God of Fishing

Chapter 1374: Battle of Broken Star Island

Han Fei didn't have any special feelings after killing a Venerable head-on.

In his heart, Han Fei felt: It seemed like he had defeated a great arrogant, it seemed that there was no difference.

Xu is that his strength has reached this point, so when facing the venerable again, he will not have the fascination he had before.

After all, those who are strong in the Venerable Realm are nothing more than a realm. In the past, it was longing. Although he is not yet the Supreme, Han Fei is not panicked at all.

In the three years of Shuimutian, especially in the first year, Han Fei's strength grew too fast. In the rest of the time, Han Fei was only consolidating and polishing his foundation.

Holding the venerable sun and moon shells, Han Fei glanced at it casually, and found that the spiritual fruit and the spiritual spring in it were pitiful. However, think about it too: Your Lord! They had long looked down upon things like Lingquan and Lingguo.

However, in this venerable sun and moon shells, there are some top-level materials, and a different chart.


Han Fei glanced quietly, but didn't take it out. After all, Xue Shenqi is still here.

At this look, Han Fei had already determined in his heart: Behind the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, there really is a royal city standing. However, the location of this royal city is extremely mysterious, and the rest has penetrated the wall of death.

On this chart, Han Fei saw a line barrier like a city wall. The map even depicts some maps about the barriers.

However, Han Fei was a little puzzled: The Wall of Death was so powerful that the two kings could not be broken in the Battle of Two Kings. How could the King City on the Yin-Yang Day break into the Wall of Death?

Without paying too much attention to this chart, Han Fei faced Xue Shenqi directly.

Xue Shenqi should have explored the place of Broken Star Island countless times. If he clearly knew the existence of the Wall of Death, it would be impossible for Xue Shen to be ignorant of them.

Moreover, there were so many more powerful people on the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, saying that there was no king city behind, Han Fei would never believe it.

Xue Shenqi should be able to guess it too. Just don't know, how much does Xue Shenqi know about this so-called royal city?

Seeing Han Fei again, and still under this situation, Xue Shenqi was also a little sigh.

After the two looked at each other for a while, Xue Shenqi slowly said: "You used to expect it to be good, and there is indeed movement in Ten Thousand Demon Valley. If nothing else, they should have opened up a channel with the King City. Today, what you killed These venerables and Dao-seeking realm great monsters should all come from the so-called Sea-Monster King City."

Han Fei: "Where is it?"

Xue Shenqi: "I don't know. If you knew it early, you would already have a countermeasure."

After a pause, Xue Shen got up and said, "You came back alone?"

Han Fei thought for a moment. Although Jing'er came back with him, her junior sister had explained that she would not let Jing'er make a move easily. Therefore, it is better not to tell Xue Shenqi.

So Han Fei nodded: "Well! At least my strength has become much stronger, right?"

However, Xue Shenqi shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid it's not enough."

Han Fei couldn't help frowning: "Not enough?"

Han Feixin said: Is Xue Shenqi floating? I just slaughtered more than ten Dao-seeking realm great monsters, one and a half, and a half-mermaid who had just entered the venerable. Is that not enough?

Han Fei was about to look in the direction of Broken Star Island: "What's the problem?"

Xue Shenqi: "You should be aware of the power of Broken Star Island itself. When your father is not there, Broken Star Island will have no sage. In order to resist the suppression of Thousand Star City, this constellation had to break the realm. But even if it breaks into the sovereign, I am only a newcomer to the realm of nobles, and I can suppress the nobles of the same realm. However, if a strong person of the intermediate rank or above comes, my right to speak is also divided."

Han Fei couldn't help squinting his eyes: "Someone is coming to seize power?"

Xue Shenqi: "Yes. But the result is not so bad. There are people from the family and the seven big sects have also arrived. Two phases are limited, so I can continue to control Broken Star Island."

Han Feixin said: The complicated situation in Thousand Star City has finally spread to Broken Star Island.

Han Fei frowned: "A lot of coming?"

Xue Shenqi: "There are four middle-level sages, and four junior sages each. Add me, there are currently 9 great sages. Although your realm is in the advanced explorer stage, your combat power... oh, never It is expected that one day there will be so many venerables on the broken star island..."

Han Fei curled his lips slightly: "Earlier, you could have destroyed the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters? But, without the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, where would you find so many sea-monsters to experience the children of the human race?"

A smile appeared on Xue Shenqi's face: "You seem to have grown a lot. Indeed, it is not difficult to destroy the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and my human race is not weak enough. But now, does Ten Thousand Demon Valley exist? , The meaning is not big anymore. In the end, the Hanging Sky Waterfall can’t hold it anymore. You come back a little bit earlier, but it's as long as March, or as long as half a year. The so-called Sea-Monster King City will definitely be born. Inevitable."

Han Fei: "No matter what, Ten Thousand Demon Valley will still be destroyed. The number of Sea-Monsters in Ten Thousand Demon Valley is really too much. Their number even far exceeds the so-called royal city. Destroying them can at least guarantee me to be broken. Ordinary people on Star Island are fine."

Xue Shenqi: "Are you there, have you seen Wangcheng?"

Han Feixin said: More than I have seen? I've been in it, I've also become a Tianjiao, and I've also been to the forbidden land-level secret realm.

