God of Fishing

Chapter 1422: Siren Sanctuary

Han Fei felt that it would be nice to chat with Old Turtle and Jing'er if there is nothing to do. Nima didn't know, she was surprised. Jing'er's peak speed has reached one percent of light.

Han Fei really wanted to do the math with his fingers. At that time, the whole person was not good, and Jing'er was five or six thousand miles per second? Is this still a human?

Seeing that Han Fei was stupid, Jing'er couldn't help saying: "Hey hey hey! Don't equate the distance between the real world and the distance in the empty state. You should also feel the distance between reality and nothingness. Feelings are completely different. In the same way, when you enter the venerable state in the future, or even reach the half-king state, you will naturally understand."

Han Feixin said anyway, buddy, I can’t understand it now. The speed really needs to be so fast, is it really able to travel through time? Maybe I can explain the mystery of level ten.

But Han Fei didn't struggle, this world is so magical, and he is no longer a human in a certain sense.

I, if I let my previous self see it, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it a god.

Immortal golden body, golden blood, yin and yang eyes, if not for this experience, Han Fei would have thought he was a mythical figure.

Because Jinger said that if the distance is too far, even if she rushes over as quickly as possible, it will take more than half an hour. The land of the holy realm must be guarded by the Venerable Realm Great Demon. In case, a high-ranking sage emerges at that time, or the peak comes out. Even if Han Fei was arrogant, he was afraid that he would be pinched by others.

Han Fei: "You should follow me to the teleportation array!"

Jinger wondered: "What teleportation array?"

Just listen to Han Fei: "In this investigation, I have a directional teleportation array, and I can go to a mysterious secret area near the wall of death."

When Jing'er listened, it naturally said that there was no problem. It happened to take the opportunity to see with Han Fei what the world of Yin Yang Tian looks like.

Seeing Han Fei stretched out his hand a little, his body was rolling like a glow, and a hundred-meter array appeared above the mid-air.

This formation is exactly the same as the giant teleportation formation that Han Fei saw just now.

The venerables of Ten Thousand Demon Valley, afraid of wanting to break their heads, would never have thought that they were acting so secretly that even the Teleportation Array was completely copied by others.

Jing'er looked at this teleportation array and couldn't help saying: "It seems to be far away. This teleportation array consumes a lot of energy."

Shuimutian is a place with teleportation arrays everywhere, and Jing'er is used to all kinds of teleportation arrays. However, the farthest teleportation array in Shui Mutian did not pass through 500,000 miles, even the teleportation array of about 100,000 miles was pitiful. Because the longer the distance, the more aura supplies this teleportation array needs, which is not necessary under normal circumstances.

Han Fei and Jing'er entered the teleportation array one after another.


The moment Han Fei appeared, he saw heavy fog around him. Before he could observe, Han Fei stepped on it, and a defensive barrier appeared around him. As he opened his mouth, the swallowing method was used, and he immediately swallowed the demon energy and energy that he had transmitted.

As for some fluctuations in space, Jing'er stretched out her hand and waved it, and it disappeared immediately.

Jing'er: "The drawback of the teleportation array is that before coming here, there are already spatial fluctuations. Someone noticed this and left first."

Jing'er grabbed Han Fei and stepped forward. He had appeared thousands of miles away, followed closely, covered by the fog, and no one could find them anymore.

Just after Han Fei and Jing'er left for about 20 minutes, a figure swept out of the void.


The Siren Lord looked around for a week and muttered, "Is it because the induction is wrong?"


Avoiding Han Fei, who dared to chase after Venerable Siren, once again began to wander in the body of black mist, while Jing'er once again held the attitude of watching the show and did not interfere.

The reason for bringing Jing'er is just in case, otherwise, if there is such a strong person beside him and nothing is needed, what is the difference between it and not?

But just over half an hour, Han Fei, who was slowly walking on the bottom of the sea, found the huge crack. However, what surprised Han Fei was that the huge crack he found was actually caused by the prohibition of the Wall of Death.

"Nima, the so-called holy realm, isn't it really in the wall of death, right?"

Han Fei frowned slightly. Judging from Yufa's memory, it might be because of Yufa's strength limitations. So he didn't even realize the invisible restriction of the Wall of Death.

After all, it seems to the outside world that this huge crack is just like a crack from the sky to the ground. As for why there is such a gap, and what is behind the gap, they may think, but 80% of them cannot get the answer.

At this moment, Han Fei was sitting next to the crack and found another Venerable. There were three big spears on the back of this person, like three black bones, which should be related to its body.

Just listen to the old turtle said: "High-level Venerable Realm, it seems you have found a place."

Han Fei didn't feel happy about it. He found a place, which even showed that there are still many people who are trying. It also means that this place is continuously providing Sea-Monster Realm troops for Ten Thousand Monster Valley.


