God of Fishing

Chapter 1442: Strong pressure

In other words, at the moment when the sky is in full bloom, the family members of the family, their eyes are splitting, and they can't wait to tear Han Fei.

This guy, sitting on the star tortoise, pressed the ban and refused to let it go, yet he broadcasted it to millions of soldiers in a grand manner?

At this time, as long as the Black Chaluo King got close and forced Han Fei to do it himself, the face of the family would be lost.

Ordinary people don't know the inner reason at all. They only know that the family members are not willing to contribute, and they have to be forced to persecute them before they are willing to move their hands and feet.

In this way, many people are of course unbalanced!

He fought on the front line and died nine deaths. Okay! People of the aristocratic family, keep saying that for humans? As a result, even a nobleman can't do it? Which way is this for humans?

On the frontline battlefield, Zhang Xuanyu hit the sky with a blow, and the void cracked, and three sea-monster half-mermaids were penetrated. With the three-dimensional body displayed, Zhang Xuanyu has become a blood man and looks extremely fierce.

"Great technique swallows the sky."

The happiest swallowing technique is even more brutal! There is almost no sea monster within 100 meters that can escape. Even if there is a junior explorer, he struck across. But as soon as Le Ren Kuang's violent battle body opened and the big shield roared, Le Ren Kuang dragged down the explorer abruptly. A four-pole rushing thunder knife, directly beheaded.

Luo Xiaobai is good at group battles and does not target the strong. Anyone whose strength is below the Sea Spirit Realm is her goal. The land covered by her demon plant has no life.

It can be said that each of these guys has the ability to leapfrog and punish explorers.

However, Han Fei already had this kind of strength when he came out of the Palace of Ideals. Therefore, when others were surprised that these people were too terrible, the three of them looked at the sky from time to time.

Zhang Xuanyu: "I thought that I have grown fast enough in the past few years, and I can fight against Fei. As a result... Hey, this guy, is he growing fast when he sleeps?"

While stirring the storm of swords and swords, Le Ren Kuang shook the fat on his face and said, "I know. I heard that there is a kind of avenue called time. Those who enter this avenue can change the length of time. He After two days of cultivation, the normal time only passed one day..."

Luo Xiaobai: "Don't guess! If you win this battle, just ask."

Although Luo Xiaobai would also envy Han Fei, in his heart, he would only put pressure on himself. They told themselves that they had to chase, and that Han Fei couldn't be alone.

But other people's minds are completely different. They only think that Han Shuai is too strong! This kind of strength made Han Fei appear extremely domineering.

But this kind of domineering may not be liked by others, but the millions of soldiers in Broken Star Island do.

They have fought for so many years, although it is also for their own growth, but more for all mankind. This is the idea that was instilled from the moment they stepped into Broken Star Island.

Therefore, they have the same idea as Han Fei: Your family has participated in the war, but you have not done anything? This is the problem.

You just haven't done anything. You also told the millions of soldiers on Broken Star Island that you are dedicated to humanity? You paint cakes and perform plays for so many people, who cares about you? Everyone is not a fool.

Why did millions of soldiers serve Han Fei? Because Han Fei has been benefiting Broken Star Island. Moreover, Han Feitu Zun, that is true. Several of them were slaughtered today alone.

Many of them regard the Yinge who was killed by Gui Sanqing as if Han Fei killed him. Because it was Han Fei who spoke at the time!

No, such a record, isn't it enough to prove Han Fei?

In contrast, aristocratic families came here to make soy sauce! There is no sense of existence.

Looking at the screen in the sky, many people in the fight started to curse.

Some people came from the city of Thousand Stars, and they had a bad impression of the family. They only listened to one person: "Huh! This is basically a group of guys who sit back and enjoy their lives. If they are not forced by Han Shuai, can these people take action?"

Some people disdain: "Just they call it a shot? Did you see today's vision of the world? Isn't that all Han Shuai's suicide? Are these big clans, are they good for nothing? I suspect that they are all the sea monsters. of……"

Someone ridiculed: "A son of a tortoise. Some people just move their lips and talk like they sing. The family members are all cowards, afraid of death."

Han Fei was counting silently, watching the performance of the family.

None of the seven sects spoke. Han Fei and the aristocratic family are enemies, and the seven sects are not willing to take this muddy water!


"Sword Waterfall~"

However, it was Jian Sanqing, who was already angry. At this moment, the natal sword exploded, and the sword fell like a tide, like a waterfall, directly blasting a middle-level venerable opponent to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei suddenly jumped out. In one step, he flashed a thousand miles, and he burst into words: "The law is forbidden here."

On one side, Han Fei sealed the Dao Spells here, and on the other side, dozens of energy fruits smashed into Jian Sanqing.

Jian Sanqing's eyes lit up, and the waterfall tore through thousands of tiny cracks, strangling a large amount of flesh and blood of the Sea-Monster Lord. Han Fei swept away the Yin and Yang divine eyes, and almost at the same time as the old turtle, he found the Siren Venerable hidden in a strand of divine soul fragments.

