God of Fishing

Chapter 1439: Idiot, ready to fight

The creatures of the ancient battlefields and dungeons are all submerged anglers.

Especially the dungeon, the worst has to be a high-level dive angler realm, a little bit more powerful is the sea spirit realm.

Such a large army was killed, even if its final number was still less than 30,000, it was like 30,000 elite soldiers and bandits, almost unstoppable.

And the corpse that once guarded the place where the bones were buried, holding two scimitars in his hand, smashed two curved water marks, as if on the bottom of the sea, holding up two long silks.

In the void, the Black Chaluo King has already separated a venerable clone, and sacrificed tens of thousands of sea monsters, changing more than a dozen ways and more than a thousand sea spirits.

It's not that he can't continue to change, but that the more powerful he builds, the more he consumes.

At this moment, it is a great battle, and both sides have invested a lot of troops. Once the strong on his side is eliminated, it is very likely that the libra of victory will leave him.

At this critical moment of the battle, let alone the peak of the Venerable, even if it is one more powerful person who has just entered the realm of the Venerable, it may affect the entire battle.

After all, the difference between the Venerable and the Explorer is too great. A venerable person, fighting head-on, can easily kill more than ten explorers. However, more than a dozen explorers, even in the realm of a half-sage, exhausted means, they are not necessarily the opponents of a nobleman.

At this moment, Heisha Snail King and Han Guanshu fought fiercely in the depths of the void, killing them inextricably. Compared with the Black Chaluo King, Han Guanshu only turned the main road from beginning to end, igniting various magical attacks.

There is a phantom of the blue dragon, smashing the sky and the earth. The supreme sword light, through the sky thoroughly. There was a rumbling, and the sound spread thousands of miles.

"Boom boom boom~"

Endless energy is scattered everywhere.

Hei Shaluo Wang was shocked, staring at Han Guanshu, gritted his teeth and said: "You are repairing... the legend of Yin Yang Tian, ​​the Great Dream Book?"

"Oh? A little eye-sighted."

Han Guanshu shrugged slightly: "I didn't expect anyone to remember? How powerful is it?"

With a wave of Han Guanshu's hand, the golden pages of the book turned into a thousand-zhang-long silk, covering the heaven and the earth, and the seven-fold killing array appeared.

King Heisha Luo was shocked. After all, I underestimated Broken Star Island, thinking that the projection of my own deity could come, and he could sweep Broken Star Island...

But the result was terrifying, and the other party had already responded.

However, the arrow was on the string and had to be sent. The battle situation has been anxious to this point, as long as you increase your strength a few more points, you may win. If not, the Black Blood King City wants to march into Yin and Yang again? It's no different from idiotic dreams.

In the Sea-Monster Holy Realm, Heisha Conch King didn't want to exhaust his hole cards completely. After all, it is not easy to operate for so many years.

He knew well: In Thousand Star City, there should be several venerables, and there may even be stronger ones. It is not that he does not understand the human pattern, his eyes are always so short-sighted, looking at the pros and cons of a moment.

Only this time, I can get the king's corpse under the Xuantian Great Waterfall, and swallow its demon essence, king's air, and whole body Daoyun.

By then, his strength will be greatly improved. Even if the yin and yang days were not set in a short period of time, the rest is a matter of time.

"Boom bang bang~"

At this moment, in the holy realm, only the remaining large snails were all shattered in an instant. In the boundless blood, another figure of the Black Chaluo King walked out.


Battlefield of Broken Star Island.

Han Fei is fighting. The battle of the strong is in a wonderful balance. The people brought by the Black Chaluo King were basically intercepted.

However, on the frontline battlefield, there are still 31 local explorers on Broken Star Island. Including the seven major sects and aristocratic families, there are only 59 people in total. On the side of the siren, there were over a hundred in number.

The body of Turtle Sanqing, who was overdrawn too much just now, was standing under the Xuantian Waterfall. Said it was a guardian, but in fact it was just pretending to make people think he still had the power to fight.

In fact, he is recovering quickly.

The Star Tortoise is breaking through again, and the speed is already extremely fast. Massive resources for him to swallow frantically. But at this speed, without a stick of incense or half an hour, it would be impossible to succeed.

This is no wonder Star Tortoise, he has accumulated too long, and it takes time to digest.

Moreover, Star Turtle is not a good fight guy at first glance. Breaking through the battle is simply not suitable for him.

For a time, the front-line battlefield of Broken Star Island, even if the human aura is extremely strong, can't stand it. 3 million siren, engulfing marine creatures, constantly impacting Broken Star Island.

Among them, the sea spirit realm and the seeking realm are several times more than the human side. This battle can last more than a quarter of an hour, which is really commendable.

In the void.

The Black Brake Snail King, who was fighting Han Fei, said with a cold voice: "Han Fei, what if you can stop this King? The front battlefield of Broken Star Island is about to break open. You human beings millions of soldiers will be killed here, you How can Yu Xin bear it?"

Han Fei glanced at the Battlefield of Broken Star Island, his voice rippling through the world, and then he shouted: "In Thousand Star City, there are still people coming to help? This commander only asks once, yes or no?"

