God of Fishing

Chapter 1405: Disarmed, homecoming (part 1)


Han Fei said, "Uncle Mu, you want too much. Four deities need to double the resources, and seven colleges each will have one. What's the difference between it and the family? One price increases by 50%. Among them, 20% will be scattered. For the folks, others remain unchanged."

In the past, if Broken Star Island produced 10 resources, basically 5 more would have to fall into Thousand Star City, 4 would be broken Star Island digested by itself, and about 1 would fall in Thirty-Six Town.

As for the more than 5 shares that flowed into Thousand Star City, the noble families and the Seven Great Sects would almost take up all of these resources. As a result, ordinary people in Thousand Star City actually have nothing to gain. If you really want to get resources, you have to rely on the big clan.

This is just like the Thousand Stars Proving Ground. Most of the Star Orbs are controlled by the family and the seven sects. Where can ordinary people go? They can hardly go without being attached to the big family and sect.

Today, the share of the family's family was directly cancelled by Han Fei. Therefore, 3 of those 5 resources were saved immediately. This is what Han Fei is going to provide to 36 towns, how could he give it to others at will?

As a representative, Mu Tianfang just wanted to say something, and just listened to Han Fei said: "Uncle Mu, other things needless to say. This is the life and death of the human race. When the sea monster's calamity is broken, let's talk about other things. At this point, it is a fight. Foreign races, the continuation of mankind’s grand plan. Don’t worry about trivial matters such as mere resources."

Han Fei made a domineering decision and did not give Mu Tianfang a chance to speak.

Everyone of you is here, and if you leave, it would be a turnaround. Once you really turn your face and leave, then you are the sinner of all mankind. The seven major sects will be reduced to the same style as the noble family.

Mu Tianfang exchanged glances with the others.

Han Fei is now in prosperity, and his style is extremely domineering and powerful. Fighting at this time will break the relationship.

Mu Tianfang took a breath: "Okay! This matter can be discussed after this disaster is over. But Han Fei, we must remind you that if the Sea-Monster King City does appear, the number of strong people will be several times that of mine... If the big clan is really not saved by the death, I will not dare to take action at will after waiting for the seven big sects. Otherwise, the power of the seven big sects will suffer heavy losses, and instead will be given a chance by the big clan."

Han Fei grinned and said, "It's okay, there will never be fewer people from aristocratic families, let's watch!"


Thirty-six Town, Fenglei Town.

When Han Fei had received the seven major sects and met with the major powers and ministers of Broken Star Island, someone suddenly walked out of the formation in the Fenglei Town Teleportation Field.

And that Dao Array is a teleportation array leading to an unknown place.

Suddenly, the guard of Fenglei Town exclaimed: "An adult has returned from an unknown place."

Immediately, seven or eight guards rushed in, and the guards headed hurriedly said: "I have seen adults. The mayor has explained that all adults who come back from unknown places are all distinguished guests! Adults may wish to rest in my Fenglei Town. Now? Lord Mayor may come to receive him personally."

You Lingyun looked at this strange and familiar place, slightly narrowed his eyes, and shook his head, "No, there are many people behind. Which teleportation formation leads to Lingyun Town?"

"Huh? Lingyun Town?"

The guard said, "My lord, you and the mayor will be here soon."


Suddenly, there was pressure, and the seven or eight people fell to the ground one after another.

You Lingyun's body was awe-inspiring: "I asked, which teleportation formation leads to Lingyun Town?"

The guard leader peeed. Only relying on coercive pressure, can you actually crawl on the ground, unable to move? This lord, what a great strength!

He quickly said: "My lord, the teleportation formation at the end on the left hand side, that's it."

You Lingyun's heart moved, his expression slowly, and he walked towards the teleportation formation without hesitation.

For her, she has no family members anymore, and she has no worries behind her, so she has never wanted to return.

If there is someone who is worth remembering, it is Wu Xiaoxiao.

This time, You Lingyun followed Han Fei's advice and came back to rest. In fact, she just came back to see Wu Xiaoxiao. She will eventually go to the decisive battle on Broken Star Island.


You Lingyun stepped into the teleportation formation without hesitation and disappeared the next moment.

And the group of guards just now got up from the ground in a panic.

The guard leader roared: "Quickly, go and notify the mayor, there is an extremely strong man who has returned from an unknown place."

After more than 50 breaths of time, the person who sent the message has naturally not returned. However, the teleportation array in that unknown place lights up again.




I saw that five or six people walked out of it at once.

In a moment, more than a dozen people appeared from the array.

The guard leader was immediately dumbfounded: What...what's the situation? Originally, it was a happy reception, and wanted to attract the strong to stay in Fenglei Town. But what happened here today? In the past, ten days and a half months, the teleportation array would flash once, and now a dozen people would spit out?



I saw that in front of the teleportation formation, one figure after another came out. Before the guards came up to ask questions, hundreds of people had emerged from the formation.


The guard leader said inwardly: "It's terrible, something big happened. How come the strong from the Unknowable Land returned in batches?"