Seeing the crack trembling, Han Fei saw a half-mermaid come out of it. Looking at the strength, he was the first to enter the Sea Monster Realm. The half-mermaid, when he saw the Venerable, he said respectfully: "I have seen Lord Mo."

"Well! Thousands of miles west, waiting there."

"Yes, my lord."

The half-mermaid immediately responded, lowered his head and headed west.

Han Fei quietly followed after hearing this, and waited a moment later. Finally thousands of miles away, a place that was obscured by an invisible ban, fog and storm could not blow here.

Here, Han Fei glanced at it, and there were more than 800 sea-monster half-mermaid and 16 half-mermaid who had entered the sea spirit realm for the first time.

In front of this group of people, there was a familiar face, Han Fei had seen from Yufa's memory, isn't this exactly the Yin Ge who had been under the Ten Thousand Demon Valley for more than 1800 years?

When he saw it in person, the old turtle said, "You have just entered the Intermediate Venerable Realm,"

Looking at the 800-odd Sea-Monster half-mermaid who are consolidating their strength, Han Feihan said, "I want to go in."

The old tortoise couldn't help but said, "What can you do when you go in? Shoot hundreds of thousands of people with your own power?"

Han Fei sneered: "Go in, it doesn't mean you have to kill the enemy. Only when you enter, you can know what mystery is in it, and then can I know how to deal with Broken Star Island."

Han Fei squinted his eyes, he was still curious, what the **** is that big snail? If their essence and blood can make ordinary sea monsters quickly improve their realm, is that all? But these Dao-seeking realm great monsters like Cang Lan Yu can also go in and increase their strength, and even Cang Lan Yu has entered the exalted, and Scarlet Blood Huan is crossing the catastrophe and breaking the ban. Among them, there must be a mystery.

Ignoring the hundreds of people on Yin Ge's side, Han Fei once again returned to the vicinity of the crack, just slashing the roots. The road to becoming a king is definitely not to solve all the problems alone, so I am afraid that I will be exhausted?

With the night and fog, Han Fei kept cats beside the crack. Entering hastily caused space shock. The Venerable is not a fool, he will definitely find something wrong. According to the proportion of the number of sea monsters, at least how many people must come out of the holy realm every day, right? If you can't reach this Billy, then Broken Star Island doesn't need to be afraid. It is impossible for Ten Thousand Demon Valley to only see it in just a few years, and cultivate and lose 50,000 Sea-Monster Realm.

Sure enough, he only stared for about two hours, and the dark crack shook, and a series of three people got out of it. Han Fei took the opportunity to pass by the three of them. With a misty body, he slipped into this so-called holy realm.

Xu is that Sir Sea-Monster was used to seeing people coming out of it, so he ignored these people and was still cultivating, so naturally he didn't pay attention.


The foreground of his eyes changed, and Han Fei felt the pressure of more than ten times of gravity. Such a little gravity has almost no effect on him now.

The world in front of me is a submarine reef area, most of the reefs are covered by seaweed and anemones. At a glance, Han Fei saw a large blue snail, pulling a piece of broad-leaved seaweed tens of meters long, and was eating it.

However, what makes people a little speechless is that this product has three snails. Han Fei was dumbfounded at the time. He had heard of Hydra and Nine-Tailed Fox, but had never heard of Three-headed Snail. This creature really refreshed his three views.

Han Fei was surprised: "Don't eat it! Why do you think these big snails rely on photosynthesis..."

There was a blue conch, Han Fei naturally wouldn't take it to heart. He stepped over to the conch in one step, and information emerged in his eyes.

【Name】Three-layer demon snail

【Introduction】The blue snails are unique to Luochahai. They are contaminated with the corrosive blood of the creatures of the king realm, causing the body to change and transform into monsters. This snail has three doors, soul-sucking, bloodthirsty, spirit swallowing, and strong defense. It needs to be killed quickly, not fighting.



【Contains Reiki】15924 points

[Eating effect] Eating the corroded blood can easily cause the body to mutate and awaken the blood.

[Can be collected] Corrosive Blood


[Remarks] Corrosive blood can corrode the foundation spirit veins, and should not be eaten lightly

When I saw this information ~www.ltnovel.com~Han Fei's pupils shrank, contaminated with the blood of the king's creatures?

No wonder, no wonder these Sea-Monsters can grow so quickly, cooperating with Nima and eating the blood of the king one by one, which quickly improved their strength.

"The son of a turtle..."

Han Fei cursed secretly, saying that the king of the Sea-Monster King City could fight hard enough to destroy my human race. He could do anything.

Suddenly, Han Fei felt that there was power around him trying to pull him, and he saw the three-layer monster snails, with a large shell of blue armor, pointed all three screw mouths at him, and sucked wildly.


Han Fei slapped it and slapped this guy to pieces. How about sucking your sister? Don't you know what grade you are? Come to **** me?

The old tortoise couldn't help but said, "What is the fire at a conch?"

Han Fei said viciously, "Because it is no longer a pure conch."

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