Of course, Han Fei would naturally not talk to Xue Shenqi with these words, and said: "Generally understand. The king city is not as big as he imagined. There are two big king cities over there, one of which is about 100,000 people."

"Only one hundred thousand?"

Xue Shenqi couldn't help but frowned: Doesn't it seem right? What is the use of a mere 100,000 people?

However, Han Fei then said: "Don't underestimate these 100,000 people. The minimum standard for entering the royal city is the sixth-level demon vein, which is equivalent to the sixth-level spiritual vein of my human race."


Even Xue Shenqi was shocked when he heard this: What standard is this? The fifth-level spirit channel is qualified to enter the seven colleges. If what Han Fei said is true, isn't the strength composition of the Sea-Monster King City... against the sky?

You know, the original Tang Ge, that is, the 7th level spirit vein, was treated as a treasure by Qianxing City. And this Sea-Monster King City can only be entered by level 6 monster veins?

What is this concept? Moreover, there are still 100,000 people!

Of course, what Han Fei said was Baibei King City. As for the other Sea-Monster King Cities, it might not be the same. However, it can also be seen from this that the background of the Sea-Monster King City must not be underestimated!

Han Fei continued: "The lowest level that can be in the King City is the Sea Spirit Realm. This means: There are 100,000 Sea Spirits in the King City."


Xue Shenqi suddenly changed his face and stared at Han Fei: "What did you say?"

Han Fei said, "You heard right. Among the kings, the lowest strength is the Sea Spirit Realm. Below this realm, there is no qualification to enter. There may be something wrong with our king city, otherwise it would have been flat. Broken Star Island. So, since they are still fighting tentatively with each other, it means that the difficulties of each other have not been resolved."

Xue Shenqi suddenly raised his head, looked in the direction of Broken Star Island, and interrupted: "This is a serious matter, and I will discuss it later. Broken Star Island has been fighting for seven days, and everyone is already tired. This battle is over, you both If you break the rules, then come back quickly."


Broken Star Island.

This side does not know the news of Han Fei's return in the battlefield ahead and the massacre of the Quartet.

After all, the battle ahead is not something ordinary people can get involved.

On the west side, on the coastline from Skeleton Coast to Giant's Causeway, the fighting was the fiercest.

In the tide, the giant winged horseshoe crab and the big insect king are densely packed, rushing forward without money.

Fortunately, the Giant's Causeway has a smooth line of defense. Even if the red tide hits, there will be countless people within the Giant's Causeway, and they will not be able to tolerate these ordinary marine creatures crossing the border.

However, on the Skeleton Coast, below the beach, it is not so easy.

Skeleton Coast, the battlefield scene here, has expanded to more than 5,000 people. On the coastline, more than 3,000 people are resting. Spirit Gathering Master is undoubtedly the most difficult of this group of people. Their auras are almost exhausted.

Above the coast, a fiery red figure, armed with two swords, rushed into the battlefield. From a distance, it looks like a beautiful red line, from south to north, from east to west.

"Commander, don't we have other reinforcements? This has been fighting for three days and three nights. The last batch of talents took a rest for half an hour. This is not enough!"

"Captain You, I'm Lingyou, the tactical headquarters. You can't consume aura anymore. Three hours ago, the enemy's law enforcement officers were defeated, and it is likely to make a comeback."


The fiery red figure threw out two swords and slashed more than 30 enemies. Then he stepped into the void breathlessly: "Others can rest, but I can't. The momentum is unbreakable! Spirit Gathering Master, give me aura."

However, two submerged fisher-level spirit gatherers quickly crossed the battlefield and rushed straight ahead.

You Lingyun sighed slightly: "Broken Star Island, year after year, day after day. Are you training talents, or are you really fighting against the sea monster? Where are the strong? Where have all gone?"

You Lingyun stretched out his hand, and the two red long swords flew back.

She shook the long sword in her handshake, her long hair swayed in the wind, and her eyes looked far away: "Daliang, Leng Hui, you should learn to be small. Forget it, I'm afraid I will have to follow your back. Wait, wait for me to guard this Skeleton Coast."


"Puff puff~"

Suddenly, six life spears flew and broke through the ground. The two Spirit Gatherers who were replenishing You Lingyun's aura were pierced in an instant.


You Lingyun's color changed, and his sword pierced the air, slashing into the ground.

"Hey! You are finally tired."

At the moment You Lingyun shot the ground, only a big king insect suddenly exploded not far from the sole of his feet. A harpoon hit Tianyu directly, white light bloomed, and the sea king shot.

You Lingyun still wanted to slash the sword wave with his sword, but half of the sword wave had just condensed, and the aura was exhausted. The force of UU reading www.uukanshu.com made her spit out blood.

Looking at the white light harpoon, You Lingyun's eyes dimmed slightly. Sure enough, the end of fall cannot be avoided.

"Little...you are left, so stay alive."


You Lingyun couldn't be more familiar with the sound of sharp blade tearing flesh and blood. She couldn't help closing her eyes, but...

Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.

The three breaths have passed, so I feel no pain?

You Lingyun couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes and saw a familiar figure standing on the surface of the sea, smiling at himself: "What's the matter? The You Lingyun I know will give up on himself?"

You Lingyun looked at the half-mermaid that was torn in half at Han Fei's feet, and his eyes were hot: "Team...captain?"

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