God of Fishing

Chapter 1402: This is too tellable

Not to mention Chu Qing and others, even Jing'er is dumbfounded: Where did you get the tens of thousands of catties of Qi Ling liquid?

On Broken Star Island, people who can see Han Fei and those who cannot see Han Fei...In short, whenever Han Fei mentions a resource, they tremble in shock.

Han Fei said, this is what he donated to Broken Star Island for millions of soldiers!

What is donation? No money, give it away! This is called donation.

Don't mention the resources that Han Fei is asking for from the aristocratic family. The resources that Han Fei exploded by himself have already scared these millions of people.

Hanging Sky Waterfall...


Rhubarb was shocked, and yelled meowingly: "Han Fei is stingy. Ten kilograms of Qi Lingye will give the cat a hundred kilograms? No, this cat is going to find him..."


Jiu Yinling knocked on Rhubarb's head with one hand: "Don't bother. What you want for your cat son and cat girl is to improve your physique. The resources of Han Fei are for millions of human races, so there should be no waste."

He Xiaoyu seemed to be accustomed to Han Feixing's extraordinary things, so he was just agitated.

However, her teammates were all dumbfounded.

The Armed Forces Division sighed: "Han Shuai is so domineering! Annoyed the venerable, forcing resources, it is simply too domineering."

The manipulator covered his small face: "Love, love, Han Shuai is a real hero! He is too tyrant."

The spiritual master swallowed frantically: "It turns out that a person can have money to this level!"

He Xiaoyu sipped: "Give me to continue to consolidate the cultivation base. Three days later, we will return to the team."



Outside the central city, Poseidon Square.

Under the gaze of millions of eyes, Han Fei immediately shouted: "Broken Star Island, where is the leader of the material combat readiness regiment?"

"Yes! I am...... Han Shuai, I am......"


I saw an intermediate explorer stepping over a few steps. He was completely silly just now.

Han Fei said it is the resources accumulated over the past ten years. Originally, he was still sniffing...but now, the whole person is crazy.

All the resources are reserved for his own use. How can he be unhappy that this handsome Han has thrown out such a great benefit on his first day in office?

Han Fei saw a fat guy flying over.

Before, when he was in Broken Star Island, his strength was still weak. He could see some ordinary deputy commanders and others. General peak diving fishermen can serve as the level of law enforcement.

But it is impossible for every real principal to be weak. Otherwise, if something big happens, what should it do?

However, these people generally do not show up.

After all, the previous Ten Thousand Demon Valley was actually not strong, and Xue Shenqi didn't really want to completely destroy the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, but was actually a good name for training troops in a defensive battle.

At this moment, Ten Thousand Demon Valley is not what it used to be.

And Broken Star Island is naturally not far behind!

However, in comparison, even if all the high-level forces of Broken Star Island are deployed, they are much weaker than Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

I saw this person flying over and shouting loudly: "The inspector of the subordinate material war preparation group, Wang Lin, I have seen Han Shuai."

Han Fei looked at this person indifferently, and shouted casually: "Wang Lin, lead you on Broken Star Island, the commanders, deputy commanders, and important members of the four major material combat readiness regiments cross-check the commander’s materials and divide The batch was put into the warehouse. But there was a mistake, and the military law handled it."

Wang Lin shouted: "Yes, Master Han Shuai. If there is any mistake in this batch of materials, Wang Lin will take his own head."

Han Fei said again: "Wang Lin, remember this commander's words. If the share subscribed by the noble family is worse than this commander by a low-grade pearl, please tell this commander."

Wang Lin is ashamed, what else can he do besides responding?

Compared to aristocratic families, he was still more interested in the resources in front of him. He has seen big money!

How many supplies does Han Fei have?

Of course there was a lot, but it didn't make Wang Lin so excited that he couldn't help himself.

To be in this position, it is not known how Xue Shenqi picked it out. What really shocked Wang Lin was the quantity of Han Fei's Qi Lingye. What's this, how many submarine smoke rushes did you get?

Even at the peak of Broken Star Island, there is not 10 million catties of Qi Ling liquid reserve, alright!

Just 36 Towns and Thousand Star City, the annual consumption of talent enlightening spirit, add up to 2 million catties of enlightening liquid. Coupled with the daily exchange consumption of Broken Star Island, the amount of Qi Ling Liquid consumed in a year is as high as 5 million jin. Therefore, every year, we have to fight for submarine chimneys.

Han Fei lost this casually and lost two years of weight. This amount is really amazing!

But only those who are strong in the Venerable Realm know: Qi Ling Ye is nothing more than Dao Yun assimilating the sea water, which is not a good thing.

It's just that this is because the realm is different, and the vision is different.

Qi Lingye is a treasure in law enforcement.

And Han Feixin said: Only 10 seashells are swallowed at 10 million catties. There are a few more than 90 on my body.

At this time, Han Fei looked at Tian Heng: "Huh, Tian Heng, do you still think this commander is still greedy for money? My Han Fei is worthy of the position of commander?"

Tian Heng was already sweating profusely: This Nima, is Han Fei crazy? Also, where did you get so much personal wealth?

Tian Heng gritted his teeth. If it is to use money to buy people's hearts, then Han Fei has done it now. He can almost imagine: With such a huge amount of resources and free donations, what would this million soldiers think about Broken Star Island?

He couldn't clearly say where Han Fei's problem was. If he is still forcibly blocking the path of a million soldiers, I am afraid that he will be torn apart by the eyes of countless people.

Tian Heng gritted his teeth: "Tian Heng is not talented, but he will always pay attention to this matter."

Han Fei sneered: "Does the round get your attention? The tactical command and accusation of the tactical command headquarters is not the responsibility of monitoring and judging. The commander's history, the world will investigate, you can do your tactical command. "

After speaking, Han Fei shouted: "Smashed Star Prison, where is Zhang Teng?"