But seeing the people who appeared in front of the formation, there was still sadness on their faces.

Among them, someone sighed: "How long have you not been back? This is Fenglei Town, right?"

An armored division looked at the guards: "Hey! Are you the guards of Fenglei Town Teleportation Field?"

Guard leader: "Yes, my lord."

The Bingjia division said: "Go, call more people to come and be responsible for guiding my fellow robes to return home..."



I saw more and more people coming out of the teleportation formation. But for a moment, five or six hundred people had already appeared, causing the atmosphere of the entire teleportation hall to suddenly become noisy.

"The son of a tortoise! ​​I have submitted my application, but I still have to brush me back. Why? Back in a village where birds don’t shit, I will have to be idle..."

"Heh! It's not useful for you to submit? Buddy, I found someone to delay the relationship, but it was useless, saying that I was on the front line for too long and I wanted to come back to recuperate. Where does I need to recuperate?"

Someone yelled: "We are not weak, just leave like this, isn't the combat power over there weakened?"

Someone sighed: "Can you think that Han Shuai can't think of it? Maybe, he has his own countermeasure! Although it is for our good, I really don't want to come back!"

"Hey! I'll be back when I come back. It's a big deal to take a rest for a while. It will be fine after a few days of leisure and then go back. Hey, people? Why is no one showing the way?"

"Yeah! The Teleportation Hall in Fenglei Town is too careless. Why are there not many people in charge of so many teleportation formations?"

Someone shouted: "Hey! Who? Yes, yes, what are you guys doing? Come over and tell me which teleportation formation is from Wanjin Town? It's been a long time, I have forgotten. "

Someone said: "Come on, boy, it's you, don't be afraid, come here. Tell me, which teleportation array is Anhe Town?"

Those guards were already dumbfounded: What kind of fish ghosts are they? Thousands of people have come out. Is there something wrong with the unknown? Why are you back?

Moreover, the horrible thing is the breath, and anyone can feel flustered.

Even the old **** with broken leg and hand, the blood on his body, can make their hearts feel cold.

"Huh! Shut up for Lao Tzu, how decent? He Laoliu, deputy head of Lao Tzu's Law Enforcement Corps, should you hear your quarrels when you return home?"

Suddenly, He Liu drank and everyone's voice weakened.

Immediately, He Laoliu grinned and looked at one of the guards and said: "Friends, come here, one person holding a fish skin map and writing the name of 36 towns, standing on the side of the corresponding teleportation formation, no Is it all right?"


The guard leader knelt directly: "Everyone, sirs, this matter is serious, please wait for the mayor of Fenglei Town to come..."


After a while, there was a burst of laughter.

Someone said: "He Liuye, you are not scary, let's wait!"

He Laoliu was speechless: "Am I scary? What a gentle person I am? Why is it scary?"

At this moment, someone "swiped" and appeared in the teleportation hall. This person is not weak and has reached the pinnacle of law enforcement. It is Xu Xin, the mayor of Fenglei Town.

As soon as Xu Xin heard that something went wrong in the teleportation field, it was Sa Yazi who came.

As a result, this scene directly stunned him. When he arrived, nearly 5,000 people were waiting here in this teleportation field. There were too many people, they all lined up outside the hall, all waiting for the mayor of Fenglei Town.

These people have varying strengths.

Some are just hanging fishermen, and some have reached law enforcement. However, there are very few people in law enforcement environment, and most of them are physically disabled. If it is not disabled, Broken Star Island can be treated.

This means that Han Fei has not opened up treatment channels. Otherwise, none of these people is willing to go.

Xu Xin's face changed slightly, and he snorted: "All guards, retreat ten miles from this place. Without my permission, they are not allowed to come over."

Xu Xin's breath blooms, but how can a person's power compare to thousands of people? Everyone who returned from Broken Star Island was full of blood and blood, and they wouldn't be persuaded to meet them. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

When the guards retreated, Xu Xin said solemnly: "Everyone, what happened to Broken Star Island? Why did you come back in groups?"

Immediately, He Laoliu stood up and said, "I have met my lord, and I have been ordered by Broken Star Island's new supreme commander, Hanshuai, to resign and return to the village. I beg the mayor to arrange personnel to guide us."

Xu Xin's expression suddenly changed; "Huh? Is it because Xue Shenqi is handsome, something has happened?"

Immediately, someone shouted: "Of course not. Your Excellency, the mayor of Fenglei Town, it’s okay to know. Now, the pattern of Broken Star Island has changed, and the Sea-Monster King City is now alive. The new coach Han Fei, invincible, has killed the Sea-Monster Venerable one after another. Two of them, more than 20 large monsters of the Xun Dao realm, succeeded to the position of the highest commander of Broken Star Island..."

Xu Xin was stunned: Nima, the amount of information is a bit large...

Kill two Siren Venerables one after another? Siren, when is there a Venerable?

Also, the name Han Fei is so familiar? I always feel a bit impressed.

Xu Xin suddenly woke up: It seems that the sky has changed...

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