God of Fishing

Chapter 1377: From today, you pick me up

In fact, if it were in other places, Han Fei would directly attack and kill the Yang Family Venerable.

It's just that it can't work here in Broken Star Island.

Not to mention that if he is really intent on killing, other people will never sit back and watch. If it is really on Broken Star Island, where the venerable falls, and the sky changes, the sea monster will definitely move.

Therefore, Han Fei still knows a little bit. Of course, the human race's grand plan is better than his own personal honor and disgrace.

At this moment, as soon as Venerable Chumen left, Venerable Yang Family and Venerable Ye Family naturally followed. Only two Venerables from Taixuyuan and Yuxian Palace remained.

After all, the Seven Colleges, in the final analysis, are still a bit related to the Thug Academy, not to the extent of hostility.

Xue Shenqi didn't care, but said lightly: "Well, this is the end of the matter, let's go to the mansion to talk about it!"


In the City Lord's Mansion.

As soon as the four of them took their seats, Xue Shen began to say: "Those three, one of the Chumen Chuqing, in the realm of Intermediate Venerable. Yang Family Yang Kun, the state of Primary Venerable. Ye Family Ye Kai, the realm of Intermediate Venerable. Now, There are nine of Broken Star Island, including me, and there are three Intermediate Venerables. There is also one from the Heavenly Sword Sect."

While speaking, Xue Shenqi glanced at Han Fei lightly, saying: Don't worry, the family is not completely without opponents. The Heavenly Sword Sect has always been strong, and will not allow the family to send a few powerful people to overwhelm the group.

Han Fei nodded slightly and looked at the two of Yuxian Palace and Taixuyuan.

Xue Shenqi: "Elder Frozen Cloud of Jade Immortal Palace, who has just entered the realm of nobles, and has the same strength as this seat. The six swords ancestors of Taixuyuan, the pinnacle of noble nobles, may break through the intermediate realm at any time.

Han Fei handed over: "I have seen two seniors."

The two responded.

In fact, they also knew that Han Fei called them seniors because he was too young. According to age, it is not impossible to call them seniors.

However, Han Fei's growth was so rapid that they naturally did not dare to take it lightly.

When it was over, Han Fei couldn't help saying, "Anyone else?"

Xue Shenqi: "Sun Family Sun Baisheng, Cao Family Cao Shuang, Tian Jianzong Jian Sanqing. Most of the people here are people who have been hidden for a long time. You can know only one Sun Baisheng."

Han Fei was slightly surprised and said, "Sun Baisheng has become a respectable person?"

Xue Shenqi: "Two years ago, I just entered the respect."

Han Fei didn't care very much, but he just became respected. With his current strength, under a sneak attack, he should be able to kill him in one fell swoop.

Even if it was a frontal battle, Sun Baisheng could not easily block it.

However, too many Venerables appeared on Broken Star Island.

At this time, the war had not yet begun, but the Venerable had come a lot. There are sages on Broken Star Island, and there will naturally be strong sirens on the other side of the sea monster.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, these people may be drunkards who do not want to drink, but are also in the Xuantian Waterfall.

But I heard the elder Bingyun from Yuxian Palace said: "This time, I will not bother you. You are both new and strong. I don't know the situation very well. Since you have been in charge of Broken Star Island for many years, you will achieve success. Wang Zhizi, let's talk more!"

Taixuyuan, the ancestor of Six Swords also nodded slightly: "Farewell first."

When the two of them left, Xue Shen waved his hand, and the City Lord's Mansion was closed.

Upon seeing this, Han Fei quickly asked, "Where are the other venerables?"

Xue Shenqi: "The Sword Sanqing of the Heavenly Sword Sect confronted a Sea-Monster Venerable in the ancient battlefield. Sun Baisheng guards the perimeter of the twisted jungle, and he knows that you are back, so he doesn't want to meet you. Cao's family and Cao Shuang He has never asked about it. When there is a big battle, he will show up."

Han Fei frowned: "The current situation has reached the point where the family of Thousand Star City and the Seven Great Sects must be sent down?"

Xue Shenqi looked at Han Fei's eyes and said, "What do you think?"

Han Fei's heart sank: "Xuantian Waterfall?"

Xue Shen started out: "It's not just aristocratic families. You think the seven sects don't have this meaning? They also do. But they are a little better than the aristocratic families, and they also have the heart for humanity."

Han Fei said, "What is going on with the Sea-Monster at the moment? The Venerable Realm, the Sea Spirit Realm is a large number. A few years ago, in the battle of the ancient battlefield, more than 5,000 Sea-Monster Realm fell. coming?"

Xue Shenqi: "About two years ago, near Ten Thousand Demon Valley, an extremely wide-ranging earthquake broke out. The wave that was set off eventually even hit the 50,000-mile area of ​​Broken Star Island."

Han Fei couldn't help raising his brows: "The shock range exceeds 500,000 li?"

Xue Shenqi shook his head slightly: "It's not very clear. When the wave reached Broken Star Island, it was not very strong. However, after that time, Broken Star Island fell down four explorers at a time, all of them went to look in all directions. , None of them came back."

Han Fei frowned: "After all, the range of the explorer's perception is limited. Since all the venerables have come out on the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, it is normal to fall there."

Xue Shenqi said "Yes": "Yes. Since that time, I have known what happened in Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Because of a strong premonition, I found a strong man from the Heavenly Sword Sect to protect the law for me, and I became a deity. Realm. Later, I guessed that it should be the Valley of the Ten Thousand Monsters and the Sea-Monster King City, which made direct contact."