Zhang Teng rose into the air, bowed his head and said, "Handsome cold."

Han Fei hummed softly, "As for Broken Star Island, there is a new one called the Supervision Department. You can check the commander at the top and the generals at the bottom. On Broken Star Island, you can check it. You will temporarily replace the position of the warden of the star prison."

Zhang Teng's heart moved: Nima, where do you like me? This is an offense. You son of a tortoise must bear grudges.

Zhang Teng bit the bullet and said, "Yes, Zhang Teng takes the lead."

In this scene, it seems that Han Fei is selfless.

Millions of generals, in full view, specialize in one trip to monitor the entire island. Moreover, this new one is still in charge by the Broken Star Prison himself, who can't believe it?

Tian Heng's face was green and red, and he could only step back.

This trick of Han Fei is crazy enough!

Zhang Teng, who can be in charge of the Star Breaking Prison, how ordinary? It's okay, how can you be in charge of Broken Star Prison for so long?

Han Fei solved all the questions Tian Heng raised with just one move. When the question turns into suspicion, and after all, there is nothing left to talk about. It will become an extremely mysterious topic in the carnival shop, deriving all kinds of weird stories.

After retreating Tian Heng, Han Fei coldly looked at Chu Qing and other people, with an unkind expression: "A few, please send someone back and notify all races. Within three days, if the resources are not available, then Please leave Broken Star Island. Otherwise, go back to your Thousand Star City! In the future, Broken Star Island will have nothing to do with the Thousand Star City family."

Han Fei smiled and looked at Chu Qing, knowing that they could not retreat.

The remnant of the king is like the original Dinghai map, like the entrance to the fairy palace. In their eyes, those are extremely important, far from being comparable to so-called resources.

Even if the time comes, these noble families will repent and become enemies, they will definitely take action. In that case, this resource must be given. No, that is the public enemy of Broken Star Island and Thirty-Six Town. After all, the supply of Broken Star Island and Thirty-Six Town remains unchanged, and may even increase.

Moreover, once Broken Star Island completely cut off the supply of Thousand Star City, those resources that should have flowed into Thousand Star City all flowed into 36 Towns.

If things go on like this, the foundation of 36 Towns will only get stronger. And the normal people of Thousand Star City can also break the island through selection, only the strength of the family will decline.

Even aristocratic families have many star beads in their hands. However, the Star Orb Secret Realm is only suitable for exploration. How can a place like Broken Star Island have experience value?

But when Yang Kun said, "Han Fei, I will wait if I leave, if the Kraken strikes again. With you? How can I resist it?"

Because Ye Kai was defrauded by Han Fei just now, Yang Kun didn't dare to transmit his voice, so he spoke directly.

However, the Yang family has simple minds and well-developed limbs. Han Fei never took it seriously.

Just listen to Han Fei’s voice, echoing between heaven and earth: “The family is in Broken Star Island and has no merit. Yesterday, in the Pearl Sea battle, Sun Baisheng failed to entangle the Siren, almost causing immeasurable losses. .Why can't you do it, what's the use of waiting?"

Sun Baisheng's complexion turned red: "The enemy is strong, and it is normal for him to remain unobserved and unable to entangle him."

Just listen to Han Fei suddenly furious: "You shut up the commander. You didn’t watch for a while and almost killed tens of thousands of people. Who would dare to use you? There are many powerful families in Thousand Star City, but no one has one. Intermediate Venerable, why did you come here? If this handsome shot, three punches can kill you on the spot, you are also worthy of being a Venerable?"

Han Fei's voice rolled, shaking the world.

Off the court, countless people heard it called a blood boil.

Sure enough, everyone who can become a commander is extraordinary. With the power of the explorer, Han Fei wanted to kill a Venerable, Nima, with three punches. What is this not a fantasy?

However, no one did not believe it, even Sun Baisheng himself believed a little bit. He didn't dare to pick up Han Fei's words, for fear that Han Fei would have a life and death battle with him. Han Fei is too familiar with this matter.

There was also a voice transmission from below: "Yes, this is the venerable one, it almost killed countless people,"

Just listen to Han Fei sneer: "Aristocratic family, but you. It's far behind the seven sects of Thousand Star City. The battle of yesterday, the ancestors of the Six Swords, the elders of Bingyun, and the Swordsman, protect the territory of Broken Star Island. , So that Venerable Siren could not attack the slightest. The effect can be a lot!"

As he said, Han Fei smiled and said, "This commander thinks carefully and is willing to cooperate deeply with the seven major sects. Please inform the Seventh Academy of Elder Six Sword. If you have the intention, you can help each other with Broken Star Island."

Xue Shenqi looked at Han Fei's skillful method and nodded slightly.

Han Fei completely erected the family and the big family into a big villain. UU reading www.uukanshu.com at the same time, win over the seven major sects! This is to completely isolate the noble family!

Six Swords Old Ancestor and Bingyun Elder and Jian Sanqing glanced at each other, and suddenly there was a play. This will not only allow the seven powerful sects to enter the island, but also make good friends with Han Fei. Why not?

Originally, the relationship between the Seven Great Sects and the Thug Academy is actually not that bad.

Moreover, Han Fei has a close relationship with Heavenly Sword Sect. Now that Han Fei is in charge of Broken Star Island, shouldn't he be friendly with the Seven Sects?

Suddenly, the ancestor of Six Swords walked out of the void and said seriously: "Well, at most one day, the seven major sects will definitely come."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "It's so good."

In the void in the distance, Tranquility watched this scene all the way, and couldn't help but pat his chest. She was shocked. With so many sages, Han Fei can actually handle it?

That little mouthful, this is too much to say! A group of venerables can't add up to him, but he is very bullish...

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