Hei Shaluo Wang's heart moved: Thousand Star City, how would it react?

In his expectation, there should still be venerables in Thousand Star City. However, as long as it is less than the half king, the outcome is still to be determined.

Originally, as long as he was given another month, he could send another half king over. When the time comes, even if there is a half king in Thousand Star City, you are not afraid.

Now, in order to prevent accidents, you still have to do it yourself.

Just listen to the King Heishalu: "Don't wait anymore. The battle is at this point, the ones that can come have already come. Besides, how did you know that they were here, not to die? How do you know that this king has no future?"

The voice of Hei Shaluo King also came out, deliberately let the people of Qianxing City hear it.

You Han Fei, you can threaten and suggest that those who didn't make a move in Thousand Star City will settle their accounts after the fall. I can also imply that I still have something to do!

Han Fei frowned slightly. He also knows: some people will not shoot after all. Even the seven major sects did not arrange for students to come to help. Because in their opinion, the fatality rate on this frontline battlefield is too high. Those students are just like babies, how can they be released?

The only thing that surprised Han Fei was that he felt: On the teleportation formation of Broken Star Island, a few figures appeared after a "swipe". Looking around, who is not Tang Ge?

"The son of a tortoise."

Han Fei cursed secretly, and said to his heart: Tang Ge, are you messing up? I have a million soldiers here, so I don’t need you?

Coming with Tang Ge, there are also Mu Ling, and more than 20 Tianjianzong children. It should be Tang Ge and Mu Ling from the same batch, brothers who have good relations.

At this moment, several people from Tang Ge, controlling the fishing boat, hurried all the way to the battlefield.

Muling: "You are about to cross the catastrophe, this is not a place where we can participate in the war."

Tang Ge's gaze is firm: "Although I am not strong enough now, in the battle of Broken Star Island, one more person, one more combat power. Father-in-law is here, and ancestors are here, how can we not come?"

Mu Ling really wanted to say: Are you an elm bump? My father and ancestor, what grade are they? People came to contain the enemy. What about you You are here to fight in the army...

Broken Star Island.

Over the outer city, a teleportation formation was suddenly opened.

At this time, I saw two figures, one big and one small, one male and one female, coming out of the teleportation formation.

The human said: "Xiao Bai, you know the situation in the clan. For the father, only one person can participate in the war! Here, by the way, can you be honored?"

The visitor was no one else, but Luo Xiaobai and her father Luo Tianhe.

In the years when Han Fei left Thousand Star City, Luo Xiaobai continued to practice hard, the Dao Seed was born, and the Luo Family's Divine Art awakened.

In the past few years, Luo Xiaobai's cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds. Among the younger generation of Thousand Star City, no one can match except Cao Qiu.

In just seven years, he has broken through the three realms and has already reached the pinnacle of law enforcement.

Luo Xiaobai's expression was cold: "You beat you, I beat mine."


Before Luo Xiaobai and the others left, they saw the void crack being torn open, and three men and one woman appeared.

These four people, in addition to the old man, there were three others who directly saw Luo Tianhe in a daze. In fact, these two men are so handsome, the temperament of dragon and phoenix, the beauty of the women, and the refreshing fragrance on their bodies.

The next moment, Luo Tianhe took a breath: "From the Yi family?"

Luo Xiaobai's eyes lit up, tilted his head, and looked at the youngest: "Zhang Xuanyu."


Zhang Xuanyu gave a strange cry, and wanted to flash out with a "swipe", and went to Luo Xiaobai's side.

However, before he left, the woman carried him back with one hand. Just listen to the woman: "Zhang Xuanyu, you have a husband, don't hook up with other girls casually."

Zhang Xuanyu roared: "She Luo Xiaobai! My teammate, I grew up with my relatives, relatives..."

The man smiled and said: "The battle must be ended as soon as possible. In this way, Yan Yan can come back and marry this kid. In this way, it is complete."

Luo Xiaobai's mouth twitched: She knew who these two were from her ass. Who are they who are not Yi Xiyan’s parents? I don’t know if Zhang Xuanyu is suffering, or he is beautiful?

However, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, it seems not bad now. Realm is not weaker than himself.

Before they recognized each other, they looked at the void and flashed again, a plump figure, as if being thrown out. The guy was still holding the grilled eel in his hand, and his mouth was still muttering: "Old man, I'll steal a meal. As for...why, Yu? Xiaobai? Fuck...I'm not dreaming, am I?"

And Zhang Xuanyu and Luo Xiaobai were also surprised: "Little Kuang Kuang?"

Among the five of them, apart from Xia Xiaochan, only Han Fei knew where he went. In the next battle, there were only lunatics. I don't know who took it away?

Also, it doesn’t look like the Le Ren Kuang knew that there was a war on Broken Star Island... it was more like being thrown directly over!


Just listen to the music mad yelling: "Am I liberated? I'm back? I'm a teacher? Hahaha..."

Seeing the madness of the musician, Luo Xiaobai yelled, "Idiot, prepare to fight."

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