God of Fishing

Chapter 1392: Blood Valley 5 Ban

There is no time delay. When Han Fei saw the Blood Valley Five Forbidden, what was still in his heart was: Blue and eight feathers are gone, now there is a Blood Valley Five Forbidden, what the **** is there?

That's all, it was solved all at once!


Han Fei "brushed" and disappeared in place.

At that speed, Cang Lanyu didn't notice why Han Fei was missing? When Han Fei reappears, it will no longer be a figure, but a touch of sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth.

"Bastard! This is the strength of the Venerable Realm?"

Cang Lan Yu shouted, the first reaction was that Han Fei cheated him.

It's just that it's too late.

In the midair, snow and ice suddenly appeared.

Above the vast sea, water vapor drifted, and ice grains instantly covered the sky.

At this moment, Han Fei was finally able to exert some of the power of Dinghai Bizarre Treasure. A sword is mighty, and within a thousand miles, all creatures are terrified.

The giant scorpion, which was more than 300 meters long, was sturdily attacked by Han Fei's sword as soon as it appeared. Above the carapace, the flames shined.

But in a blink of an eye, the fire dissipated, and his huge body was instantly covered with a layer of ice and snow.

"Crack, click~"

The body of the giant scorpion was cracking, and the blood and five prohibitions were still in horror.

Han Fei said slightly: What a hard shell?

Information appeared in Han Fei's eyes.

[Name] Ancient Demon Scorpion (Projection)

[Introduction] In ancient times, one of the overlords of the shallow sea, a gregarious creature, with a leader demon scorpion, received the essence of water vapor, the essence of strong sun, and gave birth to white crystal magic armor, with amazing defense. There is a tail that eats souls, its tail is swift and fierce, and its power is so great that it is very powerful.


[Quality] Ancient Fierce Beast


[Realm] Sea Monster

[Combat Skills] Magic Hook Soul Eater


[Remarks] The projection of ancient creatures will become weaker with time.

To be honest, Han Fei was quite surprised. This giant scorpion does not seem to be weak. However, the speed seems to be slower. His own sword has been slashed out, his head and body are already covered with cracks, covered with frost and snow, and his tail has just stabbed.


Han Fei ignored the long hook at all. A dying thing is not even the main body, so you can't afford to waste any time on this scorpion...

After a fight, Han Fei crossed the body of the ancient magic scorpion.

During the Blood Valley Five Prohibitions, Chixue Huan shouted: "Impossible, how could you become so strong?"

Among them, the little murloc who was looking for the pinnacle, holding a golden harpoon, emptied a little, and hit a big falling energy ball on the sky.


Han Fei had already changed the embroidery needle. Also a little bit empty, the terrifying and overbearing power of the soul instantly impacted the soul of a red demon.

Hearing a "click" sound, it was as if something had cracked, and there seemed to be multiple cracks on the head of the red demon, and the breath of the whole person was immediately stagnant.

"The instant mysterious spear."


The Red Demon's blow hadn't succeeded yet, he wondered: He was searching for the pinnacle of the Dao dignifiedly and entangled Han Fei, the problem shouldn't be big...

But how did he think? At the same level, the gap in strength can sometimes be an insurmountable gap.

This red demon only exploded with one blow. Even, he is still expecting how Han Fei should fight back? But the next moment, his violent attack, was poked a hole.

Then, there is no more.

In the Blood Valley Five Forbidden, someone screamed: "No! Lord Blue Yu, please act quickly."

Chi Xuehuan had already regressed for the first time. Seeing this scene, his scalp numb: With this power, is Han Fei still a person?

Cang Lan Yu then shouted: "Han Fei, how dare you pretend to be a weak person and look for death."

Blue Feather stepped on three giant sharks, spraying a green beam of light, and it was an instant.

But seeing Han Fei casually punched and sacrificed his fist, he was unparalleled. At the first collision, the so-called venerable one hit and shattered.

Xue Shenqi was already standing low at the moment, and when he raised his hand, one person responded to all the aftermath. At this time, Ren Hanfei will not threaten the sea.

On the battlefield on the sea surface, someone exclaimed: "I'm a boy, that's... Han Fei? Venerable Han Fei Zhan? The rumor turned out to be true?"

"Meow, meow, meow..."

I saw a big cat phantom in the distance running in the sky, and Rhubarb shouted excitedly: "Han Fei, you are back!"

"The lamp is waiting..."

The law of Tianyin, the tactful melody rises on the sea.

The rhythm oscillated, the waves of the sea, and the sound like a sea beast, instantly distorted the peak of a sea spirit, causing him to explode.

Jiuyinling looked at where Han Fei was, but did not come. The battle in the sea was too fierce, and a strong like her was besieged and killed by many people.

Turning around, Jiuyinling buckled with one hand: "Feng! Xuanyin kills..."

He Xiaoyu was originally in rotation and was not included in the candidate for this battle. She wanted to come by herself. When she came, she probably knew: This battle will be extremely difficult.

In fact, this battle is indeed rare!

The team he led was directly broken up.

At this moment, He Xiaoyu was one enemy five, surrounded by a ring of fire, and his body twisted out of strange postures from time to time, dodge one blow after another dangerously.