He snapped his fingers and slapped the man at Jian Sanqing like a fly.

The latter was overjoyed and shouted: "The sword king breaks his soul."



At that moment, a red crack reappeared in the sky, and the rain of blood poured over the broken star island.

Han Fei's body twisted, looking at Ye Kai, who appeared in front of the star tortoise as if being struck by a human, immediately sneered: "Bold evildoer, what are you? You dare to fight for the king's body?"

Ye Kai didn't expect Han Fei to go quickly and come back sooner. In the blink of an eye, Han Fei is back!

At that moment, Ye Kai didn't hesitate to turn around and ran away.

However, Han Fei followed the fight and turned around, faster than Ye Kai, directly blocking his way. In an instant, irregular gravity fell, and Han Fei stretched out his hand.


Ye Kai, an intermediate-level venerable, was directly squeezed and exploded, and the Thread of Nothingness was frantically absorbing Ye Kai's vitality. The old tortoise's black mist penetrated. At the end, Han Fei added: "The law is forbidden here."


Ye Kai, shocked the star tortoise, and fell instantly.

The sky rumbling again, red cracks, shocked everyone's heart. Two venerables fell continuously? Is this so, how many venerables are already today?

Countless people sighed: This battle of the strong is really terrifying! If one falls, the world will be turbulent. But this kind of power has made countless people yearn for it.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Congratulations, Venerable Heavenly Sword Sect of Thousand Star City, blasted and killed Venerable Kraken."

After a pause, Han Fei continued: "Successfully, this commander also punished a statue, and tried to move the corpse of the king of Broken Star Island? Why not die?"

"Kill well."

"The handsome cold is invincible..."

"The Heavenly Sword Sect is worthy of being the leader of the Seven Sects..."

"Those people from the noble family should look at them. The seven sects of the family can slaughter the ancestors! But you can't."

In other words, many people from aristocratic families are speechless when they hear this. What is it for you to be venerable? Can you slaughter it casually?

A venerable person who has been up and down 5000 years, who can dare to say that he can easily be killed?

It's a pity that the millions of soldiers in Broken Star Island don't understand! Anyway, I Hanshuai can do it, the seven major sects can do it. Why can't your family do it?

In the void, Han Fei still stood quietly on Star Turtle. Ye Kai fell, his position was replaced by Jian Sanqing, just right, there was no delay at all.

Ye Kai was afraid that he had forgotten that the Ye Family's proud Tianxu Shenxing technique, Han Fei would also. Han Fei still knows how to change the stars. At this moment, Han Fei's half-king strength, make him an Intermediate Venerable? Isn't that proper?

Hei Shaluo Wang was dumbfounded: Han Fei, was his brain hit by an iron head fish? My venerable, can't kill him? This product is simply a killer!

As for the aristocratic families, except for Old Monster Chu, everyone else was already afraid. Dare to be angry but dare not speak! Ye Kai, it was just a test. In the backhand, he was slaughtered by Han Fei? Is this fair?

However, they just couldn't say anything. Ye Kai dared to do it because he relied on his own speed, so he was not afraid that others would see him.

However, he seems to have forgotten Han Fei's temper! If I let you stay, I already save you face. Under the military order, let you stop the enemy? Do you follow me in this set? Are you looking for death?

Even if the millions of soldiers on Broken Star Island saw this, they knew it. Han Fei is not wrong! Isn't this title deducted casually if the fighters are missed?

However, after this shot, Han Fei also secretly sighed: The remaining power in the demon element is no longer enough for him to make another shot.

If it is another shot? All his power is exhausted, and he will use his own power again to become the combat power of the junior noble state. He is the strongest, and he can only barely respond to the lower intermediate sage.

At this moment, Han Fei is naturally not good to go with Tang Yan to ask for strength. Will Tang Yan give it? It's all a problem. After all, from the situation, the current Broken Star Island seems to have no reason to lose.

Moreover, even if Tang Yangui, now is the critical moment for Star Turtle's breakthrough, it is not easy for him to leave! It’s even more impossible for Tang Yan to come ~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, he has hidden his secrets for many years, will it be exposed?

At this moment, Han Fei hummed softly, and his voice spread in the void: "I! It's been 20 breaths, and I haven't seen anyone from the aristocratic family slaughter the elders. Isn't it the old **** Chu? How powerful is the half king? It’s clear. At the beginning, when you wanted to intercept and kill me, one person slammed several great sages? What happened? Tu Zun will not work now?"

Han Fei raised his eyebrows against those people, and said lightly: "Ten...Nine...Eight..."

Suddenly, the expressions of Old Monster Chu and the venerables of many aristocratic families were horrified.

Han Fei has been real from the beginning.

Hei Shaluo Wang's heart tightened. People like Thousand Star City should have a deep grudge with Han Fei. I don't know, will they actually make a move?

Hei Shaluo Wang was thinking: I can hold on to ten breaths more.

If the noble family made a move, then he would have to escape.

If the aristocratic family doesn't make a move, then... it seems there is still a turning point.

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