, my master is coming...Master, I miss you so much!"

The shrimp slid every day and jumped out of the water. Three thousand insect army broke the water one after another.

"Brother, don't go!"

"Brother, your master is my master, we are all the way."


Xia Tianyi chained the worm away: "Are you qualified? Get up..."

I saw the shrimp rushing to Han Fei's feet every day, rubbing his bright armor on Han Fei's legs: "Master, you are finally back."

At this moment, the shrimp looks like a big brother and looks particularly flattering.

Han Fei tut said: "This name is pretty good! Just a little bit, you have started to be the big brother?"

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