God of Fishing

Chapter 1417: Dive into investigation

Hengduan Mountains.

When Han Fei first came to Broken Star Island, he had always heard stories in the Hengduan Mountains, and felt that there must be many secrets hidden in this mountain.

At least, there is a well-known secret: there is a bottomless hole in the Hengduan Mountains. Where does that bottomless pit lead to? No one can know. However, it will pour the spirit of Qi out.

At that time, Han Fei had no right to go in and see.

Now that he has become the supreme commander in command, he naturally has the right to investigate.

At this moment, Han Fei stood on the periphery of this bottomless pit with a radius of more than 200 meters. Hundreds of meters around it, there are strange rocks everywhere.

Looking down at his head, Han Fei discovered: This hole can limit the perception of the soul. Therefore, even if it is seen with eyes, it is clearer than perception.

Of course, even if it's a little clearer, this bottomless pit is unfathomable, and in Han Fei's eyes, the bottom is only pitch black.

At this moment, not far behind Han Fei, Xue Shenqi's voice sounded: "After many inspections, people will not appear in the dungeon after going down here."

Han Fei couldn't help turning back: "How did you investigate?"

Xue Shenqi: "Throwing away the sensory object, and then went to the dungeon to find it. I have not found it once. You know, the dungeon is actually not big, so this is not a gateway to the dungeon.

Han Fei shrugged slightly: The supreme commander in the past has been in charge of Broken Star Island for so long, but he hasn't worked out why? How can I take care of this now?

Immediately, Han Fei changed the subject and said, "So, do you think this bottomless pit has a mystery? In order to prevent problems here, let the people on Broken Star Island who reach the realm of explorers live in the Hengduan Mountains?"

This was already known when Han Fei first came back. After all, he was somehow the top powerhouse on Broken Star Island. Many years ago, Han Fei was far from the realm of explorers, and of course he did not know this.

Han Fei's perception sweeps across the Hengduan Mountains, where there are more than 500 people who are strong in law enforcement and explorer environments. Of course, people in law enforcement status account for the vast majority.

Han Fei asked suspiciously: "This Hengduan Mountains is equivalent to a slightly more advanced hanging sky waterfall?"

Xue Shenqi said faintly: "The same can be said. These stay here, and by the way, gather up the Qi Ling liquid emerging from here."

Han Fei stared at a small wisp of Spirit Enlightenment and floated up from the depths of the bottomless pit. With a raised eyelid, he didn't say anything to Xue Shenqi, but said to the old turtle: "Can you feel what's underneath?"

The old turtle said: "The emperor is not omnipotent, and he can't perceive it. However, since the spirit of enlightenment can be born day by day without restrictions, it means that there is either some kind of avenue rule, or the remains of the strong, or there is some spirit of heaven and earth. Bao...otherwise, the Qi Ling Ye will not be born inexplicably."

Han Fei gathered his mind and didn't ask any questions. Instead, he looked at Xue Shen and said, "I'm going to sea, and I may have to trouble Mr. Xue to conceal it and handle the military affairs on the island secretly."

Xue Shenqi said earlier that although he temporarily retired from the position of supreme commander, he would not allow Han Fei to be foolish. If something is wrong, he will also come forward.

At this time, Xue Shen frowned: "Is this going to sea? Have you figured out the secret of the Hanging Sky Waterfall?"

Han Fei said, "The Star Tortoise said that it will be three months at most. At that time, it doesn't know whether it can be suppressed... Then what is underneath it? I haven't studied it yet. But I can be very clear. Let me tell you one thing, that corpse of the king can't make people break into a king."

Xue Shenqi's pupils suddenly shrank, and directly transmitted his voice: "Are you sure?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "I have placed soundproofing bans around me. With Zhang Zhihuo and the others, I can't hear you."

Xue Shenqi asked again: "Are you sure? This is not something to be joking about. Is the corpse below worthy... There is a lot of involvement in this matter."

Han Fei nodded: "At least I am very sure at the moment, but will there be any special changes after the corpse is born? I don't know yet."

Xue Shenqi: "What the **** is here?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Mr. Xue might as well let me hide it for another three months."

Xue Shenqi glanced at Han Fei deeply, and finally did not ask, but said: "I can help you take the post temporarily, but I need to know what you are doing?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "There is nothing to hide from this matter. I'm going to spy on the details of Ten Thousand Demon Valley. This matter can't be delayed. If it weren't for studying the corpse under the Xuantian Waterfall these few days , I have already gone."

Xue Shenqi knew Han Fei's trump card, but still frowned: "The Ten Thousand Demon Valley should also have the peak combat power of the Venerable Realm, are you sure you can detect it?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Whether I can or not, at least I can guarantee my own safety."