Seeing He Xiaoyu holding a stick and attacking, he swept the attack with the stick from time to time to speed up the attack. So far, the number of sea monsters that fell in her hands had exceeded 10 people.

As He Xiaoyu was fighting, he only heard the sound of the blue feather trembling in the sky. In the distance, the sky-reaching sword glow on the sky seemed to be greeting him.

"Captain, be careful!" Not far away, there was an exclamation.

He Xiaoyu was stunned, and was swept away by a sharp blade whirling out of a top crab.

However, fortunately, Xiaoyu's physique is so extraordinary. The first time she was swept out, she quickly concealed her figure, with double daggers in her hands, and rushed out again.

At this moment, He Xiaoyu also saw it. However, Han Fei has Han Fei's battlefield, and he has his own battlefield, so he should be guarded!

However, Han Fei shook Cang Lan Yu back with a punch, and his body moved like an instant, and it was a hundred miles away. When he was approaching the Pathfinder Realm, the great demon couldn't respond.

Being forced back by Han Fei's blow, Cang Lanyu hadn't had time to change his tactics, but seeing that Han Fei was harvesting again, he could only watch.




The so-called blood valley five bans, except for the search peak who was shot and exploded by Han Fei. The remaining few people, Han Fei punched, knifed, and shot, with a force of lightning speed, and forcibly killed.

In the end, when there was only one Scarlet Love, Han Fei didn't need to do it himself, the line of nothingness had been deducted.

Although Chixuehuan seems to have Divine Soul Secret Treasure to protect Divine Soul, what strength is Han Fei now? The mere magical secret treasure is not a particularly powerful one, how can it stop Han Fei?

Seeing that Chi Xuehuan's body was inexplicably stagnant, Han Fei stepped over directly to Chi Xuehuan's side. At this moment, Han Fei didn't have time to use the soul search technique, but the Line of Void could also search for the information of Scarlet Blood.

In Han Fei's mind, picture after picture flashed, but he saw that outside the Valley of Ten Thousand Demon, between Ten Thousand Demon Valley and King City, an underground crack appeared unexpectedly.

There is a picture of a venerable being covered in blood and crawling out of it.

In addition, around the crack, there seemed to be three Siren Venerables sitting cross-legged. In that crack, there is a touch of energy pulling. Seeing that, it seems that I want to make the crack bigger.

"That's it."

Han Fei sneered: A place similar to the teleportation array. Sure enough, unsurprisingly, there is also a king city on the Yin Yang sky, but the king city is restricted by some kind of power and cannot come directly.

I don't know what method Cang Lan Yu used, anyway, it opened a hole between Ten Thousand Demon Valley and the King City, allowing people to pass through it.

Han Fei is not sure, how many strong are there in the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters? However, no matter what, the powerhouses of the Sea-Monster King City cannot be allowed to crawl through that crack. Otherwise, the consequences can be serious!

Han Fei read Chi Xuehuan's memory and felt the spirit of struggle.

Han Fei thought to convey: "I! By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. Back then! I also stayed in Ten Thousand Demon Valley... At that time... I changed my name to Yufei."

"Puff puff!"

Only seeing Chixuehuan Qiqiao spraying blood, it seemed that Han Fei was irritated.

However, Han Fei didn't show off for long before he immediately felt the void shock. At least two voids broke, Blue Feather and the other one simultaneously shot themselves.

"Huh! Two figures joining hands? It's a big show."

Han Fei was about to shoot, but saw Xue Shen stand in front of him.

Xue Shenqi: "I have fought with Cang Lan Yu too many times. Try it, can you kill him?"

After speaking, I saw Xue Shen rise through the air, facing a big hand that came out of the void, and patted it directly.

Seeing the blue feather holding a shining harpoon and stabbing it with one fork, Han Fei's thoughts moved, and Chixuehuan burst into flames.


Han Fei opened his mouth and swallowed the terrifying power after Chixuehuan blew himself up. At the same time, endless water entangled, and a scimitar array appeared beside Han Fei.


Han Fei opened the void and cursed: "Cang Lan Yu, you old tortoise, did you want to kill me before? Today, let's see how the little master cuts you into ten pieces."


Cang Lan Yu shot himself, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com also tore the void open, not giving Han Fei a chance to leave.

In Cang Lanyu's view, although the matter exceeded his expectations. However, Han Fei's realm has not reached the venerable after all! Since he hasn't arrived, he must not be his opponent.

Moreover, no matter what, he could not leave Han Fei to confront him. Han Fei’s growth rate seems extremely fast! Compared to Xue Shenqi, although this kid didn't understand him, he was by no means a safe master.

As the commander-in-chief, Xue Shenqi had a lot of scruples, but Han Fei was not.

Cang Lan Yu hadn't fought Han Fei, and didn't know how Han Fei was, but now he has the opportunity to take Han Fei away first.

So, even though Xue Shenqi's trump card killed the Blood Valley Five Bans, it didn't really influence this battle.

When Han Fei tore the void open, the lords didn't think that Han Fei could win Blue Yu. Having been in charge of Ten Thousand Demon Valley for so many years, how could Cang Lan Yu be really weak?

There is only tranquility. At the moment when Han Fei tore the void and was wrapped in darkness, he shook his head slightly: "That blue feather, I'm afraid it won't survive."

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