God of Fishing

Chapter 1380: 1 evening get rich

Han Fei controlled these swallowing seashells with the line of nothingness. And he is swimming quickly to the bottom of the cave.

While swimming, Han Fei's body became fatter.

This hole is not big initially, with a radius of less than 300 meters. Around the cave, the rock walls have been jade, forming a physical barrier of demon gas.

Han Fei even suspected that if this place was exposed, this terrifying demon energy might forcibly cover the entire Broken Star Island.

After nearly 20 miles further downstream, Han Fei suddenly discovered: There was a demon stone in the eye.


But in the eyes of Han Fei, information emerged.

[Name] Supreme Demon Stone

[Introduction] It is made from the coagulation of the essence of spiritual liquid and the essence of evil spirit, which contains a huge amount of spiritual energy and evil spirit. However, due to the violent evil spirit, it is easy to conflict with the ordinary evil spirit, so it is extremely difficult to absorb.

【Contains Reiki】560666 points

【Edible effect】Not edible


Looking at this situation, Han Fei was a little dazed at the time: it was not because of this superb demon stone, but because of the number of this superb demon stone, the whole cave had already been covered.

"My Nima..."

Where has Han Fei seen this scene?

It is not unreasonable for the Qi Lingye and the Demon Stone to appear together!

At this moment, the star tortoise said: "You know now, why do you need so many monster stones? The tortoise wants the best monster stone to be fake, and it needs ordinary monster stone to be true. As long as the ordinary low-grade When the demon stone is thrown into it, it can always absorb the demon energy and relieve a little pressure."

Han Fei grabbed a top-grade demon stone, and while observing it, he responded, "Why do you cast it? Can you drop it in a place with a big nail gap?"

Star Tortoise: "Just eat it and pull it out again, won't it work?"

Han Fei: "..."


At that time, Han Fei, the whole person was in a bad condition, and his heart said: What do you mean by that, these top-quality monster stones were all pulled out by you? Your uncle, what the co-author of Lao Tzu has rushed into your cesspool?

Star Turtle: "..."

The star tortoise was also dumbfounded, and suddenly said angrily: "What's your reaction? This tortoise doesn't defecate. This tortoise is a strong man in a stately and semi-exalted state, alright?"

Han Fei directly filled his body with a devilish air, resisting the nausea, and said to his heart: Come, come. As long as there is a baby in the pit, why can't it be?

However, Han Fei said with some doubts: "No! If this is the case, why didn't you use this method before? In this way, wouldn't it be possible to clean the place in an endless loop?"

Star Tortoise: "If you hadn't had the ability to become two, you wouldn't dare to come in. After all, the sea race and human beings are two different races with different cultivation. Not everyone can be like you, even monsters. Qi can be swallowed. Once it cannot be swallowed, there will be conflicts until the body explodes and death. Even the Venerable is no exception."

Han Fei: "Can't we clean up?"

Just listen to the star tortoise continuing: "Before, there were dying people who entered this place before dying. The intention was to swallow seashells to help the tortoise clean up here. But when he went in and was still alive, It can be cleaned indeed. However, once he falls, a pile of swallowing seashells and sun-moon shells will be corroded by the power of the king. When the massive force impacts, it will have a greater impact on the turtle."

When the Star Turtle said so, Han Fei knew: It was so weird.

These are all real best demon stones. Once you use the body of the sea monster, you can immediately use it for cultivation, and it continues.

I saw Han Fei directly took out a sun and moon shell.

"Come and close!"

Just looking at the huge amount of top-grade demon stone, disappearing in large areas, and sinking for nearly several hundred meters, it filled a sun and moon shell.

The space of the sun-moon shell is not the same as that of the sea shell.

Its reserve smelt, the largest sun-moon shell, is hundreds of thousands times larger than the swallowed sea shell.

Han Fei's thoughts moved, and at a glance, the number of the best demon stones he had recovered had exceeded 100,000.

Han Fei scratched his scalp at the time. I was shocked by this number! what does this mean? The best demon stone is not much different from the best spirit stone. Maybe others can't use it, but you can do it yourself! After all, he can become a Kraken.

These 100,000 super demon plants are equivalent to 50 billion demon energy.

In terms of conversion, this was the biggest chance he had ever gotten in his life. I'm afraid I can't use up this evil spirit!

Moreover, this is not finished yet.

Han Fei took out another sun-moon shell, absorbed it again frantically, and sank more than 600 meters, only then took away all the demon stones.

But at this moment, Han Fei's net worth has exploded.

The total amount of evil spirits exceeds 100 billion.

What is this concept? No wonder, the Sea-Monster wants to destroy the broken star island? The total amount of demonic energy contained here has reached a terrifying number.

That's it, Han Fei hasn't counted the circle of jadeized rock walls yet.

After the last superb demon stone was absorbed by Han Fei, Star Turtle breathed a sigh of relief. If you had this ability ten years ago, this tortoise could last another hundred years.

It's a pity, you are too late.

Even if you have taken away all the best demon stones here, this turtle can't hold it for long, because it has reached its limit.

