God of Fishing

Chapter 1414: Almighty aspiration

In this battle, Han Fei won.

It can also be said that the millions of soldiers from Broken Star Island won the final victory.

Zhang Zhihuo was very aggrieved. Of course he didn't want to lose to Han Fei. When he came, he had countless calculations, and he had never expected such a result.

However, at the beginning, Han Fei moved to Kill Nian, really wanting his life.

Can Zhang Zhihuo stop it? If he can stop him, he won't be hacked by Han Feisheng. Zhang Zhihuo knew that if he disagrees, Han Fei would kill himself.

For a venerable person, life is the most important thing, even if it is family interests, it is worthy of his own life!

So Zhang Zhihuo compromised. He took the lead in handing over resources, and other families had to give them too.


The millions of soldiers in Broken Star Island are watching the live broadcast! If others are willing to give, if you don’t, don’t you arouse the anger of the people? This is definitely not a wise move. What's more, with Han Fei's strength, if he refuses to give, I am afraid the consequences will be more serious!

At this time, Han Fei's popularity is booming, and major families are unwilling to tear their faces now...

Seeing the expressions of the other venerables, Han Fei lightly smiled, and he regained this familiar feeling: these family members are bullies and fears of hardship. As long as you are strong enough and have enough confidence to be strong, what about hitting them in the face? Just like in the Age of Domination, how about cutting people with a knife even in front of them?

The aristocratic family has a profound background, and there are many strong people in the family, although they are powerful. However, such families often have many fears. They are not alone, the entire family has too many properties. This is also the fundamental reason why Lao Han and the others can bluff these big clans.

When the massive resources were gathered by Han Fei, Han Fei shouted: "Wang Lin, come and check the resources. But there is something wrong, you can tell this commander."

"Hey! Handsome Han, the subordinate is down..."

Wang Lin's heart was still shaking.

Just now, he was shaking all over from the battle. Different from ordinary people, they are the powerhouses of the Explorer level, they can see a little difference.

After all, if only from the realm, Wang Lin is also an intermediate explorer anyway.

What Wang Lin was most worried about at the time was not whether Han Fei could grab the resources, but worried that Han Feizhen would kill Zhang Zhihuo. That's it! The Zhang family is the first chaebol in Thousand Star City. He came to Broken Star Island to negotiate, but ended up talking about a nobleman? Isn't the family angry?

Now that Zhang Zhihuo is not dead, Wang Lin has immediately obtained five major resources. To put it bluntly, with such a huge amount of resources, Broken Star Island can no longer eat for the time being.

Only Han Fei's batch of resources had already taken up all the non-smoke and animal husbandry stoves in Broken Star Island. All kinds of spiritual enlightenment liquids, spiritual fruits, spiritual springs and other things were distributed, and they were really treated as benefits and sent to the hands of every soldier.

Of course, consumables such as Spirit Enlightenment Liquid and Spirit Fruit are the more the better. No matter how much, the soldiers of Broken Star Island can eat it. However, those refining materials, exercises and combat techniques cannot be digested in a short while.

Wang Lin wouldn't be too much of this massive resource. Not to mention anything else, they can at least increase the combat power of Broken Star Island by 10%. If the next repair time is long enough, it will definitely be able to cope with the next full-scale war.

Just now, Han Fei deliberately scanned the swallow sea shells and sun moon shells that Zhang Zhihuo dropped. During this period, there was no seventh layer of "Void Fishing Technique", so he didn't look at it any more and threw them all to Wang Lin. .

When it was over, Han Fei looked towards the sky and sipped his mouth: "Nowadays, both humans and Krakens are fully prepared for war. This coach thanked several donated resources. However, the war is imminent, and you should not run around. Let’s make a military order, this commander needs your help."

When speaking, Han Fei was still regretful: Unfortunately, too few came! There are only six statues, which can not be used to the full. In this, I feel a little more relieved, it may be Cao Shuang of the Cao family.

However, the Cao family is not necessarily a good thing.

When the Faceless Man made a noise in Thousand Star City, Lao Han asked the Cao family to take action, but they didn't.

Cao’s family, there is no icing on the cake, no charcoal in the snow, just neutral.

There are four of the seven major sects. Because of Tang Ge's relationship, it may be relatively close to the Heavenly Sword Sect, and there is the Venerable Haiyun Tower, which can also be used.

Except for the Haiyun Tower and the Heavenly Sword Sect, the other sects of the Seven Great Sects cannot be fully believed. To be honest, Han Fei didn't believe anyone except his own. Because the sect of Thousand Star City was not uninfiltrated by major families.

In Han Fei's view, the real purpose of these people here should be the corpses of kings, including the venerable Haiyun Tower.


Zhang Zhihuo and others left one after another. After all, there is no need to negotiate anymore. All the failures have already been lost, and the resources have been given. What can we negotiate again?

Zhang Zhihuo said in his heart: If you talk to Han Fei about the resource allocation of the third-level fishing grounds and Broken Star Island at this time, 80% of them will still be hit. Then wait for the human race and the Kraken to fight! This thing is coming soon. After the war, can Han Fei be as arrogant as he is now?

Ignoring the venerable family members who have left, Han Fei arched his hands towards the powerhouse of the seven sects: "Let everyone laugh."

Jian Sanqing, Fairy Huo Yue, Mu Tianfang and the others all glanced at Han Fei deeply, and said goodbye without saying anything.