Han Fei didn't care about Wangcheng, but was rather curious about Xue Shenqi's strength, and said in surprise: "Can you break your respect at any time?"

Xue Shenqi: "The longer you accumulate, the smoother the road behind you."

After a pause, Xue Shen got up and said, "Later, three raided Sea-Monsters came over, and Thousand Star City also stepped in at that time. At that time, your father and Thug Academy were already hidden. So, come from Thousand Star City. I have to accept if I accept it, and I have to accept if I don’t accept it. The advantage is that there are too many sages, but the disadvantage is that these people are not sincere, and their goals are in the hanging sky.

Han Fei took a breath: "Here, can't you find the location of Wangcheng?"

Xue Shenqi said with a stern face: "It must have appeared, but it cannot be found. Today's Broken Star Island, there is no manpower to find it. And, even if it is found, what? I found it, what do you think the result will be?"

Han Fei knows naturally.

Broken Star Island cannot be garrisoned. And if the city of Kings is really found, there will be many strong people there. Moreover, the reason why the royal city is called the royal city is because of the existence of the deep sea giant monster.

Although on the yin and yang sky, with the eyes of heaven and law, it may not be possible to give birth to a king, but it is still possible for a half king.

Han Fei couldn't help thinking of Old Monster Truman.

That guy, I am afraid that he has already reached the half-king state. The interception of Heavenly Finger, the Lord of Heavenly Sword, and Old Han were all blocked by them, showing their strength.

If it was Broken Star Island, there was also a powerful enemy of the Half King Realm, who would be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Doesn't appear now? It does not mean that it will not appear in the future.

Han Fei couldn't help thinking: The Venerable that he cut off, his Sun Moon Berry, but there is a chart.

Others are afraid to find the king's city, it is impossible to come back alive, but they are different. I have the ability to come back.

Even without the Gemini Divine Art, I now have a personal bodyguard, right?

These thoughts flashed through Han Fei's mind, and he immediately said, "Or, I'll look for it?"

Xue Shenqi shook his head slightly: "What can you do if you find it? And, do you think there is something unknown in this sea area? If there is, I am afraid I have to tell you one thing, this sea area has a range. We Being trapped in this space between heaven and earth is like a giant ban, which locks us here. Its range is roughly estimated to be about 8 million miles. In the past, there were many experts in the realm of explorers. Trying to get out of the ban. However, after entering, no one has ever come out..."

Han Fei's heart suddenly moved: "Wait! You said we can enter the wall of death on our side?"

"Wall of Death?"

Xue Shenqi suddenly stared, "You said the name of this ban is the wall of death?"

Han Fei did not hide it: "The Wall of Death, also known as the Sea of ​​Riot. There is indeed a barrier, like a ring belt, containing ancient creatures and some fierce beasts and monsters that may never have appeared in this world. Not only Only on our side, there are also on the other side, but in Shuimutian, I can’t even get in."

Xue Shenqi frowned, "On the other side, what is it like?"

Han Feigang wanted to explain a little bit. In fact, there is nothing special about Shui Mutian, just like the people of Shui Mutian have known that there are cloudy and sunny days next to their house...

However, when Han Fei just wanted to say it, suddenly, the entire City Lord's Mansion was enveloped by a powerful force.

Xue Shenqi only felt that his body was suddenly tight, and he couldn't even stand up.

"Great Lord?"

In Xue Shenqi's words, the so-called Great Venerable refers to the level of Senior Venerable and even the pinnacle.

Han Fei tilted his head to look at the void and said, "Jing'er, there is no need to make such a big movement, right?"

Tranquility does not know where it is hidden, but her voice is rippling here: "My Lady Queen said, I can't say anything until the two places are connected."

Han Fei shrugged: "Okay! How about you remove this coercion first?"


Xue Shenqi was already in a cold sweat on his back, and suddenly felt relieved, and his pressure was lightened.

Anyway, he is also the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, guardian of the **** of war. At the first moment, he didn't get up and didn't look for Jing'er's location. Instead, he lightly raised his eyelids and stared at Han Fei's eyes closely: "Is there someone over there?"

Han Fei nodded, Xue Shenqi is also a sensible person, he has guessed, what else is he hiding?

Therefore, Han Fei said: "Don't worry, there is only one person on my side. Under normal circumstances, I will not make a move."

Xue Shenqi pondered for a long time. Yin and Yang have no king, and the existence of a great deity can change many situations. Sure enough, Han Fei didn't go there for nothing. This time back, there is such a strong person behind him!

Xue Shenqi: "What strength?"

After all, he is the Supreme Commander. Xue Shenqi’s first thought was not to be afraid, but to think about how to use this person?

Just listen to Han Fei: "Half-king, but don't think too much. She won't take action if it is not necessary."

In Xue Shenqi's sleeves, his hands became tighter.

Obviously, the half-king's realm restrained him.

However, he quickly analyzed the pros and cons. Behind Han Fei, there was already a thug academy, Han Guanshu, and Ren Tianfei. At this moment, there is another half king.

In this way, who can stop the king's road?

Secretly relieved, Xue Shenqi said in a calm tone: "Okay, no third person will know about this."

After speaking, Xue Shen raised his head, looked towards the void, and said indifferently: "I hope you don't release coercion at will. The situation here is complicated. The sudden appearance of a powerful half-king will change many situations, which may not be good for Han Fei."

After speaking, Xue Shenqi looked at Han Fei again: "From today, you will take my seat."

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