Xue Shenqi didn't worry too much about Han Fei's safety.

In his mind, Han Fei can actually be regarded as the proud son of heaven born with a golden spoon. There are people on the road and luck. With regard to all the children of the big clan and senior Tianjiao in Thousand Star City, if you have to think of a character who can be like Han Fei, Xue Shenqi can only think of Cao Qiu.

At the beginning, the two of them were lucky enough to get together.

However, Cao Qiu still lost in the battle for the chart. But so what? The identity of Cao Qiutian's proud son has not changed.

The Cao family spoiled him and paved the way for him. There is news that since the boy's seal was released, his strength has risen madly, sweeping many Thousand Stars trial grounds and sweeping invincible players of the same realm.

Han Fei is more confident than Cao Qiu. Although Xue Shenqi didn't know who Han Fei was born with Han Guanshu? However, Han Guanshu seems to be such a son, and it can be said that he has devoted everything.

At this moment, there is Han Guanshu and a tranquility known as a half king. With this strength, if anyone can kill Han Fei? That was really going to make him die. The half-king realm can be called the strongest combat power in the entire Thousand Star City, and the strength level is definitely on the same level as the old thief of Truman.

Xue Shenqi said indifferently: "If you are just going to investigate, don't spend too much time. You also know that Star Tortoise will not last long. This battle will break out sooner or later."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Fast is three days, slow is ten days. Within ten days, I will definitely be back."


He greeted Xue Shenqi, everyone thought that when Han Fei was still in the handsome mansion, Han Fei was already 100,000 miles away.

When he got here, Han Fei took out the Venerable Order. After all, it’s not safe to leave alone, so you still have to have a bodyguard.

As a result, as soon as Venerable Ling took it out, he saw Jing'er "brush" and walked out of the void.

At this moment, Jing'er was holding a string of grilled squid in her hand. She ate her mouth full of oil, and said as she ate, "I don't need a Venerable Order, I already know that you are a dark body, so naturally I won't lose it. "

Han Fei grinned, "Is it delicious?"

Jing'er nodded again and again: "I have to say that your overall strength of Yin and Yang Tian is not too strong...but there is really a lot of food. In the market, wow... a lot of delicious... "


As soon as Jing'er spoke, she couldn't stop her mouth.

Just listen to Han Fei's interruption: "Let's go with me to the sea monster's base camp and take a look. If you are lucky, in a few days, let you feel the taste of the venerable monster."

Han Fei did not ask if Old Han was there. Old Han's whereabouts have always been secretive!

Since he was no longer in Broken Star Prison, God knows where he usually stays? However, he knew well about his return, and if he wanted to, he should know that he was going to sea.

one day later.

In the deep sea wave, a pair of shadows stood on the surface of the sea.

Han Fei: "Jing'er, how large is the range of perception of the Venerable Pinnacle and Half King Realm?"

When he got here, Jinger stopped Han Fei. Han Fei also guessed something in the first place, and then asked such a question.

Jing'er pondered: Han Fei's growth has reached the point where she can't understand it. She even knew that Han Fei was not a king servant, but a candidate for the king, or even an heir. Therefore, I didn't hide it.

Just listen to her: "In my case, when I was in the pinnacle, the real range of perception was about 20,000 miles. But in addition to perception, there is also a certain premonition, which can also be called intuition. This range has It may reach 50,000 miles...Well, I have a hunch, it’s not accurate. If someone is particularly hostile to me, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has reached the point of obsession, maybe more than 50,000 miles, I can also detect it. I, the premise is that the person can’t be much stronger than me. Otherwise, even within 20,000 miles, they will have a way to avoid my perception."

Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly: Venerable peak, is this level? That's 50,000 miles! My current perception range is less than 10,000 li.

It's definitely not that one's own spirit is not strong enough, or that one's talent is not high enough, but that one has lived without them for so long.

As long as he lives for a long time, Han Fei feels that if his soul strength is doubled, it shouldn't take a hundred years.

Han Fei took a breath: "Where is the half king?"

Tranquility said: "Has a half-king...? Well, it starts with a sense of fifty thousand miles. However, the half-king's induction of certain events may span the space itself. For example, even if something happens 200 thousand miles away, just want to go. You can see it too. If you plan to go somewhere in advance, although you can’t perceive it, you can move it in the void. Oh...Anyway, you must never show up, and you can’t move too much. Take yours The body of darkness, even the half king, is not easy to detect without deliberately searching. Who will be all right, looking for a piece of pure black in the darkness?"

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