At this moment, Han Fei's body was already fatter.

This has nothing to do with the demon qi, that is the energy contained in the demon qi and the spirit of enlightenment, every time you wash yourself, some will remain.

As a result, as soon as I came in, I felt like my body was filled with energy frantically. If it weren't for the Demon Refining Pot, he would indeed burst into death.

Just listen to the old turtle: "Han Fei kid, if you don't mind, this energy can be sucked for a while. This will also save you from the difficulty of energy entering the body and not easy to digest."

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: "You are thoughtful. No matter, if you have this ability, you can take a breath. However, you can't take it too fast, you can't overdo it, it should be about the same as my body's normal intake."

Old tortoise: "Little problem."

Immediately, Han Fei felt the energy integrated into the body, forming a vortex around the center of his eyebrows, and was quickly sucked away by the old tortoise. And the environment here does not bring energy suppression to himself anymore.

Han Feixin said: This place is simply too suitable for cultivation.

I just came in now, and I have already got so many benefits before I saw the corpse of the deep sea giant monster! What else is below? Han Fei is a little afraid to imagine it!

Going down, Han Fei took the swallowing sea shells that had been filled with the spirit-enriching liquid, and removed the water, leaving only the essence of the spirit-enriching liquid.

Han Fei's water control skills are very powerful, but this is not a big problem.

No, Han Fei filled a hundred swallow seashells in just one stick of incense.

However, the further down, the more rapidly the concentration of Qi Lingye drops. If the concentration was still 20% before, it may not even reach 5% now.

When clearly aware of the rapid decline in the concentration of Qi Ling Liquid, Han Fei stopped collecting it. This squeezed the swallow sea shell and the sun moon shell into the refining world.

And Han Fei's gaze also aimed at the green and misty cave.

Han Fei took a breath, knowing that he had received the Spirit Enlightenment Liquid and the Best Demon Stone. Although he had gained a lot of benefits, the real benefit was the corpse.

A corpse that was coveted by the great powers of Sea-Monster King City and Thousand Star City was placed in front of his eyes at this moment, how could Han Fei let it go?


Han Fei plunged into the green mist.

However, when Han Fei plunged into the mist, he felt a terrifying pressure suddenly fell on him.

"No, the king's coercion."


Han Fei immediately squirted blood, and the invincible will instantly condensed the golden figure phantom. He wanted to use law enforcement power, but he couldn't use it at all.

The meridians of Han Fei's body violently burst, and suddenly jumped out of the blue mist.


Han Fei was horrified: "Old Yuan, do you feel it? Is that the coercion of the king?"

The old turtle said: "It is indeed beyond the emperor's expectation, not just the coercion of ordinary kings. The strength of this deep sea monster should not be weak. Not to mention the peak of the sea, but it should also have a middle and high realm! You Although your strength is not weak now, your realm is still low. Although your soul is strong, it is still too weak than the king. There has been a backlog of tens of thousands of years of the king's spirit. It is reasonable that you cannot bear it for a while. . You have to adapt slowly, not rushing."

Han Fei's heart sank: I was thinking about changing the sky, so I took away the corpse of the king first. But I was still a bit unable to withstand this power!

Han Fei immediately said: "No, I finally came here, I can't just go back like this. Otherwise, it won't affect the overall situation. Old Yuan, I have to break through."

The old tortoise is not only speechless: "Do you want to break through? You have straddled the entire realm for only three years. If you break through again? It will grow too fast and the foundation will be unstable."

Han Fei's expression is solemn: "The foundation is unstable? I know it myself. For the past two years, I have been fighting and polishing the foundation. Although there may be some shortcomings, as long as I don't forcefully rush to the top, the impact will not be great."

Old tortoise: "If you have to break through now, it's okay here, but you have to experience the polishing of the king's coercion first. So, if you last for these three months, it's not impossible to reach the peak."

Han Fei looked at the green mist and sat on it. In this way, he could feel the pressure coming like a storm.

Fortunately, these pressures did not directly rush into one's own meridians.

Therefore, he can bear the pressure, which is not too exaggerated.

After all, UU reading www.uukānshu.com's own real body and soul is indeed comparable to the Venerable Realm.

Star Tortoise: "What? Can you break through the coercion of the king?"

Han Fei said lightly: "It's not in a hurry, let me get used to it for a few days and see."

Han Fei frowned slightly, moving his body a little bit into the air of the king. In his body, the "Demon God Canon" was running, and the surrounding monsters were madly flowing into his body.

There are so many superb demon stones, Han Fei naturally doesn't care about these demon spirits.

However, after all, it is necessary to use this evil spirit to break. Although going from an advanced explorer to an advanced pinnacle is not a breakthrough in realm, one's own strength can naturally be improved a little bit.

Combat power, spirit, and physique will grow again, and they can swallow a lot of power!

Because Han Fei's physique is really too strong, the consumption of washing his body, tempering his soul, and stretching his spiritual veins is far beyond what ordinary people can compare.

This place is also called an excellent place for breakthrough.

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