However, in the hearts of people like the Seven Great Sects: Obviously, Han Fei had already made preparations a long time ago, just waiting for the Zhang family to jump into his pit.

Why let yourself wait for someone to come back? Said to come back to help, in fact, it is more like a shock.

Judging from today's battle, Han Fei's strength is even more terrifying than they thought. Can cut the fire! Basically, Han Feiquan can kill anyone below the Intermediate Venerable.

Maybe some people think that the Zhang family can only do business, but they have money and resources! Zhang Zhihuo was only one step short of practicing, and he reached the Intermediate Venerable Realm, but he was still beaten by Han Fei.

Whether it's speed, power, or spirit, nothing looks stronger than Han Fei. Zhang Zhihuo's strongest avenue of different fires was even swallowed by Han Fei. Where have they seen such a sight?

Whether it was Beastmaster Art or Hundred Beast Town Soul Roar, they didn't understand. Only Cao Shuang knew that the swallowing method that Han Fei had just used was the secret of the Cao family.

However, Cao Shuang did not speak, because everyone including the Cao family only knew that the Cao family secret technique was uploaded by the ancestor. As for where the ancestors got it, which generation of ancestors got it? There is no record.

With the hanging mirror, the sky is closed, and a piece of jubilation on the broken star island.

For most ordinary people, what is the battle of the Lords? That's all imaginary, they want resources, this is true!

In the minds of all these people, in fact, they don't necessarily care about the resources of spirit fruits, spirit springs, and even weapons. They can do it themselves. As for weapons, during the past seven or eight years, the non-yanmu stove has been operating at full capacity, and many soldiers on Broken Star Island have already used demigod soldiers.

Even, it can be said that all those who have entered the realm of submerged anglers have basically used demigods. Some people even have more than one handle.

Those who failed to use the upper demigod were mostly in the realm below the advanced hanging angler. By the advanced hanging angler, the demigod has also become popular.

What they are really worried about is the spirit of enlightenment.

To Han Fei and others, Baijin, Qianjin, and Wanjin Qi Lingye were nothing.

However, that is for people like Han Fei.

For ordinary people, Qi Ling Liquid can improve physical fitness. It is even said that in the cross-border approach, you can use the spirit of enlightenment. The more you use, the better the effect! Who can't please?

When everyone was very happy, Han Fei himself was extremely happy. Except for a handful of people like Xue Shenqi, no one knows that Han Fei's greatest benefit from this battle...is willingness.

At this moment, Han Fei returned to the handsome mansion.

The two dive fishermen guarded, kneeling on the ground: "Han Shuai, please forgive Han Shuai, his subordinates failed to stop them."

Although speaking like this, the two guards looked as usual, their hearts were surging, and their heartbeats accelerated. It seemed that he was so excited.

Han Fei stretched out his hand, supporting the two of them with invisible strength.

But I saw Han Fei and Yan Yue said: "It's okay, that's the noble one, can you stop it? It's the commander who has cultivated so fascinatingly and carelessly that he didn't notice the strangeness of the outside world, and almost caused you to suffer a disaster."

With that, Han Fei waved his hand, and the Holy Light technique came, calming the steaming blood of the two of them. Then, while waving his hands, one person shook ten pounds of Qi Ling liquid and said, "Take it!"

The two were dumbfounded: The commander gave Qi Lingye? Is this a bit too much? Although ten kilograms of Qi Lingye is not very expensive, it also has more than 30,000 points.

"Marshal, we can't take it, this is our responsibility."

Han Fei smiled and patted the shoulders of the two of them and said: "Take it, although this handsome is not rich now, but he doesn't even have 20 Jin Qiling. You are all loyal, and this handsome should thank you."

In Han Fei's mind, the old tortoise rolled his eyes: You are already so bad that you are still acting good here? Your conscience, can you get by?

After receiving the Qi Lingye, the two guards' hearts were agitated, their complexions flushed, and they were so excited that they couldn't themselves.

"Han Shuai, his subordinates are willing to go through fire and water for Han Shuai."

Han Fei's face suddenly became stern, and his brows frowned slightly: "No, it's not for the handsome, it's for breaking Star Island, for my human race."

"Yes, handsome Han."

In the excitement of the two people, Han Fei once again locked his handsome mansion.

After a few days, Han Fei once again felt a lot of willingness and got into his body.

Including this moment, there is still aspiration to penetrate into his body. Obviously, at this moment, there are still many people in agitated mood, moving and admiring themselves.

Han Fei thought with all his heart: to use these willpower ~www.ltnovel.com~ to uncover the mystery of the fog bridge, to realize his own way.

However, when he was just waiting for him to sit down and plan to continue studying the secrets of the White Mist Bridge, the old tortoise suddenly said: "Han Fei, my emperor feels that you can take your avenue a little bit more slowly."

Han Fei was taken aback, a little unclear, so: "Huh? How to say?"

The old turtle said: "Today, do you really want to kill Zhang Zhihuo?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "It's okay to kill him. Aristocratic families have their own limitations. Death alone is not enough to make them explode."

The old turtle said: "This is not what the emperor said. What the emperor meant is that even if you try your best, if it is not unexpected, it is still very difficult for you to kill a nobleman. This shows: your strength, It's still a bit short. Therefore, the emperor feels: You should improve your strength first. It just so happens that if you want to be respected, then at least you have to disassemble the aura to meet the conditions for being respected!"


Han Fei couldn't help saying: "What do you mean, let me use my willpower to improve my spiritual energy dismantling?"

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